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Forest of a Thousand Lanterns
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns
Julie C. Dao | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun blend of Fairy Tales and Asian mythology.
You know I love my Fairy Tales! Especially re-imagining the villains. Forest of a Thousand Lanterns is an Asian take on the evil queen from Snow White. The author is a Vietnamese American, and this is her debut novel. She has quite skillfully woven a new origin story for the wicked stepmother in a fantasy land heavily influenced by East Asian mythology and culture. I don't know enough about the individual countries' mythologies to tell you if the influences come specifically from Vietnam, or more generically from the area. I know that their beliefs can vary pretty wildly by locale.

That said, this is another superb debut novel. I'm eager to read the sequel - it's billed as "A Rise of the Empress novel" so I'm sure there will be one or more. Xifeng is a pretty complex character - she is somewhat single-minded in what she wants, but conflicted in what to do to get it. (It being the position of Empress.) I was intrigued by who was chosen to fill the roles of the traditional tale; Xifeng, of course, would be the wicked stepmother. The Fool is Xifeng's version of Snow White, and Xifeng thought for some time that she knew who The Fool was. The reader, of course, knows the Fool must be Snow White, and so not the people who Xifeng suspected. The one that surprised me was the identity of The Huntsman. I won't spoil anything - but he was unexpected.

There's also more going on than just the Snow White plot. There are gods and goddesses and spirits and an underlying war. I am quite eager to see how those play out.

There is a slow spot in the middle - I set the book down for a couple of days before picking it up again, and that's always a sign I'm not as absorbed in the book as I could be. But I did pick it up again and read straight through to the end, so it's not too bad!

If you like Fairy Tales and Asian mythology, this is definitely a neat blend of the two. I really liked it.

You can find all my reviews at
Bad Magic and the Big Top (Blackwood Bay Witches Paranormal Cozy Mystery)
Bad Magic and the Big Top (Blackwood Bay Witches Paranormal Cozy Mystery)
Misty Bane | 2019 | Mystery, Paranormal
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
HUMOR, BANTER (0 more)
NOTHING (0 more)
What a great story!
Welcome to Blackwood Bay, where magic and murder have come out to play...Life for fledgling new witch Dru Rathmore Davis has been a whirlwind since moving to the charming seaside town of Blackwood Bay over a month ago . Seeing spirits, talking to animals, living with three cranky roommates, and totally not crushing on her new Guardian …But when Dru wakes one morning to find the body of a circus clown slouched dead against her doorstep and her bookshop broken into overnight, one of her worst fears may come to pass.She may be haunted by a clown... Together, Dru and her Guardian—incredibly handsome police sergeant Wolf Harper who’s absolutely just a friend —take their investigation to the most marvelous show on earth: the traveling Braun Bros Circus. It’s evident that there’s a far more sinister performance going on behind the scenes, and this traveling circus may have more skeletons buried in their closet than the Rathmore family. But when your suspects are a tight-knight troupe of acrobats, fortune tellers, magicians , and clowns, everyone has something to hide—and secrets they’d do anything to protect…

This is the second book in the Blackwood Bay Witches series. For those of you who like story lines with witches, ghosts, talking animals, wizards and covens, then this book is for you!
In this story Dru is starting to get used to being a witch, seeing ghosts and talking to animals and running the bookshop.
Just when Dru thinks her life is really starting to settle in Blackwood Bay, she opens her door and finds a dead clown on her doorstep.
The circus is in town and murder is afoot.
Come get to know this lovely set of characters. They are wisecracking and lovely bunch; well developed and will make you smile.
This has a good plot, twists abound to make you guess. Loaded with the humor and wise cracks. There are no cliff hangers just really good writing.
I absolutely loved this book and couldn't put it down! I can't wait for more!!!!
Highly recommend reading!

I received this book free and chose to make a voluntary, unbiased review.

Becca Major (96 KP) rated Secret Healer in TV

Jan 25, 2018  
Secret Healer
Secret Healer
2016 | Drama, International, Romance
6.6 (5 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Writing (2 more)
Some subplots (0 more)
Not What I Expected
I admit that I went into this drama expecting it to be a light, happy romp through Joseon-era Korea, with a nice romance and a fair bit of drama. Something to lift my spirits after watching a downer series the week before. This is not what I got.

Secret Healer is definitely more of a drama than a romance. Yes, the romance is there and it is important to the plot. Hell, it's even developed reasonably well. However, it is not the main focus of the story. Which, after a while, I appreciated because I didn't need the romance to keep me invested, the plot did that well enough.

The true focus of the plot is Yoon-hee, the princess, and the trials she has to overcome to be free of her curse. Without getting too spoiler-y, the villain, Hong-joo, does literally everything she can to make Yoon-hee fail. And Hong-joo is a legitimately engaging and terrifying villain; she has power, dozens of skilled swords-women under her command and control, and is ruthless to the point of cold-blooded murder. The dynamic between these two really carries the better part of the plot.

Yoon-hee's love interest, Jun, also has an interesting story-arc that is, thankfully, all his own. He comes into the story with his own baggage involving his relationships with his mother and half-brother that he needs to overcome. It is also really nice to see a couple that complements each other equally. They support each other and receive support in turn. In a sea of douchbags with money winning over nice, supportive guys, he is a breath of fresh air.

The other characters that pepper this drama provide just the right amount of flavor. They are, for the most part, well written and well realized by their actors. My personal favorite character was Yo-gwang, Yoon-hee's "bodyguard."

I would recommend this series to anyone desiring a well-written, well-acted story that has more going for it than a simple love story.
Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd (Flavia de Luce, #8)
Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd (Flavia de Luce, #8)
Alan Bradley | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book 8 in Alan Bradley's wondrous series picks up with Flavia returning home from Canada--no longer in boarding school--and back home among her sisters, family servants, and faithful bike, Gladys. Unfortunately, upon returning home, she is met with the news that her father is gravely ill with pneumonia. Only Flavia's pesky cousin, Undine is around to greet her. Out and about in town, Flavia runs an errand and--in true Flavia fashion-- stumbles across the body of a dead man. He appears to be the local woodcarver, and Flavia finds him hanging upside down in his home. From there, Flavia's downtrodden spirits lift immediately, as there is nothing like a dead body to return her to her true self. She sets out to solve the case before her pal, Inspector Hewitt, can, but this case will offer plenty of twists and turns, even for our young sleuth.

This novel is immediately Flavia, from the start, like picking up with an old friend. The beginning finds Flavia feeling a little lonely and sorry for herself until finding a corpse, of course. With Flavia back from Canada, it's a return to Bradley's tried and true Flavia de Luce formula, but it's certainly not trite, or tired. While the plot is a bit twisty and keeps you guessing, as always, it's Flavia who is the true star. In this book, we see our heroine growing up a bit: not just in age, but in maturity. Thankfully, though, she's still our Flavia, with her feisty spirit and deep love of chemistry. Truly, she's just a dear character and Bradley is amazing in how he captures her voice so perfectly.

These novels never fail to disappoint -- this one, as well. I will continue to highly recommend this series. This can certainly be read as a standalone, but you would be doing yourself a disservice if you don't start at the beginning of Flavia's journey.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!); it's available for U.S. publication everywhere as of 9/20/16.
Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015)
Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015)
2015 | Horror
Some of us at one time or another have considered contacting a loved one who has passed away or making contact with the “other side” through séances, Ouija boards, or even the recent trend “Charlie, Charlie.” We don’t consider the ramifications of our decisions and what the outcome could be. With the third installment of the Insidious franchise we bear witness to this possibility for one young lady. Quinn Brenner is suffering from the recent loss of her mother and desperately wants to contact her. In her attempts to contact the departed, she reaches out to Elise Rainier, a medium who reluctantly assists her, yet warns her of the dangers in pursuing this endeavor. Unfortunately for Quinn, the warning comes too late as her attempts to reach out to her mother have opened up the opportunity to be contacted by other spirits. As a result, Quinn finds herself being pursued by a dark entity whose only purpose is obtaining her soul. With the help of Elise and Quinn’s father, it becomes a fight to rescue her soul from the clutches of this dark and mysterious figure.

The film’s story and plot are very simple to follow and with it being a prequel has a few connections to the other movies within the Insidious franchise. Viewers of the other two films will catch on to some of the references and allusions to the previous movies. With this being said, it makes for a good stand-alone film and does not require its audience to watch the other films in order to understand the issues and follow along with the story. There are more than enough suspenseful moments in the film and it will keep audiences at the edge of their seats waiting to see what awaits them in each scene. Despite its PG-13 rating, it does a great job in finding a balance with the suspense and gore. There are a multitude of misdirections applied and creative moves to frighten the viewers which will have audiences looking over their shoulders as they walk back to their cars from the theater, questioning every sound that they hear, and keeping all of the lights on in their homes for safe measure.
