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Angels and Arrows
Reyna Hawk | 2012
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off let me say paranormal romance usually is not my thing. Now that being said I really enjoyed [Reyna Hawk's] [Angels & Arrows] because it was not a typical paranormal romance. Yes that was part of it but there was cultural history and excitement as well. None of the "Oh woe is me my vampire boyfriend left me I am going to curl up and die." Maria is a fighter. A bit of a pessimist but really a fighter. It takes a bit for her to learn to trust and have faith but when she does evil spirits better watch out.
Emperor of the Eight Islands
Emperor of the Eight Islands
Lian Hearn | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once I got used to the writing style, (I had to read the first page like three times) the book was really intriguing. There are some incredibly disturbing and disgusting things that happened on the book especially in how the mask was made although it took me a minute to realize what was actually meant. It was a quick read.
It is set in what could be considered medieval Japan. There is mythical creatures, spirits, and mysticism.
I'm not sure if I'll reread it ever again but I'll continue to the next book to see where it goes.