On Silbury Hill
Silbury Hill in Wiltshire has inspired and perplexed people for generations. Artists and poets have...

101 Things to Do with a Stone Circle
There are more than nine hundred stone circles in the British Isles alone and countless thousands of...

Archaeoastronomy: Introduction to the Science of Stars and Stones: 2016
This book provides the first complete, easy to read, up-to-date account of the fascinating...

The Hunter
From USA Today Bestselling author L.J. Shen comes a new, fun, steamy standalone about a notorious...

New Crafts: Sticks and Stones: 25 Practical Projects Using Natural Materials
In this book, the natural beauty and texture of sticks, wood, stones and pebbles are celebrated in...

The John Michell Reader: Writings and Rants of a Radical Traditionalist
John Michell and Joscelyn Godwin
A countercultural icon of the 1960s, John Michell (1933-2009) was perhaps best known for his books...

The Awakening: Part One
Book Watch
The Druid War has ended after a year of bloody combat, as Lycan armies battled each other to decide...
fantasy urban fantasy druids lycanthropes werewolves
Live StreetViewer-world travel Navigation view
Navigation and Travel
StreetViewer for world travel-Navigation is an app can look and travel all over the World wide...

Live Streetview-Street-travel
Navigation and Travel
Live Streetview-Street-travel for Google Maps is an app can look and travel all over the World wide...
Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the Context of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention - A Thematic Study: Volume 2
Clive Ruggles and Michel Cotte
This joint venture between ICOMOS, the advisory body to UNESCO on cultural sites, and the...