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A descent into madness by an author with a talent for story telling. (0 more)
Some events required better explanations that what was offered at the end of the story. (0 more)
Casual Reading Review
I will admit this is one of the few books that I have read after watching the movie. I was not impressed by the movie at all and had high hopes that the book would be better, as is usually the case. This time I was somewhat wrong. While the book was better than the movie, it still was not good. It is a rare occurrence when I do not like something that Stephen King writes but this one just was too confusing. I understood what was happening and why, but oddly enough I felt as if Stephen King did not explain how it happened quite well enough to satisfy me.

After recently getting divorced an author goes to his old lakeside house unsure of how long he is going to stay there, while his ex-wife takes over their old house. It is here that he is confronted by someone claiming that he is the original author of a story that was published a few years back and is demanding that things be made right. The author slowly starts to fall victim to paranoia and go crazy, leaving to question was he crazy before or after the appearance of the man accusing him of plagiarism.

That was an extremely vague summary of this short story but like with much of Stephen King's work, I am afraid of saying too much and spoiling some shocking twists for those who have not yet read it.
Stephan's Monster (Vampires of Vadin #2)
Stephan's Monster (Vampires of Vadin #2)
Shelby Rhodes | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stephan's Monster (Vampires of Vadin #2) by Shelby Rhodes
Stephen's Monster is the second book in the Vampires of Vadin, and it goes off in a different direction than I thought it would! I was hoping for Asher and Kaiden's story, but no. Instead I get Jayden and Stephen, an opposite's attract couple, with deep and dark similarities. They are drawn to each other, and Stephen tries to help Jayden overcome his 'monster'.

Whilst these two have backgrounds as heartbreaking as you could imagine, this is not a heartbreaking story. Instead, it is one of acceptance, of love, and even of hope. Stephen's obsession with pink made me laugh, as Jayden's monster made me cry. So many highs and lows in this book, and I loved every word.

Nice to reunite with Adrian and Xavier from book one, plus other characters. If you enjoy dark romances with tortured heroes, then I can absolutely and utterly recommend this book!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Doctor Strange, Vol. 1: God of Magic
Doctor Strange, Vol. 1: God of Magic
Donny Cates | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
OMG Bad...
Contains spoilers, click to show
This comic was so bad I could not even get passed the first issue. While it's really cool that the title of Sorcerer Supreme is held by someone besides Stephen Strange, that is about the only thing this comic has going for it. I firmly believe that if you are going to use the title of a character as the title for your book than the character should be the main character in it. Stephen Strange was only mentioned until the last few pages of the first issue. On top of that they portrayed Loki as if he was a whiney brat instead of the God of Mischief. I also had a major issue with the art style. While it wasn't incredibly bad there were a few things that really got to me. The major problem was that Loki, who is usually put together even when on the brink in death, looked like a hobo playing dress up.... This probably wouldn't have bothered me as much if the rest of the characters shown didn't look nowhere near as bad. Overall this comic was horrible and became the first comic that I choose to never pick up again.
On Writing: a memoir of the craft
On Writing: a memoir of the craft
Stephen King | 2000 | Biography, Reference
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Most of the hints and tips (0 more)
Assumes every writer works the same (0 more)
Great book. I read it in a couple of days and it was exactly what I was looking for. I am not a Stephen King fan as I am not keen on the fantasy/ horror genre, but this book is non fiction. The first part of the book is a short memoir of writer's growth and early experiences, I found this part both funny and insightful and not at all what I expected from Stephen King. The 'On Writing' part was excellent. The author's hints and tips are subjective yet honest which is refreshing. Not all writers work the same and King is clear that this is only advice and may not be suitable for everyone. Bad habits and grammatical no-no's were probably the most helpful pieces of advice for myself, his huge dislike for the 'adverb' is something I may find myself becoming accustomed to in my own work revision. For non writers, do not dismiss this book, it is a little jewel that gives the reader a close and personal account of the authors honestly and quirks. I really loved it.