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Calling Out Of Context by Arthur Russell
Calling Out Of Context by Arthur Russell
2004 | Compilation
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love all of his records. Calling Out Of Context in particular was the most accessible at first - I had to re-educate my ears at the beginning though, in order to get into it. A friend of mine told me about it at uni - we were just starting Foals and I was getting more interested in pop music - or what my idea of that was - to write simpler, more emotive songs without hiding behind structures and techniques. His music is so open. When we wrote the first batch of Foals songs, we bought this second-hand Royal Mail van that was falling apart and we had one of those cassette adaptors that attached it to a Discman. It was one of those self-booked tours where there was no one there and we would get back into the van and put this record on and it lifted the spirits. It's the perfect record for a summer's day, Sunday morning - it's got a lightness and discreetness to it, I just love his voice. You can feel light within; when I listen to him, I can picture a visual scene filled with light. It's a daytime record"

Supernatural  - Season 2
Supernatural - Season 2
2006 | Drama
Another great series
I have to admit that this is a second series that actually surpasses the original, and that's fairly unusual although I'm intrigued to see if it can hold out over the 14+ seasons there's been so far.

The one thing that does lack a little in this series is the spirits/demons themselves. They don't seem quite so inventive as the first series, however this is only because there is a much bigger wider plot going on with the psychics and yellow eyed demon. This makes it a lot more serious and darker, but that's not to say it doesn't have it's lighter moments. The episode with the Trickster is downright hilarious, and there are some wickedly funny one liners and interactions between the brothers. It is looking a bit dated now, unsurprising seen as it first aired over a decade ago, but it's still good and also has a killer soundtrack. My only other criticism is the beyond irritating opening credits and recap scenes that plague every single episode. I really hope they don't carry these on across every season...