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Final Fondue
Final Fondue
Maya Corrigan | 2016 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fatal Festival
The town of Bayport, Maryland is holding a festival to celebrate their tri-centennial. Val Deniston is participating with a booth featuring food from her café, while her grandfather is hoping to win one of the contests with his chocolate fondue. And Val has talked Grandfather into renting out some rooms in the house they share to visitors in town for the weekend. These particular guests are there to start work on planning a wedding to take place in the area the next spring. When one of them turns up dead in the backyard, Val begins to question if the killer got their intended victim, or if someone else was the target. Can she figure out what happened?

This book has a solid mystery with great clues sprinkled throughout. Even so, I only began to piece it together about the time that Val started figuring it out. Val’s former life in New York City pops up in a big way in this book, and, while I enjoyed the way this cozy trope played out in this book, I did feel it slowed things down a little. The more I read this series, the more I’ve come to love the characters, especially Val’s grandfather, who is a lot of fun. The suspects are distinct and kept me guessing. At the back of the book are six recipes, including a couple of chocolate fondue recipes, all of which have five or fewer ingredients. This is another fun entry in a tasty series.
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (107 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brilliant world building (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I love Sarah j Maas and this book did not disappoint.

Feyre is a young girl hunting for food to feed her family. She takes the life of a deer and a wolf one day to keep her family from starving. Little did she know it would be a fairie that she killed and not a wolf.

In a time where the peace between humans and fairies is very fragile this is not the best thing she could have done. She thinks she's safe till one night a high lord fey comes to claim the debt.

Tamlin takes feyre over the wall to live her life in the spring court where all is not as rosy as it seems!

She falls in love just as he sends her home to keep her safe from the threats he's faving. Only for her to fight her way back to him to tell him she is in love with him.

What she finds is him taken and the truth behind a curse raging through the land. Amarantha the queen under the mountains has Tamlin wanting him to become hers. Feyre is not about to lose him. She is subjected to 3 tasks to save her love.

I loved every second of this book It had a very beauty and the beast feel to it but a bit more kick from our female lead!!

Sarah j Maas creates a fascinating world with all types of fairy, and takes you on a whole new journey into their world!




Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated 22 Seconds in Books

Jun 25, 2022 (Updated Jun 25, 2022)  
22 Seconds
22 Seconds
James Patterson, Maxine Paetro | 2022 | Mystery
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Disappointment Needed Lots More Focus
With the crackdown in cities all across the country on guns, things are tense, and San Francisco is no exception. San Francisco Homicide Detective Lindsay Boxer is doing her part to collect the now illegal guns until she starts hearing rumors about a coming shipment of illegal guns and drugs coming into the state from Mexico. Soon, she is working on this, hoping to stop it before the guns and drugs are disbursed throughout the entire country. Can she stop it?

I realize I can’t blame the authors that this book felt ripped from recent headlines with guns once again being at the forefront, but that timing was off-putting to me from the start. Unfortunately, it went downhill from there. The rest of the women were given very little to do, one of them just getting a glorified cameo. The characters are two dimensional at best, which is nothing new. The star of the book is supposed to be the story, but it’s just a mess. There are too many angles, and the conclusion does a poor job of tying things together. Worse yet, a character in danger early on is suddenly fine with no explanation of what happened. Another plot point is dropped in a similar manner. Then there’s the geography errors that 5 minutes research would have fixed for them. We’ll see how I am feeling next spring, but I’m thinking this may be my last visit with the ladies.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Black Ice Heart (Unveiled Magic #1) in Books

Oct 22, 2021 (Updated Jul 12, 2023)  
Black Ice Heart (Unveiled Magic #1)
Black Ice Heart (Unveiled Magic #1)
Abrianna Denae | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLACK ICE HEART is the first in the Unveiled Magic series. In it, we meet Jack, Summer, Spring, Autumn, Mother, and Old Man. Do these names sound familiar? They should do. This is the story of the seasons, of Mother Nature, Old Man Time, and Jack Frost, with its own unique spin as given by Abrianna Denae.

This is a dark story in places, with moments of torture and heartbreak, so please be aware of the trigger warning! There are also moments of love, friendship, and hope, that will keep you turning the pages.

There are a host of amazing characters in here, plus characters I've yet to meet properly, or fully understand. I'm hoping this will happen in future books as, being 100% honest here, some of them haven't made such a good impression.

Told from multiple perspectives, some characters only share their voice for one chapter. Others have multiple. So take your time reading and find out just who is speaking when - it will make it all so much easier.

The story feels almost complete until you reach the epilogue, and then it takes a whole new turn and you're left not knowing what will happen next.

Black Ice Heart kept my attention from beginning to end and I have no hesitation in recommending it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 22, 2021

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Easter Basket Murder in Books

Jan 25, 2024 (Updated Jan 25, 2024)  
Easter Basket Murder
Easter Basket Murder
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Here’s to a Deadly Easter
Kensington has called on their go to trio for three new holiday themed mysteries, this time featuring Easter. Up first, Leslie Meier’s Lucy Stone gets involved with a promotion for the local businesses leads to the theft of a golden Easter egg. Then Lee Hollis’s Hayley Powell finds the Easter Bunny dead at a community Easter egg hunt. Finally, Barbara Ross’s Julia Snowden’s Easter on the family island off the coast of Maine is interrupted when she finds a man in coat tails dead in the garden. Then, a few minutes later, he’s gone.

All three stories have fun with the theme, and present it in some clever ways. As is often the case, I found the first story the weakest, but the mysteries in the other two stories are strong. Still, I was engaged no matter which story I was reading. All three have some great Easter elements that made me feel like it was spring. And I love the community aspects we get. I’m only a regular reader of Barbara Ross’s series, and I was interested in the updates we got on the characters there. If you are looking for some new dishes to serve this year, you’ll be interested in the recipes we get with the second and third story. Each story is roughly 100 pages, so you can read them in a sitting or two. Overall, this is a fun anthology you’ll be happy hopped on to your to be read pile.
Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale
Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale
2019 | Fantasy, Territory Building
I have often wondered how cartography actually works. How was it that people with primitive tools were able to grasp the lay of the land and sea? And are we complete in our mapping of Earth or are there more secrets we have yet to discover? Thankfully, in Cartographers we aren’t really answering those questions, but other practical questions may arise.

Cartographers is a flip-and-write style game where players are competing to gain the queen’s favor and become the royal cartographer. While the main game focuses on finishing with a greater score than your opponent(s) the solo game is more relaxed. The solo player will be competing against their previous scores and comparing against the queen’s title matrix. Each game will be played over four seasons (rounds) and once the year is over the winner or title is claimed. Can you score 30 or more points to become a “Legendary Cartographer?”
To setup, lay out the Queen’s Edict cards that show A, B, C, and D. Shuffle each small deck of like-backed Scoring Cards and randomly place one from each deck underneath the Edict cards. Remove all the enemy Ambush Cards and shuffle one into the main deck of Explore Cards. Set the Season Cards in order: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Each player will receive one Map Sheet and a pencil. The game may now begin!

Each Season Card will feature a time threshold number that when met or exceeded will end the season. This corresponds to the time markings on each Explore Card drawn from the deck. For example, Spring allows 8 measures of time before it will switch to Summer. Explore Cards will usually show from 0-2 time measures on it, so seasons could change after four or more cards. At the start of each season, the player will flip an Explore Card to reveal which type of map element is requested and of which shape. The map elements are Forest, Farm, Water, Village, Mountain, and Monster. The shapes shown on the cards are reminiscent of Tetris-style shapes and also some others as well.

Once a card has been revealed, the player now will draw on their sheet the shape (or one of the shapes if more than one are shown) and fill it in with the matching symbol for map element type. If during this phase of the round the player surrounds the four sides of a pre-printed Mountain square they will score one coin and mark it at the bottom of their Map Sheet.

Should a Ruins card be revealed the player will flip another card to reveal the next card in line. Whatever shape and element is shown on the card AFTER the Ruins card will be used, with a twist. The shape shown on this card will now be required to encompass one of the pre-printed Ruins squares on the Map Sheet. If there are no legal spaces to place these shapes (or any shape on future cards) the player will be allowed to place a single 1×1 square on their Map Sheet anywhere they wish.

Should an enemy Ambush card be revealed the player will check which corner of the map the ambush takes place and will draw the provided monster shape in the closest area to the corner as possible. These are awarded negative points at the end of the seasons and can make large impacts on final scores.

After the elements have been drawn on the Map Sheet the player will check if the season ends. The season will end if the total number of revealed cards’ time measures equal or exceed the time printed on the Season Card (again, for example, Spring lasts 8 time). If not, then the player resumes another card reveal. If the time threshold has been met or exceeded then the player will score for the season by referencing the Scoring Cards that were placed under the Edicts at setup. For Spring the player scores Edict Cards A and B. Mark the score in the space provided at the bottom of the Scoring Sheet and flip the Season Card to the next season to begin a new round.

Play continues in this fashion until all four seasons have been played. At the end of the fourth season the game ends and the player will tally up their score to compare against the queen’s title matrix at the back of the rulebook. Not to brag, but my first game scored over 30 points, so I began this journey as a Legendary Cartographer.
Components. This game is 100 double-sided Map Sheets, four golf pencils, and a bunch of cards. The sheets and pencils are just fine, and the cards are good quality. What I really enjoy about the components is that this is “A Roll Player Tale,” meaning that many of the components and art hearken back to the original Roll Player game. As I love Roll Player’s art style, I also love that of Cartographers. There isn’t a ton of art in the game, more of graphic design, the art that IS provided is stellar Roll Player fare. I have no complaints about the components here except my wife thinks the pencil erasers could be better.

I skipped backing this one on Kickstarter and have only recently come to acquire it. I am definitely kicking myself in the rear for that decision because this is an excellent game. Obviously, anything that is enjoyable solo AND multiplayer is a huge boon (my wife scored it a 5!), and being able to play it multiple times in a row is a benefit as well.

We both love the decision-making in Cartographers, and when we first played together I had to shield my map sheet from my wife because she was copying! SHE was copying ME! She ended up handing me my booty in that game (of course) but we both had a great time plotting out our map elements. Determining where and which direction a shape should be placed can certainly be frustrating, but seeing your well-laid plans come to life is very rewarding. I am definitely seeing myself needing to download and print off more map sheets in the future because I have a feeling I am going to be playing the mess out of this one.

If you are looking for something special for your collection, check out Cartographers. If you already enjoy Roll Player, this will feel homey to you while offering a completely different style of game. My wife and I love it, and I am not sure I know anyone who would turn their nose up at it. Once we get into the Post-COVID era I plan to play this all the time at game nights.
Fever Pitch (2005)
Fever Pitch (2005)
2005 | Comedy, Romance
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Spring is the time of year when past failures of the fall are forgotten by most baseball fans. While hope springs eternal every spring for most fans, Boston Red Sox fans have long had a love/hate relationship with their team. This is due in large part to the Red Sox’s ongoing and often bizarre ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory for year after year, decade after decade, causing fans to claim that the team has been cursed ever since they traded Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees back in 1918. They have failed to win a championship since.

That is, until the magical season of 2005 where lifetimes of tears and frustrations were cleansed by an improbable and historic comeback from a three games to none series deficit to the Yankees, and a four game sweep of the St Louis Cardinals in the World Series.

In the new romantic comedy Fever Pitch two worlds are about to collide in a fury of romance and humor when workaholic Lindsey Meeks (Drew Barrymore), meets and starts to date a school teacher named Ben (Jimmy Fallon). Though their first date is hampered by a bad virus, Lindsey is taken by Ben’s gentle and compassionate nature, finding him very kind, loving and attentive.

As the two become closer over the winter, Ben asks Lindsey to attend opening day at Fenway with him as a sign of his love and commitment to her. Knowing Ben’s passion for the game, Lindsey accepts but soon finds out, that Ben is fanatical about his love of the Sox and that every aspect of his life has to be scheduled around their

games. While this is at first a minor issue, as time goes on it becomes a bigger problem when Ben refuses to take trips or attend parties and functions that interfere with games.

Naturally this soon wears very thin for Lindsey as she begins to question how committed Ben is to her and their future. The humor in the film arises from watching the very kind and lovable Ben become a different person when he is watching his beloved Sox. Rather then painting Ben as an oddball, the story does show why he has such an extreme devotion to the team, as well as how the people around him react to his devotion. His male friends simply accept it as they are rabid fans themselves, while we learn that every woman in his past has had an issue with his love of the Sox.

What really makes the film shine is the solid work by the two leads. Barrymore has a charm and grace to her that lets Lindsey come off as a very lovable and compassionate lady, rather than a selfish shrew who craves attention. Fallon meanwhile is solid, showing the duality of his life, as well as the dilemma he has between wanting to be with Lindsey and his lifelong devotion to the Sox.

The film moves at a steady pace and has more than enough humor to make you leave the theater with a smile, even if you are not a baseball fan. While some may say the plot is a bit shallow and formulistic, the film wisely puts the attention on the two leads and not on the sports action which results in a very winning combo.
Knitting At Home: 60 Classics from Ella Rae Designs by Leanne Prouse
ISBN: 9781933027999
Published: Published October 5th 2010 by Sixth&Spring Books
Rating: 5


Knitting At Home aims to be more than a knitting book with pretty patterns. Specifically, it aims to inspire and create a desire to satisfy creativity. It accomplishes this wonderfully. There isn't a pattern in Knitting at Home that I don't like, and there are several I'm itching to start on.


The book has six sections: A Room for Living, Relaxing, Sharing, Retreating, Little ones, and It's the Weekend. Each one has a great collection of patterns.


There was a good variety of patterns in the book, between socks, fingerless mitts, bags, and decorations for the home. There were also a lot of throws and blankets. Now I've never made a blanket… but after flipping through this book a few times, I've never wanted to make one so badly (Alas, most of my yarn is at home and I'm stuck at college). Same with pillows. I never understood the idea of knitting a pillow, but when seen in the photographs in the book and when I saw the beautiful patterns, I desperately wanted one! There are also some beautiful sweater patterns, some nice socks, a cute pair of slippers, and even some felted stuffed dolls.


The patterns and the whole feel of this book drips creativity and inspiration: everything from the layout to the font to the color schemes. Both Leanne Prouse and her artistic director did a great job on Knitting at Home.

Recommendation: beginner to experienced knitters who like larger projects and projects for the home.
A story of redemption, second chances and characters that weasel their way into your heart to stay, Ms. Alexander's What Hope Remembers is fantastically done. I instantly transported to Misty Willow(which, in my mind, wasn't hard to do since I live in Willow Spring!) and settle right in for the long haul of Amy and Gabe's story. I loved watching the story unfold and felt like I was among family.

Amy, Gabe and Aunt Tess are my favorites! I loved Gabe and Aunt Tess' characters the most! They really fit well in the story. Amy's character was also a great fit. I loved the way Ms. Alexander chiseled her and her flaws. Watching them come to terms with their past, present and their future really took my breath away, in a good way, of course! Gabe's not so perfect past really opened my heart to him. I can't imagine going through what he went through, and the mama bear in me wanted to wrap him up in a big old hug!

From start to finish, you'll be completely wrapped up and taken on a whirl wind ride of hope! It is the third book in the series, yet the first one I read. It's easily a stand alone novel and I highly recommend it, with 4 stars to all! It's a story of long ago loves, soul searching, learning to forgive yourself and trust in God. Great job, Ms. Alexander! Can't wait to read more of your books. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Aftermath (Sirantha Jax, #5)
Aftermath (Sirantha Jax, #5)
Ann Aguirre | 2011 | Comics & Graphic Novels
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Leave it to Aguirre to take her heroine in a direction that is apparently pissing off at least half of her readers (those who expected romance). Sirantha Jax is in fine form in [b:Aftermath|10648186|Aftermath (Sirantha Jax, #5)|Ann Aguirre||10219927], staying strong and true to herself through an all-new set of trials (literally) and troubles. Loyal Velith stays by her side throughout, continuing to depict a friendship that goes beyond mere romance.

I don't normally mine books for quotes as I read them, but two bits stuck with me from this book. Musing, Jax thinks, "&hellip; the world moves on, even when you don't want it to, even when change feels like the end of everything. It never stops. That's harsh and magical and somewhat comforting because nothing is immutable, however much we want it to be. Moments cannot be caught like fossils in amber, ever-perfect, ever-beautiful. They go dark and raw, full of shadows, leaving you with the memories. And the world moves on."

Later, Velith says, "The heart is not a glass of water, but more like an endlessly pumping spring."

There is so much wisdom about love and relationships in those words that I will remember this book far longer than the plot details will necessarily stay with me.

The plot is, of course, as can always be expected of Aguirre, good. It hangs together well. There was a little drag this time, but not much. I am eagerly awaiting the release of <i>Endgame</i> later this month, and will be purchasing it as soon as it's released.