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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel
Elly Griffiths | 2018 | Mystery
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another winning mystery from Griffiths
Ruth is dealing with a lot on the personal front, including the fact that Nelson's wife, Michelle, is pregnant. Ruth and Nelson's daughter, Kate, is six now, and while Michelle knows about Kate, Nelson's older daughters do not. Nelson was very close to leaving Michelle for Ruth, before he found out his wife was pregnant again. So when Ruth is invited to Italy to assist a former friend, Angelo Morelli, in looking at some bones, she is actually a bit excited at the thought of a holiday/work trip. It will give her and Kate a chance to get away. They embark on the trip along with Ruth's friend Shona and her son, Louis. Once there, Ruth realizes how entrenched the people of the Italian village are in the past--including what happened during World War II. Further, Angelo is convinced someone is trying to kill him. Before she knows it, Ruth is immersed in a modern-day murder mystery: something she can't seem to avoid, no matter where she travels.

It's no secret that I love Ruth and Elly Griffiths' series of novels featuring our intelligent, plucky heroine. Despite the fact that I know absolutely nothing about bones, I identify with her (e.g., stepping on a plane with Kate for the first time and feeling nervous flying with her daughter, whose safety "overrides everything else"). Ruth's wit, sarcasm, and sense of humor are always absolutely spot-on, and it's wonderful being back with her and her circle of pals, especially the grumpy yet protective Nelson. The Nelson/Ruth dynamic is its typically complicated yet oddly sweet self, and there's a surprising amount of progress or information regarding the characters' personal lives in this novel.

As mentioned, these books are always just lovely and humorous. The narration style is impeccable and works flawlessly. Each character is so perfectly "them," and I enjoyed that we heard from a lot of characters this time around, even Nelson's elder daughter. Oh, and yes, there's also a great mystery plot thrown in, involving an Italian town, some bones (of course), and a variety of deeply buried secrets. Griffiths introduced us to some new characters with the new locale, and I found the mystery to be interesting and engaging. It was front and center enough to keep us interested, but refreshing to get a little more movement on the characters' personal lives, too.

Overall, another winner from Griffiths. As always, I cannot wait for the next Ruth novel (especially because there is some serious unresolved business by the end of this one!). I think of Ruth, Harry, Kate, and the entire cast as dear friends by now. You can read this as a stand-alone, but as always, I recommend reading the whole series, because it's just so darn good.

A huge thanks to the publisher and Edelweiss for a copy of this novel in return for an unbiased review.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Pulp in Books

Mar 6, 2019  
Robin Talley | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful well-written story with lovely characters
In 2017, Abby Zimet is struggling. Things are tough at home--her parents can barely stand to be in the same room together. Plus, Abby and her girlfriend, Linh, broke up in June. Abby thought it would only be temporary, but now school has started, and here they are: still friends, still broken up. Abby can't seem to concentrate on school or her senior project. That is until she discovers 1950s lesbian pulp fiction. In particular, a book called "Women of the Twilight Realm." Abby becomes obsessed with the author, who wrote under the name Marian Love. If Abby can somehow track down Marian, maybe life won't be so bad after all. Cut to 1955, where eighteen-year-old Janet Jones is in love with her best friend, Marie. It's a huge secret: one that could destroy their lives and that of their families. Marie is trying to get her security clearance with the State Department, after all. But when Janet finds a book at the bus station by an author called Dolores Wood, which features women falling in love with women, she starts to realize she isn't alone. And Janet, an aspiring writer, begins to wonder if there's more out there than the life that's always been planned for her.

"Janet had never understood, not until she turned the thin brown pages of Dolores Wood's novel, that other girls might feel the way she did. That a world existed outside the one she'd always known."

I loved this book so incredibly much that I can't even really explain it. It was captivating and beautiful and tragic and just appealed to me on so many levels. I have always been interested in lesbian pulp fiction since doing a project on it for a Queer Studies class in college, so it was so fascinating to read about Abby's research within the pages of this novel.

Talley effortlessly weaves so many narratives within this one that it sort of leaves you breathless at times. We have Abby's narrative, Janet's narrative, and then excerpts from the book by Marian Love that Abby grows to love so much, "Women of the Twilight Realm." The parallels are really striking between Abby and Janet, as each are discovering lesbian pulp fiction in their own era and using it to grow and learn about themselves.

Even more, we see how much things have changed between the 1950s and 2017. It's horrifying to see what Janet (and the entire gay community) had to endure, and the book really serves to educate on how terrible things were then. While I knew bits and pieces about the Lavender Scare, its ties to our actual characters here really brings it home. I have to say, I just adored Janet. She seems so incredibly real, and I just fell for her and her incredible strength and bravery. I think she will remain one of my favorite characters in lesbian fiction (and all fiction) for all time.

As for Abby, I really liked her too, although in some of her sections, I was more captivated by her research than her story. Still, she presents a poignant tale of a young bisexual trying to find herself, and I appreciated the diverse set of characters with whom she surrounds herself. Abby and her friends stand in stark contrast to Janet in their sexual freedoms, but, in many ways, they aren't so different at heart.

"That was the best part of being in love. The way it set the rest of the world on mute."

I just really really loved this book. It has so much of what I love--lesbians, diverse characters, passionate and realistic storylines, well-done research, literary references and ties. Reading Janet and Abby's stories took me back to a time when I wasn't yet out and when I had first come out--when the world wasn't yet so forgiving (not that it always is, but things were pretty different even 15+ years ago). I remember how much comfort books provided me, how wonderful it was to realize I wasn't alone in the world. I love how well this book shows that fact, and how the books-within-the book are almost their own characters.

Overall, I can't recommend this one enough. It's just a beautiful, well-written story, and, to top it off, it's informative to boot. The characters are lovely, the story is amazing, and it really leaves you feeling a bit awed. Highly recommend.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
An Inconvenient Beauty
An Inconvenient Beauty
Kristi Ann Hunter | 2017 | Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great likable characters, slow plot halfway through the second half of the novel
This book would have made an excellent movie that I would watch several times over. You can picture the characters clearly in your head and play out the scenes as they’re really well descripted and well written. What surprised me the most while reading the book was how funny it was. It’s not a laugh out loud comedy per se, but there were scenes and encounters where you found yourself laughing out loud. I thought it was different. Not all regency romance novels are like this (most are lighthearted romances) so seeing some good funny scenes is nice and puts a different spin on things. (The lawn bowling incident haha!)

Isabella and Griffith were perfect together. They had the perfect chemistry, their intelligence was on par with each other and Isabella was exactly what Griffith needed. He was all about routine, and finding the answers to everything and being prepared. Isabella was exactly the opposite; she made him question his methods, and got him to realize not everything has an answer and sometimes just going with the flow helps brighten up life. The best part was although their romance didn’t start off as usual (love at first sight, etc) it was a gradual bond that lasted throughout the book.

What I didn’t really like was although the characters were great, and the comedy bits made the plot light and fun, it didn’t do much regarding the speed and pace of the plot. It dragged midway in the plot and it seemed to have slowed to a crawl and the change of pace changed considerably.

Aside from the slow pacing in the second half of the book, I enjoyed the characters. They were fun and likable, and the comedy provided some good light moments. Although this is part of a series, this book can be read as a stand alone as well.
Another winner from the uberly talented Roseanna M. White. I sat down to read this book, coffee in hand (singing 'the' coffee jingle.....perhaps someday you blog readers will know just what that means!) to myself, and relaxing into my recliner. I was so reading to dive into this book. It was long awaited after reading A NAME UNKNOWN and falling in love. This book couldn't come fast enough for me. Did it disappoint? Oh no. No it did not. It gripped me, sent me spinning like I was on a tiltawhirl, and left me feeling breathless by the last page.

Willa and Lukas....oh Willa and Lukas. What can I say about this tenderly created characters? They are real to me. They came alive with each page turn. Their story, their music, flowing together, each strand of their being becoming mine. I loved that feeling! Their feelings wrapped me up, making me a part of their lives.

The faith and hope that is woven among these pages is beautifully done. I could heard the strands of the music coming from Willa's violin. I could feel the harmony of the love blending perfectly. Oh what a feeling that was! God's unending grace and mercy were the cords to this fantabulously written story.

I absolutely recommend that you stop what you are doing right now, find a retailer and click on the "buy now" option. While it could be read as a stand alone, I still recommend you read book 1, A Name Unknown, to feel the depth, the fullness that these books can leave you with. This 5 stars times 50 worthy. This is two thumbs up, hats off, mountain top shouting worthy. Ms. White has once again fulfilled her duties of bringing forth a novel that her fans, old and new alike, will forever talk about. Well done, Ms. White! Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from CelebrateLit/Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The Murder Book
The Murder Book
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was really happy to see Lissa Marie Redmond's Lauren Riley back again. I enjoyed her first book, A Cold Day in Hell a lot and this one was a great addition. The second Lauren Riley installment focuses more on Lauren's work as a police officer versus her PI cases, as the first novel did. Lauren is stabbed on the job, and it quickly becomes clear that whoever did it was a cop and they were trying to access files at the precinct.

From there, the case weaves together seamlessly. Redmond is such a good storyteller; her past in law enforcement is clear, as she provides details that makes the story realistic and strong. Riley is a great character. She's still the strong yet flawed woman we came to love in the first book. Grappling with the issues that come with being injured on the job is hard for Lauren, including being more dependent on others. She's as tough and feisty as ever, though, and determined to figure out what happened to her.

As a reader, figuring out what happened to Lauren is interesting and well-done. Redmond's books are so easy-to-read, with bits and pieces pulled together so well. The book isn't full of crazy twists and turns, but it's a really good police procedural that held my interest. And don't worry, there are plenty of good reveals along the way. There are ties to the first book (this book would stand-alone, but I highly recommend reading book one, because there are references to it and because it's really good). We also see more of Lauren's family, including her daughters, her sisters, and her mom. Plus, there's great banter with Reese, who is as enjoyable (and protective of Lauren) as ever.

Overall, this is a great read--compelling, top-notch on its police knowledge, and featuring an excellent, strong female lead character. Highly recommend, and I quite enjoy this series. 4+ stars.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated The Ghost of Hollow House in Books

Jun 9, 2019 (Updated Jun 9, 2019)  
The Ghost of Hollow House
The Ghost of Hollow House
Linda Stratmann | 2019 | Mystery, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Victorian ghostly mystery.
This is a mystery set in Victorian England (1872), a time when women were the weaker sex and unable to tolerate anything vaguely ‘upsetting’. Mina Scarletti clearly hasn’t seen the memo about this. She’s intelligent, witty and brave - she’s also 4 feet 8 inches tall, and she has what appears to be a severe scoliosis. So those who don’t know her are surprised by her outlook on life and her independence. Mina is a great character, as are Dr Hamid, who is her physician and travels with her, and Nellie, her friend.

Nellie is invited to stay with an old friend, Kitty, from her stage days, and her wealthy husband. They have a large house in the country and it appears to be haunted. The maids won’t stay overnight, and Mrs Honeyacre (Kitty) is beside herself. Her husband is a big follower of spiritualism and the occult(it was very fashionable at this time), but just not in his house.

It’s a slow burner, but when the action gets going, it really does go for it. I’m no expert on Victorians, but the attitudes and daily routines rang true, and the characters were all interesting and on the whole, likeable - especially Mina. I loved how she consistently surprised the male characters: they expected a meek and mild, sickly girl, and got an outspoken and independent woman instead.

I hadn’t realised when I began to read this, that it was the fourth in a series. I didn’t feel that I missed anything by not reading the first three, and it definitely could be read as a stand-alone. However, based on this novel, I would think that books 1-3 will be going on to my ‘to read’ pile!

If you like Victorians, mysteries and possibly ghosts, then this is a book that you’ll enjoy. I did!

Many thanks to Sapere books for my copy of this to read and honestly review.
The Distant Dead
The Distant Dead
Lesley Thomson | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this novel is Stella, but there are multiple storylines going on in this book. Stella is a quite complicated character, she has a lot of things going on in her life. It does not help that while running from her past life she stumbles onto a murdered true-crime podcaster. And once again she gets involved with another investigation. The characters of this book are very interesting personalities, and I was very curious to know more about them. And there is a very wide variety of characters, so sometimes it can be a little difficult to remember who is who.

The beginning of the book was quite slow and confusing for me. This book carries two separate investigations, the one going on in 1940 during WWII, and another investigation happening at the present day. I would have liked more suspense in this book, the culprits were quite easy to guess, but I enjoyed the interactions between the characters while solving both of the crimes. I especially liked the investigation that happened in the 1940ies, I loved reading about that era and the description of West London was very intriguing and educational to me. Also, I really liked to see how different police work was compared to the present day, and I did feel annoyed with the police ignoring the obvious. 😀

The writing style of this book was very enjoyable and well researched. I liked the different settings and atmospheres as well. The chapters have medium length, but it did not leave me bored. As I mentioned before, the ending of the book was quite predictable, but I liked how this book was rounded up. Even though this book was part of the series, I was able to read it as a stand-alone.

So, to conclude, it was a cleverly written crime story, filled with a very wide variety of different and intriguing characters as well as the murder stories that were different but very entwined.
The Magician's Apprentice (Black Magician, #0.5)
The Magician's Apprentice (Black Magician, #0.5)
Trudi Canavan | 2009 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to say I loved this book, but there is part of me resisting that solely because I didn't feel satisfied by its ending. It felt to me that it wasn't tied up properly. It kind of felt there should have been a couple more pages. I also thought that seeing as Tessia is the title and main character of the book that it was a shame the final scene (though mentioning her) doesn't feature her.

I have picked up copies of Trudi Canavan's books in shops a number of times over the years, but I never bought one because I didn't want to invest in a trilogy if I wasn't completely "with it". So when I realised that this book was a stand-alone novel, but was set in the world (albeit a few hundred years before!) some of her other books I jumped at the chance of reading it.

From my first paragraph you'll probably think I ended up disappointed, but you'd be wrong. Until the very end I really really enjoyed this. The characters were well formed and it was lovely to have a story of war where you see both sides of said war, and the juxtaposition of Stara and Tessia's stories was intriguing but perhaps not played to its full potential. The two different cultures were very well constructed, and by having the Stara strand meant you never fully demonised the Sachakans, making them a more fully constructed culture - one that is eerily familiar.

My mind keeps wondering while I felt disappointed, and I guess I felt I needed more, and maybe this is because Canavan is more used to writing trilogies, maybe this is what is needed, I'd love to read a story of Tessia and Jayan as they built the Guild with the others. I feel there could be a whole book in that alone. It would have been nice to have at least got a glimpse of it. Given that it is a central part of the Black Magician trilogy I feel that could have been nice. Maybe all these niggles I'm feeling will be sorted when I read said trilogy, and I certainly will do, and maybe I'd have felt more satisfied if I'd read this in publication order. Who knows I may come back one day and re- review this book after re-reading it following reading the other six book set in this world.

I'm glad to have read this book, and I am excited to read more Trudi Canavan. I guess me saying that when I don't have the butterflies in the stomach I get at the end of reading a book is something in itself.
Imperfectly Criminal (Imperfect, #2)
Mary Frame | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am a <em>huge </em>fan of Mary Frame’s <i><a href=""; target=" rel=">Imperfect Chemistry</a></i>. I love the book to pieces and praise/recommend it while running left and right and kindly shoving it down everyone’s throats while humbly reminding them that this is indeed New Adult.

<i>Imperfectly Criminal</i> is the sequel to <i>Imperfect Chemistry</i> and the second book in Mary Frame’s <i>Imperfect </i>series. The best part is? It’s a stand alone! With the kicker being ending spoilers from <i>Imperfect Chemistry</i> (of course, my English teachers are cringing because saying imperfect a million times in a paragraph is very... repetitve). This book features Freya, who Frame first introduces us back in the first novel as one of Lucy’s newest friends.

In terms of favorite character in the series Lucy still takes the crown, but Freya is a close second now that I’ve gotten the chance to know her as a character. (She’s not as cute as Lucy! Plus the family dynamic in the first novel is like the Weasleys...) She adores food, Lucy’s quirks, and she’s hilarious. Have a quote about how unstereotypical cliches get in this adorable series.
<blockquote class="tr_bq">...he’s got me all flabbergasted with the skin and the muscle and the… a mini George Takei is oh mying in my head.</blockquote>
Or two.
<blockquote class="tr_bq">This is where I should probably wax on and on about how sweet and handsome he looks while he’s sleeping, but really he looks like a slack-jawed yokel.</blockquote>
Hilarious character aside though, <i>Imperfectly Criminal</i> deals with a much more serious problem its predecessor. For those who’ve read <i>Imperfect Chemistry </i>and met Freya in the first book, Frame mentions a bad relationship Freya gets out of but doesn’t go into much detail (after all, Lucy is the main character). We get more intel on what happened to Freya in book two as she helps the guy she originally hired to beat up her ex prove he was innocent when two of the boys he beat up end up dead. While she’s doing all of that, she’s also struggling with her attraction to Dean and the after effects of her relationship with her ex.
</i> <i>Imperfectly Criminal</i> has laugh out loud moments for a light read while also dealing with serious, darker issues, and I can’t wait to see how Frame will take the rest of the series.


<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
I Know You Know
I Know You Know
Gilly MacMillan | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fascinating and compelling mystery
For twenty years, Sidney Noyce has claimed his innocence for the murders of Charlie Paige and Scott Ashby. In 1996, their bodies were found dumped by a dog track near the estate where they lived. Their friend, Cody Swift, who was ten like Charlie, lived, and now, twenty years later, is reviving the case via a podcast, It's Time to Tell. He too has his doubts about Sidney's guilt. He returns home to Bristol to start investigating. But not everyone wants this case reopened, including Charlie's mother, Jessica, who has started a new life, with a new family. And then there's the investigating detective, John Fletcher, who found the boys. Charlie died in his arms; you don't forget a case like that. Now, he's investigating another body--found buried in a location near where the boys died. Are the two cases related? Is there a murderer still out there?

I still remember the moment I discovered Gilly Macmillan, and her books are such a treat. This one was no exception. This is a stand-alone novel, or at least not one of her Jim Clemo novels, and I found it to be a highly enjoyable and compelling mystery. When I first realized that part of the book was being told via the podcast format, I felt a bit of deja-vu, as I had just recently finished another book in that structure (Sadie), but have no fear: the organization of this one is fresh and flawless.

The book is told via the podcast; Jessica's point of view; and Fletcher's perspective--both now and back then, when he was a rookie cop, investigating the boys' death. You have to get used to the book swinging back and forth in time with Fletcher, but it doesn't take much, and it's worth it, because Macmillan parallels things so well in time. The juxtaposition of the past and present with the two cases (current body, the boys' case - plus Cody's podcast) is really brilliant. Plus, we get to see the trajectory of Fletcher's life and the many decisions that have led him to where he his today. His character, for me, was fascinating and one of the best surprises of the book.

One of my favorite aspects of any Macmillan novel is her characters. They are always so detailed and fully fleshed out. That is the case here: you will find yourself transported back to the estate twenty years ago, with Charlie, Scott, and Cody running around, and then to the present, with Cody and his podcast, Jessica struggling to keep her new life afloat, and Fletcher, unraveling the details on a new--potentially related--case.

There are multiple mystery threads to keep any detective fan happy: what happened to Charlie and Scott all those years ago? Was it really Sidney Noyce? How about the body Fletcher just discovered nearby? Just a coincidence? I loved the way Macmillan weaved the pieces of all these stories together. There are some wonderful and unexpected turns here. I adore a book that surprises me, and it was great to have some twists and turns that shocked me.

Overall, this is a fascinating and compelling mystery that expertly weaves together the thread of two cases separated by twenty years. The characters are well-detailed and the book is beautifully plotted. It's hard to go wrong with a Macmillan mystery, and this one is no exception.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).