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Awix (3310 KP) rated The Killer Shrews (1959) in Movies

May 3, 2019 (Updated May 3, 2019)  
The Killer Shrews (1959)
The Killer Shrews (1959)
1959 | Sci-Fi
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Well, it was inevitable, wasn't it? When you make a list of those wild creatures that inspire sheer terror in everyday folk, forget about sharks, snakes, spiders, wolves, and the rest - shrews! Shrews are the really scary little buggers. Or so the makers of this film appear to have decided. Unconvincing ship captain (Best) ends up on a hurricane-wracked island populated by mad scientists and the giant, savage shrews they have spawned; much utter nonsense ensues.

Bad acting is compounded by post-synched dialogue and the impressive range of accents on display from the cast, but the thing is that this isn't just a monster movie where the monsters are shrews, it's a shrew-based monster movie where the shrews are realised by a combination of dogs in costume and sabre-toothed glove puppets. Genuinely very funny to watch; objectively deserves a very low score but highly entertaining if you're in the mood.
The Darkslayer: Brutal Beginnings
The Darkslayer: Brutal Beginnings
Craig Halloran | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun short introduction
This 40 page novella is a good, fun introduction to the world of the Darkslayer, similar to a Witcher: a man who wanders the wilds slaying evil creatures for payment. Here we are introduced to Venir (and briefly his companion Melegal), a hard-drinking brute of a man who we find is known as the Darkslayer. He ventures out from the city of Bone into the wilds, partly to earn his keep slaying the wild Underlings (nasty little wild creatures who kill children and keep giant spiders as pets); partly to escape the morning-after realisation of who he slept with.
Not exactly high-brow literature, but a well told, axe-swinging, action-packed tale of one man against the wilds.
As with other series, this introduction was written some time after/during the main series and intended as a nice little introduction. I am expecting to meet some of the characters again as I continue with the main series.
Best of Bowie by David Bowie
Best of Bowie by David Bowie
2002 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"That one was really a brief summing up of the concept of Ziggy and the Spiders, but kind of done in a futuristic type of way. I was really into King Crimson at the time and I loved the drummer. He used to play things, strange drum rolls at strange places in the song. I used to think it was a bit weird, but then I learned how to do it, and I thought that would really work for this song. So, I definitely took a bit of inspiration from King Crimson for my playing on that one. And it worked! It kind of left it hanging at certain places and didn't make it sound like a 'normal' rock song. That one always went down amazing live. People would be waiting and waiting for that song. Like when we were in Japan and he would sing that line 'like some cat from Japan' and the place would just go berserk! Absolutely mental."

Dot and the Kangaroo
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MMD Reading Challenge 2017- For Fun
Category: Book set in a place you've never been/want to visit

Back to the Classics Reading Challenge 2017
Category: Book about an animal/or animal in Title

 I'm giving this book 4 stars. I enjoyed it so much. Dot gets lost in the Australian Bush and is befriended by a Kangaroo. She meets many creatures while trying to find her way back home. I loved the descriptions of the Bush and the creatures that live there. This is a really good children's book, and the only problem I had with it is that all humans are demonized. There is no distinction made between poachers and those who hunt for food. I have always wanted visit Australia, even though some things about Australia terrify me, for example, killer spiders. I actually used to watch the Dot movies when I was a kid. I had no idea that it was based on this book until I was looking for books to read for the Challenges. I'm really glad I found it!
The Mind is a Razorblade
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
45 of 220
Book sirens arc
The Mind is a Razorblade
By Max Booth lll

Drowning, he wakes beside two corpses. His memory has been wiped clean. He doesn't know his name, what he's doing here, who these people are, or even why one of them is a cop. Nor can he explain his strange telekinetic abilities.

Questions plague his mind like hellfire, questions that begin a journey leading into the rot of downtown America, a journey that will not end until every one of his questions have been answered, despite who has to die in the process. Even if those who have all the answers aren't human.

Even if the true monster he's hunting for is staring at him through the mirror.

This was bloody bizarre and to start with I was completely baffled but I actually really enjoyed it especially the ending. Definitely different to anything I’ve read. Also spiders really? I suppose it could have been worse like centipedes!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Mice and Mystics
Mice and Mystics
2012 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures
Co-op taking away tension of competitive (3 more)
Fun for all ages after a few rule adjustments
The story its self is a rich, beautiful tale of adventure
Combat is simple
For people new to the genre, reading all the rules including those for new tile spaces could be cumbersome (0 more)
Mice and Mystics is a great story telling boardgame in a series by Jerry Hawthorne. The game follows Prince Collin and his court of advisors who turn themselves to mice to escape certain death at the hands of an evil witch.

The whole game plays out by reading the story that accompanies the box and then playing out scenarios depicted by board pieces and using beautifully sculpted miniatures to navigate and fight the queens rat forces, spiders and more.
Its a game for the whole family which is brilliant, although to keep things moving smoothly for younger kids some rules can be stripped back for sure. This game is imaginative, difficulty can ramp up quickly making it challenging for all level of players and even though its co-op you can always just compete for kills......Centipedes only count as one.

Guy Garvey recommended Laughing Stock by Talk Talk in Music (curated)

Laughing Stock by Talk Talk
Laughing Stock by Talk Talk
1991 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's no more complicated than Spirit. It's interesting what happened after the war with music and arts… In Europe [during the war], arts and music were used to further ideals, that the artists and musicians didn't share. There were people forced to make state marches, forced to glorify ideals they didn't really hold true, and the power of bullying had its most epic day. Post that, the album saw everybody throwing all the rules out. In that period of experimentation, classical music went through a very interesting walk, and when it came back, it seized on a different kind of experimentation, all of western art became more generous, and the most generous music is the stuff that rewards the listener the most. And I haven't found the same heart in any record other than those last two Talk Talk albums. They need to be listened to loud and they need to be listened to over and over again. And I'm stunned every time. How they make me feel is because of the generosity of spirit, it's like weaving spiders' webs from scraps. So delicate, so precious, but not a note or tone is uneventful."

Empire in Black & Gold
Empire in Black & Gold
Adrian Tchaikovsky | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This 10 book series deals with a future state of the human race where humans have evolved into different types of insect, each race taking on the traits of those insects (eg Beetles are hard-working but slow, Spiders are cunning and conniving, Moths are dark and mysterious, Wasps are evil and annoying etc).
This, the first in the series sees Stenwold Maker start to rediscover old fears of the Wasp Empire attempting to invade the peaceful, lowland city states. With nobody in his home city believing him he gathers together a crew of his students and old friend to find out what is happening on the borders of the empire.
This is one of the best books of the series, and a lot of action to come is set up here. I don't know if Tchaikovsky has intended to make this a whopping 10 books at this stage but it certainly felt like the start of something.
The action and fight scenes are well described but not laboured, and enough background to the world is given to understand it, though not in detail (just accept it and move on).
A large number of characters are introduced throughout the series, so it is worth getting to know them from the off.
Turning to Stone (Roma Series Book 4)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bianca Nerini is with her trusted friends. We meet up with the group and find out that they are all working together. This is a bit different in terms that there's not much action for them all. Bianca Nerini gets in contact with Loki, and it may be that there are two Loki’s?

We meet an Intern that join their team. He seems to know Charlie Brooks and then Matteo is known by this TB. Who is TB? How has Farese involved once again? He seems to show up once again. Gabriel Valjan does it again. Who is really the enemy, and who are those you can trust? In this installment it about the mafia. Who might be the spiders?

Can the Gdf team figure out what Farese and the mafia are doing? What is it that Farese wants in Naples? Who is this Madrina? We do know that Farrugia is undercover and his friend is as well this Claudio. What do these clans Marra, and Totaro want to do with the Euro and does the Silicons do with the US Bonds. Will the Gdf group be able to make the connections? Why has the Commissioner assassinated? We also have agents McGrittery and Murphy that helps the teams as well.
Ghost Moon (The Bone Island Trilogy #3)
Ghost Moon (The Bone Island Trilogy #3)
Heather Graham | 2010 | Contemporary, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
178 of 200
Ghost moon (BONE island book 4)
By Heather Graham

Reclusive collector Cutter Merlin is seldom seen in Key West - lately, not at all. Officer Liam Beckett visits Merlin's curious house and discovers the gentleman in his study. In his death grip: a volume of occult lore and a reliquary. His eyes are wide with fright, his mouth a horrified rictus where spiders now dwell.

Kelsey Donovan returns to the old house to catalog her estranged grandfather's collection of artifacts and antiquities, vowing to see his treasures divested properly. But she cannot ignore the sense that she's being watched, the reports of malevolent black figures, the pervasive smell of death.

Is the Merlin house haunted, even cursed? Liam knows well that some ghost stories are true and he swears to protect Kelsey. But there are forces at work for whom one more life is a pittance to pay for their deepest desire...

I enjoyed this one more than the 2nd it rounded everything off so nicely! The only thing that slightly annoyed me was the jumping straight from one character to another in a different part of the story drove me crazy. Bartholomew finally found peace with his lovely lady!
Nice end to a strange ghost series!