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Hidden Rebel (Changed Heart Series Book 3)
Hidden Rebel (Changed Heart Series Book 3)
Michelle Janene | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a dream come true!
 This book was so good, it was like the secret fantasy we all wish we could play brought to life. This book is the third in her Changed hearts series, however, it can be read as a stand-alone.
Michelle Janene’s main character (Lady Aria) was fierce, independent, and the most amazing ninja/sword warrior ever! She also had great faith and because of that God blessed her. While her other main characters were well developed, they had lessons to learn and were always by Lady Arias’ side ready to help when things went awry. I really liked the overall character development, some of them didn’t have the best reactions to events though. I truly did like them anyway. <br/> This plot was definitely one right out of a medieval fantasy. Castles, knights, horses, and sword fights… totally a truly medieval fantasy come to life. The plot moved at a great pace, keeping me interested and wanting to know what would happen next. The was one thing I didn’t like about the plot; however, I will not tell you about it as it is a spoiler.
Overall this was a great story that I could totally imagine myself in. Michelle Janene wrote a great book that I loved reading. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the great Lady Aria, the amazing description and attention to detail given in the sword training dialogues, and for just the hint of romance given with the happily ever after ending. I truly enjoyed this book and will go back and read the others in the series
*I did receive this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Love&#039;s Allegiance
Love's Allegiance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story really took me to the WWII era!
Linda Shenton Matchet really got her characters into the WWII era, by the ways in which they conversed, the clothes described, really everything matched the era of WWI. It was as if Linda Shenton Matchet transported me there. I thought that the characters had great interactions, most of the reactions to things were believable, and they were overall well-developed characters. Personally, I liked how the story was loosely based on the Biblical story of Isaac and Rachel, I thought it was a unique premise for a WWII era novel to have. This book is technically the fourth book in Linda Shenton Matchet’s Wartime Brides series, however, it can be read as a stand-alone without you getting lost or confused (I have not read the previous books in the series yet).
I believe that Linda Shenton Matchet did a good job conveying an often-controversial topic; the role Conscious Objectors (CO) played during WWII. She made me look at it in a way I had not previously done, which I appreciated, (Not to say that I fully understand that point of view, but I think I have a better picture of it now). I did think that the book moved a little fast and I wished I could have known the characters better. However, this is part of a series so maybe the next book will continue to grow the characters more.
I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the full immersion into the WWII era, and for making me see a different side of a Conscious Objector (CO). I did receive this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The Visit (2015)
The Visit (2015)
2015 | Horror, Mystery
This movie, and I can't stress this enough, spends way too much time on the young kids budding rapping career. Not convinced I ever want to watch 13 year old white boys rap, let alone 3 or 4 seperate scenes of it...

Anyway, The Visit is pretty good (if you ignore the whole rapping part - not sure if I've mentioned that yet). It has a minimal yet great cast, some solid creepy moments, and a surprisingly grounded twist from the notoriously inconsistent M. Night Shyamalan.

Olivia DeJonge and Ed Oxenbould are likable as the two leads. The framing device of them filming a documentary about their estranged grandparents is a natural explanation for the 'found footage' camera style.
The stand out though is Deanna Dunagan as the grandma. Christ she is unsettlingly creepy, even when she's being kind. Her contribution to this film really lends the narrative as a whole, a huge help of tension. The slow burn nature of it is fantastically realised, and presents the audience with a decent mystery plot, and a chance to try and unravel what is really going on before the inevitable twist hits.

The twist itself is simple yet effective, and is certainly an "oh shit" moment, but unfortunately it leads to a final act that feels a bit over the top and silly. It shifts from an atmospheric creepy chiller to a sub par horror trying a little too hard to pack in the scares. It's a shame because 80% of the runtime is genuinely engaging!

Despite the lackluster ending, The Visit is a solid POV thriller that is head and shoulders above a huge chunk of Shyamalan's back catalogue, and is decent enough way to spend 90 minutes, except for the 3-4 minutes spent with the kid rapping...
Cat Conundrum (Crazy Cat Lady Cozy Mysteries)
Cat Conundrum (Crazy Cat Lady Cozy Mysteries)
Mollie Hunt | 2020 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cats, Clues, Multiple suspects, Locked door murders (0 more)
Crazy Cat Lady Lynley Cannon doesn’t go looking for trouble, it just sort of finds her.
A weekend in Washington and a presentation at a cat symposium was all Lynley was looking for. But then, a blood-soaked cat, seemingly the only witness to a mystifying murder, needs a foster mom, and honestly, how could she say no? Okay, so the series of locked room murders had piqued her curiosity, and the local cat lady seemed to be in trouble, and, well, it just wouldn’t be right to head home before doing a little shopping and sightseeing. Right?The wonderful characters that flavor this series are back, with some more really great ones added in for the new location. I would love aunt Cait to make another appearance in future tales. Lovely kitties roam the pages of this book, which in addition to a great story, contains the series signature cat tips in every chapter.Each murder, so completely unrelated from the ones before it just adds to the readers’ interest. This story is the kind of cozy I love to read. The clues are all there if you are paying attention. I was, I swear, but I still had five perfect suspects, two of which turned out to be complete red herrings, and I was totally surprised by the big reveal. Mollie Hunt has surprised me before with her innocuous Cat Cozies. If you enjoy this series, then you will love this latest installment. If you have never read the series, then jump right in. It holds up well as a stand-alone with everything you need to know about Lynley, her friends, and her cat obsession all included.
Dead as a Duck (Washington Whodunit #7)
Dead as a Duck (Washington Whodunit #7)
Colleen J. Shogan | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kit Marshall seems to have a knack for finding dead bodies and solving their murders.
Kit Marshall seems to have a knack for finding dead bodies and solving their murders. She came into Duck, South Carolina as part of a town hall meeting for her boss, a congresswoman who is considering a run for the senate. She fully intends to take a few much needed days with friends and family in this popular destination beach town. When the town hall gets out of hand, exposing a rift between the town mayor and his constituents and then the mayor shows up dead, her vacation is going to have to wait.

I figured out whodunnit fairly easily, though of course, I didn’t know why. By the time Kit worked her way around to it, I had forgotten that I suspected that person, and I had just gotten caught up in the story. Kit is a great protagonist with a clever inner circle. If more Washington insiders were like her and her boss, the country would be in great hands.

There are plenty of twists and subplots throughout that keep the story fresh and mystery front and center. I love when I can get lost in the minutia of small town living and let the puzzle take a back seat to a really good tale.

Though this the latest in a robust series, it is the first of it that I have read. It read well as a stand alone and managed to convince me I wanted, rather than needed, to read the series from the beginning. I am looking forward to that.

Rating: 4 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily
Cypher (The Dragon&#039;s Bidding #2)
Cypher (The Dragon's Bidding #2)
Christina Westcott | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
read book 1 first!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in The Dragon’s Bidding series, and it cannot be read as a stand-alone. You NEED to read A Hero For an Empire before this one and I would recommend you read them back to back. It’s been 4 years since I read the first one, and I think that’s why I feel as I do about this one. I did not have time to reread book one before reading this one!

I found this a much more difficult read, to follow. It’s heavy on the technical stuff and at times I struggled to keep up.

It moves fast, and even though I had to slow down my reading (which is usually a good thing!) I still struggled a bit.

Fitz and Wolf’s relationship is intense in book one, and that flows over into this one. That fact, and the fact we meet Cypher here, are what made me able to finish this book.

Cypher takes over Wolf’s body, his muscles and his bones but not his mind. He can see what Cypher is doing and is helpless to stop it. He has to trust his love for Fitz, Ari and the others in his life will tide him through and THEY will get to the bottom of it all.

It is HEAVY on the fighting/violence scale. While I enjoyed that in book one, it was a not so much here.

Things are still not where Wolf, Fitz and Ari want them to be, and I expect it may take more than one more book to make it so.

I have Cypher’s book to read next, and given what happens here, I’m looking forward to that.

3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**