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Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director JJ Abrams was faced with a daunting task; bringing the 9 part Star Wars main story to a satisfying conclusion and appeasing certain toxic fans who have been very displeased with the last two cinematic outings for the franchise.

Thankfully Abrams has stuck the landing and “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” is an entertaining and satisfying conclusion with enough action and nostalgic moments to spare.

Picking up after the events of the last film; it is learned that threatening radio transmissions are going out across the galaxy in the voice of the late Emperor Palpatine. This deeply concerns Leia (Carrie Fisher) and her remaining Resistance as it combines with The First Order to create a larger possible threat than anyone could deal with.

Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) is also very interested in the source of the signal as he does not want anything to stand in the way of his control of The First Order and will use whatever brutal means at his disposal to increase his power.

Naturally this sets Rey (Daisy Ridley), Finn (John Boyega), and Poe (Oscar Isaac), along with Chewbacca and C3PO on a daring mission to find clues to the source of the transmissions and stop what appears to be a devastating invasion which will make anything the First Order has pale in comparison.

Naturally there are plenty of amazing special effects, twists, turns, and surprises along the way as the film races to an epic confrontation.

The film hits the ground running with plenty of action at the start before settling into a longer narrative setup than some fans might like. Thankfully there are enough points of interest along the way to hold your attention before the action kicks up.
The film combines new and favorite locales and characters to create a satisfying finale to the Skywalker saga as the biggest questions from the new trilogy are answered and the few new ones I have after this will likely be heavily debated by fans or explored in a future book or comic and they are minor questions indeed.
The characters work well with one another and it is difficult to go into specifics without spoiling the film as there are plenty of surprises as I mentioned earlier. Suffice it to say that while it will not usurp the original “Star Wars” or “The Empire Strikes Back” amongst fans; it likely will be considered the most enjoyable of the new trilogy and best since “Rogue One” in the Disney era of the franchise.

The biggest remaining question is what is next for the film series as there have been rumors of a new film in 2022 with a new setting, cast, and possibly timeline. While audiences will have to wait and see what the cinematic future for the franchise is; they can be content with a very enjoyable new film.
4 stars out of 5
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Fun Ride
Solo: A Star Wars Story is the origin story of Han Solo before his life with the Rebel Alliance. What I expected to be a cheesy and lame attempt to cash in on a successful series actually turned out to be a pretty fun romp.

Acting: 10
Solid cast here with Alden Ehrenreich playing the leading man Han. He captures the vibe and feel of the character perfectly and has a charisma perfect for the screen. The rest of the cast carries their weight as well. I especially loved the voice performance of Phoebe Waller-Bridge lending her voice to the awesome droid L3-37. Her comedic timing is spot-on.

Beginning: 10
The story jumps in with a harrowing escape from the sewers of an alien planet. You are quickly thrown into the adventure at a moment’s notice and things continue to ramp up from there. My worry of this being a bad movie started to dissipate after the first ten minutes.

Characters: 10
L3-37 aside, other great characters help carry the movie as well. Paul Bettany’s Dryden Vos is a dashing antagonist, a madman who definitely puts off infinite creepy vibes. He adds flare to the story for sure. It’s also refreshing to meet a young Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover) who seems to be just as suave now as he is in the future. The creative characters fill the story with more depth than I was expecting.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
The action is nonstop and very entertaining, never letting up for longer than a few moments. Between the numerous chase scenes and blaster battles there is always something to keep you entertained. I especially loved the train heist, so fun and heartracing at the same time.

Entertainment Value: 9

Memorability: 5

Pace: 10

Plot: 7
Outside of a couple twists and turns, the story is pretty straightforward. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a fun ride, there was just nothing storywise that blew my mind. I do appreciate Han’s journey and his maturation as the story progresses. It makes the story worth telling. My biggest gripe was with one major coincidence in the story thrown in for the sake of advancing the plot. I won’t give anything away, I’ll just say there were better ways they could have made that connection.

Resolution: 7
Decent ending. Not in love with how it ended, but I knew things had to transpire this way in order to pave the way for future happenings in other movies. Still, I was hoping for a bit more.

Overall: 88
If you’re facing Star Wars overload and still wondering as to whether or not you want to add more movies into the mix, Solo: A Star Wars Story is a blast. I was pleasantly surprised by how well done it was done. A fun adventure from beginning to end.
Delilah S. Dawson | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
STAR WARS (1 more)
Interesting framework
A fascinating look at the beginning of a villain
So far, all we've seen of Phasma was the enigmatic Storm Trooper Captain, in chrome armor, powering down the shields when forced to in The Force Awakens. We never even saw her face.

So in the novel, we learn Phasma's true origins. The story is told via a framework - a Resistance spy, Vi Moradi, is captured by Captain Cardinal, Phasma's chief rival within the First Order. He forces her to tell him all she knows about Phasma, which she does, because it's not info directly about The Resistance, and she's hoping to turn him to her side. Phasma's life began on a once thriving planet that had been decimated about 150 years before her birth by some force. (I don't want to reveal too many surprises, and this book is full of them!) One of her old tribemates told the entire story of Phasma's youth, rise to power in the tribe, and eventual escape from the planet to Moradi. It's a story of survival at all costs, and illustrates just how good Phasma is at it.

I rather hope we see Captain Cardinal in The Last Jedi, as he grew on me even as he was interrogating Moradi. He goes from loyal First Order soldier with a grudge against Phasma to a conflicted man who's beginning to see how much he's been brainwashed. It's intriguing to read. The revelation that The First Order rewards the ruthless while overlooking those who play by its own rules also breaks him a little bit.

I really enjoyed this book, and I will definitely be picking up Bloodline and Princess of Alderaan, because I can never get enough Leia. If you're not a Star Wars fan, I'd definitely take a pass on this book, because it won't really mean anything. But as a fan, it's a fascinating look at the beginnings of a villain.

You can read all my reviews at
Dauntless (The Lost Fleet, #1)
Dauntless (The Lost Fleet, #1)
Jack Campbell | 2006 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first military sci-fi book I ever read. Unfortunately, once I was done with the series, I couldn't find anymore like it. What I loved is that Black Jack Geary was the epitome of the reluctant hero and I'm a total sucker for that kind of character. The idea that he had been floating around in space in a lifepod frozen in susepended animation and wakes up a hundred years after he entered the lifepod is a great plot device. He wakes up to find out that he's become a legend and a hero, and yet he doesn't feel like one. After all, he lost his ship in the battle that sent him into the lifepod.

I didn't think I'd be able to follow the complicated space battles but they were so well written, I had no trouble at all. Of course, keep in mind, I have nothing to compare it too. I didn't even like Star Wars very much.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
BB-8 (2 more)
Harrison Ford
Return to practical effects instead of an over excess of cgi
There's an element of truth in the "it's an identi-kit plot" charge (0 more)
It's no coincidence that one of the earliest lines in the film is 'this will make everything right'.

The first Post-Disney acquisition film in the Star Wars saga, this one had a lot of expectation on its shoulders: it had to appease those who felt 'sold out' by the prequels (i.e. largely those who grew up with the originals) while also had to appeal to a whole new generation. In other words, it had quite a tightrope to walk.

A tightrope which, by and large, it does so successfully.

It's not perfect: JJ Abrams sets up a lot of questions which Rian Johnson would later deem irrelevant (in The Last Jedi), while elements of the plot are, shall we say, more than a little familiar, but by and large...
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
1993 | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi
Some outstanding episodes (0 more)
Some truly awful episodes (0 more)
Some of the best Trek
Deep Space 9 is almost the Marmite of Star Trek. You (generally) either love it or you hate it; however, unlike Marmite, it is absolutely possible to love or hate whole seasons of DS9.

Personally, Season 1 and Season 2 are generally pretty poor. A few good episodes, and a chunk of character development goes some way to making it, but it isn't really until part way through Season 3 and even into Season 4, with wars against the Klingons, the Cardassians, the Marquis, and ultimately the Dominion, that it really takes off. And even then, it's probably seasons 5-7 which are actually excellent (although there are some "meh" episodes).

Some of the story arcs take several episodes to really have an impact, but when they do have an impact, they really get you - whether its disbelief, or sadness, or adreneline, the season-long arcs introduce a totally new method of watching Trek.