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Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
1967 | Action, Classics, Drama

"There’s Bonnie and Clyde. That’s a film that kind of started the new wave in the ’70s. That was incredible. I saw that when I was in about the eighth grade, I think. Those characters, and also the history of Bonnie and Clyde, you know… it was something new. I remember, in fact, Bonnie and Clyde came out in either late Spring or early Summer, and then it was pulled. I think it flopped when it came out, and then they brought it back out in the Fall. I mean, I loved it when I first saw it; then they brought it back out in the Fall and it was a huge success."


Dean (6925 KP) rated Red Notice (2021) in Movies

Nov 13, 2021 (Updated Nov 17, 2021)  
Red Notice (2021)
Red Notice (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
7.3 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Cast Chemistry (1 more)
Fun Action Comedy
This seemed to spring out of no where, only spotted a trailer this week. Apparently Netflix's biggest budget film to date.
A mix of heist, action, comedy caper as interpol and the FBI try to catch the world's most wanted art thief.
There is a good balance of comedy and action as we tour several destinations around the globe in a treasure hunt for 3 jewelled eggs said to have belonged to Cleopatra. The main trio and the chemistry between them when all on screen together is the real highlight.
Overall a bright, breezy, fun film that was enjoyable if not actually raising the bar for these sort of films.
Jungfrukällan (The Virgin Spring) (1960)
Jungfrukällan (The Virgin Spring) (1960)
1960 | Drama, Horror, International
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Firstly I’m going to go for The Virgin Spring. It’s a film that may surprise people but it really had an impact on me and I was just amazed by it. I saw it in a relatively short period of my life when I was teaching at college. When I was younger I hadn’t been allowed to watch any because I went to a Baptist College, but by this time I had put the religion behind me and that was one of the first art films I saw and I was very impressed by it. I mean, I could list you a dozen movies from that era by European by European film directors by Godard, Truffaut – Breathless, 400 Blows, all those wonderful European movies.”"

On the Lamb
On the Lamb
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bonfire Body
Spring is in the air in Ocean Crest, New Jersey, and with it, changes. Lucy Berberian has gotten her own place, and it’s near the beach and her family’s Mediterranean restaurant, which she manages. The worst part is dealing with her landlady’s nephew, Gilbert, who is determined to get his aunt into a retirement home so he can get his hands on the valuable piece of land. A rare Saturday night to enjoy a bonfire on the beach ends when Lucy and her friends find Gilbert’s body in the sand. Lucy’s friend Melanie becomes the prime suspect, and she begs Lucy to figure out what is going on. Can she clear her friend?

It had been a while since I read the previous book in the series, but it wasn’t long before I was caught up with Lucy and the rest of the cast again. I was happy to see relationships and characters continuing to grow. The mystery is good, with several viable suspects and plenty of secrets for Lucy to uncover. The climax was logical and suspenseful. I did have some problems with logic in other places, like character’s ages. I can make it work, but it would have been nice having things like that actually spelled out for us. I would love to visit Ocean Crest if it were real. Even at the down time of Spring, when this book is set, it sounds like a fun town. We get another three delicious sounding recipes at the end of the book. If you’ve enjoyed the previous entries in the series, you’ll be happy you to catch up with Lucy and the gang again here.
Charlotte is catering a fundraiser at the old winery on the outskirts of town. During the scavenger hunt, she finds the body of one of the guests in the basement. With the police looking at someone Charlotte cares about, she must spring into detective mode to find the real killer.

I'm not sure why I waited so long to read this second book in the series. The characters were a tad overwhelming at first by their number, but I quickly had them all figured out. The plot slow down a tad in the middle, but the end result was great. I'll definitely be back for the next slice.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Guy Garvey recommended Spirit Of Eden by Talk Talk in Music (curated)

Spirit Of Eden by Talk Talk
Spirit Of Eden by Talk Talk
1988 | Jazz, Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The rumour goes that when the guys from the record company [wanted to] hear Spirit Of Eden, knowing the commercial success of The Colour Of Spring, Talk Talk wouldn't let them hear a note until the album was finished. They took a long time. The story goes that the label guy went to the studio, they lit some candles and put on that record and he cried and left. To this day they don't know whether he was moved or thought it was terrible. But from a personal point of view, they started out by their own admission as a Duran Duran copy band. I was tempted to put a solo record [by Mark Hollis] on the list as well. But I thought that was labouring the point."


Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2091 KP) rated Dyeing Season in Books

Apr 12, 2019 (Updated Apr 12, 2019)  
Dyeing Season
Dyeing Season
Karen MacInerney | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spring Tornado Leaves Behind a Murder Victim
A sudden spring tornado finds Lucy scrambling to protect her property. When she goes to her elderly neighbor’s place, she finds Dottie alone with no idea where her home health aid is. This isn’t like Eva, so the women are worried. It’s only after the storm has passed that they get an answer when Lucy finds Eva’s body. Even with the tornado having just passed, it is very clear that Eva was murdered. The tornado left behind destruction to Lucy’s crops, so she needs to replant, but she can’t help begin to investigate what happened to Eva. Will she uncover the truth?

Being a wind hating California native, this book hooked me from the opening tornado. That didn’t diminish a bit when the storm ended and Lucy found the body. The plot is strong and, while not a typical cozy formula, held my attention the entire time as I waited to see how Lucy could prove what she was pretty sure was happening and who the killer would turn out to be. It’s wonderful to spend time with these characters again, and I enjoyed getting to know some new ones, too. I suspect we’ll see more of some of them in future books; at least I hope so. I did catch a few annoying editing issues, but they can be easily fixed and don’t impact the story at all; in fact, they vanish as we get further into the book. There are seven recipes at the end, including natural dyes for eggs, perfect for Easter. This is a fast, fun read that will leave cozy fans anxious for their next trip to visit Lucy.
Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
1971 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
Anti-semitic pogroms in the Russian pale don't sound like the stuff of fabulous family entertainment, but this is one of the last truly classic movie musicals. Lovable Jewish milkman Tevye finds the ground shifting under his feet as his daughters begin to reject the husbands he has arranged for them, marry for love, and even consider romance with people of other faiths. Is nothing sacred any more?

Performed with great gusto by a rather eclectic cast, but it's Topol's ebullient performance that carries the movie along, keeping the audience firmly on Tevye's side even when his faith forces him into some harsh choices. Some heartbreakingly lovely songs, although the downbeat trajectory of the movie (opening in a hopeful spring and concluding in a winter of bitter misery) may be slightly off-putting for some. A heartfelt and very moving film.
Superman for All Seasons
Superman for All Seasons
Jeph Loeb | 2002
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, Superman For All Seasons.

Told over four seasons, with each season from the point of view of a different character, starting with Spring (Jonathan Kent) before moving onto Summer (Lois Lane), Autumn (Lex Luthor, here portrayed more as a business man than as a crime lord) and finally Winter (Lana Lang), this is really all about Clark Kent's early days as The Man of Steel.

Not long ago, I also read [b:All Star Superman|7719640|Absolute All-Star Superman|Grant Morrison||10465171], which (I believe) is also commonly considered one of the better Superman stories. Of the two, I have to say: I preferred this one. Less fantastical, with more of the background that all we (should) know, showing how Clark Kent came to be who he is (and with easier-to-follow art panels!)

Chris (9 KP) rated Crocodile (2000) in Movies

Apr 26, 2020 (Updated Apr 26, 2020)  
Crocodile (2000)
Crocodile (2000)
2000 | Horror
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Mediocre step down for Tobe Hooper
Tobe Hooper, the director who brought us 1974s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, directs this low budget 2000 horror film about a group of unwitting college students who venture on a house boat for spring break and soon come face-to-face with a local legend, a giant mother crocodile who seeks vengeance when one of them destroy her nest and steal one of her eggs. This alone makes for a senseless plot as most of all of them deserve what's coming to them. The only thing really worth watching in this just seeking this giant reptile sink his chompers into them making a meal out of them. If there is one good thing about this flick, it is the soundtrack. The film stars Mark McLauchlin, Caitlin Martin and Chris Solari.