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I was a big fan of Shanti Hershenson's other poetry book You Won't Know Her Name. Even though the subject matter was heavy, the poems were written extremely well. When I saw that Hershenson had published a companion poetry book titled I Know Her Name, I knew it was something I had to read. Shanti Hershenson, again, blew me away with how talented she is with her poetry.

While I Know Her Name isn't as dark or as heavy as its first book, You Won't Know Her Name, there were still some heavy themes throughout. Hershenson admits in this book that the nameless girl in You Won't Know Her Name was actually her (which I already suspected when I read the first book) and that all the poems in You Won't Know Her Name and I Know Her Name were written about what was happening and what had happened in regards to the bullying and sexual assault done at the hands of a "friend" while she was in junior high and her school's lack of caring. While I Know Her Name isn't a very long book, it still packs a big punch. The poetry is still amazingly written, and to know that they were written by such a young girl makes it even more so.

I Know Her Name is an emotional read, and my heart really went out to Shanti Hershenson whilst reading this. Her hurt, anger, sadness, frustrations, and all over emotions are easily conveyed with each poem. It broke my heart that she (and many other children) have to face bullying and abuse while the school does nothing about it. I felt like I was right beside Hershenson as she further tells her story through poetry although I felt helpless since I could only read the words and not physically do anything.

Trigger warnings for I Know Her Name include mentions of sexual assault (but not in detail), some profanity (but not much), bullying, depression, mentions of suicide and telling someone to kill themself, and violence.

All in all, I Know Her Name is such an emotional read written by a very talented teenager. It will definitely hit you with many feels and leave you angry at how the school failed this girl. Although this book can be read as a standalone, I would still read You Won't Know Her Name first just for more background and because it's so good. I would most definitely recommend I Know Her Name by Shanti Hershenson to those aged 14+ who are being bullied, have been bullied, or are the bullies themselves. This is a poetry book that won't disappoint.
Thrill (Pleasure Seekers #1)
Thrill (Pleasure Seekers #1)
Kristian Parker | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Danny's reaction to Tyler's words was not what I was expecting!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Tyler starts his new job, in a new town, and promptly finds himself testing lube, of all things, with the most gorgeous man he ever met (in the office, with others!) Danny works in the warehouse at Pleasure Seekers. They embark on a friends with benefits type thing that quickly moves into something. Both men carry some baggage, can they overcome that??

A quick glance tells me I've not read Kristian Parker's work before, and my TBR pile just got a whole lot bigger! Why have I not?? I don't know, I think he just hadn't hit my radar. But I met him, recently at a book signing and now I get to jump into his worlds.

I loved this, I really did.

Tyler and Danny are so suited to each other, they really are.

I loved the polar opposite in each man's family dynamics. While Danny's family are very supportive, and hilarious, Tyler's is not. And this marked difference is part of Tyler's baggage. Danny's is totally different, but you should know there is talk of attempted suicide by one of Danny's family members. Very emotional, reading that, and I cried a bit for Danny and that character.

It's well written from both Tyler and Danny's point of view, and we get it all. Tyler's immediate and powerful reaction to Danny. Danny's attraction to Tyler but his hesitation to start anything. Their joy at coming together, and their pain, when Danny finds out what Tyler said.

And it's THAT bit, that I loved so much about this book. While Danny was very hurt by Tyler's words, his reaction wasn't what you would expect. He stepped BACK from Tyler, but not totally AWAY. And I loved how that happened because I was expecting a massive break-up/make-up thing and while we get the make up bit, the break up doesn't really happen. Am I making sense? Probably not, but I'm trying not to spoil it for anyone!

I loved the supporting cast, Tyler's family notwithstanding. Eddie and Scott, who share with Tyler and also work at Pleasure Seekers, are funny but I think there is a lot they are both hiding, and I look forward to their stories. Eddis is next, so I assume book three will be Scott.

Oh, by the way. Even though all these guys work in a sex toy shop, there is very little about toys. And I loved that too. Danny does play a bit with Tyler though ;-)

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
In a Cottage In a Wood
In a Cottage In a Wood
Cass Green | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Published first on <a href=""; target="_new">The Ghastly Grimoire</a>

In a Cottage in a Wood by Cass Green releases tomorrow and I definitely look forward to seeing what my fellow Littens have to say about the title when they get their hands on it. For myself, I’m still a bit mixed. There are some things that Green does really well in this book and there are others that, quite simply, take far too long to unfold.

The main character in In a Cottage in a Wood is Neve Carey. After her relationship fails, she finds herself in a tenuous relationship with her sister and brother-in-law, who she’s been living with for a bit. Her fairy godmother appears in the form of a woman moments before she commits suicide, which begs the question: why? Thus readers follow Neve along as she stumbles through her sub-par life, whilst wearing her victim name-tag proudly.

Personally, I don’t care for Neve. Everything that has happened to her is a direct consequence of her own actions. In many rays, she reminds of me of The Girl on the Train‘s Rachel. A person cannot make poor life choices and then blame everyone around them for what follows – but Neve appears to do just that. And then, magically, she gets what she needs: a creepy cottage in the middle of nowhere. Because that is totally how life works. (Actually, I guess it kinda is. In many ways, those that need help can’t get it and those that don’t end up with more.) Her neighbors and family aren’t much better, and for that I must applaud Green’s ability to write some absolutely horrid individuals.

If you’re looking for an edge of your seat thriller, In a Cottage in a Wood is not what you want; however, if you want a slow simmer that builds up to an incredibly frustrating, heartrending finale, this is your book. While there are times where it feels as if the plot simply drags on, Green’s command of suspense is just enough to keep a reader hooked until the last page. The final twenty percent of the book flies by incredibly fast, revealing revelation after revelation. When it comes to plot twists, I’m not an easy person to take by surprise and yet Green has done just that.

It’s hard to decide what I want to rate this title. I’ve teeter-tottered between three and four stars, but ultimately I feel there is a lot of potential that isn’t quite met. There are things that I think would have made excellent additions to the story and while I’d love to share them, I can’t unless I want to give out spoilers. Without that, I think I’ll settle on three. It’s definitely a title I’d buy.

Thanks to Edelweiss and HarperCollins for providing me with an advance copy of this novel for the purpose of unbiased review.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Sorority in Books

Mar 20, 2019  
Genevieve Sly Crane | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Too weird for me
The girls of the sorority house are a close-knit--if not particularly happy--group. That is until Margot's death. When she's found dead in the house, it changes things, and each girl must deal with Margot's passing and its aftermath in her own way.

Well, this was a weird one. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. We are introduced to the sorority girls in the first chapter by a "chorus," who tells us who lives in each room and a small bit about each one. Except for Margot's room, we're told; Margot is dead.

Then the following chapters detail a snippet of time in each girls' life. Some chapters may take place before Margot's death; others take place after. I was really glad I was reading a hardcopy, because at the start of each chapter, I had to flip back to that first chapter about all of the girls and find that girl's little paragraph or so blurb that introduced them. I could never keep any of them straight--perhaps because there was so many or maybe because most them didn't really stand out to me.

Because yes: I didn't really love this one. The short bits of time spent with each character make it hard to get attached to anyone. While we are technically following the thread of Margot's death, there's really no arc to the story. The book probably speaks to some higher meaning that I just didn't get. Instead it's a bit disturbing (some of the chapters are really awful), and no one is happy at all, which was really depressing. Sure, some of these dark glimpses into people's lives can be a little oddly fascinating, but honestly, it was often horrifying too. For me, it felt like the book was trying to be literary and clever and it just didn't work for me (or, more likely, I'm just not a good candidate for literary, smart books, ha).

For instance, was this one praising or mocking sororities? I really don't know. Margot's death seemed so pointless, so it certainly didn't seem to be doing the idea of sororities any favors. A lot of the book didn't seem to show the sisterhood in a good light. Yeah, I just didn't get it. I'm not sure exactly why I slogged through it, except that the full details of Margot's death aren't completely revealed until the end. I actually liked Margot the best, but she was dead, and yes, that probably sums up this book the best for me.

Overall, this one was too weird for me. I can do dark, but dark, strange, no real plot, and few characters with any redeemable value--it just didn't work for me. I'm sure it is enjoyable for others, especially those that don't need a real plot arc. And I do feel the need to point out that there's a trigger for self-harm, suicide, and eating disorders in this novel.
The Finishing School
The Finishing School
Joanna Goodman | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It has been 20 years since Kersti Kuusk set foot on the grounds of the Lycée, the prestigious boarding school she attended as a teen. Kersti was a scholarship student from Canada at the elite school, and she left abruptly in her senior year, after her best friend, Cressida, fell from her balcony one evening. The school declared the event an accident, but now, Kersti finds herself unconvinced. A timely letter from another of her school friends brings up more questions: was Cressida pushed, or did she attempt suicide? Kersti knows that Cressida had become increasingly obsessed with a secret society within the Lycée--banned since the 1970s when two of its members were expelled. As the school plans a celebration of its 100th anniversary, Kersti considers returning. She also starts looking further into Cressida's fall. However, some secrets are meant to stay buried.

THE FINISHING SCHOOL is told in alternating chapters between the present day and Kersti's school years, leading up to Cressida's fall from the balcony. This effective technique certainly creates tension and suspense, leading you to madly flip the pages, trying to figure out what happened - particularly to Kersti's group of friends at the Lycée twenty years ago. The novel pulls you in fairly quickly and hooks you rather rapidly. Goodman is quite adept at capturing the voices of her characters, especially the teens, and the boarding school passages are rather effective. (They are also great at making you want to never send your child to boarding school. Parts of it reminded me of Tana French's THE SECRET PLACE in that way.)

For me, the only thing that held this book back was that some of the plot was a little weird: mostly some of the things relating to Kersti's personal life and her obsession with Cressida. They didn't necessarily seem required for the story to be successful, but they bothered me. It's a shame, because overall I liked Kersti, and I felt a connection with her. Present-day Kersti is suffering from infertility, and, as someone who has been there, I can say that Goodman captures that angst very well. I just wasn't sure about some of her choices.

At times, some of the school drama gets a little tedious, but it picks up as the novel gains momentum, especially near the end. I figured out parts of the plot, but not all of it, and I was quite frantic to finish the last portions of the book to put it all together. It's quite a dark and twisted tale, overall. Certainly worth a read. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 04/11/2017.

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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Elizas in Books

Apr 12, 2018  
The Elizas
The Elizas
Sara Shepard | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fun book-within-a-book psychological thriller
Eliza Fontaine heads to Palm Springs and finds herself at the bottom of the hotel pool. Eliza can't swim, and her family assumes this was yet another one of Eliza's failed suicide attempts, as she has a history of winding up at the bottom of swimming pools. But Eliza swears this time was different; yes, she was drinking that evening, but she's sure someone pushed her, even if she can't remember exactly how she wound up at the pool or even the hotel bar. The sole witness is the man who rescued her, so Eliza tracks him down. But as they attempt to figure out what happened, Eliza only grows more confused. She's about to get her first novel published, and it seems as if events from the novel are intertwining with her life. She thought her novel was fiction, but now she's bewildered, feeling followed, and wondering if she's finally losing her mind for good.

This was an odd little book and not at all what I was expecting. That's not necessarily a bad thing, though, and the more I think about it, the more I should have realized that Sara Shepard is quite masterful at playing with our minds. This is actually almost two books in one: we get the novel itself; as well excerpts from The Dots, Eliza's debut novel, which is set to be published a few weeks after she's found in the pool. As we get deeper and deeper into The Dots, we're left to wonder how much its protagonist, Dot, is like Eliza--where does Eliza end and Dot begin?

It's really quite an ingenious setup and it's quite fun. I actually really liked the excerpts more at times. The novel revolves around the confusing question of identity, as Eliza struggles to figure out who she is and what she remembers about her life and past. My only struggle was that Eliza does a lot of thinking (aka talking or narrating) and I lost interest at some points when she talked on a bit. Still, most of the time, this was a pretty suspenseful book; it's certainly "trippy" and often confusing, as you work to puzzle out things alongside Eliza. I definitely didn't have everything figured out immediately, though I worked most things out as I went along.

Overall, this is a quick read (I read the entire thing during during two consecutive plane rides), and the book-within-a-book setup is fun and adds to the suspense. This isn't a read for those who love intricate, deeply plotted thrillers, but it's enjoyable and compelling and perfect for YA fans looking for a psychological thriller. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review; more at

Louise (64 KP) rated Furiously Happy in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Furiously Happy
Furiously Happy
Jenny Lawson | 2016 | Biography
8.7 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
So! where do I start! hmmmm....

This a non-fiction memoir about a woman, Jenny Lawson who suffers from mental illness, but not just one she has a whole mixed bag of mental health problems, Jenny suffers from depression, anxiety, insomnia, ADD and others.

This is her memoir of how she copes with mental health and what is like to live with these debilitating illnesses. The book is told in several short stories of Jenny's life, there are also pictures added in several of the chapters.(proof that these things really happened).

Her husband Victor is a saint that's all I can say, Jenny is crazy but in a good way crazy, she just talks about the most random things ever, but this a symptom of anxiety you over think things and you can tell by her writing.

This book is very funny, and Jenny isn't bothered about the stigma that is still attached to mental health, she is just being herself which is so refreshing.

I never heard of Jenny Lawson when I requested this book, I was more drawn to the synopsis and the amazing raccoon on the front cover. Jenny is a taxidermist's daughter and has a lot of love for stuffed animals which is clear in the book and shown with pictures.

I really could relate to Jenny as I suffer from depression and anxiety, I knew where she was coming from and when she was explaining they symptoms, I was like yes, I get that too! The book is very funny in places, but there are parts which I think are just silly!

My favourite part of the book has to be when she is trying to convinve Victor to get another cat so she can call it the 'President', her ideas are very witty and weird - i mean who thinks of stuff like this.

Whilst this book was good and funny, I was wanting her to be a bit more serious in some parts. I wanted to know how she really felt without trying to make it humorous. And yeah I know it's a serious topic and she is trying to make it light-hearted but I feel that maybe she is still holding back on what she really wants to say.

There is a trigger warning for this book, it does discuss self harm and suicide, so if you are easily offended I would not suggest it for you. Also there is a lot of swearing/cussing.

This is Jenny's second book, first being Let's pretend this never happened and also she has her own blog called the bloggess which I will be following.

I would recommend this book for anyone suffering from mental illness or has a family member/friends that does.

I rated this book 3.5 stars out of 5.

For more of my reviews please check out
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

I read Krystal Sutherland’s debut novel earlier this year for my #beatthebacklist challenge and whilst it wasn’t great I decided to give this writer another chance. I usually give authors a second chance, I like to see how they develop and whether it’s just the story or characters that rubbed me up the wrong way.

I was pleasantly surprised with this book, I definitely think it is an improvement from her debut novel and will read further books of her’s if the blurb intrigues me.

This story follows Esther Solar, she is not your typical 17-year-old, she doesn’t conform to fashion trends and has her very own unique style of dressing up in costumes every day, one day she might be Audrey Hepburn, she might be a cow girl the next. She is not a popular girl and her family would maybe deemed eccentric or different from the norm.

Esther’s grandfather proclaimed that he met death (several times) since this revelation his family has had a bout of bad luck. Esther has a twin who is petrified of the dark and has all the lights and candles going continuously, her father is agoraphobic and hasn’t left the cellar for 6 years and her mother has a fear of bad luck. Esther deems herself as the normal one of the family, however that’s only because she has avoided anything she thinks might induce fear and so she creates a list, these are: Lobsters, small spaces and anything else she thinks of, this is her list of semi-definitive list of worst nightmares.

Esther comes in to contact with Jonah Smallwood, a boy who used to be in her class but then moved away to another school. Jonah seems to take a liking to Esther and keeps turning up at her door or the same part. They develop this friendship,when Jonah discovers Esther’s list he takes it upon himself to help conquer these so-called fears and live life fear free.

There were several things that I enjoyed about the book, one was I thought the characters were good and fleshed out, we got a back story to how they came to their current situation. I liked that there was a magical realism/supernatural element to the book. This book had its quirks and then also some serious topics such a phobia’s,anxiety,depression, gambling,child abuse, dementia, selective mutism and suicide. Whilst you might be thinking that is some heavy stuff, it doesn’t always feel like that through the book. Sutherland has managed to handle these heavy topics with a lot of care.

Sutherland’s writing style is easy to read but the pacing was a bit up and down and sometimes it just didn’t hold my attention. I would definitely recommend reading this book, however there are trigger warnings.
Suicide Club
Suicide Club
Rachel Heng | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Deep read but worth reading
I enjoyed the world building and setting here in this book. It’s set in the future, people now live much longer than normal. They are pumped up with various implants (e.g. Diamondskin) and follow a strict diet and exercise program, and even go as far as to reducing various activities that activate cortisol levels that put them on overdrive. It may seems appealing, because you live longer than the normal life span and you’re looking like a supermodel but at the same time there’s an underlying dictatorial tone where you have to follow the rules or you’ll be seen ‘different’ and won’t be qualified to have these perks anymore. Everything is dictated by the “Ministry” and once you fall off the path you’ll be observed by the men in black which could lead to potentially drastic results.

It’s an interesting world, where suddenly everything that you thought was normal isn’t anymore and is frowned upon. These special perks are not always granted to everyone because it’s also based on your genetics, your job, and your social standing as well. It’s appealing but at the same time it doesn’t sound so fun and it feels like you’re a drone.

The plot itself was interesting and follows two points of view. Lea and Anja. I prefer Anja’s point of view because she’s part of the underground Suicide Club movement for various reasons. She’s a carefree spirit who does what she wants despite society and its’ demands because she’s seen the other side of things and how it’s affected people she cares about (her mom in this instance). The two characters offer two very different perspectives in the novel and it all comes together nicely and seamlessly.

I rather enjoyed the part with Lea and Kaito on the boat. You feel the emotion and the sadness of what’s to come. You feel the regret of moments missed in life and although it can’t be made up in just one sitting, that one moment together still creates a powerful memory that stays with you - which no one can take away. It’s a bittersweet moment and the most memorable in the book.

Although the plot flowed through nicely, I can’t really say I like the writing style. It drags in some parts and it shows an attempt to be lyrical and poetic with way too many descriptions of smells and sights. I understand the point of it being that instead of becoming a drone like everyone else, stop and just live the moment and take in your surroundings. However it bogs down the reading flow and I found myself struggling to keep the pace. Less lyrical prettiness and let’s just get down to the basics shall we? It would have made the reading more enjoyable.

Overall, a great interesting idea and a good deep read. Worth the time to go through.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Assassination Nation (2018) in Movies

Nov 13, 2018 (Updated Nov 13, 2018)  
Assassination Nation (2018)
Assassination Nation (2018)
2018 | Thriller
The last 15 minutes are bearable, it's just a shame the rest of it isn't (0 more)
Characters aren't interesting, memorable or believable (3 more)
Badly edited
Poor use of music
Trying too hard to be edgy/shocking
Really, really bad
Assassination Nation really, really wants to shock you. At the beginning, it even gives out a warning, listing out all the offensive and shocking things coming up, along with a very quick clip of them all, that's how cool and edgy it thinks it is. It's all parties and social media, the girls are all bitches, the boys are all idiots. And it's all held together with bad editing, loud jarring music and a nonsensical plot. Maybe I'm just too old but I found it more annoying than shocking.

So, I think what they did with this movie is start at the end and then try and work backwards. They had this really cool idea of four schoolgirls, all standing there dressed in red, armed with guns and swords, ready to take on a town of crazy people wearing masks, and then they tried to come up with a way of getting to that point. The answer comes in the form of hacking, exposing everyone's data so that mob mentality ensues.

The hacking begins with some more prominent figures. The local mayor has all his private, kinky photos released and ends up publicly committing suicide. Then the local principal, a kind family man, has all of his messages and photos exposed. He has photos of his 6 year old daughter taking a bath, so he's branded a paedophile, obviously. The next logical step? Form a large crazed mob, demanding his resignation and terrorising his family by smashing his front door down. It's shocking right? Right? No. No, it's all just annoying nonsense.

Ok, so we've got the whole town acting like they're in a Purge movie, now how do we get the girls to start getting involved with guns and stuff. Well, let's have their data exposed too - nudes, details of the married man they've been texting. Then let's get somebody to falsely accuse one of girls of doing all the hacking so that the whole town hates them and is either trying to arrest them or kill them. And then the girls come across a stash of guns and knives laid out on the floor. There you go, job done, that's our movie.

To be fair, at that point the movie does improve in quality, but it's too little too late. There isn't a single interesting or memorable character in the whole thing, nothing to make you care or believe in anything you're seeing. And as I mentioned earlier, the whole thing is a complete mess. Pointless split screen scenes, dull voiceover narration, dramatic music that doesn't match the scene it's in. Character reactions, actions and interactions that are just complete nonsense. Officially one of the worst movies I've seen this year.
Show all 3 comments.

Lee (2222 KP) Nov 13, 2018

@Kevin Phillipson I was obviously a bit grumpy when I wrote my review ? but if you liked the look of the trailer then just go see it, don't listen to me. Looking at the reviews from last nights screening, they were a 50/50 mix of good and bad, so it's definitely one of those that splits people. You'll get a pretty good idea after the first 10 minutes or so if it's going to be the kind of film for you


Kevin Phillipson (9970 KP) Nov 13, 2018

Thank u I will reserve judgement when I see it