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Two-Lane Blacktop (1971)
Two-Lane Blacktop (1971)
1971 | Classics, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s probably not cool to admit you don’t quite get a cult movie. But it’s probably better than trying to act cool by pretending you really dig a movie that you don’t fully understand. There are several other films on the Criterion label that I could expound on sincerely and endlessly: Life of Brian, Robocop, Straw Dogs, Hard Boiled, and The Red Shoes, for example. Instead, for the eleventh movie in my top ten, I would like to include a film that has become something of an intangible Magic Eye picture for me: Monte Hellman’s Two-Lane Blacktop. There is no movie that I have watched more often in an attempt to unpeel and unravel it. I have seen the film many times, first on Alex Cox’s BBC2 series Moviedrome, once at the theater, and many times in this very Criterion edition. Hell, I even visited some of the locations on a Route 66 trip. Still, I’ll admit that the movie is an endearing puzzle for me. I may not be the right age or nationality to fully crack the enigma of this movie, but the fact that I haven’t stopped trying in twenty-three years has to stand for something. Ryan O’Neal’s character from The Driver and Kowalski from Vanishing Point I feel I can race alongside, but James Taylor and Dennis Wilson always seem way ahead of me, their Chevy a mirage in a heat haze. But the fact that I’m talking about it now and waxing lyrical over it means that it has got under my skin in a way that other movies haven’t. And I will continue to pursue this film, even if I never quite catch up."

The Western Wind
The Western Wind
Samantha Harvey | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved the setting of this book, and with the excellent narration of Nyasha Hatendi, I was immersed in the life of a 15th century Somerset village. I could feel the damp and chill of life at the start of Lent, and I was fascinated by the traditions surrounding people during this period.
The book works backwards from the time that a wealthy landowner, Thomas Newman, is seen floating, assumed drowned, in the river. The rural Dean arrives and advises the village priest, John Reve, to find the murderer or find proof that Newman has passed through purgatory - all before Lent begins.
There are a lot of confessions in this book. Villagers come to church to confess before the start of Lent, but none have the necessary information to tell Reve what happened. The Dean is a pretty unpleasant character: he pushes Reve to find a murderer, when it’s not really known whether Newman has been murdered at all.
John Reve appears to know and care for all of his parishioners. When two of them try to admit to Newman’s murder, Reve will not let them stand up and say that they’ve done it - and it does seem unlikely that they have. One, Sarah, a seriously ill woman, sees her confession as a way of escaping from her life of illness and pain.
This is a gentle, moving, descriptive book. There’s no fast action or tumultuous love affairs. This is the story of a priest who is doing his best for his parishioners. He takes his job seriously - it really is his calling. And there’s no earth shattering ending either. If you like a beautifully written book, then this will be the book for you.
Cypher (The Dragon's Bidding #2)
Cypher (The Dragon's Bidding #2)
Christina Westcott | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
read book 1 first!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in The Dragon’s Bidding series, and it cannot be read as a stand-alone. You NEED to read A Hero For an Empire before this one and I would recommend you read them back to back. It’s been 4 years since I read the first one, and I think that’s why I feel as I do about this one. I did not have time to reread book one before reading this one!

I found this a much more difficult read, to follow. It’s heavy on the technical stuff and at times I struggled to keep up.

It moves fast, and even though I had to slow down my reading (which is usually a good thing!) I still struggled a bit.

Fitz and Wolf’s relationship is intense in book one, and that flows over into this one. That fact, and the fact we meet Cypher here, are what made me able to finish this book.

Cypher takes over Wolf’s body, his muscles and his bones but not his mind. He can see what Cypher is doing and is helpless to stop it. He has to trust his love for Fitz, Ari and the others in his life will tide him through and THEY will get to the bottom of it all.

It is HEAVY on the fighting/violence scale. While I enjoyed that in book one, it was a not so much here.

Things are still not where Wolf, Fitz and Ari want them to be, and I expect it may take more than one more book to make it so.

I have Cypher’s book to read next, and given what happens here, I’m looking forward to that.

3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

James Wood recommended Falling Awake in Books (curated)

Falling Awake
Falling Awake
Alice Oswald | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

" Oswald is probably best known for her last book, “Memorial,” an extraordinarily free reinterpretation of the Iliad. (At public readings of “Memorial,” she recites it from memory, in homage to the orality of the original. I was lucky enough to witness this in London. The effect is rhapsodic, spellbinding.) Oswald does indeed have a classical power: she’s at once a grand elegist and a close celebrant of life, a rhetorician and a playful contemporary—a writer who can describe Hector dying in battle but can also depict how he “used to nip home deafened by weapons / To stand in full armour by the doorway / Like a man rushing in leaving his motorbike running.” At the heart of her new book is a long poem titled “Tithonus,” after one of Eos’s lovers from Greek mythology. It is a minutely detailed, ravishing, and rapturously observant account of the English countryside waking up at dawn—what Oswald calls “46 Minutes in the Life of the Dawn.” Slowly, the light builds and the stars disappear and the woods awaken to the birds: “as soon as dawn one star then / suddenly none then blue then pale / and the whole apparition only / ever known backwards already too / late now almost gone.” I’m sometimes reminded of Gerard Manley Hopkins and Edward Thomas, but the tutelary spirit seems to be Virginia Woolf’s “The Waves,” and that novel’s patient italicized passages (written from the point of view of the author) about sunlight building and spreading across the English landscape. (“The day waves yellow with all its crops” is one of my very favorite sentences from Woolf’s novel, and one that Oswald might easily have written herself.) This poet is, for me, a perpetual inspiration."

Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
1980 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi

"Absolutely blown away by the world of Star Wars, Empire and Jedis. [But] my favorite moment of the three is actually in The Return of the Jedi. And I argue this with people who are real Star Wars freaks. “Ewoks ruin the movie.” If you’re going to trifle over Ewoks, and you’re not going to talk about how great the speeder bike scenes through the redwood forests are, then f–k off. Those are some of the greatest action sequences… Okay, yeah, there’s some cute critters to sell merchandise. [But there’s] some [scenes] that I couldn’t even dream up with these unbelievable hovercrafts and modern-looking Stormtrooopers. And Jedi has the best moment. [It’s] at the very end when the Emperor is trying to pull Luke over and, of course, Luke is getting the s–t kicked out of him and getting electricity blown at him. And Luke finally takes his lightsaber and throws it aside and says, “No. I’ll never join you. I’m a Jedi like my father before me.” And the Emperor says, “So be it…Jedi.” And it was the fact that the f–king devil himself gave Luke props and called him by [who] he was. It empowered him. That always gets by people, but that’s my stand-out moment. But Empire, when that movie ended in a cliffhanger, my life was a cliffhanger. Until the next one came out, you couldn’t talk to me, you couldn’t talk to me, dude. I was hanging out with my Ungnaught action figures. Everything in my life went back to, “What do you think is going to happen next to Han Solo?” I promise you, you talk to my family and they will go, “Dane was bananas.”"

Rocco and the Price of Lies
Rocco and the Price of Lies
Adrian Magson | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, this book follows Inspector Rocco in solving three murders of famous and powerful people, where forged paintings, theft and deceit are involved. I really liked multiple perspectives used in this novel, I like the ability to read the thoughts of not only the positive but negative characters as well. I liked Lucas Rocco as a lead character, I think he is an intelligent and good detective.

This book is set in France, and I really enjoyed reading about the French way of police work, it was quite new and refreshing for me. The beginning was a little slow for me, but later it picked up the pace, and all the turns and twists made this book more entertaining. Even though it is part of the series, I think this book can easily be read as a stand-alone, as a first-time reader, I was able to understand what was going on. I think the research for this novel was very well done, and I was able to learn a few new things as well.

I liked the writing style of this book, it was simple and easily understandable, but at the same time, I could feel the French atmosphere in every chapter. The chapters were pretty short, and this book didn’t leave me bored, the pages just flew by. I liked the ending of this book, I think it rounded the story well and left me satisfied with the outcome.

So, to conclude, it was a pleasant mystery book, filled with unique and amusing characters as well as a well-delivered plot. If you like French mystery books, I think you would enjoy this novel as well, if you are looking for something new (like I was), do give this book a go, and I hope you will like it as much as I did.
Trick or Murder? (Sophie Sayers Village Mystery #2)
Trick or Murder? (Sophie Sayers Village Mystery #2)
Debbie Young | 2020 | Mystery
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this story was Sophie, and the whole book is told from her perspective. The blurb above describes this story quite accurately, but it is a little bit deceiving as well. I really wanted to connect with Sophie or any other character, but unfortunately, I couldn’t. I liked the village setting and tight community sense of this book, however, I think that the characters were not fully developed and some of them were pretty dull. I really enjoyed that Sophie worked in the bookshop, I liked reading about its daily operation and how it survives in a little community.

I would describe the narrative of this book as cute. There are some events happening, but I am used to “heavier” books. I missed the twists, turns, and unexpected surprises, 70% of the book kind of plodded along, until something interesting happened, and the mysterious part had no investigation at all. Before reading this book, I knew little about Bonfire night, and I am happy that I was able to learn more about how it was celebrated back in the day.

The writing style was very simple, and this book can be read as stand alone. I haven’t read the first part, but I was able to understand what is going on. The chapters were pretty short and it was easy to read this novel. The ending rounded up this book pretty well, and I liked that the author gave a snippet of what is to come in the next book. So, to conclude, this is a light and easy read, filled with village spirit, romantic discoveries and a hint of mystery, and if you are into any of it, do give this book a try, and I hope you will enjoy it.
Viper's Daughter (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness #7)
Viper's Daughter (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness #7)
Michelle Paver | 2020 | Children, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonists in this book were Torak and Renn, and the book was mostly told from their perspectives. Renn leaves Torak unexpectedly, when Torak finds out where and why Renn left, he follows her to the Far North, where everything is completely different from the forest, where he grew up. I adored the characters in this book, they are very mysterious to me. Reading their thoughts about hunting, offerings and general respect to the mother nature is so refreshing and new to me. I am not a very big fan of stories based on folk stories and spirituality, but this book really captivated me.

I really enjoyed the narrative of this book, it is set in the antarctic kind of place, where ice covers everything. It has plenty of adventure, wild and dangerous animals, spirituality and inner thoughts. I really loved the human-nature balance and relationship portrayed in this novel, I think it is a very important thing for us to remember because we do take nature for granted. Even though this book is a part of the series, I was able to read it as a stand-alone.

The writing style of this book is exquisite! The author portrayed the nature in this book with such great detail, I felt like sitting on the boat with Torak and witnessing everything with my own eyes, the experience was incredible! For some reason I really like books set in north and cold climates, people’s survival skills really amaze me. The chapters have a very decent length, and constant change of the perspectives doesn’t leave the reader bored. I liked the ending of this book as well, I think it rounded the story nicely.
Batgirl, Vol. 3: Death of the Family
Batgirl, Vol. 3: Death of the Family
Gail Simone | 2013 | Comics & Graphic Novels
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Man, I have no idea WTF happened here, but I am the minority, as I just wasn't feeling it here!

Gail Simone is a favorite writer of mine, as well as a sizable number of comic readers. I don't pick up everything she writes, i.e. Dynamite's RED SONJA series, but I do try to keep a lookout when a new series, or new writing assignment from her, is out. And, generally, she is all aces, except here!

This was a re-read for me, as I was reading BATMAN: DEATH OF THE FAMILY (which was AWESOME, btw!), and I wanted to get the whole story. I don't know what happened, but it just started to get on m nerves! I really, truly wanted to enjoy the second time, but just felt like bland potato salad!

Daniel Sampere's art, on the other hand, was flawless. All the characters, as well as the backgrounds, looked hella tight! I found myself more into the art that the actual story!

I am not 100% sure why I didn't like it. Mostly, I felt some of the characterizations were off, leaving to not give a fart about any of them! That right there is what makes a book, regardless of whether a comic or an actual prose work, the characters have to stand out and make you actually interested in them! Without factor, you have a book that will fail to attract attention, and ultimately, will fail, falling quite flat!

Ok, this is my closing part. This is where I give my final grade, as well as recommending, or trashing, the book being reviewed. Not gonna do it this time round! I want to say that you, yourself, should read this trade, seeing if you like it as much as the others seemed to, k'?
Apprentice (The Black Mage #2)
Apprentice (The Black Mage #2)
Rachel E. Carter | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
7 of 250
Apprentice (The Black Mage book 2)
By Rachel E. Carter

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

She survived a trial year at the Academy, but that was just the easy part....

Now 16-year-old Ryiah is an apprentice of Combat, her school's most notorious faction of magic. When she finishes she will be a mage, but in order to do so she has to survive four years with a training master she hates and her old nemesis, Priscilla. To make matters worse the unwanted attraction Ry feels for her sometimes-friend-sometimes-rival Prince Darren is at an all-time high - even though he is betrothed to the very girl she can't stand.

Really, the only bright spot to Ryiah's new life is the time she spends with her friends, including an older apprentice named Ian, who she finds herself thinking about quite often.

Just when things start to get comfortable they take a turn for the worse. An apprentice is killed in a rebel attack and several mages end up dead. Unwittingly, the apprentices find themselves in the midst of a budding unrest between Jerar and its northern neighbor, Caltoth. For Ryiah the impending conflict means many things, but as her apprenticeship draws to a close she finds her biggest problem at home.

Unfortunately for her, Darren's not going anywhere.

So it was ok! It went exactly how I expected to be honest and followed a familiar pattern to other similar books! That’s not saying I didn’t enjoy it but it lacked a little depth! The characters were wispy washy and even when we lost Eve it wasn’t emotional enough! So hoping I can find a deeper connection in the next book.