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Merissa (11935 KP) rated Cap (Gold Hockey Season 2, #6) by Elise Faber in Books

Jun 28, 2022 (Updated Jun 28, 2023)  
Cap (Gold Hockey Season 2, #6) by Elise Faber
Cap (Gold Hockey Season 2, #6) by Elise Faber
Elise Faber | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CAP is the sixth book in the Gold Hockey Season Two series but you can read it as a standalone. Jess and Josh have been fighting for three years, ever since Josh made a bad first impression. Although he's tried to make it right, Jess is not one to forgive and forget.

Josh is a sweetheart, a natural caretaker. Jess is... difficult. She is lonely but pushes people away, hiding behind a mask. It was harder to like Jess even when I understood her history, I still didn't fully understand her actions. She did become nicer as the book progressed, which was a good thing for me.

As with all the books in this series, you really do get a good feel for how much family means to the Gold team. Also, as an added bonus, you not only see Josh and Jess in action, but you also catch up with other couples and see what is happening in their lives.

The epilogue leads nicely onto the next book, and I can't wait to learn Ben's story. Jayden's is pretty much clear from the information we've already been given, but I'm sure there will be some surprises in there.

A great addition to the series that I enjoyed but didn't love as much as the others. Still a brilliant read though, so I definitely recommend you give it a go!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 20, 2023
Far From Camelot (Far From #2)
Far From Camelot (Far From #2)
Rylee Hale | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FAR FROM CAMELOT is the second book in the Far From series but can be read as a standalone.

Set in contemporary times, it features Merlin living in NYC, owning a bookshop, and having one friend, Willow. His quiet life is disrupted when Mordred and his band, Dethrone the Queen, come to town. Merlin hates Mordred for killing Arthur - what he sees as his biggest failure as a friend. Mordred hates Merlin because of how he stood by and enabled Arthur's own particular brand of fatherhood. So you can imagine, when these two get together, the sparks fly, and I'm not talking glittery rainbow sparkles either.

I was completely enraptured by this book and struggled to put it down. Both MCs are in pain and hurting, and neither of them expects to find love, especially not with each other. Their path isn't smooth and it wouldn't work for everyone, but it worked for them. Both of them are also protective and possessive about the other.

I loved how it took most of the book before they returned to Camelot. I really enjoyed that because the story was actually about those two and them working it out, rather than expecting Camelot to have all the answers. (view spoiler)

If you like dark romance with hurt and pain as standard, then I can HIGHLY RECOMMEND this one. Loved it!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 16, 2024
The Demeter Code
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

**I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.**

Ridley Fox and Dr. Nita Parris are two of the CIAs best operatives. They travel the world eliminating the bad guys. When they are given an assignment that doesn't turn out as planned, their whole world is turned inside out and upside down. Then the mission gets changed and Fox and Parris are sent in different directions. This book has enough twists and turns to give you whiplash.

After reading the description of this book, I was very excited to read it. I love a good thriller and this one did not disappoint. The Demeter Code captured me from page one. The first scene is set in Washington DC and when books are set close to home, I always am intrigued. The book had a really great start and lots of action to keep my attention. A little over half way through it started to slow down a bit for me. It got more technical and I found myself reading the words without actually absorbing what it was I was reading. That happened a couple of times which made me drop my rating from 4 to 3.5 stars. This is the third book in the series, the first two being [b:Pandora's Succession|11435761|Pandora's Succession|Russell Brooks||14368142] and [b:Unsavory Delicacies|10997415|Unsavory Delicacies|Russell Brooks||40898431]. I will be going back to read these books as well as his standalone [b:Chill Run|13152361|Chill Run |Russell Brooks||40898429] and I look forward to whatever he has coming in the future.
Immortal Girl5
Immortal Girl5
Griffin Stark | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Immortal Girl5 by Griffin Stark
Immortal Girl5 is a fast paced short story about five girls who are made immortal to 'save the world'. The introduction to each girl is perfect, and suited to the individual. It felt like we found out more about Skylar than most of the others, but it still seemed to fit.

I did feel like this book raised questions that weren't answered though. For example, who were Alistair and Isabelle? You are under the impression they are 'good', but nothing really backs that up. What actually was the job of the Immortal Girl5, because it seemed like they exacted vengeance and then spent the followings years doing... what? With Joan of Arc, Anne Frank, and Jack the Ripper all making an appearance, I would have liked it to be a bit more in-depth, giving more detail and story to these scenes.

There is also a MASSIVE case on insta-love going on, that managed to make the whole ending confusing. There were plenty of things alluded to, but nothing was made clear. I'm not sure if this is book one in a series, or if it's a standalone. The ending suggests it could go further.

I did enjoy this book, but in my opinion, it could do with a bit... more. A bit more story, a bit more editing and formatting so the differences in times and characters become clearer. I would definitely like to read 'more' from this author, and about these characters.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in return for an honest review.

Keli is an attorney building her own practice, she’s also a semi closeted Wiccan. When an ill-fated favour for a friend lands her not only in the middle of a murder investigation, but also a person of interest in the investigation, Keli attempts to clear her name, find the real killer, and save her reputation. Whilst also struggling with her now public identity as a practising Wiccan.
I loved this book!! It was a nice quick read, no complicated texts, although some things, I felt, were a little bit over explained. Saying that it was a good engaging story, the characters were well developed, and I love it when I feel I’ve learnt something from a book too. As there was also a nice touch where Hesse gives a few little insights into the life of a practicing Wiccans. As a pagan myself, it was actually quite a joy to read these aspects openly described in the book. I hope that this could also help any non-esoteric types gain a better insight into what Wicca is really all about.
This is the fifth book in a series. I haven’t actually read any of the other books in the series, so was a little worried that there would be a lot of references that wouldn’t make sense, or characters with pre-existing back story. Surprisingly had a good standalone storyline, I thoroughly enjoyed it without needing any prior knowledge of the series. All the characters were well introduced and any references to past events were relevant to the story and had a brief explanation with it.
In fact, I enjoyed this so much, I’ve now purchased Midsummer nights mischief (book one in the Wiccan wheel mystery series)

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1 in TV

May 24, 2019 (Updated May 24, 2019)  
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
2017 | Sci-Fi
Packed full of great characters (0 more)
Klingons aren't very interesting in this (1 more)
Wired propulsion system makes little sense
Slick action packed adventure
I grew up on Star Trek The Next Generation and was pretty obsessed with it, all those now defunct VHS tapes...sigh. I enjoyed the Original series (in particular Doctor McCoy) but things started to go awry with Deep Space Nine and I struggled to get into it until the later series and the Dominion came into it. Voyager never did a lot for me the Borg made it tolerable at times and I just plain gave up on Enterprise so it’s safe to say I went into watching Discovery without much hope but came out of season 1 pleasantly surprised.

Set before the adventures of the Original series Discovery is a star-ship with a revolutionary propulsion system and set to be a key part in the battle against the Klingons which this series focuses on (the look they went for with the Klingons in this didn’t work for me - too much like a Cornish pasty head.)

Unlike previous incarnations, Discovery doesn't focus around the Captain, instead we focus more on the character of Michael Burnham who’s pretty a smart kick ass type of girl. It’s the characters and the acting in this that really engaged, I don’t think I’ve liked as many of the main cast as this before.

When we start dealing with the Mirror universe (remember goatee Spock in the original series?) this series really got going for me I love the Terran empire and when we meet the Emperor it’s just great.

This series was full of continuing story lines (unlike the more traditional Trek standalone episode formula) and had a lot more action based feel to it. It’s different but enjoyable, looking forward to watching series 2.
Carpenter Road
Carpenter Road
N.M. Brown | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first met Leighton Jones in Carpenter Road, N.M. Brown’s second book featuring this character. I have not read the previous story, The Girl on the Bus, but believe me you don’t need to for this one to make sense, as this easily reads as a standalone and is still a very good read.

When by chance Leighton comes across a prostitute kicking up a fuss about her stolen coat that had some money in, and discovers the girl who was seen last seen wearing it has now gone missing, Jones a traffic cop, decides to take it upon himself to investigate if the two are connected.

So what did I think? Detective Jones is such a caring, lovable character, I instantly found myself drawn to him.

Rochelle, the prostitute, is an unlikely sidekick who gets roped into Leighton’s investigations, and she’s also a fantastic character. I was so invested in her part of the story and the danger she’d been inadvertently thrown into. I too, hoped she’d eventually get out of the prostitution racket to achieve her goals and turn her life around, just how she had wished for.

N.M. Brown’s writing really grabbed my attention from the first page, and kept me up all night reading. I especially liked hearing from the serial killer’s point of view. He was so creepy, it really added a new dimension to the story and kept me hooked throughout.

The ending was a bit of a shock. I honestly, didn’t expect to feel a little choked up by a Bloodhound crime book! But there, I said it, N.M. Brown really took me by surprise with that twist!

This is an unputdownable, well-written crime novel that’s distinctive, compelling and memorable!

Dana (24 KP) rated The Scorpio Races in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
The Scorpio Races
The Scorpio Races
Maggie Stiefvater | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book had a really cool concept. I was sent this book by the publisher (though I am still not sure why, but I will take it because I love books) and I decided to read it sooner rather than later. I was not disappointed.

I love Maggie Stiefvater's works. The writing is always so magical and beautiful and I just can't get enough of it! After reading all of the Raven Boys books last year, I wanted something else of hers to read, and this came up into my hands like a magical fairy.

Okay, that was kinda weird, but oh well.

Now, onto the plot! I loved the whole concept of these magical sea horses and people trying to tame, train, and race them. I loved the killer aspect of it, it added so much tension and drama to the book. Though it did get a bit slow at parts, I think those slow parts added to the heightened emotions of the quicker movements in the plot. This book, honestly, made me want to go horseback riding on some beach and run off into the sunset with a beautiful boy who loves dangerous horses.

The characters were super cool! I loved how different everyone was and how we did not know all of the hidden motivations for every one of them. It was a nice treat to have the romance in there, but I liked that it was not at the forefront of the novel. This was about a girl and a boy who were both doing all they could to get what they needed to survive.

Overall, I really liked this book and, although I know it is a standalone, I could totally go for another book set in this world.