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The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)
The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)
1994 | Comedy
Terrific, under-rated gem
Coen Brother's films fall into 3 categories for me:


Terrible, overly-indulgent films: HAIL CAESAR, A SERIOUS MAN, BURN AFTER READING


And this film, the 1994 homage to 1940's fast-talking comedies THE HUDSUCKER PROXY.

Set in the business world, THE HUDSUCKER PROXY tells the tale of a young, ambitious corporate ladder climber who is taken under the thumb of a conniving business exec who wants to use the young man as a patsy for the business.

Tim Robbins stars as the young, ambitious Norville Barnes who's "gee shucks" demeanor and the faithful belief in those around him anchors this film in a common decency that Robbins exudes in spades. Countering Robbins is a crafty film veteran - Paul Newman as evil, corrupt Corporate Executive Sidney J. Mussburger. Newman was winding down his career at this point, so must have seen something in the script that caught his eye, for Newman has a spark and a spring in his step that shows that the old man "still has it". He plays off of Robbins well and it is a joy to watch this veteran actor work. Equally interesting in this film is Jennifer Jason Leigh who channels her inner Rosalind Russell as fast-talking, hard-pushing reporter (and erstwhile girlfriend of Barnes), Amy Archer.

But this being a Coen Brothers film, this movie is just as strongly about the atmosphere and the dialogue as it is the characters - and what an atmosphere they create. Delivering a strong "1940's Art Deco meets Techno-Punk" theme, the Coens deliver a visually interesting world that is incorporated with intriguing characters.

In other words - it's a Coen Brothers comedy - and one that is well done.

To tell more about the story is to spoil the picture, but realize that this film is well made, well scripted and well acted (if a little slight on story). It is a very entertaining way to spend a few hours.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Level Up (Reigns Brothers #2)
Level Up (Reigns Brothers #2)
Kindle Alexander | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
its sweet and delicious and all kinds of warm and fuzzies!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is the second book in the Reigns Brothers series and it can be read as a stand alone book. However, personally, to get the full force that is Chad's dad and the one that is Ducky's brother, I recommend you read Secret and then Breakaway before this one. It will give you context to some things that are referenced here.

Gotta be honest here, cos reviewing is all about being honest. I went into this with a bit of hesitation. I was . . .disappointed I think is the best word . . in a follow up book by another Alexander and I didn't want to be let down again. However, I need not have worried.

Because this?? Bloody LOVED this!!

It's delicious and sweet and all kinds of warm and fuzzies that just blew my socks off!

Chad has lusted over his best friend for years, but never MET Ducky face to face. When Ducky ghosts Chad, he takes matters into his own hands. What follows is a wonderful tale of seeing what's right in front of you, and taking it.

Both young men are struggling with their place in their respective worlds. Neither mentioned it to the other, or they might not have struggled so much. And it takes a trip to Hawaii for them to find themselves.

There are some issues along the way, but these are not of the guys making, more the bane of our modern life that is social media and the general angst level is low, which I needed right now.

I loved that I was made to wait a long ass time for the guys to finally, FINALLY see each other in the way they did, and while that scene is smoking hawt, the smexy level is lower than other books by Alexander. Again, I loved that!

I loved that Dallas and Greer (Breakaway) and Tristan and Dylan (Secret) play a huge part here. It was great to catch up with them. Tristan has taken to his step dad role brilliantly!

I mentioned in my review for Breakaway that mum to Dallas and Ducky does something amazing, but thinking about it, she isn't mentioned here. Neither is dad. Eldest brother Donny is, though, and he's spouting his vitriol now that he's found 'religion'.

But it makes me wonder. This is the Reigns brothers series, and there are 3 brothers. So, will Donny see the error of his ways, and get a book? That would be an interesting read, for sure, given how he's acted with Dallas and Ducky coming out.

An absolutely wonderful follow up to Breakaway, and I loved it, and as such, it can only get. . . .

5 full and shiny stars.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
88 of 220
A Cast of Shadows ( Araneae Nation 2.5)
By Hailey Edwards

The strongest net is no match for destiny.

Daraja has grown up watching her brothers journey down the river on the traditional Deinopidae rite of passage. Each returned with riches from their travels, and lovers with whom to share their lives.

Now she has reached the age where she would strike out on her own to seek her fortune - if she were male. Instead, she is expected to sit patiently, weave her nets and wait for the river to bring a husband to her.

Patience, however, has never been her strong suit.

Brynmor haunts the forest surrounding the city of Cathis, his disembodied spirit inextricably bound to the wild canis roaming his lands. Until the day he stumbles across a brazen trespasser in his woods.

Compelled to step in when the canis suspect her of poaching one of their own, Brynmor fears he has lost a piece of his ragged soul to the feisty, adventure-seeking female. And when the canis confront the real poachers, he is forced to choose which life to sacrifice. Hers... or his own.

This series is becoming one of my favourites I absolutely love all the different clans and all these characters. This was a novella of Brnymor and Daraja story, she is from a clan we are yet to explore more of, it features the Canis which are just one of the creatures we are learning more about. I see them as wolf like creatures. Looking forward to more.
Treasure, Darkly
Treasure, Darkly
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jordan Elizabeth tackles steampunk fiction in her new young adult series Treasure Chronicles. In the first book of the series, Treasure, Darkly we are introduced to seventeen-year-old Clark Treasure who pinches a bottle of what he assumes is absinthe from a captain's pocket. After drinking it, however, Clark discovers he has ingested a liquid that gives him the power to awaken the dead. Wanted by the army to be experimented on, Clark goes into hiding and searches for the man he believes to be his father - one of the wealthiest men in the world, Garth Treasure.

On the Treasure ranch, Clark receives a warm welcome from his supposed father and step-mother, however, his half-brothers are not so keen on his arrival. His half-sister Amethyst, on the other hand, is an entirely different battle. Romance blossoms between the two siblings, which Clark has to fight... or perhaps there is a chance he is not really her brother?

Being on a Wanted list and coping with an illicit relationship is only part of Clark's troubles. The liquid he stole also allows him to see the dead and some of them have unfinished business, with which only Clark can help them. Full of adventure, danger, love and science fiction, Treasure, Darkly is a story packed with twists and turns. The characters evoke emotion in readers, causing us to either love or hate them but, ultimately, wish for Clark's success and safety.

Treasure Chronicles promises to be an exciting, engaging series for those who love fantasy, science fiction, romance and historical stories. With never a dull moment, Clark Treasure's plight will attract new and old readers of Jordan Elizabeth.
Surreal Estate
Surreal Estate
Jesi Lea Ryan | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
love love LOVED this one!
Sasha can't live at home, so he's on the streets. He finds an empty home that calls to his 6th sense and moves in. Then Nick buys the house. The house reacts badly to Nick wanting to sell it, and makes Nick's already tight budget and time frame almost impossible. Sasha doesn't want Nick to end up in the hospital, or worse, so he has to come up with something quick, while clearly out and healing his grandfather's house.

I won a copy of this book, and I am so bloody glad I did! Ms Ryan usually writes Young Adult and had this book came with that tag, I would not have entered, cos I'm not a YA fan. This is Ms Ryan's first foray into a much more adult setting, and into the male/male genre, and BOY does she smash it out the park!

Sasha can read houses, they call to him. His skill isn't made immediately clear, and we have to wait for the full picture. I think it really hit me, just what this meant for Sasha, when he was healing his grandfather's house.

I loved we got all of Nick's internal wrangling with himself over his growing feelings and attraction to Sasha. Loved that he was like, "okay then, must be bi" Loved the interaction between Nick and his brothers! His older brother needs a story now, needs to find his happy ever after, especially after what happened here. Well both brothers should have a story, I think!

It's not overly explicit, I thought, but it wans't lacking in any thing regards to the heat and steam level between these two! Not at all! It does carry a violence and drug use warning. These ARE needed and are an integral part of the story, but they are all off screen. We know Sasha's mum does drugs, but we don't see it. We know WHAT happened to Nick, cos we deal with the fall out, but not HOW. It also comes with a non-con warning. It's mostly touching, and doesn't develop into a full blown attack, but could very well have. It needs mentioning though.

It's told from both Sasha and Nick's point of view, in the first person. Each change occurs as a a chapter changes and is clearly headed. I didn't quite manage to read it in one sitting, but very nearly!

I can't wait to see what Ms Ryan comes up with next. I love finding new to me authors, especially ones who step outside their comfort zone! She impressed me here, greatly, and, apparently, I'm a tough critic! I'm not sure that's true, but I LOVED this book.


5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Wicked Whiskey Love (The Whiskeys #4)
Wicked Whiskey Love (The Whiskeys #4)
Melissa Foster | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wicked Whiskey Love (The Whiskeys #4) by Melissa Foster
Wicked Whiskey Love is the fourth book in The Whiskeys series, but each book can be read as a standalone. In this one, we meet Sarah, a single mum of two with one on the way. Now she hasn't had it easy, but we don't find out the whole story all at once. Bones is the brother who plans, the one who checks out his options before making a move... until it came to Sarah and her children. Then he was all in from the get go.

This is an emotional book, both good and bad ones, that will have you laughing out loud and reaching for the kleenex too. Sarah's story is a hard one, but Bones is there for her every step of the way, even when she tries to push him away. With cameo appearances from the rest of the family, this book not only managed to give me what I wanted for Bones, but also has left me hanging on for more. There are so many more characters I want stories for. The brothers are done, but what about Dixie? And Josie, and Quincey? Do I need to go on?

This really was an exceptional read, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The pacing was smooth, and the characters fully rounded and diverse. I thought Tru Blue was my favourite, but now I'm hedging my bets with this one. Absolutely loved it, and can I say, that cover? Yum! There is a warning at the beginning of the book about an ovary explosion when Bones gets going. Heed the warning, girls, because he makes my heart melt!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Fighter (2010)
The Fighter (2010)
2010 | Drama, Sport
Based on a true story, The Fighter tells the tale of two brother boxers. Retired and addicted to drugs, Dicky Eklund (Christian Bale) lives life as the town hero while dreaming of a comeback career. Meanwhile his talented younger brother Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg) is reaching his fighting apex. That is, if he can choose to move past family ties that are holding him from success.

The surprising sibling chemistry of actors Bale and Wahlberg is the successful binding force in the The Fighter. The skill of these two brings relevance to the film for an audience that might otherwise step past a sports story by giving it heart.

Also leading the cast is Amy Adams as Charlene Fleming, a bartender and the love interest of Micky. Charlene threatens to challenge Micky’s already rocky relationship with his family and while this is not Adam’s most impressive role it does display a stretch from her previous body of work.

The supporting cast, consisting of the Micky and Dicky’s sisters and a number of coach and agent figures, adds a much-needed comedic element to a film. Yet it is the small character choices that create emotion in the story, from Micky’s beat-up low budget automobile to the numerous half intelligent one-liners delivered from an increasingly unstable Dicky. This instability combined with gritty shots, constantly moving camera angles, and drab colors provide the audience with a full view of the challenges faced by both brothers in the struggle to survive as boxers.

Unlike the majority of sports stories turned into film The Fighter tackles a much more realistic portrayal of both the sport and the human complexities of the characters involved. The Fighter is more a movie about being a boxer than one about the sport itself, resulting in much of the story occurring outside of the ring. However, there is no denying that The Fighter is a tried and true sports film that overcomes the overplayed story through compelling acting and quality plot.
Holmes and Watson (2018)
Holmes and Watson (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Comedy, Mystery
They can't all be winners
Well...they can't all be winners.

I know that Will Ferrell is an "acquired taste" - either you like the "all in" comedy of this man, or you don't. I happen to like Ferrell, his comedy has aged on me like a fine wine. I find that some of his most recent films like THE OTHER GUYS and THE HOUSE are very funny (maybe not as funny as ANCHORMAN...but what is). I think this comedian still has his fastball.

But, sometimes, wine doesn't age well, it turns into vinegar. And for Ferrell, this vinegar is the comedic dud that is HOLMES & WATSON.

Partnering with familiar on-screen partner John C. Reilly (who paired with Ferrell in films like STEP BROTHERS and TALLEDEGA NIGHTS) this film is a parody of the multitude of Sherlock Holmes films - this time showing that not only is Holmes and idiot but so is Watson. But, somehow, they manage to solve the crime and save the day anyway.

Ferrell is (typically) over-the-top and obtuse as Holmes. Usually, this combination works for him (see ANCHORMAN) but it just falls flat here. Same thing for John C. Reilly's Watson - he is just as over-the-top and obtuse and (I think) that's the beginning of the problem here. The two just bounce off each other without the joke landing on either of them - nor does it land of the audience.

Ralph Fiennes (Moriarty), Rebecca Hall (potential girlfriend), Rob Brydon (Inspector Lestrade) and Kelly Macdonald (Mrs. Hudson) all fair poorly with poor material to work with.

Writer/Director Etan (that's Etan, not Ethan) Cohen (IDIOCRACY) does nothing to help things here with either his writing or his direction. My only thought here is that he thought that Ferrell and Reilly could improvise themselves into a good film.

It didn't happen.

Letter Grade: C (because I guffawed out loud - despite myself - a couple of times)

4 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Chivalrous (Valiant Hearts, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In 1217 the daughter of a baron has but one obligation in life: To marry the man her father chooses and continue the family line. But what if said daughter wished for something different, what if her heart's desire was to become a knight?

"Gwen felt no fear, only the surge of battle coursing through her. Steeling her. Strengthening her."

Gwendolyn Barnes longs to be be a chivalrous knight like her brothers. But her ruthless father has plans to marry her to a man who is able to break her free spirit. She is expected to become a meek and submissive wife to whomever her father chooses. Even in the Arthurian-inspired land of North Britannia Gwen is expected to concede to her parents decisions. But when Sir Allen comes to Edendale, Gwen finds herself longing for a family of her own, if Sir Allen were the one she was wed to. When tragedy befalls the land they must make their choices. Ones which could separate them forever. Will the love Gwen has found be lost forever? Will she be forced to marry a brute of a man? Will Sir Allen, the hope of the land, be able to save them all from destruction?

"She would cling tight to her shield of faith. God would be her defense."

Chivalrous is a riveting story of faith, hope and love. As I was reading I was constantly reminded of the Disney movie Brave (which is one of my favorites). Dina Sleiman's Valiant Hearts series is incredible! I love imagining what it would have been like to live in medieval England. However, it is hard for me to fathom being born into a culture that does not allow a person to choose their own future. To be bound by rules and regulations that dictate your every waking moment. It makes me grateful to be born in the time I was. There is a lot of emotions experienced in this book. But through it all the message is clear. Never give up! Keep fighting for what is right and true. And God will be with us every step of the way, guiding us into our destiny.

I received a free digital copy of Chivalrous from Bethany House Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.