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Dark Sky Island (Jennifer Dorey Mystery #2)
Dark Sky Island (Jennifer Dorey Mystery #2)
Lara Dearman | 2018 | Crime
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonists in this novel were Jenny and Michael. Jenny is a journalist who’s curiosity and wish of a great story always leads her to very unpleasant situations. Michael is a DCI, who is leading the murder investigations on Sark, a little island with less than 500 people. I really enjoyed Jenny’s character in this novel, I liked her informal way of gathering the information and her smartness in “connecting the dots”. Michael is smart, but his lack of fitness didn’t allow him to be the DCI I enjoy reading about.

The novel starts quite slow, and it takes a while for both of these characters to gather decent information. I really enjoyed the twists and turns in this novel, it was quite refreshing after the slow beginning. I really liked the way the author described Sark, the streets, the houses, the people, it is visible that she knows a lot about life on an island. I also really liked the horror element and the folk stories used in this book, it was very interesting to read about them, and the unexplained chilling creatures gave this mysterious vibe about the whole island.

The writing style of this book is very pleasant and easy to read, even though the author used quite a few French names in it, which I had no idea how to pronounce. 😀 At times, the novel felt a little like a cosy mystery, but towards the end, this changed drastically. I really liked the surprising and unexpected ending of the book, it rounded this novel extremely well. The chapters were quite long at times, but new findings and plenty of action later on in the book helped, and the pages just flew by.

So, to conclude, even though this is a second book, it can be read as a stand alone easily. The setting and the characters are very well picked for this novel, and the plot thickens as you carry on reading. It is a good book full of small island life, unexpected discoveries, twists, and I really liked it.
Forever (Changers #4)
Forever (Changers #4)
T. Cooper, Allison Glock-Cooper | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fun and amazing read (2 more)
Loads of representation
Easy to read
You can also find this review on my blog:

I received Forever (Changers Book 4) from LibraryThing to read and review. I have not read books 1 - 3 yet but this little novel is such a hidden gem! The beginning was basically a recap of what happened in the first three books and the authors do such an amazing job with the writing that I was able to read Forever (Changers Book 4) with no problem. So, just because this is the fourth book in the installment doesn't mean that you can't read it as a stand-alone as well.

There is LGBTQ+ representation along with ethnic representation throughout the entirety of the novel. This was seriously a jackpot of a book to get. I enjoyed every second of it and my attention was grabbed and never let go until I put the novel down. As I was reading, I couldn't and didn't want to stop reading. I ended up devouring it in a matter of a 3 day period.

I loved how this was a middle-school grade, young adult, contemporary fantasy but also had hints of sci-fi. Due to the fact that some people changed each year into new individuals. It makes me want to get books 1 - 3 and reread the entire series.

Reasons why I rated it 5 stars:
1. Amazing read!
2. Multiple of different representations.
3. My attention was maintained on the entirety of the novel.
4. Writing was well-done, no grammatical or spelling errors that I saw.
Monstrous Regiment: (Discworld Novel 31)
Monstrous Regiment: (Discworld Novel 31)
Terry Pratchett | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s All In the Trousers
Contains spoilers, click to show
Polly Perks leaves home to join the army, to look for her brother. Naturally, as it’s a male dominated institution, she has to disguise herself. The short hair cut is easy, it’s the learning to belch, fart and swagger like an ape that takes time. Plus a well placed pair of rolled up socks in a strategic position makes all the difference.

She’s off to fight for her country Borogravia, a country that picks wars with other countries almost as often as a small child picks its nose.

Polly (or Ozzer as she becomes known) joins a raggedy band which becomes known as the Monstrous Regiment, lead by the legendary Sergeant Jackrum. A troupe consisting of a troll, a vampire, an Igor, and others. All with a big secret.

Although part of the Discworld novels, this can be read as a stand-alone novel. a thoroughly enjoyable read, which brings in some old Discworld characters we know and love.
Marvel's Spider-Man
Marvel's Spider-Man
2018 | Action/Adventure
Well, that was thoroughly enjoyable.

Seemingly taking it's cue - especially in combat - from Rocksteady's Arkham series of Batman games, this tells a completely new, completely stand-alone story, with a Peter Parker who has been Spider-Man, now, for 8 years and so is free of any restrictions placed upon it by tying it to a particular movie or graphic novel.

While it can get a bit repetitive in places, the central mechanic of web-swinging around a populated New York - one that even has a scale able The Avengers Tower in it (question: what will happen now that the Sony/Marvel deal has broken down?) - is great fun, while the story and plot itself is actually pretty good. Yes, anyone with even a passing knowledge of the Spider-Man lore may see where parts of it are going, but the fun (in this case) is in the journey, not the destination ...

Looking forward to the inevitable sequel.

Zuky the BookBum (15 KP) rated Sarah in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
J.T. LeRoy | 2001 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also read my review here:

Wow I don't know what to say really.

I think that most people rating this book have judged it based on the author's hoax at claiming this was a true story but if you ignore all that mess, what you find here is a really weird, heart breaking and hilarious novel. I think people need to start looking at this as a stand-alone novel and push the whole scandal to the side to see how brilliant this book actually is.

I wasn't sure why I decided to request this from Netgalley because it's the sort of book I'd normally steer clear of, but I'm glad I left my comfort zone to read this, because it was worth it.

Sarah will take you through every single emotion you can possibly think of, from love to terror to hope and you'll find yourself a bit lost once it's all over. I have another JT LeRoy book to start next, I'm hoping I like it just as much as this.

Thanks to Netgalley and Little Brown Book Group UK for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

Kelly (279 KP) rated The Passage in Books

Dec 4, 2018  
The Passage
The Passage
Justin Cronin | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
In depth, well thought out characters (2 more)
Intelligent plot
A nobody is safe story line!
Time jumps (0 more)
A ‘could not put it down’ read.
The passage is the first of three books which span centuries, covering before, during and after a vampire apocalypse.
I have to say, I was hooked on this novel from the start. Originally picking it up, without even reading the synopsis or reviews, I was surprised to find out that this is actually a novel about vampires (which I did not expect from the title). The build up to the vampire apocalypse is well thought out, flawless planned and written, demonstrating expert skill by Justin Cronin.

The characters are complex, and demonstrate both strengths and flaws, nobody is perfect in this novel not even Amy or Peter, who are the main characters the story centres around. We grow to love these characters, just as much as we grow to strongly dislike characters such as Babcock and Grey. I believe that the emotional connection that I was able to apply to these characters, is what drew me further into the novel. Equally all characters face hardships during the novel, some worse than others, but I found myself wishing that those characters I deemed to be good, would face better times, and those who I felt were bad individuals would soon face their comeuppance. Good or bad however, Cronins’ concentration on the back grounds of the characters does allow us to emphasise and understand why the primary characters within the novel act the way they did, even if this was in conflict with our own values and morals.

As the story unravels, Cronin does jump between different time periods (pre, during and post apocalypse). Although Cronin does give each period a fair amount of time within the book, I did find it difficult to leave the characters from one period behind, in order to move onto another, partially due to the attachment that I had created with the characters. Although the time jumps were carried out at deliberate timings and are not too frequent, I did find them a little distracting.

The story itself makes sense as a stand alone novel, but makes even more sense when read with the rest of the series. When read with the other two novels, The Passage is merely a scene setting novel, for the books that are to come, and as such, has a lot less of a biblical undertone than the series as an entirety (there are a lot of references to the Old Testament in the books that follow). Despite this, the book is a highly enjoyable read, and is not your usual vampire/ apocalyptic novel.
The Art Fiasco (Poppy Denby Investigates #5)
The Art Fiasco (Poppy Denby Investigates #5)
Fiona Veitch Smith | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book is Poppy Denby, an investigative journalist from London, who is visiting her family in Newcastle and the towns around it. After a famous artist is murdered, Poppy needs to figure out who actually killed her, to protect her aunt, that is accused of it. I fell in love with Poppy instantly, she is such a cool young woman, and her interactions with other characters are very amusing to read about. The story is told from multiple perspectives, and it was a true joy to know more about the characters that sometimes get forgotten. There are quite a few characters in this book, and the author provides a very handy list of all the characters at the beginning of the book. (I did not need to use it though 🙂 ) All the characters are diverse, very charismatic, very intriguing personalities, some of them have disabilities, and I really loved the author’s choice of all the characters for this novel.

The narrative of this book was very absorbing to me. I really loved the 1920ties atmosphere and the whole setting of this novel. I liked the way the author played with the multiple timelines in this novel, there were parts from the past, as well as the present, that increased my curiosity even more. There is a lot of things happening in this novel, but the whole investigation was written superbly. I really loved how the author was trying to confuse the reader, and how all the clues were piecing the whole story beautifully. The topics discussed in this novel were paedophilia, coal miner’s lives, the art world, romance, family relationships, teenage pregnancy and many more. The author has experience in art and journalism, and I really liked that she utilised her personal experience in this novel.

I absolutely loved the writing style of this book, the whole book is masterfully plotted and kept me guessing throughout the whole book. The author provides the map of Newcastle in 1920ies, to allow the reader to follow Poppy throughout her adventure. The chapters are to the longer side, but the story really gripped me, so I just could not put it down. Even though this book is a part of a series, it can easily be read as a stand-alone. The ending of this book was spectacular and I think it rounded the story very well.

So, to conclude, Poppy Denby has a new fan! I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, filled with unique and complex personalities as well as incredibly well-plotted narrative, the had me glued to this book, and always intrigued.
House Beneath the Bridge
House Beneath the Bridge
Iain Rob Wright | 2017 | Horror
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
The burning of the wrong person leads to a village being cursed. Years later a car crash leaves three groups of people stranded in a dried up river bed that should be easy to get out of, but isn't. Some take haven in a strange church whilst others find a strange house. Terrorised by a strange monk and a giant toad god they need to find a way out, but who can they trust.

This is the first book by Iain Rob Wright that I have read and I have to say I enjoyed it. There are a number of characters who could be the villain or who could be helping the main cast and the reader is misled through out a lot of the book. The landscape the cast are trapped in is just strange enough to add a bit of unease but not so strange that it takes away form the characters interaction.
It was also nice to find a stand alone novel as there are a lot of series' around.
Senshi (Katana, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a title="Senshi by Cole Gibsen" href=""></a>;
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Owls

<i><b>Note:</b> Formatting may be lost due to copy and paste</i>

     Well, I'll admit Katana felt like a stand alone – with the "oh, hey, they lived happily ever after! There's no more!" And I actually did think Katana was a stand alone.

      But then Goodreads spoiled everything. -_- I can't believe you would do that to me, Goodreads.

      Well, not exactly. I really wouldn't have known Katana had a sequel without Goodreads, but with the announcements every single day (Katana was a book club read in October) at school about preordering Senshi, I'm bound to know eventually.

      Or the county library would have said, "hey, there's a sequel!" right after I returned Katana in Ebooks Library Lend101. Go figure.

      Moving on.

      In Senshi, it's been a few months since the events left off in Katana. Going down memory lane in terms of nutshell spoilers, Rileigh's finally come to terms with her inner warrior self (go Rileigh!).

      I must say, despite the fact Katana felt like a stand alone, Senshi had some nice surprises waiting for me when reading, and it was almost as good as the first novel. Okay, I almost always love the first novel before the sequels because it's not the end where you have to wave good bye to characters.

      But I just love it when authors lead you down one road but then all of a sudden, they toss in a thing or two (or more) that throws the reader off balance. It makes everything less predictable. ^_^

      The characters are just as amazingly written as ever, particularly Quentin, who I must admit has already landed on my favorite characters from the series next to Rileigh (of course, Rileigh. It's not like I can read Quentin's mind from Rileigh's view, even though I would love to, but I'm just one little opinion out of... hundreds). Then there's Sumi and also Dr. Wendell. I hope I'm not the only when I say the interaction between Rileigh and Dr. Wendell is pretty classic in the way Rileigh pushes Dr. Wendell's buttons all the time. Sumi, on the other hand, is a nuisance and a pain in the butt. Unfortunately, she's likely back in the next book: Shinobi. Fantabulous. A great way to make a Tuesday better. Good thing it's not a Friday. I think I'll survive.

      My Two Cents of Randomness: Aliens didn't abduct Rileigh and change her up did they? I still find the cover really weird. O_o (But only the story matters in my humble opinion, so says the girl who can't even draw a pair of eyes that aren't lopsided.)
Mercy Triumphs (Side by Side #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am new to Jana Kelley’s work, but I can say that it won’t be the last one I read from her. While this is the third book in a series, it could easily be read as a stand alone. It was captivating and breath taking, and didn’t leave me confused with the beautiful characters or the plot lines.

I absolutely can not imagine what a Muslim who wishes to embrace Christianity has to go through. The judgement, the pain, the sacrifice, all of it has to take a toll on ones soul. But, through the beautiful words of Ms. Kelley, I can see what happens. I can see the pain, the sacrifices, the emotional transition. It’s all vividly portrayed among the pages of Mercy Triumphs. The characters that are chiseled for this story are life like and become a part of the reader. I loved that.

Ms. Kelley has true talent! An emotionally raw novel of mercy and grace, this story will leave you in awe long after you’ve closed the last page. The details that Ms. Kelley weaves into this story are beautiful. I could feel God with me as I read this stunning novel. It is definitely worthy of 4 stars and two thumbs up. I am looking forward to going back and reading book 1 and 2.

*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*