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Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Tom Holland is a brilliant Peter Parker/Spiderman (0 more)
Finally a decent Spiderman movie
Tom Holland is a spectacular Spiderman he is the closest to the comic version out of all the actors to portray the character. I was unsure about Michael Keaton as Toomes/Vulture at first but he was excellent. The addition of Tony Stark and Happy was a great idea but not necessarily needed, it feels they were added to get the bums on seats in case it failed. All in all, the action and thrills you expect from Marvel/Disney and then some. I loved the Sam Raimi trilogy, and i cant wait to see what Jon Watts can do with his incarnation of Spidey
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
I don't know how I felt about this one. I think I enjoyed it, but there were a lot of characters to keep track of. And really... stop changing Spiderman!
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Good action scenes (2 more)
Quite lighthearted
Links well after Capt America Civil War
Feels a bit like an Avengers spin off (0 more)
A decent entry bringing Spiderman into the Marvel universe
A good film with some big action scenes and Michael Keaton does well as the villian. Ties in nicely with the Avengers films but maybe had too many references to them. I still prefer the first Spiderman film (2002) but this a good film overall.
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
2004 | Action, Sci-Fi
MCU Sequel
As we all know sometimes sequels can let us down. This one was par for the course. We catch up with Spiderman doing his good deeds, still being love sick with Mary Jane and now dealing with his friend harry wanting the death of spiderman because he thinks he killed his dad and he is the head of Oscorp. Our new villian is Dr. Octopus. A physicist whose experiment goes wrong cause a robotic set of arms graphing to his spinal cord.
    We also see Spiderman faltering during this movie losing some of his powers cause he relies on them too much and not himself. Not bad for a sequel and it keeps with the comic book better than most.

Looks pretty action packed. (1 more)
Looking forward to going to the cinema to see the full movie and check out a new Spiderman!
The trailer certainly made me want to go and watch the movie.

I like how it show not only the goofy side of him but the struggle he is going through. (0 more)
Shows almost every moment that makes the movie worth watching. (0 more)
Shows everything that makes spiderman good
The Flash  - Season 1
The Flash - Season 1
2014 | Action
Compared to Arrow, this comes across as very twee and happy-clappy. I liked Barry but felt him a bit soppy at times, like Tobey Maguire Spiderman. It did get darker later but felt quite CBeebies.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Good but completely unnecessary
We've had 3 versions of Spiderman and 6 films in the space of 15 years. That's not good. Despite the few years in between, it's beginning to feel like Spidey is rarely off our screens. And I'm getting a little Spiderman-ned out.

Which is a shame, as I actually think Tom Holland is the best Spiderman yet. A teenager in high school is by far the best portrayal and Holland does very well. There are some funny moments and it feels a little more lighthearted than some of the other recent Marvel films. My main issue is the constant need to promote and set up the other Marvel films, to the point where this film feels like entirely made for this purpose only. Did we really need another Spiderman film? No, not really and especially not one to act as a link between other films. Its far too long and really not needed.

This is the film they should've made instead of the ones with Andrew Garfield, back then it may have been more acceptable & not just a blatant Avengers plug.

Erika (17789 KP) Apr 6, 2018

I had the same feelings exactly! It was such an unnecessary movie.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
The graphics (1 more)
The multi-characters
Contains spoilers, click to show
I love how there was diversity throughout the movie.
I was shocked when spiderman was killed and the uncle, as i thought that it shouldn't have been shown but ohh well...
Highly recommended.