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Hayden Hansen (5 KP) rated 28 Days Later (2002) in Movies
Apr 27, 2019
Unique (4 more)
Zombies aren't zombies
The acting
The violence is creative
Very disorienting (4 more)
Can't settle on a mood
The ending kinda falls apart
Doesn't develop the characters enough
Not always scary
Okay zombie movie but disappointing Danny Boyle movie
Okay so I saw 28 Days Later when I was 14 and had no idea what the hell I was watching. It was way too different from other zombie movies out, in fact it never really says zombie at all. The film works with it's settings, actors, and violence but it doesn't when it's telling the overall story. The ending kinda gets distracted and uninteresting fast at that point as I kinda stopped caring. Danny Boyle has directed alot of movies that are great like Steve Jobs, Slumdog Millionaire (yes it's a great movie), and Trainspotting but this reminded me of Sunshine so much. I mean there's a great premise that takes new twists and turns that the kind of story doesn't do. It works well for most of the movie till the very end that doesn't stick the landing cleanly. I still say this is worth a watch considering how stupid 28 weeks later is... And believe when you get done with the beginning of that one, you'll k know what I'm talking about...

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