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Sarah (7798 KP) rated Christine in Books

May 26, 2020  
Stephen King | 1983 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (40 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good but a little too drawn out
Despite Stephen King being my favourite author and owning virtually all of his books, I've yet to actually read them all. Christine is one that never really appealed (From a Buick 8 sounded like a much better car based story), but it's actually quite good.

Aa with every King book, this is very well written and has some wonderfully developed and interesting characters. The story too is full of some decent gore and horror, but I think the major problem is with the length of the story. There is no reason why this needed to be dragged out over 600 pages, and it could've been a lot shorter. Whilst i enjoyed reading this, it did feel like a slog at times. Also considering the length of the book, the ending felt rushed and far too much time had been spent building up to an ending that felt a little lacklustre - although the final part of the epilogue did make up for this slightly.

Overall a decent entertaining book with a lot of good writing and characters, but too drawn out and definitely isn't one of King's best.