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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) is a young woman who has no love for the evil Galactic Empire or authority. She has seen her share of tragedy and has learned to be a survivor in a cold and dangerous galaxy. Fate has other plans for Jyn in “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”, as she may be the key to unlocking the secret’s to defeating the Empire’s new weapon, a planet killer known as “The Death Star”.

 The Rebel Alliance believes that Jyn’s father Galen (Mads Mikkelsen) is the key thanks to information they have recovered from a defecting pilot.

Tasked with eliminating the threat, Jyn and Rebel intelligence officer Cassian Andor (Diego Luna), and his droid K-2S0 (Alan Tudyk), must race against time and overcome several obstacles to complete their mission.

Of course things are bigger and the stakes far more higher than anyone could have imagined and with the Rebel Alliance divided a small band of rebels hatch a plan born of desperation to save the galaxy.

The film moves along at a brisk pace but allows time to introduce several new planets into the Star Wars universe as well as several new characters, who we are given just enough about their backstories and motivations to make us care about them in the epic struggle they are undertaking.

Director Gareth Edwards paces the film well and unlike the Prequel Series; never lets the abundance of amazing effects overshadow the fact that the story at its core is a struggle of ordinary people facing overwhelming odds.

The look of the film is a loving tribute to the original series that tells its own unique and distinct story that fits well within the established storylines without seeming gratuitous or recycled.

The film does at times have a darker tone than fans would be used to seeing in the series, but it is done in a way that shows the seriousness of the situations facing the characters.

The strong cast works very well with one another and are each giving some memorable lines and moments which are sure to endear themselves to fans of the series that grew up on the classic films.

The finale third of the film is a great mix of action and suspense as conclusion builds and I can honestly say that “Rogue One” delivers the best space battle in the series and only falls short of the Hoth battle in terms of ground conflicts.

There are a few great surprises for fans sprinkled throughout and the film answers some of the questions people had from the original series but does so in a way that is respectful and in no way undermines the classic.

“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” is an outstanding entry into the series and is one of the most compelling and rewarding.

I look forward to seeing what future efforts have in store for fans, as this film shows that the Force is indeed strong.


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Simon Pegg recommended Taxi Driver (1976) in Movies (curated)

Taxi Driver (1976)
Taxi Driver (1976)
1976 | Thriller

"Also, I would say probably Taxi Driver, just as a piece of acting and just fabulous scene-setting brilliance from Scorsese and characterization from De Niro. That’s one of those films I just watch in awe of all of it, because it’s just so uncompromising. I saw Avengers yesterday, and it was such a fun romp and really entertaining and decently done. That’s the kind of film adults watch today, when in the 1970s, when Taxi Driver came out, that was the kind of film that adults would watch. That and French Connection and Godfather and Bonnie and Clyde. Anything pre-Star Wars, really. The preserve of grown-up cinema in those days were genuinely grown-up movies, and that goes for everything I’m doing as well, from Star Trek to Ready Player One or even Mission: Impossible. They’re pure entertainment rather than think pieces, which is what film cinema used to be in the mainstream."

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
1977 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
A bonafide game changer
It cannot be overstated how important and game changing A New Hope was/is.
The first Star Wars film (but 4th chapter of course) is a classic that truly stands the test of time.

Everything managed to hook me in when I first saw it as a young child, from John Williams flawless soundtrack (surely the most iconic movie soundtrack of all time) to the engaging characters.
Characters such as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Darth Vader were iconic from the get go.
The set pieces are truly legendary, especially the climatic assault on the Death Star.
All of the locations and planets seem exciting and magical.
The different droids and alien species that we come across are memorable.
All these things that I fell in love with as a child are still intact when I watch it now.

George Lucas lovingly crafted a classic that will always be important.
Imperfect Sword (The Lost Stars #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third book in [a:Jack Campbell|55547|Jack Campbell|]'s (aka John Hemry) 'The Lost Stars', this continues the story of Gwen Iceni and Arrur Drakon from the star system Midway in the wake of their revolution against their former Syndicate rulers.

This also takes place mostly alongside the events of [b:Steadfast|576565|The Steadfast Tin Soldier|Hans Christian Andersen||2146970], with 'Balck Jack' Geary making a brief cameo about two-thirds of the way through, for reason explained in that other book.

The bulk of this novel concerns a preemptive attack on a neighbouring star system in which a former Syndic CEO has set up his own little Empire: an Empire that will, in time, threaten the security of Midway itself. As is usual, however, things are not as they seem ...

If you've read any of the other novels in this series, you will know pretty much what to expect: internal politicking, massive space battles (following Newtonian laws rather than the Space Opera of, say, Star Wars), and - especially in this book - ground battles,with Iceni and Drakon still just as unable as ever to admit their feelings to each other!
Night of the Living Trekkies
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not as imaginative or funny as I'd hoped, <u>Night of the Living Trekkies</u> was still a fun read, some may even call it a brainless read. As far as zombie stories go, this doesn't cover any new territory, but that's where Star Trek helps the book out. Chock full of references, storyline parallels, and chapters named after episodes, it's clear this is devoted to Star Trek fans, whether they be Trekkies or Trekkers. The authors clearly know what they're writing about and lovingly poke fun at Star Trek and its fans. There's even some Star Wars love thrown in for good measure, and not with the usual rivalry between the two either.

In order to fully enjoy this book, I think it is essential that readers have a passable knowledge of the Star Trek universe, like zombies, and appreciate pulp, or at least have two of those three; otherwise, I can't imagine this would appeal to anyone outside of those factors. Overall, I had a good time with <u>Night of the Living Trekkies</u>, there were moments that made me laugh-out-loud (I especially liked the tale of the "Red Shirts") and though it's predictable, the story was well-told, and at around 250 pages, it's a very easy read. Readers could do worse than to pick up this book; what you see on the awesome cover is pretty much what you get on the inside: pure, pulpy entertainment that's well-envisioned and could easily be made into a movie.
3.5 Warp Speed

This has one of the best trailers I've ever seen, certainly the best book trailer:

Not part of the book at all but definitely goes along with it:
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
One good twist! (0 more)
Acting (4 more)
A rushed ending to something special.
Well, this film has felt like a long time coming, but the disappointment took far less time.

Poor acting and poor CGI work make this film bad enough, but with a predictable plot and an awful script, it makes it in my opinion the worst Star Wars film ever made (so far), and made me wish I'd stayed at home and watched Attack of the Clones.

Daisy Ridley's acting was pretty poor in the more dramatic moments, and the CGI, particularly bad during large explosions, detracted from the feeling a Star Wars film usually brings. I'm talking Sharknado level CGI at some points, but at least that was supposed to be bad...

The characters, some of them turning out to be a completely pointless addition to the trilogy, learn absolutely nothing about themselves, with a couple of exceptions of course, but all of them with poorly written characteristics.

The ending is of course predictable, as it was always going to be realistically, but as for that, I'll let you guys judge for yourself!

The only redeeming feature is a nice little twist or two, but I'm obviously not going to tell you that!

Of course, some things are better the second time around, so maybe I'll watch again when the DVD is released and update my review...or not update it if that be the case.
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
John Williams Score. (0 more)
Asks more questions than it answers. (3 more)
Fails to recover from the damages of The Last Jedi.
No sense to the narrative.
Some acting is appalling.
Goodbye, Star Wars.
Almost six months from its release, I finally sat down and treated myself to Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. Ever since Disney took over the Star Wars brand, I've been sceptical of their intentions with the property, and so far I've been massively disappointed. I enjoyed the Mandalorian, and still believe Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is easily as good as the original trilogy. Controversial, I know. But the newest trilogy has dropped my interest in Star Wars altogether, as they've so far been bogged down by awful writing, humongous plot holes, and the butchering of beloved characters to make way for wooden new ones. The Force Awakens was a step in the right direction, but the nostalgia factor was what drew me in. Eight years on, it hasn't aged well at all. The Last Jedi became my Stopping point in the Galaxy far, far away. Yes it has flair and popped visually, but the story was an insult to all the fans who had cherished Star Wars back in the days of the Original trilogy. After countless rewrites, multiple directors, and suspicions of actors within feeling disheartened with the over arc of their characters (looking at you, John Boyega), The Rise of Skywalker is finally here to cap of Disney's first trilogy.

What a disaster.

The Rise of Skywalker is an incoherent, messy and boring experience to chug through. Time and time again throughout the two and a half hours, I face palmed in absolute cringe and embarrassment at what Disney have done to this once celebrated franchise. The film feels rushed, on edge to get to the next destination for the newest plot point, without explaining or finishing the previous one, pointing even more towards those rewritten scripts. The film feels like multiple entries, crammed into one sprawling narrative that can't be resolved in the time given, this is especially the case with characters like Poe and Finn, who's arcs have been destroyed to make way for Rey, and that is the biggest issue. Rey has been written as the central moving force of this trilogy, but she never undergoes any development. Sure, she learns a few things about herself in this film, and challenges the idea of who she is for a brief moment, but she’s been made the perfect Jedi without trying. Its poor and lazy writing, and fans have began to feel an agenda is presenting itself. Whilst the women feel strong, wise, intelligent, the men are all morons, blundering their way through the story and often bickering with each other. Its an observation as a critic and fan, and its made me loath almost every character introduced since The Force Awakens. It became clear how little I cared about anything that was happening when a moment of embrace for the three main heroes once the final act ended. It should feel emotional, impactful, but it feels hollow, even forced. Much like most of the decision making of the film itself.

This brings me neatly onto the content of the film, if you can make any sense of it. If this is supposed to end the Skywalker saga once and for all, why add ridiculous plot threads and more pointless characters,that add no weight or purpose to the narrative? The ending is cut so quickly after the anti-climatic ending, that we don’t even have an idea of any characters finishing point. This is just one example of how badly things have spiralled into a mish mash of ideas from different writers and directors. If The Last Jedi was the franchise jumping into a well, this film is trying it's best to climb out. The two previous entries at least connected, but this feels a stand alone chapter, with no context or reason for what happens, and what does happen makes you scratch your head all the more.

I feel sorry for the hardcore fanbase, it genuinely feels like a slap in the face to history George Lucas has created. Once you lose the interest of your core audience, I feel its time to cut your losses. And yet again, another franchise has seen its demise. It feels like a symptomatic failure that the entertainment industry still don’t understand. You can buy any brand you want, but you can’t buy the fans love. Whatever direction Star Wars goes into next, I will not be tuning in.