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Death Comes to Call (A Tara Thorpe Mystery Book 3)
Death Comes to Call (A Tara Thorpe Mystery Book 3)
Clare Chase | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Fantastic Mystery/Thriller!
I'm a great fan of mysteries and thrillers so, when I saw “Death Comes To Call” featuring DC Tara Thorpe being launched, I knew I had to read it. This is actually the third book in the Tara Thorpe Mystery Series. Although I haven’t come across the other two novels in the series - “Murder on the Marshes” (Book 0ne) and “Death on the River” (Book Two) - I thought “Death Comes To Call” worked fine as a stand alone as there was enough back-story provided to understand some of the dynamics between the different characters. Reading this novel, however, and Clare Chase’s excellent writing, have inspired me to go and get myself copies of the first two books!

In the opening chapter, we are introduced to DC Tara Thorpe who is Cambridge Police’s youngest detective and isn't afraid to step on toes to get results.

When a promising local artist disappears, the victim’s brother begs Tara to take the case. It seems there’s no evidence of foul play… he simply disappeared without a trace.

Tara agrees to investigate however her unconventional approach to policing has upset some of her colleagues, including her former boss DC Patrick Wilkins, currently suspended, but who is prepared to do anything to bring her down. Luckily, she’s on good terms with DI Garstin Blake…

I loved that in “Death Comes To Call,” the sub-plots that explore the detectives’ personal lives run parallel with the murder investigation. Clare Chase writes with flair and an easy style. I thought the characterisation was very well done and I liked the gripping plot, as well as the wonderful depictions of the setting.

All in all, this was a story that held my attention well and I loved that things came together for a great finish and wrapped everything up very neatly.

[My thanks to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for providing me with a free advanced copy of this novel.]
Deadlock (FBI Thriller #24)
Deadlock (FBI Thriller #24)
Catherine Coulter | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

Fans of Deadlock Catherine Coulter's FBI Thriller series will recognize Savich, Sherlock, and the rest of the recurring characters in the 24th book of the series, Deadlock. Joining them is a familiar foe from the 20th book of the series, Insidious. I am late to the game and started reading the series with book #23, Labyrinth. This book works as a stand-alone novel, but reading Insidious would help you understand the backstory more.

Husband and wife team, Savich and Sherlock, are used to their hectic schedules working as FBI agents. However, they are the focus of a cunning psychopath who is bent on revenge. While trying to find out who is responsible for who attacked them, Savich needs to work on a case in which he was in the right place at the right time, preventing a Congressman's wife, Rebecca, from being kidnapped. He is torn between keeping his family safe and keeping Rebecca safe.

Coulter presents a suspenseful thriller that keeps you guessing until the end. Much of what occurs is unsurprising, but it is those little nuggets of suspense that leaves you wanting more.

I am glad I found Savich and Sherlock and welcome them as old friends.

This 200-word review was published on on 7/27/20.
Gallowstree Lane (Collins and Griffiths #3)
Gallowstree Lane (Collins and Griffiths #3)
Kate London | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel is told from multiple perspectives, and it is very hard to identify the main lead in this book. It is a Sarah Collins and Lizzie Griffiths detective novel, both of them are very strong female detectives, but they don’t have much communication between each other throughout the book, so I don’t really see them as a duo. It is a third book in the Metropolitan series, and I haven’t read the previous books. I found It perfectly understandable as a stand-alone, and the author explains a lot of things from previous books, but I think, to understand Sarah and Lizzie properly, it is better to read the previous books before starting this one.

So, a little about the characters, Lizzie is a single mother, who got pregnant after the affair with a fellow detective, who was married. Lizzie is trying her best to do her job like everybody else, but she is struggling. I really liked that the author analyzed childcare issues in this book, and how difficult is to be a mother, who wants to work and take care of her baby by her self. On the other hand, I have very strong negative emotions about her involvement with a married man in the first place, and that is what made her and Kieran (the married detective) my least favourite characters in this book.

Sarah Collins is a very determined detective, who knows how to get the stuff done. I really liked her as a character, it is visible that she loves the job and is very good at it. Kate London chose the characters very well for this novel. They are diverse, believable and very intriguing. I was very curious to read Ryan’s thoughts, he is a fifteen-year-old drug dealer, who’s friend gets stabbed. I am curious, how much actual truth was in Ryan’s thoughts compared to real life youth who act like “wannabe gangsters”. I can see that the author used her experience at the police very well, the procedures, places, the criminal mind looks very realistically portrayed in this book.

I think this book is more character orientated, the plot is intriguing, but the character’s thoughts and their lives are more absorbing than the plot itself. The plot is quite fast-paced and filled with a lot of findings, and I really enjoyed the whole investigation experience. The author analyses very important topics in this book, such as teenage criminals, knife crime, gangs and their war for territory, prostitution, drug addictions, childcare issues for working single mothers etc.

I really liked the writing style of this book, the whole book feels gloomy and intense, but at the same time, it is a very pleasant read. The setting continuously changes, depending on the character. The chapters have a very decent length and didn’t leave me bored. The ending was quite unexpected but rounded up this book quite well. So, to conclude, this is a very realistic and believable novel about teenage criminals and police work, filled with very amusing characters, and twisty plot. I learned a lot of interesting information and thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially the topics discussed in this novel. I strongly recommend this book to all, but especially to anyone living in London, I hope you will like it as much as I did.
Song Of The Sparrow
Song Of The Sparrow
Lisa Ann Sandell | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Historical Fiction, Young Adult, Fantasy, Poetry, Romance.

Type: Stand-alone

Audience/ Reading Level: 12+

Interests: King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Historical Reads, Lyricism, Poetry, Retellings.

Point of View: Third person

Promise: A tale of love, betrayal, and war.

Insights: I have no idea where or when I received/ got this novel. But ever since that day, Song of the Sparrow has been one of my favorite retellings of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. My copy is very beaten up, so it’s gotten it’s many of read-throughs in. It also makes me think that I use to be pretty rough with my books. (what in the heck is wrong with you Becca! smh) I remember reading through SotS and thinking of myself as Elaine, the MC. Does anybody else do that? Because it hasn’t gone away with me.

I loved every aspect of this little novel. My favorite part was not only the retelling of King Arthur and the Knights but also how the novel was written in a sort of lyricism way, a lot like poetry. Novels written this way have always drawn my attention and I find them quite refreshing to read when in a slump or trying to get out of one.

Favorite Quotes: “I am Elaine daughter of Barnard of Ascolat. Motherless. Sisterless. I sing these words to you now, because the point of light grows smaller, ever smaller now, even more distant now. And with this song, I pray I may push back the tides of war and death. So, I sing these words that this light, this tiny ray of light and hope may live on. I dare not hope that I may live on too.”

“So long ago now. But you remind me of her, you know. Sometimes I forget that you are not she. Sometimes I forget that I should not blame you for leaving me. It was her. I was her.”

What will you gain?: A new telling of what life back in the olden days was like for a female in an all men village.

Aesthetics: Everytime I read-through Song of the Sparrow, I always stare at the cover. Something about it is just very appealing, not only to the eyes but also with the mind. Another aesthetic I found that I loved was how the story was written like lyricism/poetry.

“And at that moment, a lilting melody lifts to the moon as a single sparrow sings.”
A story of redemption, second chances and characters that weasel their way into your heart to stay, Ms. Alexander's What Hope Remembers is fantastically done. I instantly transported to Misty Willow(which, in my mind, wasn't hard to do since I live in Willow Spring!) and settle right in for the long haul of Amy and Gabe's story. I loved watching the story unfold and felt like I was among family.

Amy, Gabe and Aunt Tess are my favorites! I loved Gabe and Aunt Tess' characters the most! They really fit well in the story. Amy's character was also a great fit. I loved the way Ms. Alexander chiseled her and her flaws. Watching them come to terms with their past, present and their future really took my breath away, in a good way, of course! Gabe's not so perfect past really opened my heart to him. I can't imagine going through what he went through, and the mama bear in me wanted to wrap him up in a big old hug!

From start to finish, you'll be completely wrapped up and taken on a whirl wind ride of hope! It is the third book in the series, yet the first one I read. It's easily a stand alone novel and I highly recommend it, with 4 stars to all! It's a story of long ago loves, soul searching, learning to forgive yourself and trust in God. Great job, Ms. Alexander! Can't wait to read more of your books. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Expeditionary Force: Book 1 - Columbus Day
Expeditionary Force: Book 1 - Columbus Day
Craig Alanson | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Witty narrative of when Earth picked the wrong side of the war to join
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, The Martian by Andy Weir, and the movie Independence Day all have one important aspect in common - humor. Without the levity, all three would be boring and forgotten works left in a drawer somewhere. Reading the humorous description of the first book in Craig Alanson's Expeditionary Force series, Columbus Day, I knew I had to read it and wondered why I had not read it before now.

The Ruhar attacks the world on, you guessed it, Columbus Day. We thought we were saved when the Kristang flew in and attacked the Ruhar. We else were we to do but pick the side of the guys who saved us. As we quickly learn, we made the wrong move.

Having the narrator of The Maritan, R.C. Bray, narrate Columbus Day was a stroke of genius. He again proves he can skillfully deliver snarky, "American" humor while making the end of the world as we know no laughing matter.

To date, there are ten books in the series, but Alanson ended it at a point in the story Columbus Day could work as a stand-alone novel, although readers would be remiss in not continuing,

This 200-word review was published on on 8/10/20.
Saul Black | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tension and head games galore!
This can be read as a stand alone if you come across this book although it’s highly encouraged to read the first one only because it’s just as good!

This time around, Valerie doesn’t get pummelled all over the place and you don’t cringe as much when she gets hit by something (whether it’s a bullet or a hit to the head). The plot held up to the same standards as the first; fast paced, filled with scenes of gratuitous violence and some sexual content here and there. This may not be for some readers as it does get graphic but I think without it, it would be hard to describe how heinous the crimes are.

Throughout the novel, Valerie has these tete a tetes with Katherine and they’re well written. You feel the tension between them and the mind games Katherine plays are subtle and sometimes even frustrating because she’s maddingly brilliant and manipulative. You’re running along with Valerie trying to catch this killer and you follow through the chase filled with puzzles and cryptic notes and gifts (none very nice gifts either…). The killer is brilliant and when you think he’s this one person, he ends up being someone you didn’t realize and it’s mind blowing considering who this killer ends up kidnapping.

And just when you think everything’s done there’s more extra twists happening. This is what makes this novel so quick and fast to read. You’re deeply engrossed in the plot and in the chase to find this killer but you forget he most likely has a plan B and you’re blindsided again. This is what makes this book so good!!!!!! I loved every minute of it!!!

The only concern I have is, how much more can happen in this series before this starts getting repetitive. I love the way it’s going and I hope the series can stay fresh and exciting like it’s been so far. I am looking forward to seeing what happens next, given there’s a bit of a teaser at the very last page of the book.
Chocolate a la Murder
Chocolate a la Murder
Kirsten Weiss | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Delightful Paranormal Mystery!
I jumped at the chance to read this delightful little mystery as I have come to adore cozy novels in recent months. This is the fourth book in the ‘A Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum’ series by Kirsten Weiss, the first book being ‘The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum,’ followed by ‘Pressed to Death’ and ‘Deja Moo.’

The setting for the story is a town called San Benedetto in the California wine country. In “Chocolate a la Murder,” owner, Maddie Kosloski, of the Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum, is preparing for The Wine and Chocolate Days Festival in San Benedetto. Maddie has sweet dreams about her new Magic of Chocolate exhibit. Her latest attraction is a haunted Mexican whisk called a molinillo that rattles if someone lies.

When Maddie visits the town's new boutique chocolate shop, she finds one of the owners dead and covered in melted cocoa. Maddie's determined to catch the killer, and she soon uncovers deadly dealings in the world of artisan chocolate. But the deception surrounding those dealings are enough to make the molinillo rattle all night. Will Maddie have to temper her passion for sleuthing before a killer makes her their next target?

Although I haven’t any read of the first three books of the series, Kirsten Weiss, provides plenty of back-stories, so “Chocolate a la Murder” works well as a stand-alone novel. Written in the first person, the characters in this novel were a real laugh and I especially liked Maddie’s feistiness. I even found myself asking the same questions and thinking along the same lines as Maddie when trying to work out the identity of the perpetrator. I really enjoyed the easy-to-read writing style, the plot and the pace of the book. The paranormal element helped to add intrigue to the tale, whilst making it a little different to some of the other books in the genre.

All in all, “Chocolate a la Murder” is a lighthearted, lovely read, that combines mystery, thrills and murder and mayhem and I'm looking forward to reading the first three books of the series.

[Thanks to #NetGalley and Midnight Ink Publishing for the free ARC of #ChocolateAlaMurder in exchange for an honest review.]

BookInspector (124 KP) rated Deity in Books

Jul 1, 2021  
Matt Wesolowski | 2021 | Crime
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The host of this book is Scott King, an online journalist that loves raking up old graves. 😀 He chooses a case and interviews six people, that tell the reader different perspectives of the same case. This time he investigates a very controversial celebrity, that died in the fire and was accused of many things, such as abuse against young girls. I love Scott King’s style, he does not judge, he shares the stories, allowing the reader to decide what they want to believe in. All the characters are pretty unexpected and very intriguing, I just love to see the story unravelling.

The narrative of this book is extremely addictive. Every perspective brings something different and new to the overall view of the case, that is why I simply could not put down this book. There are plenty of twists and turns and the whole story is shrouded in mystery and ghosts. For me, the story had some similarities to real celebrities and some of the allegations I have read in the past. The whole story sounds so realistic, that I actually wanted to google Zach Crystal in case he was real. 😀 The topics discussed in this book are child abuse, mental illness, wish to control, mystical creatures, fanaticism, religion, the life of rich and famous, family relations, and many more.

I loved the atmosphere of this novel, it is creepy and very intriguing. The writing style is impeccable as always. The chapters are pretty long, but they are so absorbing, that the pages just fly by. The ending of this novel was phenomenal, but I still have unanswered questions about the whole story… Even though this book is fifth in the series, it can easily be read as a stand-alone. I can not wait for the next book, because this case was a really sensitive one, and I am very excited to see what Scott King will investigate next.

So, to conclude, this book has brilliant characters and a plot that always kept me guessing. I think this book was amazing, and I would recommend it to anyone. I hope you will like it as well. 🙂
Two From the Heart
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is divided into two short stories. The first is about Anne McWilliams. She lives on the beach in North Carolina, where she has lived for the past few years following a divorce from her husband. She is an old school photographer, so when a hurricane moves through and takes out half of her house that includes her darkroom, she is beyond devastated. Instead of dealing with the mess, she decides to travel the country and take new pictures and hear the stories of the people that go with those stories. How will this journey change the rest of her life?

In the second story, Tyler Bron is a millionaire, who, on paper, appears to have it all. But in reality, he has never had a life. Always focused on himself and getting to the top of his career field. He has no friends, only work colleagues who he really knows nothing about. So he hires a writer, Damian Crane to write a new life for him. But will Tyler be able to handle all that life has to offer?

This is a newer James Patterson novel released earlier this year. On my quest to read all of his stand alone books, I'm giving this on 3.5 stars. I enjoyed the stories and the one about Tyler was the most interesting to me. Each main character is at a point in their lives, where they need to make some changes in order to continue to live. I think that Tyler makes the most extreme change of all.

Even though James Patterson pumps out several books a year, he is still one of my favorites and I enjoy reading his books. I always know I can finish one of his books in 2-3 days and it will hold my attention.