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A Promise in Provence (Provence #2)
A Promise in Provence (Provence #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I so enjoyed how this book brought forth forgiving the past and learning from it.
Kyle Hunter is a new to me author. This book is part of a series and since I have not read the previous book and I was not confused I think it can be read as a standalone.
I loved Kyle Hunter's vivid descriptions of Mark and Laurens's travels through France (and I will admit I am a little jealous of them!). I also enjoyed the character interactions and the challenges they faced. But I will be honest with you, Lauren is not a very likable character through much of the book and I had a difficult time seeing past her wishy-washy self-centeredness. But I did enjoy the overall story. I thought Lauren’s quest to find herself was interesting and I liked the faith-based aspects of the story. So, I give it 4 out of 5 stars.
*I volunteered to read this story in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Enter the Dragon (1973)
Enter the Dragon (1973)
1973 | Action

"If we want to talk about the movies that have made an impact in what I do in the action realm — Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon. I’ve watched that countless times. That is a standalone pioneer in action movies, and anyone that was inspired by Bruce Lee…I’m sure everyone that has ever done an action movie has just drooled over how full of talent Bruce Lee was, and how unique he was. [On the first time he saw Enter the Dragon]: I was a kid; my brother had posters of Bruce Lee on the wall. My brother’s you know, punching me and he was a lot bigger than me; I was like, what? I couldn’t see the movie, I was tiny. But as soon as I was able to steal the VHS and stick it in, it was like, Gee, this guy is just…so avant-garde, he’s years above, so far ahead of his own time. So that made a massive impact in my life."

The Devil's Advocate (Eddie Flynn #6)
The Devil's Advocate (Eddie Flynn #6)
Steve Cavanagh | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yet again, Mr Cavanagh has written a belter ... definitely one of my reads of 2021 so far and one I can't recommend highly enough and even though this is number 6 in the series, don't let that put you off because you can absolutely read and enjoy this delight as a standalone.

I am a fan of Mr Cavanagh's incarnation of Eddie Flynn having read a couple of his previous outings but, I have to say, this is the best one I have read so far - an absolute peach of a story that had me on tenterhooks and devouring the pages as quick as my little eyes could manage.

With excellent characters, fantastic plot and side plots, perfect setting and pace, the right amount of twists and thrills, I have no hesitation in recommending this to anyone who loves a great thriller.

What are you waiting for? Go get it!

Many thanks to The Orion Publishing Group and NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Savage (Ravaged World Trilogy #3) in Books

Oct 6, 2019 (Updated Oct 6, 2019)  
Savage (Ravaged World Trilogy #3)
Savage (Ravaged World Trilogy #3)
Iain Rob Wright | 2014 | Horror, Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third book in the trilogy with Sea Sick and Ravage being the first two; although a trilogy, you don't need to read them all as they work equally well as standalone stories.

Savage is more than your typical zombie apocalypse story, it doesn't focus on the zombies and the usual eating-fest that accompanies such stories, it is more about the survivors and their quest to remain human both literally and figuratively.

I have to say that I enjoyed this trilogy and found Savage neatly finishes the series with satisfaction although not without some losses on the way! There aren't many books that make my eyes leak and I certainly didn't expect a horror/zombie book to do this but Savage did! I think it's because the author creates characters so well you get attached to them and when one of them is killed, it affects you ... well it did me anyway when one particular character met their end.

Well written, excellent characters, perfect setting, great pace and plenty of tension makes this a great read.
    Conduct AR!

    Conduct AR!

    Games and Entertainment

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    Conduct AR! is an epic augmented reality game of explosive railway action. Set in the old west you...

    AcctPad HD

    AcctPad HD

    Finance and Business

    (0 Ratings) Rate It


    AcctPad HD for the iPad provides a mobile user interface to manage expenses by keeping track of your...

All Fall Down (Helen Grace #9)
All Fall Down (Helen Grace #9)
M.J. Arlidge | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is another great addition to this series of books starring DI Helen Grace and another that keeps you on your toes, guessing to the end and reading way into the night. Although this is the ninth in the series, it does work well as a standalone however, you do lose a bit of the history of the characters which helps to flesh them out and explain their motivations but not enough to detract from what is a great book.

The premise of the story is like nothing I have read before ... the killer lets the victim know they are going to die within the hour! What would you think? What would you do?

From the very beginning, the action starts and the pace doesn't let up throughout culminating in a heart-stopping, breath-holding finale.

There are twists, turns, trials and tribulations aplenty which made for an exciting read and I most definitely look forward to number 10.

Many thanks to Orion Publishing Group via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.