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Kim Pook (101 KP) rated Eli (2019) in Movies

Jul 21, 2020  
Eli (2019)
Eli (2019)
2019 | Horror
Acting (1 more)
Storyline of first half of movie
Silly far fetched ending (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Eli is a young boy with a life threatening condition. He can't be exposed to any contaniments whatsoever. He has to live in a plastic bubble in his bedroom and wear full protective gear when outside. Hoping for a miracle cure, his parents drive him to a secluded facility to see a doctor where him and his parents would stay whilst he received treatment. The facility has been completely decontaminated and is deemed safe for Eli to step out of his suit and live a relitavely normal life whilst there. However, life is normal. Eli begins to see various ghosts and spirits who seem to be trying to tell him something and getting him to leave.
The first hour of the movie I did enjoy and the boy who played Eli played him very well and was very realistic, which is more than I can say for his the adults at times. The ending was completely bizarre and unexpected. Not being a fan of possession movies it wasn't for me and I just found it ridiculous. Saying that though, the visuals were excellent. For example showing Eli with destruction behind him was spot on in showing what he was capable of. The ending felt like there could have been a sequel, but it there was I can't see me watching it.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Pixie (2020) in Movies

Oct 25, 2020  
Pixie (2020)
Pixie (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Knockabout comedy-thriller set in Northern Ireland. 'What do men see in irritating free spirits?' wondered Julia Roberts in a Tom Hanks movie a few years ago, and the question is still a live one: Olivia Cooke plays Pixie, who is not quite Holly Golightly recast as a feminist criminal mastermind, but getting there. Nearly everyone is entranced by her, including apparently the director, cameraman, and cinematographer, despite the fact she seems to be almost completely amoral: ripping off drug dealers, swindling her friends, and cold-blooded murder all seem to be part of her repertoire. Nevertheless she and her latest enamoured stooges zip about Ireland to a jangly western-style soundtrack while Alec Baldwin phones in a cameo as a gun-toting gangster-priest.

Surely people have got to get over this obsession with making Tarantino pastiches sooner or later? This one has the odd funny moment, but a lot of the jokes don't land and the plot constantly seems to be on the verge of unravelling. Olivia Cooke carries the film with predictable grace, but I felt almost commanded to like her without good enough reason: the film also suggests there's a thin line between idealising a character and objectifying them, as a rather lubricious tone occasionally threatens to manifest. Passably watchable in the end, but has no connection to reality: feels like a script somebody wrote in 1995 and then spent twenty-odd years finding the funding for. Cooke in particular deserves better.
Shadows of Nightshade (The Garden of Eternal Flowers, #1)
Shadows of Nightshade (The Garden of Eternal Flowers, #1)
Lyla Oweds | 2023 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
107 of 235
Shadows of Nightshade ( The Garden of Eternal Flowers 1)
By Lyla Oweds

I dream of a time where I was warm, safe, and loved.

But my waking reality is starkly different.

Anxiety plagues me and spirits haunt the shadows. No matter how fast I run, I can’t seem to escape my past.

The only solace and steady force in my life is my best friend, Finn.

And now… there’s a ghost haunting me. And I’m not certain if it wants help or if it wants to kill me. There’s only one person who can understand: Finn’s brother, Damen.

However, in reaching out, I’m betraying Finn and setting things into motion that cannot be undone.

But nobody ever said that doing the right thing was easy.

So apparently this is a rewritten story of this author’s Grimm Cases series the first book but I didn’t read the original so this is a new story for me. This is a strange one for me because I was really intrigued by the world and the supernaturals and the story was really what kept me reading as it was good. My issue was the main female character she was written as really naive and a little irritating if I’m really honest. I would have gone with a 2.5⭐️ rating if I could have.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.