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Forget You Know Me
Forget You Know Me
Jessica Strawser | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to hand it to Jessica Strawser--not sure what's happened to her in her life (ha), but she can come up with some tangled plots. As always with her books, you have to go in expecting more women's fiction than suspense/thriller, and that helps set expectations up front. Still, I have to say, that there are a surprising number of suspects for the black-clad figure who pops up on Liza's web cam. For a suburban neighborhood, it sure is a tangled web of secrets and lies out there!

So I found the plot on this one kind of baffling at first: I think it could have done without Liza and Molly's fight, honestly. Their fighting was awkward and uncomfortable and didn't seem really necessary. But I quickly warmed to Molly and Liza, who were very real characters with flaws and genuine traits. For Liza, much of her life is ruled by her anxiety, while Molly's by her chronic pain. I felt for both of them. Despite being best friends, they are on separate tracks for most of the book, making you wonder where things are going to wind up.

With everyone keeping secrets, telling lies, and basically just being dishonest--both to others and themselves--the book really does keep you guessing about what happened that night. As it does, you're treated to a very realistic look at marriage and friendship. I felt parts of it were overblown and it was a very different sort of read, but I enjoyed it overall. The descriptions and portrayals of Molly and Liza are what really drew me in. 3.5+ stars.
Where The Dead Fall (DI Ridpath #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
One chance encounter, one street side murder, will change everything. The extraordinary new Ridpath crime thriller
DI Ridpath is in the process of getting his life back together when everything goes wrong.
Driving to meet his daughter, he is caught in a gruesome motorway accident, in which a near-naked man is rundown by a lorry, while fleeing from a lone gunman. As Ridpath closes Manchester’s road network in search of the assailant, one question remains: why did nobody else see him?
Ridpath’s investigations soon unearth a number of inconsistencies, which pulls the police force itself into question, and hint at something sinister to come.
For Manchester is on the brink of a fresh surge of violence unlike anything it has seen in decades, and Ridpath must battle this unprecedented conflict along with his own demons. One thing is for sure. There will be blood on the streets…

This is the second book in the DI Tom Ridpath series. This is a really well written book that is full of action and suspense. I thought this was a great follow-up to the first book. The pacing is excellent, the main character is engaging, and I couldn't stop reading til finished.
Excellent plot and great characters,
A roller-coaster of a read, well written with a cast of well rounded characters, good and bad.
Great plot line and an ending I didn’t see coming.
This book has so many twists and turns that will leave your head spinning.
Well done, roll on the next.
Would definitely recommend this this novel.

My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) rated Us (2019) in Movies

May 25, 2019  
Us (2019)
Us (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Performances & cinematography (0 more)
The ending & some silliness (0 more)
One of us, one of us!!
I enjoyed Jordan Peele's first feature 'Get Out'. I thought it was very good but not amazing and certainly didnt deserve some of the 'scariest/best horror film ever' accolades it got- it was a thriller at best. In this his second feature he has crafted not as good a film as 'Get Out' but certainly a better horror film. It follows the story of a family on vacation who get stalked by a group of sinister people who look just like them. As the film goes on we discover it's a much more widespread issue. The acting is top notch and the 'Reds' are indeed creepy and menacing. Some of the shots and visuals created by Peele are sublime and show he is skilled as a film maker. This film is a steady 8 or 9 out of 10 until it comes to the 3rd act which is where it gets silly. The reveal as to why this has happened is rushed and not fully explained. Theres a weird ballet dance fight scene to 'I got 5 on it' by Luniz (no I'm not joking) that is bizarre and totally against the tone at a time the film has tried to up the suspense. Theres a twist which me & my wife got within the first 5-10 mins of the film & there are also many plot holes and unanswered questions. BUT all that aside it is a solid 7 out of 10 and is well worth a watch. Sit down, switch off your brain and enjoy.

Christine A. (965 KP) rated The Wife in Books

Sep 9, 2020  
The Wife
The Wife
Shalini Boland | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Their 10th wedding anniversary should be something to celebrate. Why does Zoe only feel dread?
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

After reading the synopsis of The Wife by Shalini Boland, I knew I wanted to read it. A bride faints on her wedding day while getting ready. She wakes to a massive headache and no memory of fainting or what led up to it. Everyone said she must have been overcome with emotion, but nothing felt right afterward. Fast forward ten years and Zoe is planning an anniversary party. As the anniversary draws closer, the people around her are acting strangely. If she finds out what happened during the missing time, will it ruin the life she built?

I know, right? Sound good, doesn't it? Well, when I started reading it, I was disappointed. I thought I had everything figured out but was still enjoying the story. Then, wait, what? The story becomes intriguing and pulls you in and does not let go. It is not the fluffy and straightforward story I thought it was. It is a thriller worth reading.

Although Boland herself says she writes "suspense thrillers and dark adventures," I had not read any of her work previously. Her novels are rated around four stars on Goodreads, and I will be reading more of her work soon.

This 200-word review was published on on 9/9/20.
Psycho (1960)
Psycho (1960)
1960 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Psycho is a true all-timer, in every sense of the phrase. It still holds up now, as well as it ever did and is simply a masterclass in suspense cinema.

Anthony Perkins is fantastic as Norman Bates. He makes the character both approachable and sinister, subtly suggesting just how unhinged he is as the narrative steams forward.
The pacing in Psycho is perfect, even before Marion Crane pulls into the Bates Motel. It successfully reels you in from the films opening (and incredible music score) and just doesn't let you until the end.
Marion Crane is of course played by Janet Leigh. She has a hypnotizing presence thought the runtime, with every line of dialogue feeling important. Her performance alongside Perkins is a huge part of what makes Psycho such a classic.

Hitchcock achieved some truly magnificent shots here as well. The infamous shower scene has rightly earned it's place in cinema history, but it's easy to forget just how chilling it is when you see a shadowy figure through the shower curtain, silently enter the room. True nightmare fuel. Another favourite moment is the overhead shot when Bates flys out of his mother's room to attack Arbogast. Makes me jump every damn time.
Bernard Herrmanns score compliments all of this wonderfully as well. It's a timeless score that is constantly frantic whilst simultaneously beautiful. Much like Jaws, it's almost impossible to think of the film without hearing parts of the iconic music theme.

Psycho is a solid masterpiece that remains effective to this day. It's the perfect thriller, and in some ways, the perfect horror.
The Blessing Way (Leaphorn & Chee, #1)
The Blessing Way (Leaphorn & Chee, #1)
Tony Hillerman | 1970 | Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting Debut
Anthropology professor Bergen McKee is going to spend the summer on the Navajo Reservation working on his book on witches in the Navajo culture. That means reconnecting with his college friend Joe Leaphorn, who is a Navajo Tribal Police Lieutenant. Leaphorn is trying to track down a young man who is hiding on the reservation, and he uses taking McKee around to try to learn the man’s location. Then the young man turns up dead miles from here Leaphorn thought he was. Meanwhile, McKee finds danger he never imagined while conducting his research. Is everything connected?

I’d been interested in starting this series for a while, and I’m glad I finally did. It took a bit to get fully immersed in the book, especially since it didn’t unfold like I thought it would. McKee is more of the main character and the better developed of the two, although I did like Leaphorn and want to learn more about him. The plot also seemed a little disjointed at first, although it came into focus before too much time had passed. Once I did get invested, I was truly hooked with plenty of suspense to keep me interested. I enjoyed learning a bit more about Navajo culture. While definitely a cross between a police procedural and a thriller, it still doesn’t have much of the content I would associate with the genres. The book came out in 1970, so keep that in mind when you go to start it. I’m glad I finally started the series, and I’m looking forward to getting to know Leaphorn better as the series goes along.
He Said/She Said
He Said/She Said
Erin Kelly | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have seen a lot of buzz once this book came out, and after reading it, I can freely say, this book is a bestseller, and it absolutely deserved it.

The main characters of this book were Laura, Kit and Beth. The way they met was very unusual; Laura and Kit witnessed Beth being raped (well, aftermath of it). The events after that, brings Laura and Beth really close, but suddenly some things start to happen, which put Laura and Kit into hiding. All the characters of this book are incredibly interesting, and have their very diverse and unique personality, that is why I absolutely adored that. My absolute favourite was Kit. He is this Oxford smart, but at the same time innocent, cute geek. The whole story was told from Laura’s and Kit’s perspectives, and they told this story beautifully, fulfilling each other. Even though, it is enough for Kit and Laura to tell it, I still wanted to hear the story from Beth’s perspective, I think it would’ve made this book absolutely perfect.

The plot of this book was absolutely fantastic. To tell the whole story, characters had to travel between present and the events, which took place fifteen years ago. This book has everything you need for a great thriller: there were unexpected twists and turns happening all the time, the suspense was very well kept throughout whole book, and it was really fast paced, which made it an intense page turner and was very hard to put down. Before reading this book, I was not very much into eclipses, but this book radiated the passion for eclipses so intensely, that I might even try and watch one this year.

I really loved the important topics Erin Kelly was discussing in this book: how hard to convince a rapist in the court of justice; how rape affects victims and rapists as well, especially if rapists are well known; how anxiety can affect people and their lives after certain events. This book is filled with interesting topics, situations and feelings.

As I mentioned before, this book grips you form first pages with very clever writing style, and keeps the suspense going on by drop feeding new information and new findings, plus add short chapters and you are hooked. Language itself is easy to read and understandable, quite relatable to any Londoner. The author kept the interest till the last sentence by throwing in more turns and twists, that’s why it is an absolute must read and I strongly recommend it to everyone.

Was given this book by publisher and NetGalley for honest review.

Necole (36 KP) rated The Patient in Books

Nov 24, 2021  
The Patient
The Patient
Jasper Dewitt | 2020 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Asylum Fright
November 20, 2021

I just got done reading The Patient by Jasper Dewitt and was not expecting to get sucked into a one morning read-a-thon. I think I read it in maybe 2 ½ hours. With that being said, I gave this book a 3-star review, although it should be a 3 ½-star review. I will start with the good and end with the bad.

A young, overconfident psychiatrist gets a new job at a mental asylum and chronicles his attempts to treat a profoundly disturbed patient who has been in the hospital since early childhood through a series of online posts. Each chapter is a new day and a new post that Parker has shared with the readers. This manuscript writing style was a unique way to give us Parker’s perspective and account of what occurred with patient “Joe”. I also enjoyed the transcripts and the audio tapes added into the chapters. These few thing added more layers to the story, sucked you in deeper, and gave an unexpecting twist to the book. It was like you were really reading a true account from whom it occurred to.
After reading all the hype and the synopsis of the book, I was hooked and reeled in. A psychiatrist, a mental patient, an asylum set in my home state of Connecticut, strange occurrences to those who have treated patient “Joe”, misdiagnosis’, undiagnosis’, a 30 plus year mystery … The Patient seemed to have it all!!! Even dark, creepy, supernatural horror!!! A perfectly blended cocktail of psychological thriller and supernatural horror.

Unfortunately, it fell flat for me. I kept anticipating more twists, turns, gore and scare. I wanted this book to haunt me well after I finished. The ending felt rushed and not well thought out, I felt like I was cheated out of being scared out of my mind. There was enough horror, suspense, thrills and mystery to keep me reading but after completing The Patient, I just felt let down. I feel like even as the story unfolds, Jasper could have gotten more in depth with the creepy and horror factor but instead it was almost basic. I tried to let my imagination scare with the images the author tries to put in your mind but again I was disappointed.
If you want a quick read that will scare you a little but will keep the suspense up, then pick this up because one person’s opinion is not another’s and who knows, you might scare more easily than me.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Hush (2009) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 22, 2019)  
Hush (2009)
Hush (2009)
2009 |
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Zakes Abbot has a unique job. He's the guy that travels to gas stations and changes out the posters that advertise cars. His girlfriend, Beth, has tagged along for this particular trip. Their relationship is strained, to say the least, and it winds up erupting into several arguments. Just then, a white truck pulls in front of them and the door slides open for a moment to reveal a naked women chained inside before slamming down again. After doing everything within their power, they make the last stop on Zakes' trip. Zakes and Beth have their most heated argument and Beth decides to travel back to Manchester alone. As Zakes is sitting in the car, the white truck pulls up and Zakes runs inside to find Beth but can't find her. Zakes finds Beth's necklace outside as he realizes that whoever is driving that truck has just abducted his girlfriend and he'll do whatever it takes to get her back.

Hush is a thriller that is practically overflowing with suspense, which is good because that's pretty much exactly what the trailer would lead you to believe it would be. While I was watching it, I couldn't help getting this slight High Tension and Wolf Creek vibe from the film. The action doesn't take long to get rolling like in Wolf Creek, but once it starts it just snowballs into the worst situation (almost) anyone could possibly imagine. Everything that can go wrong for Zakes as he's tracking down Beth pretty much winds up happening. The guy can't seem to catch a break. The film doesn't necessarily bring anything new to the table, but it delivers in what it advertised which is all that really matters. While some situations in the film seem a bit unbelievable and the ending is a bit anticlimactic, it doesn't really take away from the overall entertainment value of the film.

Hush is not a horror film. I'll throw that out there, right now. It's a suspenseful thriller that is sure to get your heart racing at times. It's not necessarily something I'd highly recommend. It's not a bad film, but you're not going to miss anything spectacular if you skip it. It's the type of film to not expect a lot out of and then wind up finding it on demand, watching it, and being a bit surprised by it. No matter how bad someone's day is, he or she could pop this in and remind themself that it could've been a hell of a lot worse.
Silver Streak (1976)
Silver Streak (1976)
1976 | Action, Comedy, Romance
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The start of a wonderful comedic partnership
Most people remember Gene Wilder as the frazzled haired wild man in such Mel Brooks classic films as THE PRODUCERS, BLAZING SADDLES and YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN. Others will recall him as the mad genius that held our attention in WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, but there was a 3rd phase to Wilder's career - his unlikely partnership with Richard Pryor - that started with 1976's SILVER STREAK.

Set aboard the titular passenger train, SILVER STREAK is part Alfred Hitchcock "wrong man" suspense thriller, part comedy and part action flick with strong performances at the center anchoring the action.

Surprisingly, Wilder brings a sincere quality to his "everyman" hero of this tale. His book editor, George Caldwell, just wants a quiet 2 1/2 day trip on the train from Los Angeles to Chicago. You root for George from the start. Wilder's performance is deftly tailored to this movie, keeping a lid on his more frenetic energy that helps keep his character grounded. He pairs nicely with Jill Clayburgh (remember her from the '70's?) as a women he meets (and falls in love with) along the way. Clayburgh burst into the spotlight with this performance - and the 2 have tremendous chemistry together.

They are joined by a bevy of wonderful character actors - Ray Walston, Richard "Jaws" Kiel, Ned Beatty, Clifton James, Valerie Curtin, Fred Willard and the great Scatman Crothers. All bring life and energy to this film. Patrick McGoohan is perfectly cast as the villain of the piece. His "buttoned-up" bad guy is the perfect balance to the Wilder's character.

But, of course, the person who steals this film is the great Richard Pryor as Grover T. Muldoon, a petty thief, con-man and "street-wise" hood who aids George in defeating the bad guys. Pryor doesn't show up in this movie until about 1/2 way through, but when he does, the energy (and pace) of this film picks up considerably and the roller coaster ride begins. The comedic partnership between Wilder and Pryor is magnificent, they play off each other very well and they will end up pairing together in 3 other films after this.

Director Arthur Hiller (THE AMERICANIZATION OF EMILY) does a strong, professional job of keeping the movie moving, keeping events grounded until a thrilling conclusion that is satisfying, indeed.

A fun action-thriller that is perfect summer fodder.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)