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Sleepless (2017)
Sleepless (2017)
2017 | Action, Drama, Mystery
6.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
As I said, it was a double feature day. I'd already got a ticket for later in the evening as there was an Unlimited screening of Sleepless starring Jamie Foxx. Something I learnt is that every Unlimited member in Bristol South seems to know everyone else... loads of people were walking in and being perky and asking after families and whatnot... I may skip the next one! Anyway, the film. It was really good. But word to the wise Jamie, you are not Steven Seagal, stop fighting people in kitchens. And Dermot Mulroney as a baddie? I don't know how I feel about that. It was a great action film though, not one of the best, but I will certainly be watching it again.
Mould (Liam Tate #1)
Mould (Liam Tate #1)
Steven Jenkins | 2023 | Horror, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A really good, short story that despite its shortness, was packed full of great characters and a general overriding sense of the creepy.

I don't really read a lot of supernatural books now but every now and again I like to hark back to my teenage years and indulge myself in a bit of creepiness and Mould definitely hit the spot and I very much look forward to reading more in this new series to see which eerie place it takes me to next.

Many thanks to Steven Jenkins for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of Mould and for making me a part of his Advance Reader Team but this in no way influenced my thoughts on this start to a new series which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 21, 2019)  
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
1993 | Horror
5.6 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Jason Voorhees is believed to be dead, but his murderous rampage lives on. He's able to transfer from body to body, but each host deteriorates at an incredible rate and he has to switch frequently. Meanwhile, Steven goes to meet Diana one night, who happens to be his ex-wife's mother. She has something very important to tell Steven. You see, Diana is the sister of Jason Voorhees and Jessica, Steven's ex, is his niece. Steven and Jessica have a baby named Stephanie, as well.

According to Creighton Duke, a bounty hunter, the only way anyone can kill Jason is by destroying his heart and it has to be done by a blood relative. Not only that, but he can also be reborn by transferring into the body of another Voorhees. So after Diana is killed in a scuffle with "Jason," that only leaves Jessica and Stephanie. Steven has no choice, but to protect his family even though he's believed to be the one who killed Diana and has the police hot on his trail every step of the way.

For a Friday the 13th film, the acting in this is surprisingly good. It still has a few actors that make you groan, but the actors who get the most face time are decent and get the job done. In fact, I probably would've rated this a few points higher if it wasn't for a few factors. The main one being that Jason is a worm. Not only that, but he's like this demonic worm thing that the sphincter-blasting worms in Dreamcatcher would probably find attractive. If they hadn't tried to give Jason this supernatural explanation and had something else in its place, this would have been a lot better.

Jason, like the actual Jason with the hockey mask, is really only in the film for maybe ten to fifteen minutes tops. So that hurts the film, in my eyes. They also made Jason make all these weird noises this time around. He was wheezing, breathing heavily, groaning, and grunting. It didn't fit the character. He was generally silent up until this film and is again in Jason X. So...what the hell? It's a disappointing sendoff overall for a film labeled as The Final Friday. I guess it wasn't completely pointless. We did get the Freddy Vs Jason tease at the end, which wasn't really followed up on for ten years. But I digress...
Contagion (2011)
Contagion (2011)
2011 | Drama
One Flu Over - The Cooker's Next
Steven Soderbergh's crack at the all-star disaster movie genre starts well but is eventually tripped up by its own insistence on naturalism and scientific rigour. Gwyneth Paltrow comes back from a business trip with mutant pig-bat flu, drops dead, gets cremated (see review title), authorities struggle to contain the spread of the virus. Gwynnie's widower Matt Damon wanders about looking mournful wondering how well he really knew his wife.

More a collection of subplots than an actual narrative, but there are plenty of good moments and strong performances to begin with (maybe not Jude Law's Australian accent, come to think of it). The problem is that Soderbergh sets out to do this seriously, which means that he struggles to build the thing to a proper climax with any real sense of closure: a real pandemic would be horrible, but not apocalyptic in the way it's usually presented in movies and TV shows. Soderbergh can't help but be effortlessly watchable and stylish though. Not sure what the point of the film is, except to traumatise germophobes and hypochondriacs, but it's good at that and engaging for everyone else.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
2008 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Old Indy: Nuke The CGI Refrigeror
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull- is the fourth indiana movie. I wish their didnt make a fourth movie, cause in my opinion and others the trilogy as a whole was and is perfect. The third movie was called, "The Last Crusade", so it should of been the last, but nope. Over 20's year, their had to make anethor one. Thanks Steven, George and Harrison, cause we really needed anethor one. With CGI Gophers, Monkey's, Aliens, and also Indiana surviving a atomic bomb test by hiding in a refrigator and surviving. Ya, no. He should be dead. Relying on to much CGI, pointless charcters, plot and a terrible ending. This movie doesnt live up to the oringal trilogy.

The plot: It's the height of the Cold War, and famous archaeologist Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford), returning from his latest adventure, finds out his job at Marshall College is in jeopardy. He meets Mutt (Shia LaBeouf), a young man who wants Indy to help him find the legendary Crystal Skull of Akator, and the pair set out for Peru. However, deadly agent Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett) is searching for the powerful artifact, too, because the Soviets believe it can help them conquer the world.

I mean the action was good, the adventure was good and Cate Blanchett was good as the villian, everything else was bad.

But at the same time though its always good to see Indiana and his adventures. To see Indiana back after all these years, did put a smile on my face. Old Indiana.

Though in my opinon, just watch the oringal trilogy, its 10x better than this garbage. I mean this bomb. Atomic Bomb, boom got them. Seriously, dont watch this one, its bad.

Sarah (7798 KP) May 26, 2020

5 seems rather generous considering you've said it's awful! 😆


Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) May 26, 2020 (Updated May 26, 2020)

Yea, maybe a 4 than. I did like the action, the comedy, the adventure, Harrision and Cate and thats it. Just it was good see anethor Indiana film though.

Logan Lucky (2017)
Logan Lucky (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
If Hell Or Highwater & Tagadella Nights were mashed together, this would be the result. (0 more)
A Hugely Humerous, High Quality, Hillbilly Heist
Steven Soderbergh has made some good movies and some bad movies over the years, but I'm glad to say his comeback movie falls on the right side of his filmmaking. Teaming up again with Channing Tatum in the lead role, the movie follows two brothers who are known in their town for being unlucky. They recruit their younger sister and an off-kilter Daniel Craig and decide to attempt to rob the Charlotte Motor Speedway.
What ensues is fun, witty and moves at a brilliant pace. The ending of the movie isn't quite what you expect and although some of the big twists can be seen coming, the way that it is executed plays well.
Overall, the movie is a lot of fun and pretty stylish in places too.
Logan Lucky (2017)
Logan Lucky (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
I did not know much about this going in, but what a pleasant surprise! I thought it was going to be more of an action film, but ended up being very funny indeed. I don't think they make good comedies any more, so I really don't seek them out. I fell into this one by accident because I'm a big Steven Soderbergh fan.

The screenplay is very funny especially with a lot of the "redneck" dialogue between Channing Tatum and Adam Drive or Daniel Craig and his two crazy brothers.

When the group decides to rob a major NASCAR raceway, they need all the hep they can get including a demolishonist who is currently in jail.

The plot has some holes, and everything is too convenient at times, but overall a very entertaining film which is never boring and usually very amusing.

Highly recommended.

Starfish Pier (Hope Harbor #6)
Starfish Pier (Hope Harbor #6)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a roller coaster this book was, hold on and prepare the Tacos!

I loved Starfish Pier by Irene Hannon. From the characters to the setting, it drew me in and made me feel at home from the very beginning. Starfish Pier is part of the Hope Harbor series (I believe book #6) but it can be read as a standalone. All the books are just based in the same town, so you get to see previous and future characters interwoven throughout the series; I think it is a lot like some of the series Debbie Macomber has written.

Holly and Steven were a great combination of characters. Each one had a unique viewpoint, some very different personalities, and struggles to overcome. I loved Holly’s outlook on life, she was always reaching out to others to try and help make their days better even when she was not having a good day herself. Now Steven. I loved his strength, his selflessness, and his willingness to put others before his happiness. His character is someone I could know in real life.

The themes in this book were quite varied, from depression, physical disabilities, overcoming addiction, protection of life… So many thought-provoking arguments were brought forth in this book, and both sides of the arguments were presented, which I thought was interesting. Plus, you cannot forget the yummy Tacos and advice!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the in-depth characters, varied themes, and the love of Tacos! I recommend reading this book!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Songs from the Phenomenal Nothing
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IÕll be honest, I had never heard of this author or read the blurb when I signed up to this event, but I am so grateful that this particular opportunity came knocking on my door. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and have to thank the author, Steven Luna, for the chance to read and review his amazing writing. I have so much good to say about this book that IÕll waste no time in getting started, and I hope I donÕt repeat myself too much.

The first thing I absolutely adored about this book is how incredibly engaging and well written the plot was. In all honesty, TylerÕs struggles with his motherÕs death could have very easily become cliche and tiresome very quickly, but not once when reading this book did I feel bored or like I wasnÕt fully engaged with Tyler and his dilemma. Luna really pulls you right into his story quickly, leaving no time to Ôum and aahÕ over things, you just jump straight in and keep on going on what is a roller coaster of superbly written twists and turns. IÕve not read many books with this kind of subject matter, but I feel like I want to read more, and almost felt a little bereft when I finished the book as I so wanted there to be more to it! That is, perhaps, the only negative I have Ð I was gutted to find that the book had finished! It was just that good I didnÕt want it to ever end!

This is, in part, to how wonderful the characters are. Tyler, as the lead, is incredibly easy to invest emotionally in. HeÕs believable, much like the entire plot, and his emotions are so easy to understand, even if they do break your heart as you watch him, essentially, turn his rage and grief on himself and Tom. Xan and Chelsea, although minor characters, also leave a lasting impression, much like Trevor and Tom. This is a testament to Steven LunaÕs way of writing as it is very rare a minor character grabs my attention and thoughts much when I put the book down, but IÕve found myself not only thinking about Tyler, but also Tom and Xan quite a lot too.

Something else that really needs a mention is how emotionally charged this book is, but in all the right ways. I guess IÕd better explain exactly what I mean here, because I mean to give the highest praise to Steven Luna on this note. I love a book that not only engages my brain as IÕm reading, but also engages my heart, and ÔSongsÕ does this so completely that at times I truly wished I could reach into the kindle and make everything all right again for Tyler. Having recently experienced my own loss to cancer, this book really did touch a delicate part of my heart but in the best possible way. Steven Luna writes with such sincerity and honesty in this tale that I truly believed every word, my heart aching and my eyes moistening as I lived through TylerÕs sadness. ItÕs very hard for an author to make me cry, but within the first few pages that is exactly what was happening, and I wish to offer the highest praise for the style with which Luna manages this.

And so, IÕm going to wrap this up, partly because the superlatives are running out, and partly because I am literally dying to get onto reading some of his other writing. This book is, like the title suggests, truly phenomenal. It was difficult to put down, gripping from the first chapter and above all, a very believable and easy book to read. I cannot recommend this twisting tale highly enough, and I wish to take this opportunity to thank Steven Luna for opening my heart to a new range of emotions.

ARC received in return for an honest review as part of a blog tour on Lily Loves Indie -
The Last Starfighter (1984)
The Last Starfighter (1984)
1984 | Action, Sci-Fi
Guilty 80s pleasure still sparkles!
I have made several "Andy's Guilty Pleasures" lists in my life and Flash Gordon, Krull and this film are always at the very top. I'm sure it's because this movie was a childhood favorite, but also because it hits everything just right. It's not complicated, scary, or deep at all. Just a campy good time.

When local teenager trailer park handyman Alex Rogan finally beats his favorite video game "Starfighter" he gets more than he bargained for when it's owner comes calling and invites Alex into outer space to help the star league defend itself against its enemies.

It was one of the first movies to use any sort of CGI images as we think of them today. I'm sure nowadays people would say it looked a bit dated, but I would argue the characters and story are what keep it relevant.

There have been many stories and attempts to remake or reboot this film, even from Steven Spielberg, and thus far it hasn't happened.

Keeping my fingers crossed it never does.