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    az Aargauer Zeitung News

    az Aargauer Zeitung News

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    Regionale, nationale und internationale Themen: Die «az Aargauer Zeitung» berichtet über alles,...




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Meg’s latest assignment in the annual windsurfing competition on the Hood River. She hopes this is a sport she can actually learn, but strong winds blow her away from the rest of the other reporters early one morning, and she discovers the dead body of Justin, the star of the windsurfing world. Justin was also a jerk, but who actually wanted him dead?

I really found this particular sport to be a fun hook into the mystery. The pacing was a little off, but there are still plenty of clues, viable suspects, and red herrings to keep us entertained. The ongoing story about Meg’s father is advancing very slowly. I hope we get some answers on that soon. The characters are good, series regulars and new ones, although I do find Meg’s grandmother way out there with her New Age beliefs and wish that were toned down some. Still, overall, I enjoyed this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.