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The Little Café in Copenhagen (City Bakes)
The Little Café in Copenhagen (City Bakes)
Julie Caplin | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Little Café in Copenhagen (City Bakes, #1) by Jules Wake, writing as Julie Caplin
The Little Café in Copenhagen is a gentle and warm read, almost hygglich itself. I don't read a lot of contemporary novels, so it takes something special to keep my interest. And that is exactly what this gem of a book did from the very beginning.

Kate is a woman who has convinced herself that she is doing the right thing, in all areas of her life. She thinks she is in line for a promotion, and honestly can't think of anything better. Of course, when she doesn't get it, but is offered a conciliatory bone instead - a bone that no one else wanted - she grabs it with both hands, determined to make the best of a bad situation. With an eclectic cast of characters, this book gels together in a way that keeps you turning the pages. They all have their secrets to share (all apart from one) and Eva manages to get them to spill the beans in an almost magical way.

There was nothing about this book that I didn't like! The writing style was smooth and witty in all the right places. The scenes flowed from one to the next, and I loved how it was split into three different sections. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. I loved every word, and can't wait to continue with this series. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
**I received this via Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review**

I really don't know what I read! The one word that comes to mind is bizarre. Now I am not by any means a person that reads a lot of poetry as there are always deeper meanings and sometimes I don't think my intelligence stretches that far. However, I wanted to start reading a bit more and this one instantly caught my attention. I have a crude sense of humour and not one to shy away from foul language or sexual references but this just left me flummoxed.

First of all the Victorian artwork just did not work with the crudeness of the poetry. The title is very accurate and gets ruder and cruder throughout. The book is split into five sections: Cradle, Maiden, Lady Ku, Ku of the crone and The Holy one. The cover of the book and the artwork inside is beautiful and would be worth it just for the pictures. It did get several guffaws from me but that's all. I really wanted to like this but I felt it didn't really work, was there supposed to be a meaning to the pictures or is it just the authors sense of humour. Writing poems out of 17 syllables and getting a message across is an amazing feat and applaud Tanager for her efforts as I know I certainly wouldn't be able to produce anything.

    Sniff, dab and wipe. Sniff, dab and wipe. Sniff. I wish they just made nose tampons.

If you are a fan of poetry and not easily offended then I would check this out

Overall I rated this 2.5 out of 5 stars.
Wrong Place, Right Time
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wrong Place, Right Time tells the story of a woman who is, quite literally, in the wrong place at the right time. She makes a split second choice, and her subsequent choices are equally as important in leading her to a destiny that she was heading for all along.

This is a sweet little romance that was a really easy read. I could pick it up at random moments and dip in and out of it with ease, which I like to see in a book because, if we're all honest, we don't always have time to sit and read a whole book in one sitting. The emotion is strong and it oozes from the pages, embracing the reader in the anger, fear, upset and ultimately pure love that Kate experiences.

Kate, as a lead, is a strong character who is well complimented by the polar opposite men she is chasing after. The grass is always greener - or is it? She learns this the hard way and as a reader, you're willing to go along with the journey, even if you do shout at her from time to time for being so daft. And it's this realistic quality that makes it such an enjoyable read. Most people, if not all, could relate to some aspect of Kate's story, and that makes it all the more readable and hooks you in even more.

An enjoyable story, and a sweet happily ever after, this would be an excellent choice of book for a holiday read, sat by the pool with a sangria and dishy lifeguard to oggle.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
Chasing the Dime
Chasing the Dime
Michael Connelly | 2002 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
"What Happened to You?" "I Got the Wrong Number."
Henry Pierce is just days away from a patent and a huge meeting with a potential investor at the company he founded. However, he's also just moved into an apartment since he has split with his fiancee. That, of course, means a new land line, and Pierce starts to get phone messages for someone named Lilly. Pierce quickly figures out that Lilly is a prostitute, but how did he get her number? Why would she give it up? Pierce isn't able to let the puzzle go, and he begins to spend his weekend obsessing over finding her instead of doing the last-minute things he should be doing for his company. Will he find her? Will he destroy everything he's worked for in the process?

This book is definitely a departure for Michael Connelly, featuring an everyman and bordering on a technothriller. It starts out well with plenty of intrigue, but it gets bogged down in the second half. The pace gets way too slow at one point before picking up again and racing to the climax. Pierce's reasons for getting as involved as he does are reasonable, but we don't find out until the end. He does make an interesting main character, however, and the rest of the cast are just as strong. Since this book originally came out in 2002, it has some dated elements. It's amazing how much our lives have changed in the last decade and a half. This is one of Connelly's rare stand-alones, and you can read it as much, but fans of the Harry Bosch books will recognize some cool Easter Eggs, including a reference to the ending of City of Bones, the Bosch book that came out just before this book did.
The Lone Warrior (Jack Lark, #4)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fourth entry in [a: Paul Fraser Collard|7024929|Paul Fraser Collard|]'s 'Jack Lark' series (that started with [b: The Scarlet Thief|18752323|The Scarlet Thief (Jack Lark, #1)|Paul Fraser Collard||24752025]), this sees Jack Lark caught up in the Indian Mutiny (or First War of Independence, depending upon your point of view!) of 1857, and is my pick for the best of the series so far.

The novel starts out pretty much as it means to go on, with Jack rescuing someone from her indentured lifestyle, then agreeing to accompany her home to Delhi, arriving just in time to get caught up in the mutiny.

Despite holding a British passport myself (well, Northern Irish ...) this is actually a subject that I don't think we were ever taught anything about while I was at school. Sure, I'd heard of it, but only through word-of-mouth, and only ever forming a general impression of it rather than having any real knowledge of the cause, or the effects. As such, and (I.M.O.) like all the best kinds of historical fiction, I actually learned something while simultaneously being entertained (by the general story, NOT by the rather graphic depictions of some of the more harrowing events).

Talking of that story, I also feel that the book could (almost) be split into at least three distinct sections: Jacks journey to Delhi, his involvement in the siege of the British magazine while within it, and the final - and longest - part his involvement in the siege and (partial) recapture of the city.

Like the best of the Sharpe books (a hackneyed comparison, I know, but apt), I also read through this one in only a matter of days - always the sign of a good book!
Tribune of Rome
Tribune of Rome
Robert Fabbri | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ever since (roughly) about a decade ago - when the movie 'Gladiator' first came out - I've been noticing more and more Roman-themed books, from Simon Scarrow's 'Macro and Cato' series to Conn Iggulden's 'Emperor' quartet to Ben Kane's 'Forgotten Legion Chronicles' (and now 'Enemy of Rome' series) to John Stack's 'Masters of the Sea' series to Anthony Riches' 'Empire' series to Harry Sidebottom's 'Warrior of Rome' series to ...

... you get the picture.

To that list, we can now also add Robert Fabbri with his planned 'Vespasian' series of books, of which this is the first. In the interest of full disclosure, I'm also going to state that (from the above list of authors) I've read at least one book in their respective series. Of those all - and, including, now, this book - I have to say, I've found Scarrow's novels to be the most entertaining.

As a novel, I found this one could be split into three distinct sections: the beginning was set during Vespasians early years in the Roman country-side and mainly concerning the relationship between him and his brother, before the setting moves to Rome proper when the two brothers get embroiled in Roman politics, and then (in the latter half of the book), following Vespasians early military career. It was probably this latter aspect of the book that is the most enjoyable, even if it does still suffer from seemingly stilted conversations that are used to move the plot along - that, and some 'Oh, come on! As if ...' moments (one in particular!).
While I read some more of this series? Possibly, but also I'm not going to be going out of my way to look for them.
Sauvignon and a Kimono by DYLYN
Sauvignon and a Kimono by DYLYN
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
DYLYN is a talented singer-songwriter based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Not too long ago, she released a music video for her emo-pop tune, entitled, “Secret”.

“My life was turned upside down and, as a result, this song emerged. ‘Secret’ became therapeutic. It gave me a chance to connect with people, with my fans whose parents also split up due to infidelity. It became a way of reaffirming for myself and others—‘You are not the only one going through this.’” – DYLYN

‘Secret’ tells a bitter tale of a young woman who finds out that her father has been cheating on her mother.

Since then, she hasn’t slept in days and wonders if her mother knows about the other woman in her father’s life.

Later, after everything is out in the open, she painfully admits that her mother won’t love her father ever again, but she will still love him, even though he hurt them.

“At first, I was hesitant to write about such a personal story. But as the lyrics started to unfold, everything fell into place. I recorded ‘Secret’ in a dimly lit vocal booth. I wanted to be in a headspace where I could feel alone with myself, and deliver the lyrics from the most honest place that I possibly could.” – DYLYN

‘Secret’ contains a gripping storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with a dark commercial pop aroma.

The likable tune is featured on DYLYN’s debut EP, entitled, “Sauvignon and a Kimono”.

“I’m very excited to get this music out and tour again. This record is going to be much more raw, and I want to put all my emotions on the table. ‘Secret’ gave me the courage to do that.” – DYLYN
500 Days of Summer (2009)
500 Days of Summer (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
The ever-quirky Zooey Deschanel stars alongside Joseph Gordon-Levitt reemerging from “10 Things I Hate About You” in the odd tale “(500) Days of Summer”.

This is the story of Tom an unhappy greeting card writer (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who falls for his boss’s personal assistant, Summer (Zooey Deschanel). As the two become friends Summer reveals to the infatuated Tom that she does not believe in love. Dispute her disbelief the two begin spending time together and eventually friendship blossoms into an intimate relationship. This must be love, right?
Summer and Tom begin an on again off again romance, that centers around Tom’s constant optimism that she is indeed the one for him. But Summer’s inconsistent reactions and lack of desire for commitment leave the audience wondering how the scenario is going to work out.

The film uses a five hundred day counter to expose the story in a non-linear fashion, which would have been interesting if it had anything to do with the plot. There was no mystery unearthed or even character traits exposed through the wacky timeline, it simply kept viewers constantly aware of Tom’s unfortunate situation.

Among the film’s highlights are a choreographed dance sequence, interesting split screen photography, and sensational employment of color. Additionally simple yet strong costume choices, artistic use of architecture, fun music and witty interpersonal banter carry this otherwise depressing film.

Creating an overall disenchantment with relationships and a seething dislike for Summer make this film is far from jovial, but it does offer a darker perspective into the realistic nature of relationships.

Both leads deliver strong performances but the film was unexpectedly melancholy. “(500) Days of Summer” is simply trying too hard and making viewers feel bad in the process.
The Roswell Conspiracy
The Roswell Conspiracy
Boyd Morrison | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In his previous novels Boyd Morrison has shown that he is able to take historical legends that have incredible elements - Noah's Ark, King Midas turning everything into gold - and not only spinning a thrilling plot around them but also providing explanations for these that just might be plausible. This is helped by his no-nonsense leading character of engineer Tyler Locke.

In this third Tyler Locke novel Morrison tackles something a little less mythological but no less bizarre. With his own take on events at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and tying in the Tunguska explosion in Siberia in 1908 he manages to provide an explanation that just might be possible. Throwing in Russian rogue agents and a plot to wreck the infrastructure of the USA means that Locke must keep his wits about him to escape from plenty of attempts to stop him discovering the truth.

There are the typical aderenaline fuelled chases and technological wonders around the world as expected and the addition of two feisty female leads adds some spice. Tyler's electrical engineer friend Grant also gets to shine as he and Tyler split up to pursue different leads.

As usual the writing is very effective, the action scenes cracking along and the plot driven against the clock. Although the bones of the plot are clear early on the details must still be pieced together and Locke's opponents are ruthless in pursuit of their goals.

The pace does lag at times as there is a lot of exposition to get through at various points to explain the actions of both heroes and villians but given the sheer complexity of what Morrison acheives in joining so many global events together this is understandable.

Morrison is definitely my favourite adventure/thriller author and this book shows why that is.
S.F.W. (1994)
S.F.W. (1994)
1994 | Action, Comedy, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
374. S.F.W. One of my fave movie of the 90s. I recently noticed that it was based on a novel. Read it, rewatched movie, and it was still dope... One day Cliff Spab and his best friend since birth Joe Dice head into a convenience store for smokes and beer. Unluckily for them this was also the day that a terrorist organization called Split Image decide to take the place over, and everyone that happened to be in the store as hostages. The masked men are also filming them the entire time, pretty much keeping track of them losing their minds, after all, they've only been eating junk food and beer for the past month. Obvi they make it out after putting up a fight when they've reached the end of their ropes. However, only two make it out alive, Cliff, who everyone calls Spab and a upper class young woman, Wendy. The tale starts at the end of the hostage crisis. Upon escape, Spab and Wendy realize they are now celebrities, every night on TV, millions watched the events unfold in the store. Cliff puts on a brave smart ass attitude making the public love him more, but inside he's suffering some ptsd, and he just wants to disappear. His family use him for the fame, his friends use him for the fame. His one true friend is dead. And the only one he can share any of this with is Wendy, and they are being kept apart by fame, family and all of that. Movie gives you a look at our news becoming just pure entertainment, based on money and popularity. And this was before the internet. Stephen Dorff as Spab and Reese Witherspoon as Wendy were awesome in this dark comedy, with a freaking kick ass soundtrack! Check it out! Filmbufftim on FB.