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Should You Keep A Secret?
Should You Keep A Secret?
Lisa Darcy | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book didn’t capture me as much as I thought it would by the blurb, but once I got into it I didn’t want to put it down (until I had to, but then I struggled to pick it back up again for some reason!).
The book is based around the idea of finding something out about a friend’s other half and then the dilemma of whether you tell them and potentially blow up their relationship, or whether you keep it to yourself but feel guilty every time you see your friend.
It was interesting to see how the friends wrestled with the idea of whether to tell their friend or not and the way in which they went about it. It was also interesting to follow the fall out, and see what happened to the relationship afterwards.
I also liked how we had chapters from different people’s perspectives and we got to know them a bit more and also found that, although from an outsider’s point of view their lives might seem pretty good, everyone has their own demons and own problems to deal with.
I didn’t like how we switched between first person and third person narratives, and wasn’t completely sure why the only first person narrative was for Stella, I would have preferred all first person (the chapters told you when the character had changed) or all third person rather than a mix.
However, overall this wasn’t a bad book to read. The secret was pretty ridiculous, but I suppose that’s one way to keep you reading, and I felt annoyed by some of the characters decisions. But it was something a little different to my usual reads.
    Angry Birds POP!

    Angry Birds POP!


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    Join Stella, Red, Chuck, Bomb, and the rest of the Angry Birds in an extra addictive bubbleshooter...

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
2019 | Horror
A New Take On Classic Story Horror
Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark is a 2019 horror movie directed by Andre Ovredal, with screenplay adapted by Dan and Kevin Hageman, from a screen story by producer Guillermo Del Toro, Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan. It's based on the children's book series by Alvin Schwartz and produced by CBS Films, Entertainment One, 1212 Entertainment, Double Dare You Productions and Sean Daniel Company, and distributed by Lionsgate. The film stars Zoe Colletti, Michael Garza, Gabriel Rush, Austin Zajur and Natalie Ganzhorn.

Three teenagers in the small town of Mill Valley, Pennsylvania, Stella (Zoe Colletti), Auggie (Gabriel Rush) and Chuck (Austin Zajur) incur the wrath of school bully Tommy Millner after playing a prank. They are chased by him and saved by a drifter named Ramon (Michael Garza) who let's them into his car. The group including Ramon explore a haunted house belonging to the Bellows, founders of the town, Inside of a secret room belonging to the Bellows' daughter Sarah, they find a book of scary stories written by her. After taking the book with them, they start to believe that there is more to the rumors about the house being haunted when stories in the book appear to happen in real life.

This movie was actually pretty good. I thought it could have been scarier but I think it was done well for being rated PG-13. Of course, I'm old enough to remember the books and they were really creepy, especially the illustrations. The movie was good at building suspense, and being creepy. I really liked the characters and felt that they were likeable and had a little something for everyone in how they were relatable. The character development could have been better for sure but the creature effects were spot on. The Monsters were definitely awesome and I like the way the made it an anthology movie without it actually being an anthology. It was pretty unique in that way and I can see how a sequel could work if it's financially successful enough to warrant one. I give this movie a 7/10.
Confessions of an Expat in Paris
Confessions of an Expat in Paris
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve been a fan of Vicki Lesage for years. I’ve read both Confessions of a Paris Party Girl and Confessions of a Paris Potty Trainer. So I was thrilled when she contacted me for an honest review (click here to learn how to get me to review your book).

Paris Potty Girl details her first few years in Paris, from bar-hopping to getting her first apartment to meeting her husband and Paris Potty Trainer, of course, details pregnancies and getting used to parenthood.

Confessions of an Expat in Paris is an anthology of anecdotes spanning across both these eras in Vicki Lesage’s life. You’ll learn about the cheesy and downright weird pick-up lines she received from French guys as well as the time she might have eaten part of her friend’s thumb.

Yep, you read that last sentence right.
Each anecdote is paired with a drink recipe, many of which sound really good. I can’t wait to try the mulled gin recipe.

Mulled Gin
For when you need to recover from face mask fails
1 bottle of red wine
12 oz. gin
1 teaspoon honey
1 oz. orange juice
1 oz. lemon juice
1 cinnamon stick
Add all the ingredients to a pot
Stir and Simmer until honey is dissolved
Serve warm
I really enjoyed Expat in Paris. The stories are usually hilarious and sometimes just a little bit cringy in a good way. Others are sweet and make me smile, like when she was on her honeymoon with her husband.

With her first two books, I felt like there was more of an overall story instead of disjointed anecdotes. As much as I liked being able to enjoy a quick and witty snapshot of her life before I had to get back to my own, I think I preferred the more continuous storyline in Party Girl and Potty Trainer.

While some of the stories were without a doubt hilariously absurd, like her boss’s father asking about how her vaginal rejuvenation was coming along in front of her coworkers (what the everloving fuck), others were less climactic. Lesage included an entire chapter about how she’s an awkward dancer, except when she did the Dirty Dancing move with her brother on her wedding.

A perfect wedding dance move.
The dancing chapter felt more like a summary than a specific moment in her life, which made my eyes glaze over. And she only casually mentioned what could have been some good stories, like her drunkenly dancing on tabletops in public. I would have loved a complete chapter about one of those times, but they are only mentioned now and then.

Vicki Lesage often makes me laugh out loud when reading her books. Her chapter “10 Ways Living in Paris is Like Dental Work” will always make me smile. She talks about how both involve interesting flavors, a lot of paperwork, and a lot of money, and I’ll go “Oh shit, she’s right.”

Now and then, however, her jokes miss the mark. At one point she veered off-topic to stage an imaginary trial to defend herself against herself for eating so much Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and then, within the trial, she goes even more off-topic by talking about how France doesn’t have Phish Food flavor until I just wanted to skip the chapter.

As of this review, I still haven’t tried any of the drink recipes, but I trust a former hardcore drinker like Vicki Lesage to come up with some good drinks, although I don’t think I’ll ever try The Fluoride Treatment because, well, ew. Not the drink itself, but the name. Even though it’s relevant to the chapter, I’m weirdly squeamish.

However, most of these drinks are probably not for amateurs like me, who drink wine out of a box and can’t tell the difference between Stella Artois and Schlitz (I’m guessing. I’ve never actually had Schlitz. But Stella Artois tastes like every other beer to me).

With the exception of the mulled gin, most of the drink recipes require either a martini shaker or a blender. You can probably mostly pull off these recipes without either, though. Just don’t take a page out of Lesage’s book and use lite pancake syrup instead of honey.

I rate Confessions of an Expat in Paris 4 out of 5 stars. It’s a hilarious book that I recommend to anyone who wants a light-hearted memoir.
Rear Window (1954)
Rear Window (1954)
1954 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
Great Mystery
A photojournalist is wheelchair-ridden, watching people in his apartment complex from his window for hours. He’s thrown for a loop when he witnesses what he thinks is a murder. He wants to get to the bottom of it or die trying.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10
I’ll start with Stella (Thelma Ritter) who is easily my favorite character in the entire movie. She is an in-home nurse who is taking care of main character L.B. Jeffries (James Stewart). Out of all the characters in the story, she has the brightest sense of humor. I also loved that she takes zero guff from L.B., sometimes even making it seem like he works for her. She was stern and went beyond the parameters of her job doing everything from offering love advice to helping L.B. dive into the murder.

Of course I appreciated a number of the other characters as well, including the creepy Lars Thorwald (Raymond Burr). He is the object of L.B.’s accusation. Lars does a great job of making you think L.B. could be right. At other times, Lars seems like just a normal guy going about his daily routine. He takes strange to new heights. Each of the characters, the important ones anyway, help to frame the story and keep you intrigued.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 8

Genre: 5

Memorability: 10

Pace: 9

Plot: 10
Rear Window succeeds with a script that’s extremely crisp and engaging. Mystery and tension abound as you try and figure out what’s going to happen next. The story is simple, yet is peeled back in layers. Very well done.

Resolution: 10
I won’t dive in too much here but I will say that the ending is perfect to the point that it answers all the right questions. It doesn’t overdo things and try and unnecessarily put a bow on things. We find out what we need to know and that’s that.

Overall: 92
Alfred Hitchcock puts together stories like a boxer puts together a fight. He hits you with little jabs that wake you up. Eventually he goes in for the kill with harder punches that you’re not ready for. He is definitely one of the greats and Rear Window is yet another one of his classics to show for it.