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Eight Legged Freaks (2002)
Eight Legged Freaks (2002)
2002 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
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Story: Eight Legged Freaks starts by showing us the Mike Parker (Terra) visiting Joshua the spider expert of the town who has been feeding his spiders enlarged crickets and of course they now escape. One week later when Mike goes to return his mother Sheriff Samantha Parker (Wuhrer) stops the visit because of waste being dumped into the local watering hole.

With this we get to see the rebellious teenage daughter Ashley (Johansson) who is dating bad boy biker Bret (Czuchry) step-son of Mayor Wade (Rippy) who is trying to cover up the fact the town is nearly broke. Chris McCormick (Arquette) a local who returned to town after his father’s death refusing to sell the mine in a deal which could save the town.

When Mike makes it back to Joshua’s he learns of the super-sized spiders that have been released into this small town, the resident must now fight against the spiders that have infested the town.


Thoughts on Eight Legged Freaks


Characters/Performance – Chris McCormick returns to his hometown to claim what is his, the mine, he also needs to make up for the mistakes he has made and this gives him the perfect chance too. Sheriff Parker is a single mother of two trying to keep the local community together and being the former love interest of Chris. Mike is the expert on everything going on playing out as the reminder to all the different spiders attacking styles. Ashley is the bad girl daughter of Samantha who is mostly trying to discover who she is. We have the rest of the town which includes the conspiracy crazed radio host, the greedy mayor the comic relief deputy.

Performance wise, David Arquette is great in this leading role managing the comedy side of everything as well as the action horror when needed. Kari Wuhrer fits the part of sexy sheriff very well too. Both Scott Terra and Scarlett Johansson are good choices too. The rest of the actors all give good performances to fit the films mentality.

Story – Small town gets invaded by giant spiders thanks to cost cutting measures. We do have a reluctantly hero needing to help save the day but otherwise this is everything you need in a creature feature, plenty of potential victims, plenty of creature and plenty of laughs.

Action/Comedy/Horror – The action is all big and plans into the idea of the comedy being used in the creature feature side of the film.

Settings – The small town setting helps with the story telling here because they have no communication with the outside world after the attack starts and not many escape routes of places to hide.

Special Effects – We have a mix of practical and CGI here which all help create the low budget feel behind this film and while moments have dated other parts are all fun.

Final Thoughts – This is by far one of my favourite creature features out there, it is fun, over the top and filled with perfect comic timing, never trying to be serious.


Overall: Purely fun creature feature.
Best of Bowie by David Bowie
Best of Bowie by David Bowie
2002 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I always regretted that the Spiders didn't do that one as a single, Bowie and the Spiders. Because when he had written it, we did hear it and we did a version of it just to try it out, and you could hear that there was a real potential for it to be a big hit single. And we didn't treat it like that, we just treated it as another song we needed to get a version down on record. Then he gave it to Mott The Hoople and it went absolutely huge! It turned out to be kind of like an anthem of the 1970s, really. An amazing song, another one of my favorites. It was one of those songs you hear, and you just know immediately: that's a hit. Some you might hear and think it could be a hit if it was treated right, or it could be a minor hit, but with that one it was: no, this is a major hit. He wrote it for Mott The Hoople, really, they were on the edge of splitting up and it wasn't going well, and they needed to be pulled out of it with a hit – so David, as he did, just went: 'Okay, I'll write one.'"

This book can be a story on so many levels, I love it. Rosie goes for a wander through the museum. On the surface a basic story, but this can help a youngster get more familiar with a spider and find humour in it's actions. It can be a wonderful way to explore Chicago's Field Museum, the additional information at the end about Spiders serves those who really like tarantulas as well as those just wanting to learn a little more. Beautifully illustrated with rhyming prose this is a book to read, re-read and treasure.