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Hereditary (2018)
Hereditary (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
it made no sense and went from one thing to another (0 more)
What Genre was this supposed to be
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We had seen this on Netflix and as it was down as a supernatural film we thought we would give it a go. It is over 2 hours and to be honest the first 75 minutes literally dragged, so much that we had to stop half way through to make a drink to stay awake. Gabriel Byrne is wasted in this as he is a very talented actor with such credits as Stigmata and End of Days but this failed to come close to any of those. Its a basic cult, resurrection film that doesn't even begin to look like it is until about twenty minutes to go. Its convoluted and has more plots that most Bruce Willis films. All in all i would not watch this if you are looking for a scary supernatural film. Its mre a toned down rosemary's baby type of thing.
"Come at once if convenient. If not convenient, come at once all the same - SH"

The final entry in Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes canon, which - again - I experienced through a mixture of reading and listening to the Stephen Fry narrated Audible version, and which is also really once again a collection of short stories rather than a single over-arching narrative.

What is unique in this collection, though, is that some of the stories are presented as Holmes himself delivering the narrative, rather than Watson acting as the biographer.

I also noticed - perhaps reflecting the nature of the time in which they were written, and Doyle's own interests - that there are more of the, shall we say, supernatural elements in the case chosen ("The adventure of the Sussex Vampire" springs to mind, for example) although - in all cases - the supernatural elements are later debunked by Holmes himself.

As a whole? I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the company of Holmes and Watson.