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The Amazing Spider-Man: The Gauntlet - Juggernaut
Roger Stern, Lee Weeks, John Romita JR (art) | 2010 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The main reason for this collection is a good 3 issue story featuring a new Captain Universe trying to eliminate the Juggernaut. This is a follow-up to a 2 issue Spider-Man/Juggernaut story from 1982 (which is also included).

I really like it when stories deal with the aftermath of events, especially when the events seem inconsequential. There was no hint that anything in the original tale could have devastating effects, but the new story revealed and dealt with the repercussions very well. Being superheroes, all actions should cause reaction.

Lastly, or firstly since it leads the charge, there is a single issue story about a new Scorpion. The SHIELD tech that makes Spidey lose his powers was interesting. Entertaining, but not remarkable.

Billy Keith Hall (419 KP) rated Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) in Movies

Apr 20, 2020 (Updated Apr 20, 2020)  
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Enjoyed the final chapter of the Infinty Saga. Definitely a fitting end. (4 more)
Jake Gyllenhaal (probably spelt it wrong) is brilliant as Mysterio.
Very amusing! Daughter loved the quips from MJ.
No spoilers here... But the scene when spidey gets disorientated... Loved it! Very cleverly executed.
As usual: some great call backs to characters from precious marvel movies.
None. No criticism! (0 more)
Thank you Smash Bomb!
Received the DVD from Smash Bomb giveaway. Super pleased to have won it. Delivered really quickly as well.
The film itself... I watched it at the cinema and even though I'd already seen it, like most marvel movies, was more than worth another watch.
Storyline was great to finish off the infinity Saga.
Actors were brilliant. Especially loved Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio.
Enjoyed the callbacks to previous marvel movies and felt the film was executed brilliantly.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-man Michael Keaton as Vulture The John Hughes feel of it The action sequences are cool The use of Tony Stark. The film never suddenly became Iron man 4 (0 more)
Zendaya is under used The casting of Flash, the actor was good but no offence i could take you. (0 more)
"if you are nothing without the suit then you shouldn't have it."
A John Hughes-esque coming-of-age movie, disguised as a friendly neighborhood adventure from the MCU; Spider-Man: Homecoming is more about growing up, and less about saving the world.

Tom Holland is great as Spider-man. His Spidey is different, and in a way, refreshing. I like how the origin story is skipped, and instead, we dive head into the day-to-day adventures of a semi-awkward, fifteen-year-old. I'm more interested in the growth of Peter Parker, than the development of Holland's Spider-Man Spidey-Powers. I'm still undecided about the way Spidey looks in his costume. To me, he looks more like a CGI goofnut, than an Avenger. But, how many kids get to have Jennifer Connelly on standby, whenever they need a helpful voice?

Homecoming might not feel and act like your typical MCU movie, but it does prove we still need Tony Stark, Happy Hogan and Pepper Potts in our lives. I smiled with all the screen time Happy has. He's truly an underrated character in the MCU. Plus, Tony plays the "cool uncle" spot-on.

One of the biggest criticisms with the MCU people have is the boring villain. Not in this case. Michael Keaton plays reverse-Batman, and his character actually has depth, an interesting storyline and a surprise twist. Bookem Woodbine plays a fun henchman, and all movies benefit from the presence of Donald Glover. The bad guys are not a snore nor a bore at this Homecoming Dance with the Devil.

I hope I wasn't the only one laughing at the casting of Tony Revolori as Flash the Bully. He's about as intimidating as a can of ravioli. Zendaya is way underused, but she shines in her scenes. I wish Ned was my best friend, but the poor fella will probably be typecast for life. However, he's a hilarious guy. How can you not like him?

Did you think I forgot about Aunt May? Of course not! Marisa Tomei is smokin' and brings honest energy to her supporting role.

The final boss battle is fun. So are the scenes on a ferry and a national monument. There's action, and there's a lot of growing up for Peter Parker and his friends. I'm not MCU fatigued after watching, but I do have a sudden urge to revisit Pretty in Pink.
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
6.9 (33 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy The action sequences Andrew Garfield and Emma stone's chemistry (0 more)
Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker is bland The lizard is a weak villain Basically a retread of the original raimi film (0 more)
"You know in the future if you're gonna steal cars, don't dress like a car thief man"
So Sony had two choices, either sell the Spider-Man rights back to Marvel or press the reboot button on the Spider-Man franchise, so we got this and I see a lot of mixed opinions about this film, some love it, some don't, I think it's a good film but it's not as good as Sam Raimi's 2002 classic Spider-Man.

After Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) is bitten by a genetically altered spider, he gains newfound, spider-like powers and ventures out to solve the mystery of his parent's mysterious death.

The action scenes in this film are enjoyable, especially the High School fight scene between Spidey and the Lizard and make for an enjoyable film, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone have better chemistry than Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst did, seeing as Garfield and Stone where dating at the time which made for a better on screen relationship between the two.

I do like Gwen Stacy more than Mary Jane thanks to Emma Stone seeing as Gwen is useful in this film and doesn't always need rescuing, also I like how they gave Spidey some quips to dish out in the film but it was only done for one scene.

There are a lot of problems with this film, I personally don't like the photographic style of the film, it's too dark and grainy for a Spider-Man film and I prefer the style Raimi used, speaking of Raimi, the director Marc Webb repeated a lot of stuff Raimi did in the first film, I'd much rather he had added something new to the blend.

I didn't really like Garfield as Peter Parker, he was just bland and I couldn't care for him due to bad writing, he is alright as Spidey but he's not the best, Rhys Ifans does a decent job as Dr. Curt Connors / The Lizard but he is just a forgettable villain, you can see the writing isn't up too scratch along with the story, the story isn't that good sadly and because most of the scenes where rushed characters suffer as a result along with the emotional and powerful scenes.

I can see why people might prefer this to the Raimi trilogy because of it's darker approach to Spider-Man but I prefer the light hearted approach Raimi took, overall I did like The Amazing Spider-Man, it's a good film but it was done so much better by Sam Raimi 17 years ago.

"Well, I grew up in the sixties. In 1962, I bought the first Rolling Stones single, and I still have it. I still have every single they released, in order, right up until Brian Jones was murdered. I saw Pink Floyd god knows how many times, and even did a couple of light shows for them... We started listening to pirate radio and John Peel’s Perfumed Garden, and had a friend at school called Spidey who was very good at spotting interesting new music. John Peel was the first person to play The Velvet Underground, and Spidey said, “Listen to this, you’re gonna love this!”. That’s when we got the first violin. We used to go to Birmingham, to this tiny little record shop that had nothing of interest except some Albert Ayler and free jazz. There was a record in there, and we recognised the artwork from Oz magazine so we knew it was by Hapshash and The Coloured Coat, because they used to do psychedelic posters and Oz. So we bought it just because of that. It was on Magnet Records. When we pulled out [the disc], we were shocked to see that it was on red vinyl, which we’d never seen before. We later discovered that all these people on the scene in London wanted to raise money for the legals fees of John “Hoppy” Hopkins, the first person who’d been busted for drugs and who co-founded the International Times. He was a real mover and shaker of the times. It’s like twenty to a hundred people high on acid jamming! We fell in love with it and still listen to it all the time. When we DJ, people come up to us and ask, “What was that with that great riff?” Guess what one of them ended up doing? Writing “We Are The Wombles”! That really got me in the head, that was worse than a bad acid trip!"

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Tom Holland is perfect fit for the role, overall casting was fantastic! (0 more)
There appears to be at least on split scenes between actors that sticks out like a bad thumb (0 more)
The very best
The reboot of the reboot of our web slinger, this time around making Peter Parker with an actor who appears high school aged and not thirty something. It starts off without the origin which was a weird surprise but I think they believed the audience is well aware of how spidey got his powers so why not save some space and skip ahead to where he is experimenting being a superhero. Michael Keaton is cast as the Falcon but he is able to channel his badass side and make this character more than just a glider suite. The relationship between Tony Stark and Peter is cute and again the best part of this is Tom Hollands performance and youthfulness.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
I liked Tobey Maguire as Spidey. I liked Andrew Garfield a bit more. I felt like he was more relatable. However, he has been dethroned. Tom Holland is PERFECT for the role of Spiderman. He brings a fun personality that you truly believe could be the web slinger and he does so with the humor that has been present in the comic books since the beginning of time.

The story picks up without too much explanation needed as to what's happened since we last saw our hero, so that's nice. As with all MCU movies today, the effects and visuals were top notch. The makers were able to offer a refreshing take on Mysterio and Jake Gyllenhaal played the part marvelously. There were some wild twists in the story and tons of easter eggs to be had. Overall a good time, Also, Zendaya plays a wonderful MJ. Much more realistic portrayal that we've been given in film before.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Spidey comes home to Marvel! (0 more)
A lack of thrills, compared to other Marvel movies (0 more)
Slightly Disappointed
So, here we are. At last. After a couple of great movies, a really poor third movie and a disastrous reboot/sequel, it was beginning to look as though one of our all time favourite superheroes was never going to get another movie to do him justice. And then, in what was already a hero packed, action roller-coaster of a movie, Spider-Man finally returned home to Marvel in spectacular fashion during Captain America: Civil War. A fantastic portrayal of Peter Parker and an even better Spider-Man, it was enough to leave us wanting more and enough to get us pretty excited when standalone movie Homecoming was announced soon after.

Ok, so I’ve been trying to think about how I feel after watching it, and it’s a tough one. This is a Spider-Man movie by Marvel that feels closer to how a Spider-Man movie should be than any of the previous movies before it. And Tom Holland is just a perfect Peter Parker. But, I kind of felt disappointed by it. It didn’t thrill me as much as other Marvel movies, and certainly not as much as Civil War did. When Spider-Man shows up in Civil War, he’s an enthusiastic teen with a lot to learn, but he still manages to pull off some pretty jaw dropping action. In Homecoming it just feels like the momentum has been lost – too much awkward teen, not enough action hero. The awe and thrill of swooping through the New York skyline that we got in the first Spider-Man movie, there’s nothing like that here. I wonder if, for me anyway, it’s some kind of superhero fatigue. But then I didn’t feel that way about Wonder Woman recently, so I’m just not sure. I just can’t quite put my finger on it. I feel ashamed of myself for not liking it as much as I was expecting!

Most of the big action pieces, such as the Staten Island ferry scene, have already been shown pretty much on their entirety during the trailer. And the climax, involving Spidey and Vulture on a plane, is fairly difficult to follow, as it’s set in the dark with the plane veering out of control. Probably the most impressive sequence is on the Washington monument, a traditional lift-about-to-fall scenario. Spidey is struggling to get used to his upgraded suit, he’s nervous about being so high up (and so are we, this scene is very well done) and he’s unsure of what to do best to save the day. It’s a tense scene, perfectly handled and we really feel for Peter Parker.

There’s plenty of humour and heart throughout and a good supporting cast. Michael Keaton is impressive and suitably menacing as The Vulture and Robert Downey Jr is… well, his usual self. I just hope that as part of the next Avengers movie and beyond, I feel a bit more impressed next time than I did after this.
Doc Rock is back. (0 more)
Less Spidey-centric. (0 more)
Issue 600, plus
This 4-issue collection circles ASM #600 and Aunt May's wedding to J. Jonah Jameson Sr. While there is a lot of creative talent here, many of the stories involve peripheral stuff. Half of the book focuses on Uncle Ben's method of raising Peter, how Ben and May met, the Spider-Mobile, playground kids verbalizing what it would be like to be Spider-Man, Jessica Jones' inspiration, and a tongue-in-cheek couch session for Spidey's changes over the years. All of it is well- handled...just not my first choice for superhero reading.

The book really shines in two stories in particular. The first, "Peter Parker Must Die" has Peter dealing with a Ben Reilly repercussion called Raptor. The second,"Last Legs", contains the return of a physically inferior Doc Ock that wants the leave a lasting legacy. This issue was really good, and even the follow-up, which was a wedding aftermath issue due to a surprise wedding guest, was pretty entertaining.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Good but completely unnecessary
We've had 3 versions of Spiderman and 6 films in the space of 15 years. That's not good. Despite the few years in between, it's beginning to feel like Spidey is rarely off our screens. And I'm getting a little Spiderman-ned out.

Which is a shame, as I actually think Tom Holland is the best Spiderman yet. A teenager in high school is by far the best portrayal and Holland does very well. There are some funny moments and it feels a little more lighthearted than some of the other recent Marvel films. My main issue is the constant need to promote and set up the other Marvel films, to the point where this film feels like entirely made for this purpose only. Did we really need another Spiderman film? No, not really and especially not one to act as a link between other films. Its far too long and really not needed.

This is the film they should've made instead of the ones with Andrew Garfield, back then it may have been more acceptable & not just a blatant Avengers plug.

Erika (17788 KP) Apr 6, 2018

I had the same feelings exactly! It was such an unnecessary movie.