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The Ghoul (2016)
The Ghoul (2016)
2016 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Chris is an undercover detective that starts seeing a psychotherapist to help solve the latest case, but the more time he spends in therapy the thinner the line between reality and the truth come from. Kathleen is an old friend from university that supports Chris, while also having him when she needs help. We have other characters that come into the life of Chris, the therapists trying to help him, the fellow patient trying to warn him, the film does keep the character numbers down with each posing a potential end of the investigation for Chris.

Performances – Tom Meeten appears in every scene and his performances needs to be great to carry the film, he is wonderful through the film as we feel his confusion through it all. Going into the supporting cast, we do have good performances for Tom to bounce off too.

Story – The story is the hardest thing to describe, it will keep you guessing from start to finish as you wait to see where the film will go next. This is both a good thing and a bad thing, because you will need to give the film 100% attention to make sure you don’t miss anything and even if you blink you might miss an important clue.

Thriller – This has tension driven through the film as we can see how thing could end up becoming something shocking.

Settings – The film is set in London which helps us se the busy street feel to the busy lives that the people are living.

Scene of the Movie – The final reveal.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It is slightly too confusing.

Final Thoughts – This is a real mind bender, I always enjoy seeing film makers push things to the limits even if I don’t personally enjoy the film as much as I should have.


Overall: Real mind bender for all.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Clusterf*@k (Life Sucks #4) in Books

Aug 12, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Clusterf*@k (Life Sucks #4)
Clusterf*@k (Life Sucks #4)
Elise Faber | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CLUSTERF*@K is the fourth book in the Life Sucks series and is another winner from Elise Faber.

Misty is feeling lonesome and, maybe, just a tad jealous at seeing her brother and sister-in-law so happy. Although she has lots to be grateful for, a relationship isn't one of them. So when she reverses into Chance's car and he states his interest in front of everyone, Misty's world is about to turn upside-down.

You know, if you are lucky enough, you will happen along an author that just ticks every box. Elise Faber is one of those for me. I found Ms Faber through her Phoenix series, a superb paranormal romance set, but since then, every book I've read I have thoroughly enjoyed. I don't usually 'do' contemporary romance. MM Contemporary? Yep. Romantic Suspense? Absolutely. But for some reason, 'normal' contemporary romance doesn't seem to work UNLESS I'm reading a Faber book. There is something about her writing style, how the story is character-driven, that draws me in and certainly doesn't leave me wanting.

Misty and Chance have their disagreements, and yes, Chance messed up to begin with, but both of these are straight shooters. They don't play games, they don't act coy. What they want, they let you know about. This made their story worth reading. And not only that, but I now need to know the stories for Raven, Frankie, and Maggie! (Psst, Maggie is the next one!)

Full of humour, steam, family moments, and a warmth that seeped through my Kindle, Clusterf*@k was a fantastic read that I have no hesitation in recommending. Absolutely brilliant.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 12, 2021
You Think It, I'll Say It
You Think It, I'll Say It
Curtis Sittenfeld | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great, satisfying set of stories
This short story collection features ten short stories from author Sittenfeld, featuring a cast of diverse, real characters. Told from a variety of point of views--a bored housewife, a wealthy bachelor, a new mom, and more--they offer pointed and humorous insight into current society.

I typically am not a huge fan of short stories because they don't give me enough information about the characters, and I'm a very character-driven person. But when I saw that Curtis Sittenfeld had a short story collection coming out, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist. She gets a lot of press for Prep, but I feel like American Wife and Eligible are both still so fully ingrained in my brain. I loved them both so much, and they are go-to recommendations when I get the standard, "oh you like to read, what should I read?" question.

But, I digress. Sittenfeld. Short stories. I shouldn't have been surprised, honestly, that her collection would be above the typical fare. I probably enjoyed this set of short stories more than any other I've read in ages. It's so well-written and engaging. As with Sittenfeld's other work, the stories are so wonderfully descriptive, so you can immediately picture the characters and their situations. I felt like I was quickly transported to the setting of each story as soon as it began.

The stories are similar but not repetitive, which was also refreshing, and seem to be real, instead of striving to reach some sort of literary bar that makes them tedious and therefore unreadable. They are about real, relatable characters struggling with misinformed impressions, lingering resentments, and different types of relationships. But - oh hooray - even better, the majority of the stories didn't leave me with that unfinished feeling. They are honestly fascinating, and I enjoyed how they all start (I enjoyed them all the way through too, of course, but it seemed like each had a bit of a common thread in its beginning). I could have read more about each story's characters, sure, but I didn't feel frustrated when they ended, which was so amazing and different for me.

I really liked each and every story. For instance, there's "Vox Clamantis in Deserto" which begins with a woman (girl?) who idolizes a fellow college student from afar in line at the post office. Two of the stories, "Plausible Deniability" and "The Prairie Wife," had actual twists and surprises, which was so much fun. And some of the longing that came across in these characters was very touching and heartfelt. I have a soft spot for slightly nerdy high school/college kids, even once they're all grown up, and for slightly fatigued moms, so these stories were my cup of tea.

Overall, this was a great set of short stories. They are filled with real people set in complicated yet enjoyable and interesting situations. They are easy-to-read and don't leave you wanting for more--except maybe more stories. This only cements my feeling that I'll continue to read (and adore) anything Ms. Sittenfeld writes.

I received a copy of this story collection from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.
12 Strong (2018)
12 Strong (2018)
2018 | Drama, History, War
Story: 12 Strong starts on the day of 9/11, Captain Mitch Nelson (Hemsworth) witnesses the horrors of the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, returning to his military base, he wants to lead her unit into battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Once receiving permission and earning the right, Mitch is joined by Hal Spencer (Shannon) and his 10 other trusted soldiers that head into Afghanistan to work with the Afghan Warlord General Dostum (Negahban) as they unleashes the first attack in retaliation after the 9/11 attack.


Thoughts on 12 Strong


Characters – These soldiers are real people, Mitch Nelson is the unexperienced combat Captain that takes his driven man into battle, he must use his own smarts to be given the opportunity to be the first in the retaliation, he uses his knowledge to work with General Dostum as the two different cultures and ideas must come together for the battle. Hal Spencer is the second in command of the unit, he is older and offers the advice he soldier needs to get himself to the right answers. The rest of the unit all have their moments through the story and by the end you will believe you are watching a real unit.

Performances – Chris Hemsworth in the leading role is fantastic, he keeps himself looking like the star even though he needs to work with a unit to get the right answers, showing he can handle the serious roles once again. Michael Shannon in the supporting role shines even though it is strange seeing him in a good guy role after his recent run as a villain. The rest of the cast are great, they all have wonderful chemistry which the unit needs to pull this off.

Story – The day of 9/11 shocked the world, America the most and this shows the plan to retaliate after the attacks, the first men to go into combat against the Taliban as they risked everything to get a strike back and prevent what was believed to be another big attack. This is a true story, this could easily have been a fictional story because after the mission starts, you are pulled into seeing just what the men will do to get the job done and of course it is an against the odd style mission.

Action/History/War – The action sequences are shot in a brutal style that doesn’t hold back with what happens, we are left shocked by certain moments and on the edge of our seats the next because of the war time battle sequences.

Settings – The settings look the part, we are mostly just in and around caves and canyons which is where the Taliban would be hiding and preparing.

Special Effects – The effects for the battle sequences are flawless, looking brutal and the stunt team need praise for the work they have put into this movie.

Scene of the Movie – The final surge, wonderfully shot moment.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It is ‘we are America, we are great’

Final Thoughts – This is one of the best war movies or recent years, it shows the brutally of the war, the thin line between good and evil between the Afghan units and just how bringing together two cultures can unit for a same enemy.


Overall: Must watch action movie.
The Desert Spear
The Desert Spear
Peter V. Brett | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Desert Spear is the second book in the Demon Cycle by Peter V Brett. The first book is The Painted Man which introduces a world where demons rise at night and try to kill people, the only protection from them being to draw 'wards' which the demons are unable to cross.

I approached this second book in two minds. I liked the first book, the concept is excellent and well imagined. The main protagonist is interesting and the directions taken are unexpected. The only let down for me was that apart from the Painted Main himself, I found the other 'main' characters a little less interesting. Leesha's story was interesting and gave insights into Brett's world. However Rojer's story left me cold to be honest, he didn't seem to add very much to the book. I was a little concerned that this second book might be the same for me.

I needn't have worried. The first third of the book concerns the back story of Jardir, a desert warrior prince who appears as a second tier (though instrumental) character in the first book. In this book he is definitely a leading character. He has declared himself the Deliverer and is determined to unite all of humanity under his banner to fight the demons, as has been long foretold. He is determined and quite prepared to take cities by force if required. The back story explains what drives him and also the reasons for his actions in the first book.

Meanwhile the Painted Man is being called the Deliverer by the free peoples of the North, something he strenuously denies. But there can only be one Deliverer and as Jardir encroaches on the North their worlds will come into conflict.

This is a long book - the paperback I read ended on page 750 - and there is a lot to read. Brett is all about character development and there are a lot of characters in this book, some new some returning ones. Rojer is a much better character in this book, possibly because he is not required to carry the storyline but instead can provide a different point of view on events. Leesha is once again a main character and of course the Painted Man plays his part, fighting demons both physical and his own mental demons. There is a lot of dialogue as the story and plot are very much personality driven. There are of course scenes of demon fights large and small but they in no way make up the bulk of the book.

There is another plot strand that I won't give away here but adds more dimension to the demon threat and provides some excellent moments.

The writing is excellent and the characterisation outstanding. This is one of those books which makes you wonder why there is such snobbery in the wider fiction community for 'niche' genres such as fantasy. I would hold the writing and characters from this book against any established classic.

Despite my reluctance to pick this book up, I really enjoyed it and am very much looking forward to the third installment - The Daylight War. It promises to be an absolute corker.

If you liked the first book just for the demon fights and skimmed all the talking and character development in the middle then this is not for you. However if you found at least one character from the first book interesting and worth following, read this book.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Clockwork Prince in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Clockwork Prince
Clockwork Prince
Cassandra Clare | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Infernal Devices continues with the second book in the series, Clockwork Prince. The story continues not long after the events of Clockwork Angel and takes place in the now familiar London. In retrospect, I realize that there is not a lot of action in these books. While there are some fantastically written scenes, there are a lot less active, fighting elements than in her other series. For example, you frequently see the characters of the Dark Artifices either training or fighting demons - yet that doesn't happen very often in the Infernal Devices.

As I've re-read this series, I've come to appreciate just how character driven these novels are. While there is action, most of the scenes focus on the characters themselves. You delve deeper into Will's psyche as he continues to push everyone away and wonders if the mask he wears will soon become who he is. You watch as Jem struggles with his illness and how much those around him mean to him. You understand Tessa's struggle to understand who, and what, she is. You feel for Charlotte's struggle for the Institute and the distraction of her husband.

Even though the series is a work of fiction, it just feels real and I believe that that is the mark of a fantastic novel. You connect with the characters and go on this emotional journey with them. As they learn about themselves, grow, change, learn, love and lose - you also feel that you have been affected. Each and every character is further developed in this novel, which I think is the strongest aspect of Clockwork Prince. Tessa, Jem and Will are some of my favourite fictional characters from all of the books that I've read.

I do feel that this book falls prey, to a small degree, to the curse of the second book - which being a bridge between the first and final books in the series can be lacking. Cassandra Clare moved the plot along, allowed us and the characters to discover new information, but overall not a lot happened. I still loved this book, but it was not quite as good as Clockwork Angel and likely won't be anywhere near as good as Clockwork Princess (proclaimed by many to be the best conclusion).

I highly recommend this series to fans of fantasy, who enjoy character driven plots and immerse worlds. Of course, you must read Clockwork Angel first as this is a series and the book would not entirely make sense otherwise.
Desperation Road
Desperation Road
Michael Farris Smith | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my review here:

<b><i>Now they loved different lives, different from what any of them probably imagined. How could you imagine the complexities of what might come?</b></i>

One night, eleven years ago, Russell did something stupid, made a terrible mistake - he drank and drove and ended up killing someone. Now he’s done his time in prison and he just wants to settle down into a normal life. On the same day as Russell’s release, troubled Maben, and her daughter, are trudging through the grass along the interstate. That night they end up in a motel with no money left and Maben decides there’s something she’s got to do to get them some cash. The night ends, instead, with a dead deputy and Maben pulling her daughter off running. The next day, Russell and Maben cross paths and Russell has to decide if it's his life, or theirs, that he’s going to save.

This is a story about revenge, redemption and acceptance. Quite a different novel to what I’m used to but I do like to step outside my comfort zone every once in awhile. I ended up really enjoying this book, even though, as the title suggests, it’s a little bit dark and depressing at times.

What I loved the most about this book was how realistic it was. There are millions of mystery thrillers out there, that I read on the daily, that are based around “normal” people;s lives but we know, could never be real. This story, on the other hand, is perfectly plausible to imagine in a bit of a down-and-out town. With inherently flawed but morally conscious people and others who are driven to madness and evil by their deep rooted emotions, this is the kind of novel that can really hit home.

Russell, although flawed in many ways, is one of the most likeable characters I’ve ever come across. He means no harm to anyone and does everything out of the good of his heart.

My only issue with this novel was the ending, that I felt could have been grown upon. It felt a bit dead-ended and cut off, but other than that, this was a beautiful story.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Little, Brown and Company for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>

Lee (2222 KP) rated Bumblebee (2018) in Movies

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated Dec 17, 2018)  
Bumblebee (2018)
Bumblebee (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Transformers just got fun again
I have mixed feelings when it comes to the Transformers movies. I enjoyed some, disliked others, and haven't even bothered watching some of them. But with Bumblebee, we get something completely different to what we've had before. A stripped back, character driven story with real heart and less city-wide mass destruction. Michael Bay has now taken a step back into role of producer, and Bumblebee is all the better for it.

We kick things off with a pretty impressive, jaw dropping opener though, as we witness the dramatic fall of Cybertron. Sustaining heavy damage from the Decepticons, Autobot leader Optimus Prime sends one of his best soldiers B127 (who we know as Bumblebee) on a mission to Earth in order to begin setting up a new base for the remaining Autobots.

Bumblebee crash lands in America and we discover that the year is 1987, so before the events of the original Transformers movie. And Bumblebee has a voice! Although it's not very long at all until he finds himself taking serious damage, losing that voice, along with his memory, and he shuts down into a state of hibernation to preserve himself.

We then meet Charlie (Hailee Steinfeld), about to turn 18 and living with her mum, brother and stepdad. She's an unhappy teenager, still mourning the sudden death of her father and is generally struggling with life. While helping out at the local junkyard she uncovers a dusty old yellow VW Beetle and convinces the junkyard owner to let her have it as a birthday present. She manages to get it started, driving it home to begin working on, only to discover that her birthday present is something a little bit more impressive than just a car!

But Bumblebee is still clearly suffering from his recent damage. Cowering in the corner of the garage and flinching at the site of the spanner in Charlie's hand. The pair set about slowly gaining each others trust learning more about each other and becoming friends. Meanwhile, a couple of stray Decepticons have picked up on a signal from the newly awakened Bumblebee and start heading to Earth. They convince the awaiting military team that they have come in peace, in search of dangerous fugitive Bumblebee and need our help, wanting to use Earths satellites to try and track him.

That character driven story that I mentioned earlier is where this movie really excels though. The scenes where it's just Charlie and Bumblebee are wonderful, funny at times and totally believable, and it's clear that they need each other in order to get their respective lives back on track. She even gives him back his voice, fitting him with the car stereo that we're familiar with from previous movies. It's a real Iron Giant or ET vibe, aided considerably by the eighties setting.

Things do come to an intense conclusion, as Bumblebee fights to prevent the Decepticons from transmitting a message to the others. But in a similar vein to the other outstanding action sequences throughout the movie, it's all much more restrained and effective. Transformers just got fun again!

Jimmy jr (0 KP) Dec 17, 2018

Seen preview on TV looks awesome cool all the movies. Rocked and are good

The Fall of Lisa Bellow
The Fall of Lisa Bellow
Susan Perabo | 2017 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel was one I had been highly anticipating since late last year, and unfortunately, it just wasn’t for me. I’ve read a number of character driven novels in the past couple of months and I think I’m just getting a bit sick of them. Because of this, my review is going to be skewed, there’s no way around that, it just wasn’t the kind of novel I was hoping to read at this point in my reading journey.

The novel was very well put together. The writing was wonderful and the characters were incredibly well developed, but my problem was the plot. As a lot of others have said, this promised suspense and a bit of action, but it was instead a slow moving, poetic family drama.

The characters, I didn’t care enough about to really get invested in their stories. Meredith was fine, and like I previously said, often funny, but I had no empathy for her, so her story meant very little to me. Claire I didn’t like, not even a little bit. I’ve never experienced motherhood, but there was something so immature about her when it came to certain situations with her kids, that I ended up hating her for her behaviour and thoughts.

I hate that I didn’t like this novel, but there we are.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>
Revenge – Pike Style
There have been a string of home invasions in Los Angeles, but the latest target was Frank Meyer. He and his family have been found murdered in the aftermath, and their nanny has been rushed to the hospital, barely clinging to life. However, this time, the gang behind the crimes has made a big mistake. Frank was one of Joe Pike's men from his days as a mercenary. Even though the two haven't spoken in years, Pike still feels that loyalty and sets out to avenge his friend. Can he figure out why they were targeted and who is responsible?

I tend to think of Joe Pike as the strong, silent type, probably because he famously doesn't like to talk. The plot of this book shows us a different side of the character. He's still not a talker, but he is much more active and driven in his quest to avenge his friend. Unfortunately, the result didn't quite work for me. Part of it is me since I'm not a fan of revenge stories in general. The book is dark and violent, even for this series, and the twists weren't as good, some of them feeling forced into the story. Since it was the next in the series for me to read, I'm not sorry I read it, but it isn't author Robert Crais at this best. I suspect the fans who love the character of Joe Pike will enjoy this book more than I did.