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Truly, Madly, Whiskey (The Whiskeys #2)
Truly, Madly, Whiskey (The Whiskeys #2)
Melissa Foster | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Truly, Madly, Whiskey (The Whiskeys #2) by Melissa Foster
Truly, Madly, Whiskey is the second book in The Whiskeys series, and we get Bear's story. Now, as you might assume by his name, Bear is growly, big, and very protective. He fell for Crystal eight months ago, and has been pursuing her ever since. Now if he can just get Crystal to see it his way, all will be good. Unfortunately, Crystal has a past which she is constantly fighting against, and she is worried that it will stand between her and Bear.

This book is amazing. It had me in tears, it made me smile, it made me laugh out loud. I didn't think anyone could knock Tru from his perch, but Bear came damn close. The story is harsh in a couple of ways, but everything in it needs to be there. You find out more about Crystal's past. You learn about what makes Bear tick. And, oh my, it's sooo good. Seriously!

This book is amazingly well written, with a smooth storyline and excellent pacing. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and I was totally drawn into the story. The ending is just perfect for them, and I couldn't think of one more fitting for them. If you like The Whiskeys series, then I can highly recommend this book (even though you could read it as a standalone). If you haven't tried one yet, then you really need to try Tru Blue, and fall in love with Truman just like I did!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Where I'll Find You
Where I'll Find You
J.A. Owenby | 2018 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where I'll Find You by J.A. Owenby
Where I'll Find You is a standalone novel about a young woman called Hadlee. Her life is full, with university studies, a job, living in shared accommodation, and a (very) un-supportive mother. The last thing she wants is a man in her life. However, Kaisen has other ideas, and keeps popping up when Hadlee doesn't expect it.

Although the characters are mostly good, the one I didn't get on with was (unfortunately) the main female, Hadlee. She is most definitely high-maintenance, both as a friend and a love interest. I understand life hasn't been easy for her, but she is definitely a drama-llama. She is supposed to be studying psychology, but her friends know more about it than she does, and she refuses to acknowledge anything that might trigger her, instead blaming others.

This is quite a hard review to write because I am a big fan of J.A. Owenby's, but this book just failed to hit the mark with me. Don't get me wrong, I still very much enjoyed it, but it wasn't a 5-star read like her others have been for me. The premise is a good one, and it is told with style and aplomb. It is intriguing and intricate, leaving plenty of questions in the reader's mind until the author is ready for them to be answered. There are no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. I have no hesitation in recommending this book, even though Hadlee and I didn't see eye to eye.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Spirit Shattered (The Guardians #4)
Spirit Shattered (The Guardians #4)
Tessa McFionn | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spirit Shattered (The Guardians #4) by Tessa McFionn
Spirit Shattered is the fourth book in The Guardians series. I have read book 1, Spirit Fall, but not books 2 and 3. I would say you don't HAVE to read them all, as the stories pretty much standalone. However, if you want more background snippets that are given in each book about their world, then yep, read them all.

Danika is a combination of light and dark. Life has been hard for her, and she has the scars to prove it. She could go 'all dark' so easily, but she fights for her nephew, determined to protect him. There is light within her, but it is getting more shadowed every time something else goes wrong. She helps Anton when an old adversary get the better of him, and turns herself into a prime target for both sides.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, seeing Danika's struggles and yes, even what she has to deal with. It makes it all the more understandable, and really makes you yearn for her to get a break! Anton's character is very innocent, something that gets commented on by Eamon. Together, if Danika can beat her demons, they would make the perfect pair.

This was once again excellently written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow. The pacing is fast, and yet perfect for the story. If you like tall alpha males, and smaller yet feisty females, then I can definitely recommend this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chiromancist is the eighth book in the Seven Forbidden Arts series, and we get to spend time with Bono - the wise-cracking pilot who has been there from the very beginning. Bono doesn't have an art, but he is still very much a member of the team. When they go to Amsterdam to investigate the possibility of a Chiromancist working for Godfrey, he will do what he can to help. Then he meets Sky, and he will still do what he can, but now his priorities include keeping Sky alive.

WOW!!! This book is... harsh. It is an emotional power pack that will hit you on so many levels. And I loved every moment!

We learn more about Bono, we learn about Sky, and we learn about Sky's quiet strength and determination, the things she puts up with to keep her son safe. Godfrey's big plan becomes clear, whilst Cain's ultimate motives are still as shadowed as ever. I love his character. He is working for the ultimate good, but you are never quite sure... and neither are the rest of the characters. Love it.

I could rave on and on about this book. I devoured it, loved every word, and hated every paragraph with certain characters in it with a passion. This book is exceptionally written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. You will suffer the lows whilst appreciating the highs that Charmaine Pauls gives you. Whilst you could read this as a standalone, I really can't see why you would want to - when you have seven brilliant books preceding it. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Rob P (30 KP) rated Best Served Cold in Books

Jan 22, 2019  
Best Served Cold
Best Served Cold
Joe Abercrombie | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Morally taxing (2 more)
Satisfying story line
Exploration of side characters from the Abercrombie "First Law" universe
Brutal in places (although I'm fine with that) (1 more)
Not for the fainthearted
Best Served Cold
If you couldn't tell from the title, this is all about the revenge motif. If you've read Abercrombie, the savagery of the opening chapter (and plenty of others) should not bother you by this point, but having said that there were moments in this even I winced at.

This standalone novel takes place in Abercrombie's universe established in the "First Law" trilogy, and much like other offerings (The Heroes, Red Country) it's charms for me lie in the characters that play only a fleeting part in the previous books. Seeing where they are from and how they operate is so satisfying to me as a reader.

The very next facet of this read that made it so excellent for me, is theme of moral bankruptcy. At the start, Murcatto is a leader, betrayed and left so horribly injured that it sets a moral precedent. She sets out to kill the seven men who carried this out (one of which is a despot who looks to name himself King of Styria), and as they fall, one by one, more and more of the moral right she has is chipped away and spent, having to turn her hand to more and more depraved acts, associate with lower and lower people, and be part of more and more hideous scenarios in order to exact her justice.

If you've had the pleasure of reading the First Law trilogy, this is the book to start with next, it then leads brilliantly into the Heroes, and most recently Red Country.

Overall, a savage, visceral, compelling read.

- Rob
Liar Liar (DS Grace Allendale #3)
Liar Liar (DS Grace Allendale #3)
Mel Sherratt | 2020 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gritty, realistic and absorbing
Mel Sherratt describes herself as a "meddler of words" and I am not going to argue with her! I would also put her in the category as one of THE best crime writers in the UK that I have had the pleasure to read and one where I have never been disappointed.

Here we have another great story full of mystery and twists and one which I found hard to stop reading way too late into the night. This is book 3 in the series however, I don't think you have to have read the other 2 in order to enjoy this and I certainly feel it works well as a standalone.

Each and every character, both goodies and baddies, are well developed; their circumstances believable and scarily plausible. The setting is perfect and so well described I felt I was there. The pace is fast and engrossing with plenty of action and a fare amount of violence and scenes of peril right from the start however, this shouldn't come as a surprise if you've read the blurb.

The book is written with alternating chapters of the present and the past and rather than this complicating matters, it provided an insight into one of the main characters' motivations and justifications as to why she responds as she does. There are several strands that could all have a bearing on the investigation and rather than cause confusion, added to the mystery and intrigue making this an engrossing book and one which I would recommend to anyone who enjoys gritty, realistic and absorbing reads.

Thanks go to Avon Books UK via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.