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Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Great cast (3 more)
Great fight scenes
Gal Gadot
Good Sfx
Best film of the year so far!
A very good film and in stark contrast compared to Batman vs Superman. It has a good back story to how she became to be. The action, fights and Sfx are all very good. The story and characters portrayed by a strong cast top it off. Overall an emotive film with a deeper meaning.
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
Michael Chabon | 2001 | Fiction & Poetry
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"A Czech artist arrives in New York in the late 1930s and joins his cousin, a Brooklyn-born writer, and together they create comics. The world of comic books at that time was exploding, with the arrival of Superman in 1937. It would be criminal to try and explain these adventures, but Chabon is a truly great writer and fortunately he gets to do that in this book."

Superman: Dawnbreaker (DC Icons #4)
Superman: Dawnbreaker (DC Icons #4)
Matt de la Pena | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the fourth in the DC Icons series, all of which I have now reviewed. It started with Wonder Woman, then moved through Batman and Catwoman before culminating in Superman. All four books have been written by popular young adult authors, from Leigh Bardugo to Marie Lu to Sarah J. Maas. Superman went to Matt De La Peña, who I had not actually heard of before. He apparently wrote a book called Ball Don't Lie that was made into a movie in 2011, and another book titled Mexican Whiteboy. What I'm trying to say is that De La Peña's Hispanic background makes him a perfect choice for this book. Because whatever else can be said about Superman, his is the ultimate immigrant story.

And this book not only tells Superman's immigrant story, but deals heavily with immigrant issues around him as well. Smallville is deliberating a new law that is basically stop-and-frisk; Hispanic people are going missing; undocumented immigrants are getting beaten in the streets. Clark is rightly horrified, and vows to get to the bottom of the disappearances.

The book is very timely, and I love what it says about one of our country's greatest fictional heroes. It reminds me of Justice League: Gods and Monsters, in which Superman is the son of General Zod, and was raised by illegal Mexican immigrants instead of the all-American Kents. (It's a fantastic animated movie, and well worth watching.)

Lex Luthor makes an appearance, and for a while I thought Clark's best friend, Lana, was a stand-in for Lois, but Lois is mentioned ever-so-briefly late in the book.

This is the fourth and final book in the DC Icons series, and taken as a whole, they're quite good. I wish they were a little more entwined with one another, but I understand that would be difficult with four different authors. But they are a very neat re-work of the four characters' origin stories.

You can find all my reviews and more at
Batman, Volume 1: The Court of Owls
Batman, Volume 1: The Court of Owls
Scott Snyder | 2020 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
For a long time now, I have avoided the New52. Largely, my opinion was tipped against it when I read of the Superman/Wonder Woman relationship (Lois? Lois who, dear sir?). From that point, my feelings towards anything New52-related as being as verboten as could be!

Lately, since getting back into DC with Bendis' Superman stories (yes, they are not perfect, but they are nowhere near as bad as I had initially anticipated), I have found myself rethinking my feelings towards the New52, especially as it was stated that the Superman/WW thing was a different Superman from a different Earth. With that rethinking, I began to read the beginning of the New52 Batman, starting with Volume 1.

The Court of Owls is a cool-ass concept! A secret order dedicated to controlling Gotham City, setting things in motion, helping to shape the city the way they saw fit? Yes, please. Yeah, sure, it messed a bit with Bat's origin, but I felt it added something to it. Something that we didn't know that we really did need!

And those masks they wore? Holy cow, they were so simple in design, yet decidedly creepy all the same! I could totally see Faction Paradox having some dealings with the Court of Owls, especially in regard to the whole "War in Heaven"!

The more I am being exposed to how Scott Snyder writes, the more I am finding myself becoming a very serious fan! I feel he has a good feel for both Bruce Wayne, as well as Batman - far more than Tom King has!

And, let us not forget all the awesomeness that was Greg Capullo's art! Dark, moody, with just the right amount of creepy and a fair amount of attention to detail! Solid work for sure!

In conclusion, I can't recommend the first volume of New52 Batman enough! I am looking forward to finishing the second volume to see how this whole "Court of Owls" storyline finishes!
Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Fantasy
Contains spoilers, click to show
As I write this in early 2021, 'Wonder Woman' is considered to be the best of the DC Extended Universe movies (closely followed by 'Shazam!' and 'Aquaman')

Wonder Woman 1984, in contract, is currently ranked as the worst on IMDB.

While it's definitely not a patch on the original, I'm not sure it's all that bad: sure, it is hard to get past the seeming lack of concern Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman has for (mild spoiler alert!) the body/soul/whatever of the man the returning Steve Trevor has (think Quantum Leap style) while it definitely follows into the old 'Superhero loses/gives up their powers' trope a la Superman 2 or Spider-Man 2, and I still don't understand how a World War One pilot can climb into the cockpit of a jet and fly it with nary a problem ...

Having said that, set your expectations accordingly (Superman 3 level, maybe), and it's an enjoyable enough

David McK (3251 KP) rated Hancock (2008) in Movies

Apr 11, 2021 (Updated Jul 11, 2022)  
Hancock (2008)
Hancock (2008)
2008 | Action, Comedy, Drama
7.1 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
"Good job" / "no, you did a good job"
You know that bit in Superman 3 (I think) where Superman goes bad?

Straightening the leaning tower of Pisa, blowing out the Olympic torch, drinking, etc?

That's pretty much how this film starts, with Will Smith's Hancock a hard-drinking, hard-living (and miserably lonely) 'superhero' more concerned about his next drink than saving the day.

However, when he recues publicist Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman), Hancock soon becomes convinced to change his way of life, voluntarily surrendering himself to the authorities (who are sick of the damage he has caused and the ensuing financial implications of the same) and going to prison until the public starts missing him and the police need his help.

There is a real surprise in the third Act of the film, which does take it in a totally different direction that it had been going up to that point.
Supergirl  - Season 2
Supergirl - Season 2
2016 | Sci-Fi
Chyler Leigh (1 more)
Katie McGrath
Character Development (0 more)
It was great to see the introduction of both Superman and of the Luthors. Although, Supergril has some great action scenes and character arcs (Alex Danvers having a great storyline) there was a lack of character development for many of the characters and underutilized many of their actors (David Hardwood/J’onn Jonzz) while other characters were given more screen time than necessary (Mon-El). Overall it is a fun show to watch

Rachael (2 KP) rated Aquaman (2018) in Movies

Jan 30, 2019  
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Out of all the DC movies they've come out with, I will agree that this is the best. That being said, I feel like every movie they come out with, they try to make the next character stronger than the last. In my understanding, Aquaman was never that strong of a character. Superman and Batman were always the two ring leaders. I felt Aquaman was too much and too powerful. The movie needed some toning down I guess.
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
Pretty interesting concept. A "Superman-esque" child realizes his powers as his past and future seem to be crumbling around him. His loving parents (especially Mom-Elizabeth Banks) try to help him adjust to his new normal only to find themselves fighting for their own survival. Well casted entry into a new genre - Superhero Horror. It will be interesting to see if this type of film gets moved forward or if it was a flash in the pan.
The Iron Giant (1999)
The Iron Giant (1999)
1999 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi

"The Iron Giant is the movie that makes me cry the hardest. It’s just the best movie. It’s so good. It was sort of my test movie with girls — which is gross — but I would show it to them, and if they didn’t love it, I was like, “Alright, there’s something wrong with you.” The ending is great, when he says “Superman” is great, “I am not a gun.” I mean, so many moving moments. It’s just perfect."
