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Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated the Playstation 5 version of Guardians of the Galaxy in Video Games

Oct 25, 2021  
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy
2021 | Action/Adventure
This game is absolutely fantastic and a contender for one of my favourite games of this year. In fact I actually prefer Starlord in this game to how he's portrayed in the films. I guess it's also safe to say Im really enjoying this game as I've played it solidly now for two days, I'm only on chapter 8 and there's apparently 16 chapters so I'd say if that's true it's a pretty meaty game. I'm honestly having and absolute blast with it and if you are a fan of the characters, the world and the lore you really should pick it up for sure. Id say is a cross between The Order a light version of Mass Effect and Tales Of Arise If you need a comparison and more importantly it's nothing really like the recent Avengers game. It's not overly challenging however on medium anyway unless you let enemies overwhelm you (I've died roughly 4 times I'd say) but that's not bothering me at all because it's so much fun and if you want more of a challenge you can crank it up. Graphics are awsome, voice acting is great and the humour is on point, controls are responsive and characters have a nice weight to them and overall it's an incredibly polished game that's clearly had a lot of love put into it by huge fans of the source material. The soundtrack also kickass and really does add to it alot really getting you going when it all kicks off action wise. Ive only had 3 really annoying bugs one where I got stuck in the floor and had to restart, one where a character was stood on a bar with his head in the roof and the other where a tutorial message got stuck in the middle of the screen but reloading sorted them. Like I said earlier however it's the lore, environments, characters and creatures that have mainly pulled me and it's a joy to explore the different detailed areas (even though they are quite linear experiences) and it's absolutely crammed to the teeth with dialogue, collectables, costumes and little details everywhere from the films and comics. The end of the day it's quite a casual affair but to me that doesn't matter I'm just loving spending more time with these characters and essentially living in a rich and dense sci-fi world (it's almost like a Star Wars game at times and is better than any of the Star Wars games we have had so far if I'm honest). An absolute must buy for any sci-fi or Guardians fan.

Awix (3310 KP) rated At the Earth's Core (1976) in Movies

Nov 10, 2018 (Updated Nov 10, 2018)  
At the Earth's Core (1976)
At the Earth's Core (1976)
1976 | Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Second in Amicus's series of Burroughs-inspired pulp adventures with Doug McClure. Adventurers seeking to drill through the mountains from England to Wales take a wrong turn and end up in a terrifying wasteland dominated by sub-human beasts; it takes them a while to figure out their mistake. It turns out the Earth's core is ruled by evil giant pterodactyls with hypnotic powers - having taken a fancy to the local princess (Munro), the beefier of the visitors (McClure) resolves to sort the situation out.

One of the final examples of the kind of cheap and cheerful genre movie that the success of Star Wars the following year was to transform utterly. This one is notable for some of the worst man-in-a-suit monster effects ever seen outside Japan, the closest thing to a bad performance ever given by Peter Cushing, and an oddly inconsistent tone - much of it is rather juvenile, but some of the violence is a bit heavy for what often feels like a knockabout kid's film (the Earth's core is a wholly abstinent place - there isn't even the suggestion of funny business between McClure and Munro). The Iron Mole model is actually not bad, and the prog rock soundtrack certainly makes it distinctive. Kind of fun, in the end. Contains the line 'You can't mesmerise me, I'm British!'
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
How best to describe 'X-Wing: Wraith Squadron', the fifth book in the Star Wars series of books (loosely) based on the old video-games? I think the following exchange from the early part of the novel sums it up best (with Wedge speaking):

' " .. I'd originally thought that Rogue Squadron would be used opportunistically: a strike mission would reveal a ground-based weakness, and we'd have the training and supplies ot go down and perform the necessary ground mission. The way it turned out, we keep landing full-fledged commando missions. So I think we need another Commando X-Wing squadron, one where we choose pilots so as to have a full range of intrusion and subversion skills. Rogue Sqaudron was designed as a fighter unit first, commando unit second; this time, I want to go the other way around."


"I want pilots no one else want. Washouts. Pilots staring court-martials in the face. Trouble-makers and screw-ups." '

The rest of the novel deals, primarily, with the formation of that unit and their first mission, concentrating in particular on two members of that unit and their own internal battle against themselves.

While not the strongest of spin-off novels (and, maybe, slightly longer than it needs to be), this is still an enjoyable enough diversion for a couple of days light reading.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
To most people, if you mention the name Edgar Rice Burroughs the first thing that they will think of, in all likelihood, is his creation of the character Tarzan. Alongside this, however, he also wrote the <i>Barsoom</i> series of books, of which this is the first (published in 1912).

Commonly regarded as classics of the Pulp Sci-Fi genre of books, and with the new Disney movie <i>John Carter of Mars</i> recently released (even if it is getting a panning from the critics), and finally with <i>The John Carter collection</i> (consisting of <i>A Princess of Mars</i>, <i>The Gods of Mars</i>, <i>The Warlord of Mars</i>, <i>Thuvia, Maid of Mars</i> and <i>The Chessmen of Mars</i>) available on Apple's ibooks stores for 99p, how could I resist picking them up?

Having now read the first book, it's easy to see the influence these particular novels had on later writings and popular culture. James Cameron is on record as stating this particular work as an influence on his movie <i>Avatar</i>, while it is also possible to trace elements of <i>Star Wars</i> (inspired by <i>Flash Gordon</i>, itself inspired by this) back to this work.

In short: this is pretty much a prime example of early pulp SF!
Rebellion (Matthew Hawkwood, #4)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The fourth book in James McGee's Matthew Hawkwood series of books, and over the course of the last two (in particular), the eponymous Bow Street Runner is getting further and further away from his usual haunts!

In this installment, Hawkwood actually spends the vast majority of it in the heart of Imperial France: in Paris itself, while Napoleon is away on his ill-fated Russian campaign. Again taking real historical facts as its basis, this novel concerns itself primarily with a conspiracy attempt to over-throw the regime: an event which, obviously, did not succeed.

If I'm honest, and to draw an anology between these books and the Star Wars films (which might seem strange, but bear with me!), the first couple of books in the series are like the original couple of films: full of danger, action and excitement. This one, unfortunately, is more like Episode I: seeming to be setting itself up for a broader story arc, and more concerned with politics than with action and excitement.

Worth a read? Yes, but if this was my introduction to the series as a whole - which can, by and large, be read independently as they only occassionally refer to earlier events - I wouldn't be going out of my way to look for any others in thes series, unlike if I had read any of the others first.
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Let's face it: no matter what JJ Abrams did, he was never going to please everyone.

Personally, I feel he wasn't helped by the fact that there was no clear over-arching strand to the sequel trilogy; no guiding hand (as it were) such as with Kevin Feige's role in the MCU, leaving each director free to do their own thing, to ignore what had went before or (as in this case) to blatantly attempt to fix what many see as the flaws of the previous film.

Set up as both the capper to this particular trilogy, and to the 9-movie Skywalker saga as a whole, Abrams was definitely NOT in an enviable position ...

It's hard to talk about this movie without giving too much of the plot away: I think it's fairly safe to say that Palpatine returns (he's in the trailers) for reasons, that the issue of Reys parentage is - again - brought up, and that this was intended to be Leia's movie (before Carrie Fisher passed away) in much the same way as The Force Awakens was Hans and that The Last Jedi was Luke's.

It also very much has a 'Return of the Jedi' feel to it, and seemingly lifts from the 'Legends' series of no-longer-canon Star Wars spin-offs, with the inclusion of the Katana fleet in all but name.
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Contains spoilers, click to show
Well JJ Abrams certainly had a helluva job to do here, wrapping up a 42 year saga whilst addressing the criticisms made of episode 8 and creating an entertaining movie. Whilst this isn't a complete disaster like the 'Game Of Thrones' ending I still couldn't help but come out of this feeling underwhelmed and disappointed. I wanted wow instead it was just ok and completely lacking in the magic and memorable moments we have come to expect from the series. The first half of the film felt very muddled and disjointed, it did get better in the second half but overall the storytelling felt very safe. I think that was particularly reflected in the decision to resurrect Emperor Palpatine which personally I didn't like. Whilst certainly the weakest of the new trilogy it's not boring, it's a fast paced adventure that does answer some unanswered questions and there's still plenty of fun to be had seeing all the spectacular effects millions of Disney dollars can buy. Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley also continue to turn in decent performances as Rey and Kylo Ren (shame the same can't really be said for the rest of the cast). So as the finale to the 9 film Star Wars saga it's sorely lacking but as a bog standard action blockbuster it's reasonably entertaining.