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Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Ben Affleck (1 more)
Gal Gadot
Cgi (3 more)
Too short
OK, to be fair I am not a massive reader of all things DC or Marvel, but in my youth I read enough good story's about Batman, Superman et al to know that this film should have been amazing. Instead someone just shoved a lesser known villian in a short story using some DC lore they had read and decided to misuse. Such an absolute waste of a great cast and potential. I wanted to love the movie, and even convinced my wife to watch it with me!

Andy K (10821 KP) created a post

Jan 1, 2018  
Here is my annual movies make you feel old list.

These movies are now 10 years old:

The Dark Knight
Iron Man
Quantum of Solace
Tropic Thunder

These movies are 20 years old:

Saving Private Ryan
There's Something About Mary
A Bug's Life

These movies are now 25 years old:

Jurassic Park
The Fugitive
Schindler's List
Groundhog Day
Mrs. Doubtfire

These movies are now 30 years old:

Rain Man
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Die Hard

These movies are now 40 years old:

The Deer Hunter
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Superman: Grounded, Vol. 2
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Some reviewers said that this second volume of the Grounded story (which JMS was less directly involved with) was much better than the first. I disagree. Volume 2 is less consistent and seems unsure of what story it wants to tell, perhaps because of fan backlash over earlier issues in this story arc (contained in Volume 1) that focused more heavily on Superman getting back in touch with his core values by underplaying his powers to connect with regular people.

This collection is good, but the former was more provocative, morally challenging, and even inspiring at times.
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
I find Zack Snyder movies generally border on Michael Bay territory, visually very impressive but empty and soulless. I also didn’t like ‘Man Of Steel’ at all and find Henry Cavill a wooden Superman. This I actually found to be a slight improvement , it’s not as long and thankfully had a bit more humour with the addition of Wonder Woman , Aqua Man and The Flash to the mix. It feels very choppy though perhaps evidence of the extensive reshoots and turbulent journey to the screen the film had. Ultimately it’s watchable but fairly forgettable stuff that pales in comparison to any MCU movie.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Transformers of the superhero genre
It feels like eons ago that Batman v Superman was announced as a genuine movie. Way back in 2007 there was a poster that seemed to signify DC Comic’s plans in I am Legend, but fans just thought of it as a pipedream.

Now, in 2016, the moment has finally arrived. The marketing campaign has been relentless, the trailers have been criticised for showing far too much (which they have), and Ben Affleck’s casting as Batman was met with disdain rather than joy. So what is the finished product like?

Superman has now become a controversial figure after his climactic battle with General Zod, with Batman in particular being cautious of his true plans for Earth. After a new threat is created, Doomsday, they must put aside their differences to save the planet.

Following on directly from the events of Man of Steel, director Zak Snyder brings together DC Comics’ biggest superheroes in a film as loud as anything Michael Bay served up in the Transformers series.

Henry Cavill returns as the god from above with Ben Affleck taking over duties from Christian Bale as the Dark Knight. Both of them give great performances with Cavill in particular impressing. Affleck proves his doubters wrong and is more than a match for Bale, though his one facial expression wears thin over the course of the film.

Elsewhere, Jesse Eisenberg takes on the role of Lex Luthor in a portrayal reminiscent of Johnny Depp’s Willy Wonka – eerily creepy and well-acted but just trying that little bit too hard. Amy Adams makes a welcome return as Lois Lane and gets much more screen time here than she did in Man of Steel.

However, the most praise has to go to Gal Gadot. Her exceptional characterisation of Wonder Woman is one of the movie’s highlights and it’s such a shame she takes a backseat to the two titular characters. It’s clear the filmmakers thought highly of her too, as she gets her own thundering theme tune whenever she appears.

Unfortunately, the plot is just too nondescript and completely incomprehensible at times, with Lex Luthor’s motives remaining unclear throughout the 150 minute running time. This proves increasingly hard to swallow as the film progresses and makes his villain feel less menacing than he should be.

Nevertheless, Batman v Superman is visually spectacular. Snyder bombards the audience with breath-taking set pieces, dispersing them well enough to ensure the plot only drags in a few areas, namely at the beginning – though the film’s flabby length is a sticking point; it simply doesn’t need to be nearly three hours long.

It may all sound pretty negative, but the exciting and beautifully filmed final act almost makes up for these shortcomings. We also get to see an emotional side to the genre, something that has been sorely lacking more recently with the constant quipping of the Marvel Universe.

Overall, Batman v Superman was never going to live up to the hype and in some ways it does fall short. The battle between Bat of Gotham and Son of Krypton is disappointingly brief and the story lacks any real weight, until the final 30 minutes. But it’s filmed in such a unique fashion and with such confidence; it’s quite possible you may not see anything like it in the genre again.
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Gal Gadot is great (1 more)
Chris Pine is great too
Boring (3 more)
Main villain is horrible
Story is terrible
Low on action
Wonder why it's such a hit.
After seeing Wonder Woman in what was the best part of the Batman/Superman movie, I was all pumped to see her in her own film. Unfortunately, DC is just not very good with superhero movies. And Wonder Woman is no exception. People were somehow blown away by Wonder Woman & I strain my brain trying to think why. It is boring. Very boring. So boring I was wishing that Superman would appear to fight Batman in the movie. Yes, that boring. I found myself not caring for anyone in the movie, WW included. Although she was great in the role, the character itself was uninteresting. Hell, we don't even see Wonder Woman until an hour into the movie & then it's a 2 minute action scene. Granted, that 2 minutes in awesome, but I can watch that on Youtube, and I would even put up with the 1 minute Youtube commercial just to see it. But the main problem of the movie is the story. The villain & his plot, which I couldn't remember what it was about if I wanted to. A very forgetful climax scene & we got a total mess.
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Not bad
As far as horror movies go this one was pretty good. A creepy "what if" superhero movie. The acting was ok and the cinematography wasn't too bad. The story was unique so I appreciated that. It unfolded well enough and had a few jump scares but it's the idea they were trying to put in your head. The "what if someone as powerful as superman was evil" really would be a scary thing. The ceo factor read here and it had a couple "gory" scenes so may not be great for kids. Otherwise I'd definitely say this is a good one for movie night. Worth a watch.
The Man Of Steel
The Man Of Steel
Brian Michael Bendis | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you know me, you know that I have a strong dislike for the writing by Brian Michael Bendis. His last few years before his journey to DC Comics, the work he did on the X-titles, as well as GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, it was just rubbish! It was the end result of someone who clearly needed a change of scenery and a more focused editor! After reading this, I feel confident that what I just wrote, as well as feeling, is pretty close to the truth, as this, his first work for DC, was frikkin' A-MAZ-ING!

While I have a great love of Marvel (preferrably older stuff, as the new stuff is starting to stink like yesterday's diapers!), I also have a great love of DC (the comics, not the nation's capital, which stinks as well, but of ignorance, racism, and misogyny), especially Superman, a hero who has never been more needed than he is needed now! It is very apparent that BMB has a great love/admiration of the Big 'S'!

His Clark Kent is written different from Superman, making the <i>illusion</i> that much easier to swallow once the glasses and suit goes on over his costume. The character does not appear as "mild mannered" as he was originally conceived, but he also is not mean or off-putting. He is still an alien, but he embraced our customs, and the end result is quite pleasing, especially with the toxicity that exists with the US at this point in time!

Equally well written is BMB's handling of Lois Lane and Jon, her and Kal-El's son. Lois is both a successful, highly competent writer, but she is also a mother. Not an overbear, bitchy mom, but someone who cares for her son, as much as she cares for her husband. The boy, Jon, is written like a normal boy his age, but without that precociousness that seems to be given to young'uns his age on TV!

As I am so prone to do in my other reviews, I want to give credit to the art side of this tale. The artists (yes, artists, Plural.) on board is quite a top shelf gathering. Jim Lee handles the first issue, while Ivan Reis (BLACKEST NIGHT), Steve Rude (NEXUS), Jay Fabok (New 52 JUSTICE LEAGUE), and even Ryan Sook! What a heckuva good way to start your beginnings with DC!

While some are apt to disagree, Superman needs the red shorts! And, that, my friends, was Bendis' first order of business on taking on the Man of Steel! I look forward to seeing where he goes with Superman, as the character is one that many love, and many will expect something good! If this is the beginning, I can't wait to see where the rest of this ride takes us!

Fred (860 KP) rated Brightburn (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019  
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Don't bully Superman
A horror retelling of the Superman origin story. A child crashes on the Earth & is raised by a couple. The child has super powers. He can fly, has super speed, shoot beams from his eyes & is impervious to pain & damage. The difference is this kid is not a very good guy.

He gets messages & images from the space pod he arrived in as an infant. He's somewhat bullied & treated bad from adults all around him. Not very good for them. I'm sure you can guess where this movie goes.

I have to say the acting is damn good. Jackson Dunn, who plays the super-powered kid is excellent. He's very believable & creepy.

People were saying the movie was super-gory. I didn't find it to be the case. Sure, there were some gory parts, but nothing that would make me say it's a gory film. There were quite a few jump scares in the film, which normally I don't like, but they work here. The special effects were done very well. I loved the shots of Brandon (the kid) flying around at night, backlit by the moon.

The movie doesn't end like you would think & this is a very good thing.If I say any more, i may ruin it, so I'll just end here by saying if you're a horror fan, see it. If you're sick of all the superhero movies today, this may be a good change for you.
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Another Great Movie From The DCEU
Wonder Woman is a great addition to the DCEU, I've loved every movie from the DCEU (Except Suicide Squad ?)

Man of Steel and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice are up there with my favourite superhero movies

Wonder Woman brings a lighter tone and more family friendly viewing to the DCEU,

The story was quite generic, the villain wasn't the best, but overall the movie was a visual treat

Gal Gadot and Chris Pines chemistry on the screen is enough to keep you watching, and the action sequences are superbly filmed

Overall this movie has pushed the DCEU in the right direction

Well worth the watch