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Faith and Moonlight (Faith and Moonlight #1)
Faith and Moonlight (Faith and Moonlight #1)
Joe King, Mark Gelineau | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a young adult fantasy novella that starts with Roan and Kay on their way from an orphanage fire. They have little left in the world apart from each other but are determined to make their path at the College. Kay and Roan are both interesting characters, with strengths and weaknesses of their own. They balance each other out nicely, but it may be that their lives will take different paths.

This was a quick read that was thoroughly enjoyable, a fantasy-filled ride full of characters and hardships. Well written and with no editing or grammatical errors that I found, the story flowed well and was evenly paced throughout.

This is the first novella by these authors that I have read, and although this can be read as a standalone, I understand that it is best if you have some prior knowledge of the "Echo of the Ascended" series. I don't have such knowledge, but I don't feel that this negatively impacted my enjoyment of this novella either. Definitely recommended.

* I received this book from the authors in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 21, 2016
Fire Witch (Witches of Westwood Academy #3)
Fire Witch (Witches of Westwood Academy #3)
Gina Kincade, C.D. Gorri | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FIRE WITCH is the third book in the Witches of Westwood Academy and this time, it is Tana's turn. She has always been the snarky one and now we find out why. We also find out just why this group of witches was placed together, instead of in the separate Elemental-based dorms.

This is a quick read so don't expect a multi-layered story. What you get is quick and hot (it is Fire, after all!) Personally, I would have preferred it a little longer to see more build-up to the connection between Brandon and Tana. However, saying that, the story does move along, giving answers to questions you may not have even realised you had.

A great addition to the series and it will definitely leave you wanting more. I would recommend you read these as a series, but each book can be read as a standalone if you wanted.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 29, 2023

Merissa (11935 KP) rated The London Monster in Books

Feb 10, 2021 (Updated Jun 10, 2023)  
The London Monster
The London Monster
Donna Scott | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE LONDON MONSTER is set about one hundred years before Jack the Ripper, and tells the story of a man who attacked women at night. It became known that he would only attack beautiful women, so it was almost a 'badge of honour' to have been chosen.

I have to say, I had no idea who it was, right up until The Final Note. The characters all intermingle, and you have no idea how much until it is revealed by the author. Simply wonderful!

This book reads as a standalone and I have no idea if the real London Monster was ever truly identified. I would love to know more about Tom, Sophie, and in particular, Dalton and Cuthbert. Those two got off very lightly in my opinion.

A long book that you can fully immerse yourself in, I found this to be one of the best mysteries I have read in a long time. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 10, 2021
To Kill a Kingdom
To Kill a Kingdom
Alexandra Christo | 2018 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Scrappy siren
This is a thrilling debut from Alexandra Christo, taking a unique perspective on The Little Mermaid. It’s rather rudimentary to compare TO KILL A KINGDOM to The Little Mermaid because apart from some basics on characterisation, there really is little similarity.

Firstly, in a sea of YA fantasy series, I want to shout from the rooftops that this is a full and rounded standalone. Yes, I said standalone and I felt complete by the end, so it does what it says on the tin.

Sirens are the name of the game in this book and Lira is a scrappy, fierce and murderous siren princess known across the world as The Princes Bane. Her mother, the Sea Queen is her nemesis but she is bent to her mother’s will. The Sea Queen is a rather frightening, violent dictator without ethics or scruples. Lira, initially with little to recommend her, undertakes a change about which I don’t want to say more. The character development was superb.

“The crew said her hair was as red as hellfire.”

“The Princes’ Bane is the greatest monster I’ve ever known, and the only one who’s escaped death once I’ve set my sights on her."

Elian is more pirate than Prince of Midas, on a self-inflicted crusade to rid the world of sirens. There’s a lot more to like about Elian and he cuts a swarthy, heroic figure. The ship the prince operates from, holds a crew of friends, protectors and loyal sailors, they made for good reading. When Elian and Lira eventually cross paths, it’s not pretty but it’s explosive, violent and hateful.

“It’s you.”
“Look at you. My monster, come to find me.”

The story took hold of me from the first chapter and was a thrilling voyage across oceans and into unusual lands. I was interested throughout and dying to see what would happen. The romance is subtle but still kicks a punch, nevertheless, it doesn’t overwhelm the story.

"Me, my ship, and a girl with oceans in her eyes."

I had a little niggle in this book regarding how the dialogue was written, my problem being that it is consistently unclear when the dialogue character changes, which stops your flow while you work out who’s talking. However, this is just a niggle and wasn’t a major issue.

I am truly excited about this debut, it’s uniqueness and strong writing of characters and story direction. YA fantasy lovers are going to rave over this, I’m sure.

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.
The Dark Tower (2017)
The Dark Tower (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Western
Stephen King let them make this?
I'll start off by saying I knew I was going to hate this film. From the moment I heard of the casting and then saw the first trailer. I get the justification for them making this film completely different (i.e. Horn of Eld - but was that even in the film?!), but for me it just doesn't work.

The book series is a fantasy masterpiece, but they appear to have made a standalone Dark Tower film pulled together with a vague mishmash of characters and ideas from the entire book series. It just doesn't work, especially not in a paltry 90 minutes. This is just far too different from the books - the characters are undeveloped, their motives are unclear. You almost have to have read the books to get an understanding of the characters as it just doesn't come across in this. Casting for me was poor too. McConaughey and Elba are fantastic actors but it doesn't show in this, they're let down by a poor script and a poor plot.

My only hope for this film is that it prompts those who haven't read the books to pick them up and realise how awesome they are.
This is the 23rd Lucy Stone mystery, but it works fine as a standalone story. You don't need to have read any of the previous books to enjoy this one.

For the first 2/3 of this novel, I thought the whole mystery was the identity of the individual who was sabotaging the pumpkin festival. This didn't seem like much of a crime for a mystery novel, but the real thing comes along later in the story. Most of the action happens in the last quarter of the book, but I never felt like the story was dragging. The beginning has enough conflict and backstory to keep it moving along.

Lucy is a very down-to-earth sort of character, and she is easy to like and commiserate with. She has her hands full with her catapult-building husband, two daughters, and a grandson who is temporarily living in her home while his parents are out of the country, as well as her full time job as a reporter with the local paper. It's that job that gives her an excuse to get close to people who may have something to hide, and helps her track down a killer in the end.

***I received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review***