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ClareR (5674 KP) rated The Chalet in Books

Nov 8, 2020  
The Chalet
The Chalet
Catherine Cooper | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Chalet was a twisty, turny thriller that had me guessing all the way through. I couldn’t for the life of me work out who had been responsible for the death (and at one point I wasn’t even convinced that he was dead!), and I had a list of pretty much everyone in the chalet. My main reason for their guilt was that they just weren’t very nice (I know, I’ll never make a great detective!).

This story is split between two timelines to begin with - the present day and twenty years before. In the present day, two couples are sharing a chalet for a holiday mixed with business. I’ll say this again: these are not particularly nice people. They’re rich, entitled and generally insensitive.

Interspersed with this timeline is that of two couples twenty years earlier. Two brothers and their girlfriends are on a skiing holiday. They’re all Oxford University students: three come from affluent upper class families, and one, Louisa, comes from a working class, single parent family. She is made to feel different at all times - whether this is her own insecurities is never quite clear. Her boyfriends brother certainly doesn’t do much to make her feel welcome. At some point during this holiday, there’s a terrible accident that has an equally terrible effect on characters in the present day timeline.

I won’t say any more about the storyline - I don’t want to be the one to spoil someone’s reading enjoyment! What I WILL say, is that I thoroughly enjoyed this and looked forward to reading it every morning on the Pigeonhole app. It’s a tense, exciting, addictive read - and I loved it!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this and helping me once more, to read my NetGalley books! And also thanks to the author, Catherine Cooper for reading along with us.
No Shouts No Calls by Electrelane
No Shouts No Calls by Electrelane
2007 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

To the East by Electrelane

(0 Ratings)


"I'm just realising as we're going through them - so many of these songs are about loss aren't they? ‘To the East’ isn’t just straight-up melancholy, it’s a song of hope as well; it might be completely redundant, impotent hope, but there is still hope in there. “She's singing to somebody to come back and that the East could be home, but the whole time you're listening to it you suspect the truth of the situation is that those words will never actually be said. Or maybe that's just the way I'm feeling it, I don't know. Again though, it's a very easy song to empathise with; I really believe the voice that's singing it to me. I don't know whether it's about a personal experience or if they're just imagined characters and to be honest, I don't care. I'm right there with them - I'm feeling it too. “I think either our first or second ever show outside of Britain - I can't remember which - was with Electrelane, in Barcelona at that club, Razzmatazz. It was quite the thrill, to be leaving the country to open up for this band we loved. I was really sad when they split up - again, another loss. I wish they were still performing. I think the last time I saw them was at Field Day in 2011 and they were still so great. They did a cover of 'I'm on Fire' by Bruce Springsteen and it was really something else. “They're one of those bands where you only need to hear a few seconds of any given song to know it's them, which means they've also got that trick of being able to make a cover sound like they wrote it themselves.”"

Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel
Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel
A.W. Jantha | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's a very sad thing when the book you were so excited about lets you down. Such is the case with Hocus Pocus & The All-New Sequel. The book, written by A. W. Jantha is split into two parts.



Then is a novelization of the movie which I very much enjoyed. 90 percent of the dialogue is taken directly from the movie while there's just enough added detail to give the characters some new depth and set up for the second half of the book.

Now: the second half of the book, the sequel was...

well, It was disappointing.


First, there's the bizarre jump from third person to first and later second POV.

It just throws you into Poppy's world with minimal backstory on who she is and why we should like her or her friends, Travis and Isabella.

Secondly, the characters are STUPID!

Stupid choices left, right, and, center.

As a writer, I understand there needs to be some way to kickstart the conflict but going to the Sanderson house has danger written all over it.

Oh, let's talk about the Sandersons,

The witches are back in all their evil glory with added sister Elizabeth who turned her back on the family legacy of darkness.

Then there's their mother. Their mother who they could not shut up about. Mother this and Mother that.

All the hype got me excited about Sanderson's sister's flashbacks. Backstory. Entire chapters dedicated to them.

it didn't happen.

I was treated to brief remembrances but no backstory.

Then the Mother who was so hyped up made a one chapter appearance before going kersplat.


You don't hype a character that much for them to do NOTHING.

The book gets by on nostalgia alone.

Don't even get me started on the bizarre and unneeded cliffhanger.

Very sad.
Antics in the Forbidden Zone by Adam and the Ants / Adam Ant
Antics in the Forbidden Zone by Adam and the Ants / Adam Ant
1990 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Following on nicely from “Just What I Needed”, I went to see my Dad in Florida and he had the 12” of “Stand and Deliver” which had “Beat My Guest” on the B-side. “I was into rap at that time, Run DMC and that kind of stuff, so for a ten-year-old it was ‘What the fuck is this?’ I was blown away. I was floored by the riff and “Beat My Guest” has the ultimate guitar riff, it’s so badass. I was into the make-up as well because I was into KISS too, so I thought that was cool. I was mesmerised by the whole look. “My Dad was always one step ahead of me. I remember being with him in Michigan once, we had this cottage we’d go to with my grandparents and he joined us one year, which was really fun. He was looking in the paper to see who was playing in Detroit - which was two hours away - he found out The Dead Kennedys were playing in some tiny little club and he left to go and see them. “I remember thinking my Dad was the coolest, I was ‘What the hell does that mean? He’s into some weird shit.’ He taught me everything. He spoke to me about music, but he doesn’t play music. I acquired a lot of his records when my parents split up, he gave me that Adam Ant record and I was bawling on the plane. “The next time I went to visit my Dad I’d discovered more Adam and The Ants and I wanted to talk to him about all of these other songs I’d heard, but he was already onto the next thing, which was Devo."


ClareR (5674 KP) rated Luckenbooth in Books

Feb 14, 2021  
Jenni Fagan | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love a book that takes me by surprise and is a bit off centre; something a bit different from books found on the bestseller lists (which is where I would hope this will end up!!), or the supermarket shelves. Luckenbooth is one of those books.
Luckenbooth piqued my interest as soon as I saw the cover photo - and then I read the synopsis. How could it possibly NOT appeal to me? I mean, the devils daughter rows to Edinburgh in a coffin to work for the Minister of Culture. I was hooked. It’s not all about her though. The book is split into three sections, each section revolving around three different characters, and we see glimpses in to their lives. There are people from all walks of life: strippers, spies, maids, a black human rights lawyer with a bone mermaid, drug addicts, poets, a medium. These are all people who live on the edge of society (within No. 10 Luckenbooth Close, anyway!), people who have little - and they live in a tenement that has been cursed by the devils daughter.
The stories seem not to be linked to one another, and their only link is the fact that they all live in the same tenement building. I really enjoyed these snapshots, any one of them could have been longer and I would have enjoyed them just as much. This fed my love of short stories though, and I really liked how reality was mixed with the more supernatural elements.
I will have to dig out my copies of Fagans books The Sunlight Pilgrims and The Panopticon, languishing in my Kindle library - this has really made me want to read her other books.
Many thanks to the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book through NetGalley.

Joe Elliott recommended Aqualung by Jethro Tull in Music (curated)

Aqualung by Jethro Tull
Aqualung by Jethro Tull
1971 | Rock
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This was the same year as the Roxy record. Mott has split up by that point. They splintered: Mott the Hoople became simply Mott and Mick Ronson and Ian Hunter went off doing their own thing. You could follow them both. I saw Mott at the Top Rank and I saw Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson at Sheffield City Hall. This still sounds fresh today: it was raw, done in a month. His guitar playing here is as good as it was on any record. There was a solo on a song called 'The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth' - it's one of those things you'd play to a kid whose learning how to play the guitar. The way he winds it up; the sheer pain in the song. Apparently at the time he'd read a scathing review and was fucking furious. He went in and did the whole thing in one take. And I'm thinking 'in a parallel universe, this would have been the next Mott the Hopple record' you know? But my god did the other guys blow it; my god did they blow it. This would have been such a great Mott record. To this day, Phil Collen [Def Leppard guitarist] will say his vibrato is Ronson's vibrato. A lot of people can't do vibrato properly - Phil was definitely influenced by it, also by that beautiful open whammy tone. I'm not sure how it leaks into Leppard as a whole. I think the most logical theft we ever did was the 'Whooaah' section on 'Photograph'. The guys in the band are all great singers; they're arguably better than me. Put the four of us together and it's like Queen round the mike. Well: almost..."


Merissa (11950 KP) rated Lacuna in Books

Oct 23, 2020  
N.R. Walker | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lacuna is a standalone fantasy but I really, REALLY, hope to return to this world. I need more of Crow and Tancho, it's as simple as that!

Their world is split into four, with one ruler for each quarter. To ensure no fighting, there is a central command (if you like) but obviously, not everything can be good in paradise. I loved how each quarter was so different and how the people embodied their element. Crow and Tancho, without doubt, are my favourites and that is completely as it should be.

When they find out what their birthmark bond is actually about, I thought it fantastic. They wanted to kill each other most of the time and their verbal battles, childishness and general poutiness were spot on. After all, how would you feel being tied to someone you didn't know, even if you did find them attractive?

The world-building is perfect and the pacing is second-to-none. There is plenty of action going on in Crow and Tancho's world and therefore, it makes sense, that they would have no time to explore their growing bond. When they do, however, they make up for lost time. 😉 There is also a brilliant cast of supporting characters, from best friends to the other king and queen. They all have their own foibles and interests but pull together perfectly.

I adore MM and Fantasy so, for me, this was the perfect blend of both. An amazing story set in a fantastic world with an outstanding storyline and wonderful characters. What more could you ask for? Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Start With This
Start With This
Books, Education
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Start with this is a podcast by the creators of ‘Welcome to Nightvale, Jeffery Cranor & Joseph Fink. Each episode is on a chosen topic to help with either writing stories or recording podcasts. Each episode is split into two parts; in part one the hosts talk about the subject, giving the listener information how the subject would work and then, in the second half they set out two tasks, the first takes the form of reading material or audio which uses the episodes subject and then the second task is use the subject in a short piece of written/audio work. The listeners can then post their work on the Start With This site ( although this is a patron page with a $5 moth charge to use. As well as the web site there is a Facebook page.
As the hosts write record and produce ‘Welcome to Nightvale’ as well as other shows they have experience in the subject matter and use that experience in the show. You can also tell that they are used to working together as the show flows well as they talk.
I have only recently found this podcast and only listen to a few episodes but I have found it entertaining and useful. Each episode is only about half an hour long so the listener is not bogged down with too much information and all the assignments seem easy enough (if you choose to do them) but the show doesn’t get tied up with the listener taking part meaning it is ok and useful if you only want to listen to the show. I use Stitcher to listen to podcasts and all the back episodes are still currently available