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William Finnegan recommended City of Bohane in Books (curated)

City of Bohane
City of Bohane
Kevin Barry | 2012 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"The language sizzles and hisses in this 2011 Irish novel set in a steampunk future. We slip from the Trace, all tangled alleyways, to the Fancy, which is as it sounds, and even out to the wastes of the Big Nothin’, from which the Bohane river crashes down through the city. There’s a gang war, indelible characters, a martial music. Sweet Baba Jay, did anyone ever really speak this way? It’s wordplay at the level of Nabokov, but with a very different, Gaelic purpose. “Fucker Burke and Wolfie Stanners set their face against the hardwind as they climbed the bluffs.”"

The Future Door
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second in a kid's mystery series that combines steampunk and Sherlock Holmes. Griffin and his uncle have raced home to see what has happened to his parents only to almost be killed as soon as they've arrived. Why? The answer lies back in London and may lead to the end of the world as we know it. I was enjoy this book despite some over writing until I hit the climax which was a cheap way to end things. Not a bad book, but a disappointing finish.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Soulless (Parasol Protectorate #1)
Soulless (Parasol Protectorate #1)
Gail Carriger | 2009 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent narration (on audible) (2 more)
Very funny
Brilliant characters
The series is only 5 books long... I wanted more! (0 more)
Steampunk vamp & werewolf fun
Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate series is absolutely brilliant, and this is the first in the series, following the soulless protagonist Alexia Tarrabotti on her adventures with vampires and werewolves in Victorian Britain, with twists and turns aplenty.

I listened to this via Audible, and really enjoyed it... So I'd urge anyone to pick up these books (either physical, or audiobook), as it's extremely enjoyable.

The style of writing is excellent, and Carriger has a wicked sense of humour.

I now need to start the Finishing School series!
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I got this book from the Uppercase book box for the August book box. I am slowly getting out of a reading slump, so this was a really good book to help out with that.

This review actually is a 4.5/5 stars!!

I was a bit hesitant about this book because I don't read steampunk/historical fiction books that often. As you can see from my rating, I really enjoyed it! It was a good balance of drama, intrigue, and magical steampunkiness.

I liked how the characters were developed throughout the story and were not left to have one flat characteristic that I have seen happen a lot before. I absolutely loved the main character, Henry and the children. They were by far the best parts of the book for me solely based on their fun familial energy and retorts.

The plot went by pretty fast as well and I didn't feel like there was much left out of the story.

I did, however, want there to be more information on certain backgrounds of characters (if you have read this, you will understand what I mean). Some parts of it felt stiff for me. The bit about the dangerous secret felt like it was put in as an afterthought at parts. It didn’t really flow that well with the rest of the story. They could have been fleshed out in a more organic manner, in my opinion. (This is the reason for the 1 star off, even though it should only be 1/2 a star, but I can't do that on here.)

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book. It was a great, fun read!

I would definitely recommend this to people who haven't read a lot of steampunk, but want to get into it. This is a great introductory book for that because it isn't a slap in the face with so much steampunk. Also, anyone who wants to be really entertained by a headstrong, sassy female lead who will make you laugh out loud at parts, this is a great book for you!!
Kiss of Steel
Kiss of Steel
Bec McMaster | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well paced plot and action (3 more)
Great dialogue
Fleshed out characters
Amazing world-building
Victorian Steampunk with vampires, mechs, and werewolves. AND AWESOME.
Holy crap. I have only read the first two of this series – I have three more to read. (My Lady Quicksilver, Forged By Desire, and Of Silk and Steam, with a second series in the same universe called The Blue Blood Conspiracy.) (Edit: I have now read three and four, and they are also excellent!)


Victorian Steampunk in London with vampires, mechs, and werewolves (sort of) with romance, a political conspiracy plot, and plenty of action? YES PLEASE. These books are excellently written, with a hefty plot that moves at a perfect pace. Both romances have been very believable and intertwined seamlessly with the larger world’s plot. Each book is a hefty length, enough to really get absorbed in and flesh out everything that needs to be covered, without dragging on and getting old. The characters are fascinating – even the side characters are interesting enough that I really hope future books focus on them.

I don’t have a single bad thing to say about this series, and I can’t wait to read the next books. I am forcing myself to take a break from the series, even though I have the next two books, because I have library books that are due sooner that I need to read!

See all my reviews at
The Aeronaut&#039;s Windlass
The Aeronaut's Windlass
Jim Butcher | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
5 Stars - fabulously steampunk novel set high in the sky

The Aeronaut’s Windlass has been something I’ve had for a few months but I’ve been putting it off and putting it off as I didn’t like the authors other first book Storm Front, book 1 of the The Dresden Files. My fiancé has been telling me to read it over and over again and I’ve always put it off after a bad start to Dresden, however, a Facebook group I’m part of told me to read it and gave me several reasons why.

First and foremost, The Aeronaut’s Windlass is steampunk!

Secondly, cats. Talking cats.

And finally there’s aeronauts.

The book opens in what, at first glance, appears to be a regency novel – cue derision and disbelief – until one of the main characters Gwen Lancaster threatens a warrior born with an etheric gauntlet.

Ether is something that is mentioned often in this book and during the various trips of the main characters, it is shown in various forms.

Our main characters revolve around the following:

Gwen Lancaster – heir to the Lancaster fortune and crystal factory. Guard in the Spirearch’s Guard.
Benedict Sorellion-Lancaster – warrior born guard in the Spirearch’s Guard.
Bridget Tagwynn – cat girl and only child of the head of the Tagwynn family.
Captain Francis Madison Grimm – disgraced Fleet officer and captain of the merchant class ship AMS Predator an aeronautical ship.
Rowl – kit to Maul of the Silent Paws.
The premise of The Aeronaut’s Windlass is the aeronautical prowess of the Spires, a tall building that towers above the surface of Earth, designed in a general diamond shape with the key head houses at each compass point and the Spirearch smack in the middle. The Spires in focus are Spire Albion and Spire Aurora; a rival Spire with a penchant for warmongering. The book follows Gwen and Bridget as they train to become members of the Spirearch’s Guard, with Benedict – Gwen’s cousin – doing some extra training on the side. There’s an accidental duel and it’s from here that our story really starts; there’s an explosion and the Spire starts to collapse around them. Our intrepid heroes work together to save a fellow trainee and end up on the wrong end of a potentially deadly situation and the war starts.

The rest of the book is wonderfully described and there’s plenty of sky time for the pilot-at-heart in us all. There’s talking cats that are so well written you can plainly imagine your pet cat having that much disdain for you but really loving you with his whole heart; Rowl, in particular gives off the standard cat disdain but he’s also amazingly human in an odd way. There’s a few odd main secondary characters – Master Ferus and Folly – both of whom are integral to the story as a whole and both of whom are etheralists and a little odd.

There’s war, battles in the sky and dire situations, there’s treachery secrets and death galore; and there’s a history between a lot of the characters to make your eyebrows raise and your brain twitch in disbelief.

As originally stated I was quite reluctant to read Windlass but I really enjoyed the storyline as a whole, the characters were amazingly human/humanised – even the ones who aren’t – Bridget was my favourite, she was so unbelievably awkward in everything that she did but she was so sweetly written that she was entirely relatable.

I see sometimes that steampunk novels are written with the wrong tone of voice – when you hear steampunk you think Victorian and I’ve read sometime books classified as steampunk that weren’t in any way. Windlass didn’t have this issue and it was written perfectly for the genre.

Brilliantly done and I look forward to the sequel <i>The Olympian Affair.</i>

Cori June (3033 KP) rated Overneath in Books

Nov 30, 2018  
Peter S. Beagle | 2017 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have always enjoyed Peter S. Beagle's short fiction books and these definitely are worth it. Even his attempt at the steampunk genre is pretty good. Some of these stories are a little on the dark side and slightly horror, however, you also get some action and adventure. It is a great way to visit some of his established worlds like The Last Unicorn and Inn Keeper's Song as well as find something new. Worlds that treat dragon's like guard dogs for drugs and the police that find them or a world that has humans communicating with aliens via a computer. It is a great travel from High Fantasy to futuristic Sci-Fi.