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A Wolf's Love: A Paranormal Romance Short Read (Flame #5.1)
A Wolf's Love: A Paranormal Romance Short Read (Flame #5.1)
Caris Roane | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Wolf's Love: A Paranormal Romance Short Read (Flame #5.5) by Caris Roane
A Wolf's Love is a short story addition to the Flame series. Cole and Lauren were together, until Lauren did something that Cole couldn't accept, and he called it off. However, when a teenager is kidnapped, Cole is the one that Lauren turns to, even though he refuses to help (at first). What follows is the two of them putting another's needs before their own, and working together to save her.

As with all Caris Roane's books, this is very well-written. It may only be a short story, but a full story is here. Nothing has been skimped on, instead you can settle in for a very good read. Personally, I would recommend that you start at book one, just to get the full enjoyment of the world of the Flame, but it isn't fully necessary. You 'could' read them in any order and as a standalone, but I do feel that you would miss something out of this well-developed world. With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, I can highly recommend this short story.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Riptide (Boys of Summer)
Riptide (Boys of Summer)
Jordan Ford | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Riptide (Boys of Summer) by Jordan Ford
Jace - or Bass as he is known throughout most of this book - is a thrill-seeker. He is the ultimate paradox - a bad boy who doesn't actually try to be bad, and has a heart. He makes stupid decisions based on hurt feelings. His story is completely understandable and heartbreaking with how he feels. Ms. Ford has done a magnificent job of bringing him to life, to make his quandary completely relate-able.

And that's the thing with this book. As a reader, I got it. I could see where Bass was coming from, and why he behaved the way he did. Would I make the same decisions? No, but then I'm not a sixteen-year-old boy with the same experiences as him.

With no editing or grammatical errors that jolted me, I thoroughly enjoyed this novella, and can't wait to see what happens when he goes to Ryder Bay and meets up with SnapDragon.

As a standalone, this is a great read. As a prequel to the next Ryder Bay story, it's fantastic! Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
To Covet The Fae
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
To Covet The Fae is the first book in the spin off series, The Kincaid Wolves. As such, it involves characters and places that we have already met. Although you could read this as a standalone, to get the full benefit I would recommend reading the Deathless Night series first. Plus the fact, they are wonderful books so it will be no hardship, I assure you.

Heather is Grace's friend and has come with her from China to Seattle. However, there is more to her than meets the eye as Brock finds out when she is taken unwillingly to meet with "the Prince". Through certain machinations, Brock and Heather find themselves separated in a different dimension, with only the toss of a coin to guide them.

This is well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors. However, as the first of a series, even a spin-off, there is a lot of groundwork that has to be laid. Also, it helps to provide the build up to the future books. This looks like it is going to be a series just as hot as the Deathless Nights, and so I have no hesitation in recommending it!

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
This is the second book in the series but can be read as a standalone.

I enjoyed this story but will admit to liking Landon a bit more than Ty. That may be for a couple of reasons - there is a lot more depth and information about Landon than Ty for a start. The second thing is that I wished Ty had a bit more spine about him. I know the story was about will they/won't they and did give you quite clearly an idea of what each of them could lose as well as what they could gain by making their relationship public. However, Ty was one minute strong and in charge of the situation and in the next, to me, it seemed like he was a young schoolboy who had no idea of anything, let along a political reporter. We all have days like this but Ty seemed to have more than most.

Saying that, I really enjoyed this story. It was nice to read a story were waiting was involved (ok, so maybe not at the beginning!) and the consequences of this sort of decision were taken into account.

I am loving this series by Samantha Ann King, I now have all 3 and am waiting to see if there will be a fourth.

Definitely recommended to all M/M fans.