
Search only in certain items:

‘She lifted the flap of the envelope and pulled out the single white page. As she opened it up she stared, open mouthed. Four words were typed on the page. I am watching you.’
When Amy Whyte and Penny Brogan leave a local nightclub in the early hours of Sunday morning and don’t arrive home, their families are beside themselves with worry. Conor Dowling has just been released from prison, a man full of hatred for Amy, the girl who put him behind bars in the first place.
The case is given to Detective Lottie Parker, when the girls’ blood-soaked bodies are found, days later, in a derelict squat. Chillingly, both girls are clutching silver coins in their hands – what message is this killer leaving behind? All the signs point to Conor but his alibi is water tight.
As Lottie examines Penny and Amy’s final days alive in a desperate search for clues, two more girls are found stabbed to death in a luxury apartment complex. Caught up in what is fast becoming her toughest case yet, Lottie is unaware that somebody is watching her every move.
Then Lottie’s two daughters, Katie and Chloe suddenly disappear from the town centre. Terrified that the killer has her girls, the stakes have never been higher for Lottie.
But as Lottie puts everything on the line to find her daughters and solve the case, she’s about to find herself in terrible danger – someone has a personal axe to grind with her and they know the best way to get to her is to hurt the ones she loves the most.

This is book #6 of the D.I. Lottie Parker series. It can be read as a standalone novel.
This book is fast paced and full of action. The story line twists and turns and kept me hooked from the very first page.
When Amy Whyte and Penny Brogan leave a local nightclub in the early hours of Sunday morning and don’t arrive home, their families are beside themselves with worry. Conor Dowling has just been released from prison, a man full of hatred for Amy, the girl who put him behind bars in the first place.
Full of red herrings, thrilling circumstances, and dark and devious characters; 'Final Betrayal' is an atmospheric, twisted read and I LOVED every second of it
Looking forward to the next one already.
Highly recommend reading.

I would like to thank Netgalley and Bookouture for an advance copy of Final Betrayal.
Connor's Gambit
Connor's Gambit
Z Gottlieb | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Connor’s Gambit by Z. Gottlieb is the first book I’ve received to review that’s in audible format, so this is quite a new experience for me, just like it’s the lead character Brad Johnson’s first adventure with aliens. And what a trip this is!

After Brad sees an alien spaceship and it seems no one else did, he begins to doubt his sanity. But when his suspicions are confirmed and his wife, Shinny, reveals who and what she really is, his life not only changes forever, but so does everything he thought he knew about his life and the universe which surrounds him — aliens do exist — he should know, he’s married to one! And, boy, does the plot thicken after that.

In Z. Gottlieb’s fun world there were times that the space technology seemed so realistic I was wondering if the author had some sort of NASA experience. From alien creature descriptions, their lifestyles and their amazing high-tech technology, to Brad’s awakening and newfound belief in UFOs, and his acceptance to jump right in and help, whilst learning on the job; this book has a lot to offer any self-respecting science fiction fan and space cadet!

A few of my favourite things? There’s so many to choose from. I loved Brad (obviously!). Then there’s the scary Neslins, the Aneplè, the battle cruiser Zuonopy and all its features and Brad and Shinny’s son, Dane with his talking dragon Yeshawliq. I need a talking dragon, can you make one out of a 3D printer for me please?

The narrator’s voice was different to what I expected at first, however, Charlie Thurston pulled me into the action and kept me hooked right through to the satisfying end, which is slightly left open for more, whilst at the same time it’s also a fully completed standalone story with major plot threads all tied up nicely. I’m so pleased to have discovered Z. Gottleib’s space world and I cannot wait to read or even listen to the next instalment. I’m sure it will definitely be worth the wait!

Z. Gottlieb has captured the essence of space travel, alien life and the rules of their universe spectacularly. I really enjoy my time (all 13 hours of it) listening to this space opera, and the fact that I was listening (instead of reading) really made me feel like I was there, thrown in deep with the characters and their stories, part of their crew!

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Godsend in Books

Jun 6, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Godsend, by J.A. Marley is the second Danny Felix novel, and although I have not read the first, Standstill, I read this fast and furiously, as if this was indeed a standalone novel.

Vincent Cardell has over zealous political and religious ambitions, and decides to help out the Mexican cartel with their money laundering, and skims a little bit off the top for himself, I mean the church, whilst he’s at it.

His wife, June is fed up with his ways, and suspects the cartel know what he’s done, and it won’t be long before they come for him, and perhaps her too. So what does she do? Enlists Danny, to rob Vincent’s money and give it all to her. What could possibly go wrong with a deal proposed by a Preacher’s wife?

Right from the first few pages I knew this cheeky chappy was going to be a lot of fun to read. Danny is a flawed, and somewhat vulnerable character, coping with past events that have led to panic attacks and flashbacks, yet he’s still a criminal at heart, despite being ‘retired’ and living in Florida Keys. Nothing, it seems, can keep this man down. He’s a genuine, loveable rogue. As is his mate, Ciaran.

In fact, all of the characters were really well rounded; I loved to hate Harkeness, and I kind of liked June Cardell (also a Brit), even though I probably shouldn’t have. Hell, even Slow Tina, a seventy year old stripper, had a great part to play! (Her character made me giggle).

Because Godsend was based in America, the whole story was written very much in an American style read (lots of Americanisms), with an evangelical couple, preacher Vincent and his conniving wife, June, being a central part of this theme. This was balanced out nicely by the fact that Danny himself was from the UK, with plenty of British-isms up his sleeve! Lots of ‘feckin’s’ and ‘fecks’ too! Aha!

As with this style of gritty, pulp action, there is a lot of name dropping in this book, musicians, actors, and the films, books and songs they produced. They even went to a Geekfest, which I have to mention, as I went to one last Sunday! So yeah, you could say this was my kind of read in more ways than one. Then, just when I thought it was all over the epilogue says otherwise… Nice one!

Overall this is a terrific hard-boiled crime thriller, with some great one liners and equally great, misbehaving characters. If you want to know what happens when you mess with the cartel, read this book!
David Carnoy | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was lucky enough to be part of a Partners in Crime blog tour for this novel. Please go check out my post for extra info about the book, an excerpt and the chance to with an Amazon gift card!


<b><i>Do whatever you do with conviction. Always.</b></i>

This is my first Carnoy novel but I’m definitely going to check out his others. <i>Lucidity</i> did not give up all its secrets at once! It was incredible at leaving you guessing what was going to happen next and being able to come up with your own theories on what was going on. That being said, it was still fast paced and exciting enough to keep you hooked. I only say this when I really mean it, but this was <i>unputdownable!</i> I liked the mix of morbidity, mystery and wit in this novel. It had a good mix of all three that made for some excellent, fast paced reading.

To begin with, I wasn’t so sure how the two stories connected. When, at 50%, the stories still hadn’t really crossed I was a bit unsure if I was going to understand how the separate plots worked together. However, be patient! It’s well worth the wait! Even though there are parts that can be predicted, this doesn’t take away from the excitement of reading about it.

The characters in this novel are really well executed. Even though I hadn’t read any of the other books featuring Madden, I didn’t feel like I didn’t know him. When you go into a series midway, even when they’re standalone books but with the same characters, you often find yourself a little bit lost on the mc as you don’t have their history. This wasn’t the case here. Madden was well introduced and maintained throughout the read.

Fremmer was a fun character to get to know. It’s not often that you get a character like him in a novel. He was intelligent and quick witted, but he was also arrogant and a little bit self absorbed, so it’s amazing how likable he still was.

The only negative thing I have to say is that the ending got a little cheesy which felt out of place when compared to tone the book kept throughout, but it wasn’t that much of an issue.

<i>Thanks to Partners in Crime book tours for giving me a free copy of the book to read, review & promote!</i>
Hall Pass For Life
Hall Pass For Life
Dorothea Lynne | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hall Pass For Life by Dorothea Lynne
Hall Pass for Life is the first book by Dorothea Lynne I have read. This is a contemporary romance with dark theme - a young woman trapped in a loveless marriage to an older man. Although he is happy to have multiple affairs during their marriage, he is insistent upon controlling every aspect of her. This doesn't stop him from arranging for a week's getaway for her with a younger man so he can have his mistress in their home.

Thea has turned forty and has no idea where her life is going. Her husband, Malcolm, won't allow her to work, constantly criticises her, and yet isn't prepared to divorce her just yet - even though is far too old for his tastes. Liam is a singer and is 25 years old. He isn't sure what to make of the arrangement, but for the amount of money being given to a charity, he will be friendly for the week.

Both Thea and Liam get more than they bargain for, and will fight for their lives together, no matter what Malcolm throws at them.

I loved the premise of this story, although I don't particularly like first person, present tense, which is how this book is written. I found it to be quite confusing over who was speaking in places, and had to read further down to see who responded to figure it out. Personally speaking, I also found the constant nicknames and terms of endearments to be quite monotonous. Yes, it is cute occasionally, but to use them in 85% of the sentences... The only reason I can think of for the constant use was to help the reader know who was talking, which didn't work when they weren't used.

The story itself moved along at a fair pace, albeit a bit jerky in places. Some of the words and actions of various characters didn't seem quite 'real', as though the timing was off slightly. I think this is a standalone book, although the ending has possibly been left open for a follow up.

Anyway, for me, this book didn't quite hit the mark, although it was still a good story. I am absolutely positive that others will love this book, and devour every word. It just didn't work on all levels for me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Virgin Flyer
Virgin Flyer
Lucy Lennox | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Virgin Flyer is a standalone novel by the amazing Lucy Lennox. I found her through her Made Marion series and have never looked back. I love her writing style, the characters, the warmth and depth of the stories... I could go on but I won't. Instead, I will curb my enthusiasm and try to tell you in an orderly fashion just why I enjoyed this book so much.

First things first. Chris is a jerk. He starts off a jerk and *spoiler* he remains one throughout. He has his moments but trust me when I say they are few and far between. Secondly, Teo is sweet! We're talking super-saccharine, jaw-achingly sweet. But the best part is - you love him that way!!! I can't (and don't want to) imagine him any other way. And Jack. Oh, Jack! Now here's someone who could fly me to the moon (if I was the opposite gender, he wasn't with Teo, OH, and if he wasn't also an imaginary character!) The perfect fit for Teo, they just have to see it.

Now - what about the story? It's good. Like, really good. Teo has been pining over Chris for years and just can't see him as the person others see. When Teo eventually decides enough is enough, he puts an ad out there for all to see and is lucky enough to entice Jack. Jack is curious about the ad and, to start with, is more than happy to go along with the requirements. It is months after that they both meet again and then we really fly. There is nothing in this story that is superfluous. Everything moves either the story or the character along and I loved every word of it.

The world-building is certainly clear for all to see, with familial ties playing a big part of the story. The characters behave as you would expect, no 'funny' turns where they act in a way you wouldn't believe. The pacing is smooth and the words themselves will keep you turning the pages without any hesitation.

As an aside, I loved it when Frankfurt and Wiesbaden were mentioned as they are only just down the road from where I live! A one-sit read for me and highly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Drake (Twilight Falls #5)
Drake (Twilight Falls #5)
A.M. Salinger | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody loved this one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
This is book 5 in the Twilight Falls series, but can be read as a standalone. I would, however, personally recommend you DO read them. It will give you a better feel for this group of men, and they ain’t too shabby either! I’ve not read book 4, Wyatt, though.
Drake meets Roman at Carter (book2) and Elijah’s wedding. There is instant and powerful chemistry. Roman is only in town for the night though. When Drake finds out that Roman bought the house he has been after for years, and then hires Drake to do the renovations, they embark on a mutual arrangement to satisfy their needs. But deep down, Drake knows he can’t be really happy, not ever. And Roman isn’t the happy ever after kind, right?
I loved this instalment from Twilight Falls, I really did! Drake and Roman have powerful and incendiary chemistry, and it burns right through the book. But very quickly, that changes, gets deeper between them, but neither is willing to say the words they feel.
Roman’s past comes back to haunt him, and I think at THIS point, Drake realises that he’s in too deep. But it takes Roman leaving, for Drake to admit to himself, that just because his PAST was bad, doesn’t mean that HE will carry that forward. He needs Roman and he gets what he wants.
I loved that all the guys from the previous books pop up here, and I loved the band mates of Roman’s and how well everyone gets along, eventually. The manager isn’t too happy with Drake in the beginning, but he sees, he really SEES that Drake is good for Roman.
I have just one comment, and it IS just a comment, rather than anything else!
Does Miles get talked about before, the seventh member of this little group of childhood friends? Indeed, was the name of the group mentioned? I don’t recall, so maybe I missed it, but I’ve been to sleep since I read book 3, so maybe it’s just me not recalling correctly.
Given what occurs here, with Tristan and James, or more what’s IMPLIED here with those two, I assume their book is next. And then? Miles? Since he will be the only one left, and I look forward to reading his book the most now!
5 full and shiny stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Shadow Man in Books

Feb 19, 2021 (Updated Feb 19, 2021)  
The Shadow Man
The Shadow Man
Helen Fields | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good thriller, but not a patch on Fields' other books
This standalone (as far as I know) book sits beside Fields' Luc Callanach (Ava Turner) series, again set in Edinburgh. Other than the brash Chief Superintendent Overbeck, none of those characters are introduced here. Instead, because of the workload of Edinburgh's Major Incident Team, DI Baarda has been called in from London to assist in a murder/kidnapping. Along with him is Dr Connie Woodwine, a brash American criminal psychologist. They are looking into the disappearance of one woman, and quickly link it to the death of another and find that they are on the hunt for someone with issues.

Connie is a fairly stereotypical academic, clinical type as she has virtually no people skills on the surface, issuing demands and attacking conversations head-on in a very un-British way. And yet when we see her interviewing witnesses, such as a young girl who saw a schoolmate be abducted, she is suddenly very tactful and sensitive. In this way, she is both an interesting, complex character, but also a much seen cliched one. She has a tendency to do an awful lot of telling during interviews, explaining to all in the room the theory of her approach to the interview. While this was interesting, it took me right out of the book as something completely unnatural, and read more as a brain dump of the author's research for the book. A little more show, less tell as usual would have worked well here.

Baarda is similarly familiar, a dedicated career cop with marital problems (his wife having an open affair with another officer).

Together, the pair piece together few clues and start to evolve something of a profile for the man who has been kidnapping people. However, I felt this aspect didn't yield results until quite late on, all progress up to that point (next to none) was through standard police work/luck.

The antagonist here was interesting, but nowhere near as dark and mysterious as the blurb makes him sound. We're not talking Hannibal Lecter here, just a confused man with a fairly typical upbringing. Fields essentially cottoned on to an interesting medical/psychological condition and pieced together a plot based on it. While this was enjoyable, it made it somewhat crime-by-numbers.

A good book, but left me longing for Ava Turner's more likable policing style.

Advance reading copy received from the publishers and netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
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