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Terminal (Major Crimes Unit #4)
Terminal (Major Crimes Unit #4)
Iain Rob Wright | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having just read book 3 in the series "End Play", I was jumping to read this the 4th in the series and was extremely pleased and grateful to Iain Rob Wright for sending me a copy prior to it's publication date in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

Once again, Iain provides a fast-paced and thrilling read starring Sarah Strong and her colleagues at the Major Crimes Unit. From the first page to the last, this book had me absolutely hooked and I fair whizzed through it.

Full of excellent characters, a storyline that is not beyond the realms of reality (scarily so!) and written at a pace that fair trots along, this is a story well written and exciting and one that I would definitely recommend. Although you don't have to have read the others in the series, you won't be disappointed if you do but it does work as a standalone quite well.

I would definitely recommend to others who enjoy getting engrossed in the world of major crimes.
A Fairy Godmother's Redemption (The Magicals #4)
A Fairy Godmother's Redemption (The Magicals #4)
Maya Tyler | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A pleasure to read from start to finish.

For a young adult plus audience as there are sexual scenes.

Faye is relatable, she's sensitive, has a need to help others and like the rest of us, feels she could/should have done better. I think she more than redeems herself with the help she's able to give to Drew.
    Eighteen year old Drew hasn't had the easiest of lives and it's about to get a whole lot more complicated. He's a lovely character that I found quite endearing, I had my fingers crossed for a happy ending for him.

Enter Seraphina, eighteen year old pop princess with her own troubles. Beautiful, talented and a sweetheart, with her own Fairy Godmother lending a helping bibbity bobbity boo.

A Fairy Godmother's Redemption is fun, cheeky and has its sad moments. I'm thrilled to say it's part of a series though it could easily be read as a standalone.....but you wouldn't want to miss out!!


Charlotte (184 KP) rated Book Mate in Books

Mar 25, 2023  
Book Mate
Book Mate
Aedan Sayla | 2023 | Contemporary, Erotica
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A leap of faith.

D'asia, twenty-six year old modern woman, beautiful, caring and chosen.
     She's been through a lot in her life and now her entire existence has changed. Saved and protected by her employer, chosen by him for extremely important task and transported in an ark full of books and items ready to rebuild a world that broke down and collapsed in on itself.

Book mate is compelling and highly erotic. Not for young readers due to the sexual details but definitely food for thought with the rest of the story. D'asia has to navigate situations that more mature people would struggle with and to be honest, I think she handles it really well. Her world is turned upside down but she works her way through the fear and uncertainty.

A standalone book that could easily have been made longer or part of a series. An absolute must for a book club as there's a multitude of topics for discussion but if you're getting cosy at home grab some snacks and enjoy.
Monstrous Regiment: (Discworld Novel 31)
Monstrous Regiment: (Discworld Novel 31)
Terry Pratchett | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of the rare Discworld Standalone novels
Updated 2023 review

I wonder how this was affected by Pratchett's 'embuggerance'?

Original 2011 review

Not one of the strongest of Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld books, this is only loosely - even more so than normal - connected to any of his other books in the series. Loosely connected, but not to the level of ""Small Gods"" (which is set centuries before the rest of the series), or "Pyramids".

In "Monstrous Regiment", Pratchett introduces a whole host of new characters - none of who have yet, been heard of again - as well as some new nations, with Commander Sam Vimes (from the City Watch books) and William De Worde (from "the Truth") only really having cameos in the story. He also exaggerates, to comic effect, the famous stories of women secretly joining the army, with this providing the basis for his plot.

As I said at the top, this is not one of the best of Pratchetts works, but even a below-par Pratchett is miles above any other author in the same genre
Black Widow (2021)
Black Widow (2021)
2021 | Action
Florence Pugh (1 more)
Good one liners
Not much backstory as I anticipated (1 more)
Confused me a little bit with the timeline at first
Not my favourite marvel movie at all. It wasn’t a bad movie, but I expected much more of a backstory rather than it just being mentioned and seen through a few flashbacks.
The majority of the other avengers have all had their own standalone movie and that has included more of a backstory than this, so I was quite disappointed.
I did love Florence Pugh and felt like she sort of stole the show for a lot of the movie, she had a lot more of the comedic lines and didn’t take herself too seriously which is the thing I love about more recent marvel films (with the exception of infinity war and endgame which weren’t as funny for obvious reasons).
Not a bad attempt, just a little bit of a disappointment after all the hype. I’m just glad I didn’t go to see it in the cinema.
Still Standing (Matt Standing #3)
Still Standing (Matt Standing #3)
Stephen Leather | 2023 | Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once again, Mr Leather treats us to a story full of action and intrigue from the start. This might be the third in the Matt Standing series but can easily be read as a standalone so don't worry.

When Pete Green apparently commits suicide whilst taking a break in Thailand, his twin brother smells a rat; Matt agrees to accompany him to find out how Pete died and repatriate his body back to the UK. On arrival, it quickly becomes apparent that things are definitely not what they seem and things quickly go downhill and it's going to take all Matt's SAS training and guile, as well as a little intel from a certain "Spider" back in the UK, to get out of the trouble he finds himself in.

Well written, fast paced with great characters and an excellent story, this is a great read that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to others and my thanks go to Hodder & Stoughton and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of Still Standing.