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ArecRain (8 KP) rated My Dirty Detour in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
My Dirty Detour
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is not my normal read (mafia/gangster/etc.) But the author personally contacted me, and I have a hard time saying no. I figure if the author can go out of her way to personally ask me, I can take time to read it and give my honest opinion especially since I feel that, despite having my preferences, I can usually look beyond my biases to give it a fair review. I did not accept the author's offer of a complimentary copy, though, and instead bought it from Amazon.

First of all, whoa. I wasn’t not expecting this. At first, I felt the writing was a bit long winded. The first couple pages seemed filled with endless descriptions that I didn’t care about. That stopped there. Once Violet meets Rocky (within the first couple pages) it only gets better and the writer flows smoothly.

I loved Violet. I honestly related with her a lot on multiple levels from her love of organization to her wanting to try new things but not really follow through to her hesitance with Rocky. Omg their interactions are just the best! At first, Rocky is a raging d***, but that changes. Honestly, Violet’s interactions and dialogue with him mirrored my own and how I would have done it. She is such a strong character but different from what other typically consider strong. What others would see as giving up, I saw as the strength to walk away, from abuse she didn’t need and a situation that made her unhappy. Staying didn’t make her strong, walking away did. And Rocky truly redeems himself on multiple counts.

I don’t want to ruin any of the story for you because it is one of the best I have read in this genre. You can truly feel the blood, sweat, and tears the author put into this novel. It is such an intense powerful read both plot wise and erotically, that I had to put it down a couple times to pull myself together. The cast of characters is amazing. The steamy scenes full of fire. And the writing is spot on. Risata is clearly a skilled writer and story teller who knows how to bring everything together to make an entertaining story. So if you are looking for a powerful yet hot and hilarious Alpha male romance featuring a strong female, look no further!
B is for Beg (The Alphabet of Desire #2)
B is for Beg (The Alphabet of Desire #2)
Colette Davison | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
best of the three, loved this one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Alphabet of Desire series. Its not necessary to read book 1, A is for Aftercare, before this one. All three books run concurrently. I didn't know this going in! I'm also writing my review for this book after I've read C is for Comfort.

I think this is my favourite of the three!

Why?? Mostly, not because of Blake, but because of Gabe and Calvin and how THEIR relationship develops! Because until Blake, they did not think that way about each other. I mean, why would they? 2 Doms could never have any sort of meaningful relationship, could they? What surprised them both, and me, I think, was how quickly they settled into their new roles. Gabe as Blake's Daddy, and Calvin as his Dom.

Because Gabe and Calvin are SO different, they offer Blake a different touch, a differnt type of care, and Blake needs that. When some things are revealed, the dynamic changes slightly, but for the better.

I LOVED that Gabe calls Blake baby boy and Calvin calls him princess. It shows the difference in the way their dominance displays itself. Loved that both Doms loved that Blake liked pretty things!

The books are billed as low angst, but I found, mostly due to Blake's parents, and how they treat him compared to his brothers, this was the most angsty of the three.

But oh so steamy! Obviously, the steamiest since there are 3 of them, but there are scenes with just 2 of the three, in all combinations, and I really liked that those scenes were there. They were NEEDED I think, to cement the relationship between the pairings as well as the trio.

One thing I will say. There are some repeated conversations across all three books. When I realised that first, I was worried that there would be a lot of them but there aren't. Maybe one or two for each main character in each book. But after reading them, it's important to get the other half/third of these conversations. VERY important. So don't pass these books over because of that!

As I said, my favourite of the three, so . . .

5 full and pretty stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Jack's Heart
The Jack's Heart
Demi Vice | 2018
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So we meet Jack not long before he gets released from prison after doing a stint of seven years for a crime he didn't commit. He's asked by his cell-mate of the last three years to deliver a letter to his sister who it turns out lives near where he grew up as a kid. Upon sight, they have an instant attraction and things get very heated.

I'll be honest, I wasn't sure about Jack at the start. He seemed very cocky, almost intimidating in those first few chapters. But he did grow on me, quite a lot in fact. He had lines he wouldn't cross like having sex with Ahri while she was drunk. I liked that. I liked how protective he was of her. One quote summed him up pretty well:
Jack had the whole, "don't judge a book by its cover," down to an art form. There were layers to him no one ever expected, and they were addicting.

Ahrianna was a fighter. She'd had a tough childhood but was striving to do better, be better. She worked two jobs, barely getting any sleep, and was doing an online course so she could get her dream job in management--where the money was.

The sex scenes were a little too dirty for me. We had anal play and very filthy dirty talk (which I'm not the biggest fan of. I don't mind the odd bit but this was very in-your-face-description dirty talk) and I skipped a few paragraphs.

As for the romance in this, it was nice. Two really damaged people coming together and the attraction being so sudden that the romance just evolved naturally. They were...I don't know how to describe it. So alike in so many ways but complimented each other in others. They were a really great couple.

With those first few scenes and the hot sex I expected this to be more erotica than romance but it wasn't like that at all. Definitely more of a romance.

I've just finished it and seen that Ceifador, a character from Jack's past is the next book and with that last scene in the prison I'm wondering if that guy might be him? I may have to read it and find out.

If you like steamy contemporary romances with good-hearted bad boys and feisty female characters then you should give this a try.
Seducing the Sorcerer
Seducing the Sorcerer
Lee Welch | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I kept missing bits that were just thrown in, and I really loved that.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in with this one, cos I really REALLY enjoyed this book bar one teeny weeny thing, but I'll come back to that! This is the second book by this author I read, and that book was a 3 star, it-was-ok kinda read and this one is so NOT that!

I loved that many times in the book I had to back up a bit, and reread what I just read cos I was like "say what, now?" MANY times. And a book that makes me slow down my reading is never a bad thing, I had to here, cos I kept missing bits that were just thrown in, and I really loved that.

I loved that Fenn had no idea about magic and the sorcerer and what was going on in the tower. Loved that Fenn was quite laid back about it all, really.

I loved the way things crept up on Fenn, much like his worple horse and what it can do, (not sure if thats the correct spelling though!) and that so much was not as it appeared to be. I loved what the horse does with the pink eiderdown 🙂

It's not especially explicit but is steamy enough. Violence level is low but fitting for this book. I was surprised at the level of emotions that Fenn threw at me though, and I've no idea why!

What let it down, for ME was only Fenn has a say, and I so wanted to hear from Morgrim, I really did! I wanted to know what he was thinking when Fenn first landed in the tower grounds; what he felt about Fenn and his horse.

But what I wanted MOST to know about, was how Morgrim felt about what had happened to him 2 years ago, and how he was dealing with all that. I'm greedy, I know, but had Morgrim been given a voice, I have no doubt at all that this would have been a five-star review, it really would!

I can see the author skill has grown a great deal since I read the other book (2017) and I WILL read more now!

4 really REALLY good stars

same worded review will appear elsewhere​
Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3)
Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
my fav of the three!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Dungeons and Dating series. While it can totally be read as a stand-alone, I really think you should read books one and 2 first. It will give you a better, bigger picture of this group of co-workers and friends but also because I said to! Bloody good books, both of them!

Mason and Hunter work at the game cafe, and have crushed on each other for a long time. There are so many miscommunicated moments between these two, it made for painful reading!

Hunter likes how Mason makes him feel, but knows someone like Mase won't ever want him. Mase, in turn, can't understand why Hunter pushed them away a year ago. When Hunter tells them WHY? Oh, I fell in love with Hunter, just a little bit more. Mase too, when they finally let Hunter in.

These two are perfect for each other, but neither thinks they are good enough for the other. Once they actually talk, things become clearer as to why they both think that.

It's not as steamy as the other two books, I thought, but it is HEAVY on the emotions. I loved that Hunter makes a point to ask Mase about their preferences, what they like to do in the smexy department, given that Mase is non-binary. I will admit it took a little getting used to the they/their/them pronouns, but it soon faded to the background. I hated what happened to Mason's sister and how that all came out. And then what happened to Hunter when he was young, you could see why Mason pushed Hunter away for a time.

The others pop up, and I again implore Ms McIntyre to write a story for Jasper! He's starting to hurt, a little, that his friends are pairing up and he can't find his person. You feel for Kelly here. But I think there is a whole LOT we don't know about her relationship with Nat. There are clues, if you know what to look for, that things weren't as clear cut as they seemed. That all comes out in the next book, though.

I loved this book, more so than books 1 and 2 and I loved them too!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Improper Mage
Improper Mage
Taylor Westwood | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IMPROPER MAGE is the first book in a new series by a new author, Taylor Westwood.

In a world similar to our own, Liana lives in Triaedian - a land where shifters, vampires, and mages all live in harmony?! As a female, she doesn't have many options, and the only magic she is supposed to know is how to help with her household. Luckily for us, Liana is not content with that and learns as much as she can by herself, being a strong and proficient mage, even if she can never show it.

One night she meets Damien, the King of Triaedian, who is fascinated by her. He has ruled alone for some time but, maybe, it is time for him to find his Queen. Liana is flattered until she finds out he has expressed interest in two others as well. Then she feels betrayed and played.

The interaction between these two is brilliant. Liana is seen as an 'odd' one in that she doesn't abide by society's rules for what a woman should do. Damien sees this and doesn't seem to want to change her, delighting in who she is. The attraction is hot and immediate but, once again due to society's rules, they are forbidden to act upon it until they are married. They do push the boundaries and have one particularly steamy moment, but will he marry her or one of the others?

I found the world-building to be brilliant, giving me enough information to see how the world worked without overloading me all at once. I also adored the hidden depths of others characters that sneaked through every so often. There is an overall story arc here so don't expect a HEA ending. What you do get is a fantastic ending that will definitely leave you wanting more.

I immediately went onto the author's website to see if there was any indication of when the next book was due out. For a debut book, this was amazing and I loved every word. Highly recommended by me!!

ps - and if you find out when Improper Queen is due out before me, please let me know! I need it!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11774 KP) rated It's Complicated (Reservations #2) in Books

Dec 17, 2021 (Updated Jul 9, 2023)  
It's Complicated (Reservations #2)
It's Complicated (Reservations #2)
Kindle Alexander | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
IT'S COMPLICATED is the second book in the Reservations series and is also how I feel about this book. This is Julian's story; his and the Marlborough Man, otherwise known as Beckett.

Julian has lived through hell and come out the other side. Beckett only knows that he wants to know him better, no matter what happened in his past. Thane, in the first book, looked at Levi and wanted him, prepared to do whatever it took to have him. In a way, Beckett is the same, except he doesn't try to steamroller Julian. Instead, he goes for the perfect gentleman, gently-gently approach. Julian responds to him but ultimately, has different goals than Beckett.

And that, right there, is why I struggled with this book. I just don't like Julian. Now, I'm not saying anything about his past. What he dealt with, nobody should ever have to deal with. I'm talking about the present and future Julian. In his professional life, he constantly flouts the rules that are there for the protection of others, not just him. He is rude and has a major attitude. Only once does he acknowledge that he caused trouble for others, but then immediately justifies it by saying he was doing it for the betterment of the club. And in his personal life, the whole time he was with Beckett, he only had in mind getting his body back in the game of being an Escort. (Yes, I do realise he has to do that to have his epiphany...) And Beckett was a bit too soft and gentle if you know what I mean. If Julian had done to me what he did to Beckett, we certainly wouldn't be looking at sunsets with his family, put it that way.

I liked the cameos of Thane and Levi; for me, they helped move this story along. It's a Kindle Alexander book, which means it's steamy and generally a good read. However, this one just didn't do it for me as others have done.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 17, 2021