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Narconomics: How to Run a Drug Cartel
Narconomics: How to Run a Drug Cartel
Tom Wainwright | 2017 | Business & Finance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Dummies guide to understanding and quashing the worldwide drugs trade
What a fantastic book. Tom Wainwright manages to describe the global drug cartels as a business economic model which makes total sense. It is not just the violence and torture, it’s the revelations about the level of managerial stress. Running a drugs cartel, it seems, is not only a moral and legal minefield but a human resources, marketing and supply chain nightmare. The gang-centric tattoos that cartel foot-soldiers sport, were instigated to prevent staff jumping to another outfit or, worse, going straight.

Wainwright makes clear that those seeking to stop the drugs trade fail due to their insistence on treating it like a war, when they should treat it like a market manipulation. Such a clever book. - Jual Beli Online - Jual Beli Online

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