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Lady Silver (Warlock Chronicles #1)
Lady Silver (Warlock Chronicles #1)
Bobbie R Byrd | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
LADY SILVER is the first book in the Warlock Chronicles and we enter a futuristic world that has been split between humans and warlocks, with obvious mistrust and antagonism on both sides. Bryanna and T'Laan have lived their lives on the edge under no one's control but that changes when they are captured by Devon Bastion and taken aboard his ship, Maelstrom.

There is a lot that goes on in this book that isn't explained. I hope it will become clearer in future books but, for this one, it left me wondering what was going on. We have a prologue with someone who has been captured, who drops names like breadcrumbs, and as a reader, I had no idea if I was supposed to remember these names as someone to be important. Then we skip to someone new, and then something new again. It became mostly conjoined as the story went on, but there were still parts that were fragmented and confusing.

T'Laan is the best character here, followed by Glynda. Bryanna gets away with a lot due to her naivete, but Devon? Well, he's certainly a character but I really can't say I like him. Apparently, he has reasons for everything he does, but he is just arrogant and dislikeable most of the time. He is aware that Bryanna has feelings for him, talks about possibly having feelings for her, and then treads all over them with no reason given apart from the obvious "I'm not good enough. It's for her benefit..." He lies and hides the truth, only sharing when it suits him.

I definitely wanted to know more about the Flow and how it works. Yes, I know there are different Elements, but how? What do they do? Are there limits? And the Big Bad? Just what is going on there?

I read this book and enjoyed it but I'm left with more questions than when I started and a healthy dislike of the main male character. Overall, I think this book is good and has the potential to be part of a great series.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Beauty's Beasts
Beauty's Beasts
Alex Hanson | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BEAUTY'S BEASTS is a why choose romance that, although it's long, just isn't long enough! I'm not ready to leave them. I need more! (I feel like Oliver Twist!)

We start off in the village with Evan. They go to the shop and meet Will, their best friend. It's through this first scene that we understand just what is going on, how they are living, what they are up against, what the village thinks, and how it could be an Eve, Evangeline, or Evan day. Even though I knew what was coming, it still shocked me. It was so well-written, and that's only in the first few pages!!!

One thing I need to say. It would have been so easy for this author to split the book up, but I'm SO glad they didn't! I loved that it was chunky, and I loved even more that nothing stopped me from turning the pages and continuing with the story.

The four Gryxen are perfect. Very different personalities which came through clearly. There was never any doubt about which one they were interacting with. My favourites were Caliborne and Drixus, I guess I go for the quieter ones! Seerraf though? He's one dark horse that I want to know more about. Oh yes! I'm so glad that Caliborne stayed the way he was. It would have been an easy fix to make him different. It was how he was that made me fall in love with him. And Drixus? Well, he definitely deserved to change.

I will tell you, this book hit me right in the feels and absolutely made my eyes leak. It about killed me, before making it all right again. And don't get me started on the epilogue! This is why I need more!!!

So so good. I didn't want this book to finish. Definitely one I'll be buying in paperback or hardcover format, as I want to keep it and re-read whenever I want to. But, you know, if there was something to add to it, that would be good. 😍

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 6, 2023

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Thor: Ragnarok (2017) in Movies

Oct 30, 2017 (Updated Oct 30, 2017)  
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Amazing visuals (2 more)
Witty dialogue
Surprise appearances
Inconsistent tone (2 more)
Anti climax
Wasted villain
The Worst Avenger's Best Movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
After seeing Thor: Ragnarok, I feel like the filmmakers were so paranoid about not churning out another formulaic, checklist of a Marvel movie that they chucked a whole bunch of disparate ideas into this mixing pot of a film and hoped that some of it would work. To some extent they were right; some of it does work, but some of it really doesn't. The stuff that doesn't work would probably work okay in a separate movie, but here it just provides a lack of cohesion and brings a jolting change of tone to many of the film's scenes.

Let me elaborate on what I mean and there will be spoilers from this point on. This movie should have been at least three different movies:
There should have been a movie about Hela's return to Asgard, showing her recruiting Skurge and raising her army of the dead and showing Thor and Loki being forced to put their differences aside and having to work together to defeat their more powerful, evil sister.
There should have been another movie about Thor ending up on Sakaar and having to battle Hulk and other competitors and eventually starting an uprising against the Grandmaster.
Then there should have been a third movie about Ragnarok and striving to prevent that event from occurring and defeating Surtur.
The plot elements of Ragnarok could have been split into three movies and it would mean that certain characters wouldn't have been wasted and that the big events that take place would have had more weight and gravitas to them, instead of just being brushed off in favour of getting to the next punch-line.

For example, Odin dies in this film and Thor and Loki deal with it and move on in a matter of seconds. There are no emotional repercussions whatsoever. Another example is the Warriors Three appearing in a single scene, having no dialogue and being killed in a matter of seconds of being onscreen. They attempt a character arc with Skurge, but again Karl Urban is onscreen for such a small amount of time that no resolution is felt following his sacrifice at the end of the movie. As soon as Cate Blanchett starts to show some potential as a memorable Marvel villain, the movie cuts away to yet another scene of Hulk and Thor bantering on Sakaar. Idris Elba is wasted too, having barely any dialogue and a very dull subplot. Jeff Goldblum is used purely as a gimmick and again is wasted by not having anywhere near enough screen time. I normally like seeing Tessa Thompson in things, but even she phoned it in here, with her accent taking on multiple different tones and dialects from scene to scene. Then, at the end of the movie, it is like the filmmakers suddenly remembered, 'oh that's right we need to conclude that Ragnarok subplot that we started at the beginning of the movie.' You know the FU***NG TITLE OF THE MOVIE. And so that gets tacked on at the end to sort of bring a conclusion to all of the other multiple subplots and lazily wrap up the movie.

The sheer amount of ideas that they attempted to incorporate here, makes so many elements of the movie's plot feel underdeveloped and although most of these separate parts could have worked if they were split up and fleshed out, here they all just end up falling flat by the end of the movie making the film feel anti-climatic as a whole.

Don't get me wrong, there is also a lot here that works too. I thought the cameos from Matt Damon, Luke Hemsworth and Sam Neill was awesome. I liked the Doctor Strange appearance. I like how they had Thor lose his eye and I especially like how they managed to keep that out of all of the trailer and marketing. The trailers did ruin some things though, if we didn't already know that Mjolnir was going to get destroyed through seeing the trailers, it would have had more of an impact and all the talk about the vicious rival that Thor would have to face in the gladiator ring would have been way more effective if we didn't already know that it was going to be the Hulk.

Let's end things on a high note, the visuals were spectacular and this movie is worth going to see in theatres just for this alone. The CGI was incredible and the soundtrack was pretty great too. Overall this is a fun movie, but if like me you have been invested in these characters for the last five years, to see some of them go out with a whimper and some long term story arcs come to a disappointing conclusion, is unsatisfying to say the least.

Ross (3284 KP) rated Resistance in Books

Sep 20, 2018  
Mikhaeyla Kopievsky | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
A dystopian sci-fi tale in which people ("elementals") are split into 4 classes (air - artistic types, water - scientific types, fire - law-enforcing types, and earth - working class grunts) with a strict set of rules and beliefs to be followed. Any attempt to betray these rules would result in swift punishment by the peacekeepers.
Anaiya, one such peacekeeper, is tasked with finding and infiltrating a group of rebels who have started painting the word "resistance" on walls. In order to infiltrate them, she has to undergo a new untested treatment that tries to change her class from fire to air. Thereafter the tale is a pretty standard one of intrigue, plotting and red herrings.
For me the ideas behind the world were interesting, but not very well explained or explored early on. I realise with a book like this any attempt to do so would jar with the atmosphere it is trying to get at, but there are ways to deliver the information needed.
The storyline was pretty much paper-thin and sacrificed in order to have some lengthy, overly descriptive poetic narrative (for example at least 6 pages of the book is devoted to blow by blow accounts of pool matches). The supposed revelation at the end was such an obvious anti-climax as to be ridiculous. I took it to be a symbol of how Anaiya's treatment warped her judgement of who the main suspect is, but it was delivered as a big revelation.
The use of technology in sci-fi always annoys me - new tech that is not described and overly used, with a ridiculous name (a wristplate that can immediately tell you what substances are in your blood as well as heart rate etc, and also be used to download music, play music, communicate, pay for things etc etc).
Similarly, the plot to reveal the head of the resistance hinged on the use of some new technology invented by a member of the resistance itself. This was so flimsy as to be laughable. Also, the fact that a heavy-handed police force like the peacekeepers would look for such tenuous proof of the leadership of the resistance before acting is just plain wrong. The first few chapters, and some of the conversations Anaiya has after her change, serve to show how heavy-handed they are, and any hint of someone's involvement in such treasonous activity would result in swift action.
Overall, the book is atmospheric and interesting but quite badly executed.
And the word "trajectory" is massively overused and at times wrongly used.
ABCs of Death 2 (2014)
ABCs of Death 2 (2014)
2014 | Horror
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Favourite Letters – A – Amateur I liked this because it pokes fun at the slick nature people believe hitmen going through vents can be showing the truth about what you will find.
D – Deloused this is a delightfully twists animated tale that is everything from disturbing to disgusting.
L – Legacy, I liked this one because it is bold, bloody and entertaining.
N – Nexus, this is a well built up moment where we follow all the people involved before the final moment.
O – Ochlocracy, this short gives us a fresh look at the zombie genre.
S – Split, this is a story that could be run of the mill but clearly has the best twist of any of the short stories here.
T- Torture Porn, this is one that went in a direction you didn’t see coming which adds shock value to it.
U – Utopia, this sums up modern society nicely for shocking effect.
Y – Youth, this is plain weird but also feels heart breaking throughout the story.
Z – Zygote, well this is a short story that is seriously twisted and delightful ending to these horror tales.

Hardest to Watch – H – Head Games, I think this is because it is bigger than expected because you could read into it the most.
K – Knell, I have this one here because I didn’t understand the end it at all.

Worst Letters – G – Grandad, this one just didn’t click and felt like filler.
P – P-P-P-P – Scary, this just felt like it was part comedy to full weird and not the type I like.

Biggest Disappointments – B – Badger, most because this felt like there was still five minutes to go which could have been the blood bath we got teased for.
I – Invincible, this is here much like B as it is a film you would like to have seen more from.

Ones That I Would Like to See a Full Feature – F – Falling, this story feels like it could be a brilliant thriller that over a 90 minute could build characters up nicely for the climax.
Q – Questionnaire, this is an interesting one and could be turned into a very interesting horror film.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – V – Vacation, one because it is shot badly and two because the guys assholes.

Final Thoughts – In all fairness this has a lot of good chapters which are fun, bloody, gore and everything you like, if you like short horror stories go and enjoy.


Overall: Full fun horror chapter.
The Art Therapy Colouring Book
The Art Therapy Colouring Book
Hannah Davies | 2014 | Art, Photography & Fashion
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Doodle and colour your stress away!

See <a href="">here</a>; and <a href="">here</a>; for image examples:

I was given a copy of this colouring book, Art Therapy, for Christmas a couple of years ago, before they became the latest craze. It was not until during the past half a year that I seriously got into colouring. Some people scoff and ridicule the idea that colouring can relieve stress, however, in my experience, it really can!

This particular book contains drawings from three different illustrators: Hannah Davies, Richard Merritt and Cindy Wilde; however you would not know it as all the pages are a similar style. The images range from animals, flowers and objects, to basic and complicated patterns.

With hundreds of colouring books to choose from, what makes Art Therapy, and others from the same series, different from the rest? Firstly, most of the patterns have been started for you. Some people may argue this is a negative point, yet I find it quite useful. I use the starting colours as a theme to stick to throughout the page (see above for examples). I like structure and rule following therefore this is a great book for me. Secondly, the book is split into to halves: images and patterns to colour in, and unfinished images and patterns. The second part of the book allows the owner of the book to finish the outlines of the colouring pages however they wish before colouring them in. This helps to nurture and develop illustration skills. I have not attempted these pages yet as I am moving through the book methodically (I did say I like structure and rule following!), I will post examples at a later date.

The paper quality is extremely good, a lot better than many other colouring books I have come across. Even though I do not use them (I only use pencils), this book should be suitable for felt tip pens – although I would avoid Sharpies, they go through everything!

Now the downside… it is a hardback. Not the easiest to colour in with it on your lap whilst watching television (although I manage some how). I have only completed 21 pages so far and I am already worried that it is going to fall apart. Having said that, the other day I noticed that The Works were selling a paper back version! Perhaps invest in that format if you are thinking of buying this book.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Moon Field in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
The Moon Field
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>My rating: 3.5</b>

<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>The Moon Field</i> is an historical romance novel set during the First World War. It focuses mainly on two people: George and Violet, although there is a wide range of characters.

Split into three parts the novel begins with George, an 18 year old postman planning on telling Miss Violet of his feelings for her, only to find out that she is already engaged. He runs off feeling jealous and ends up enlisting for the army. At first I thought the description of George made him seem more like a child than a young adult and this annoyed me a little, however this helped to emphasise the changes he undergoes as a result of the war.

Part two is mostly set in Flanders where George is involved in the fighting resulting in deaths of certain other characters for which George blames himself despite it not really being his fault. This section ends with George being hurt himself and part three begins with him being returned to a hospital in England where he begins to recover although is now deformed. Throughout this final part George suffers with depression and thinks that he is now a freak. He has to deal with lots of rejection but, thankfully, the novel ends with a more positive outlook for his future.

Knowing in advance that romance was to be involved, it appeared at first that there might be some romantic attachment developed between George and Violet. From the very beginning I personally did not want this to happen. It did not feel right particularly as they were of different social classes, which at that time was quite important. Fortunately this did not happen and I was fairly pleased with the ending.

I think that Allnatt’s writing is extremely good and reflects the time period well. I quite often find when reading historical novels that authors use words or phrases that are too modern to have actually been said at that time. There was none of that problem with <i>The Moon Field</i>. Allnatt had also researched extremely well to get across the experiences of the soldiers on the Western Front. She mentions in her acknowledgements that she read many soldiers accounts of their experiences in the Great War. All her research defiantly paid off!

All in all it is a great historical novel.
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Mystery
The 'Beasts' (0 more)
The Wizarding World Needs To Be Left Alone
I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. I fell in love as soon as I opened the first book back in 1997 and I've compiled a very extensive, mostly useless knowledge base on the subject.

I put up with the first Fantastic Beasts film for two reasons: I was craving some Potter magic and the 'beasts' were adorable, fascinating and comical. The first film has enough magic, enough fun and enough humour to allow me to enjoy it but Crimes of Grindelwald? Nah. Just Nah.

I can't help but feel completely rinsed by this film. It breaks away from canon, turning a world I've devoted so much time too onto its head. It tells us that everything we have learned, everything we've spent our money and time on, is basically wrong. I haven't been a fan of Rowling dishes out new pieces of information here and there as if she has always known them - just be honest with us and tell us that time has made you think of these things or see things in a different light. She's still an intelligent, creative woman - she doesn't need to keep trying to prove it.

Crimes of Grindelwald just isn't as magical, as innovative or as creative as the Harry Potter series and the viewer can't help but feel that the writers are clutching at straws in order to attempt to build another franchise. They rely too heavily on people's love for the Wizarding World and don't actually offer us much more, or anything of value with this film. It's convoluted, clichéd and at times, predictable. It uses characters so wonderfully fleshed out in the previous film and completely changes who they are in a simple two minute, completely random scene. It feels as if there is no direction to these films, as if Crimes of Grindelwald is a different entity, split from Fantastic Beasts but shoved under that arch in order to make a buck.

I was truly so disappointed with this movie. I felt let down by Rowling and the filmmakers because I've been so loyal to this franchise and I wanted this new installment to be wonderful. I wanted to feel nostalgic and engrossed when I watched this but instead, I was picking out holes in the storyline and pointing out errors. This is not what we expect from what is essentially, a Harry Potter film.

We have three more of these films to get through. I just hope they up their game and are more tolerable than Crimes of Grindelwald.