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Nerve (2016)
Nerve (2016)
2016 | Adventure, Mystery, Thriller
Great Film
I watched this with my friend as a one off. We wasn't sure what to expect from it but we had already sat down to eat and thought why on earth not. At first, I thought it was going to be a cheesy stereotypical film about teenagers online. Especially with all the internet searching screens at the beginning. I restrained from rolling my eyes. But as the film developed I became hooked. It was a light thriller almost. The type where it has you on the edge of your seat because of the suspense and horrors of what is happening. It had just the right amount of love interest for me. It did not entirely dominate the film, nor did it take away from the story line, but it did happen fairly quickly. Another oddity I found was one of the characters, Tommy. I liked this character. He was interesting and funny. But I did not understand his passiveness in the film. It was clear he is interested in Vee (the protagonist) but does nothing to show his interest and stop her falling for Ian. As well as that, he just randomly knows these computer hacker internet websters? There is nothing to indicate why he knows them yet they become crucial towards the end of the film. It would be nice to have a little background on them.

Other than that, I enjoyed watching the film. I believe it raised awareness about the dangers of anonymity on the internet. It also shows that sometimes risks should be taken. We should do things that scare us and push us out of our comfort zones every-now-and-then. But do not go too far. It could be a very dangerous game.

BTPBookclub (18 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

May 14, 2019  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
Now I guess you have heard about this book as there was and still is a big debate about Gone Girl, you either love it or hate it and I loved it! Gone Girl definitely gained a lot of media coverage especially as it has been adapted to a film since. I have seen both the film and read the book and both were brilliant! It is no wonder Gone Girl is a global bestseller book with many twists and turns that are bound to keep you reading until the end. For my personal review Gone Girl deserves the five stars I have awarded as it kept me glued to the story and is full of suspense and mystery, alongside it being an excellent thriller that will keep you up reading all night. This is the first book I have read by Gillian Flynn and I have already put a selection of her others onto my wishlist already. Let me know what your views are on this book below, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

Gone Girl reveals the secrets at the heart of Nick’s and Amy’s modern marriage. When Amy’s and Nick’s fifth wedding anniversary arrives Nick reports that his wife Amy is missing! Under pressure from friends, family, the police and media will Nick be able to contain all his hidden lies, secrets and deceits? Did Nick kill his wife or is there more hidden beneath the depths of the story? Will Amy ever be found? With an intelligent and cleverly written plot I would highly recommend that you read this book and choose a side of the discussion to join, will you love it or hate it?
All the Broken People
All the Broken People
Amy Rivers | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alice Bennett knows what it means to suffer. After burying her abusive childhood and reinventing herself, Alice is living a life she never imagined could be hers. She's married to a perfect Southern gentleman. She has a challenging job she loves--writing for a woman's magazine. But when her past comes back with a vengeance, Alice finds herself on the outs with her husband, her perfect life crumbling around her feet.

Desperate to get things back to where they were, Alice travels to the mountains of North Georgia to care for her mother-in-law who was injured in a bad fall. Her motives aren't purely altruistic; she's hoping to get back into her husband's good graces. When she arrives, Alice discovers that the fall was no accident. Alice must battle her own inner demons as she uncovers the not-so-perfect truth of her husband's past. Ugly family secrets and devious attacks from an unknown assailant threaten to kill more than just Alice's dreams.
A dark journey into the Georgia mountains where kudzu covers the landscape and a grudge can last generations.All the Broken People will leave you questioning who the good guys really are or whether they exist at all.

This is an absolutely great suspenseful thriller, a roller coaster ride of a book! I couldn't put it down! The characters were well written, the intricate plot was fascinating. Just a wonderful book!
There is plenty of suspense and surprises.
The conclusion was something I didn’t see coming which is always fun.
The author has a real sense of how to build the tension to bring out the best pieces of the plot.

Thank you Netgalley and Publisher for this early copy!
The Botanist
The Botanist
L.K. Hill | 2015
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the heat of the desert, Detective Cody Oliver inadvertently stumbles upon a strange garden adorned with exotic flowers. Upon closer inspection, he finds the garden is but a cover for the scores of bodies buried below. Soon, the small town of Mt. Dessicate plunges into chaos as journalists, reporters, and cameramen from across the nation descend upon the tiny, desert town to get a piece of the murder mystery.
Along with the media, a mysterious woman appears. She may be the only person who has come face to face with the killer, dubbed the Botanist, and lived to tell the tale. If Cody can't piece together a timeline of the land the crime scene is located on, decipher how the woman's mysterious past is connected to the killer, and bring the Botanist to justice, he may finding himself standing alone in the midst of a desolate, desert graveyard...

Wow. This is an excellent read! Very creepy, and interesting, and with a buildup to the finale that was riveting.
 The suspense and action was thrilling. The story line is good, it is well written and well plotted.
This is more than just a crime fiction book; it has mystery and thriller thrown in the mix too. The creepiness from the beginning doesn’t let up and continues throughout the entire book.
 Characters really well developed.
The main characters, Cody & Alex, were realistic & sympathetic. The ending was brilliant.
This is a crime novel. It's detailed and not for the faint of heart. I leave hoping this detective will continue on into a few more books solving crimes; in other words please let there be more!!!!!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Deception Wears Many Faces
Deception Wears Many Faces
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A nerve-jangling read!

Deception Wears Many Faces by Maggie James is a fast-paced thriller that kept me reading through the night eager to reach the final conclusion.

When Lyddie Hunter’s sister Ellie, attempts suicide again, she flies back home to be with her only to find that some guy on a dating site conned Ellie out of all her money. With only a few clues to go on, Lyddie takes it upon herself to hunt down Ellie’s ex-boyfriend and con man through the dating site of which he uses to target unsuspecting women.

Pretending to be a customer looking for love herself, Lyddie dates a few men trying to work out which guy is the one which conned her sister. But the con man regularly changes his identity as to not get caught. Will Lyddie find out which man he and expose him for who and what he really is, or has she just put herself and her sister in jeopardy and made them both a target? Who can be trusted when dating sites are rife with people reinventing themselves? What better way to target vulnerable women by hiding in plain site.

What a stonker of a book! The cat and mouse chase to find out who the ex-boyfriend is without exposing herself or her sister, had me breathlessly reading this twisty suspense, but who exactly does Lyddie really need to watch out for?

Maggie James has created a terrific tale, full of lies, secrets and hidden agendas, but just who is actually deceiving who? I loved the final reveal at the end and how it all fell into place. A nerve-jangling read!

Thanks to #NetGalley and Bloodhound Books for my arc of #DeceptionWearsManyFaces. My opinions are honest, unbiased and all my own.
Now You See Her
Now You See Her
James Patterson | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
An ability to suspend belief required for this thriller.
My first James Patterson read or as it was an audiobook - listen (yes I live under a rock) and I was really hoping to love it (my parents have passed on a load of books by him so I have a pile to read)

Nina Bloom is a successful New York lawyer and mother but she has only been Nina for 18 years and she would happily forget the life she had before that. Unfortunately events conspire to make Nina have to face her difficult past head on.

Unfortunately the level of craziness in events was too steep for me to get over. I really need a book to play by the rules of the universe it operates in and this just seemed to be one mad capped thing after another. I can deal with the odd coincidence or strange behaviour to try and move the plot along but I felt this needed the suspense of the readers belief to an extent I can't manage. It wasn't helped by a protagonist I felt personally no sympathy for.

It was certainly a fast paced book and if you are happy to go along for the ride I can imagine this being satisfying. I unfortunately found myself just stopping and going "really?" far to much.

Minor issue that I think affected the audio version was the number of chapters in the book meant the narrator going "Chapter x" every few minutes spoiling the flow. I think it had like 120 chapters which for a book I think is around 360 pages seems excessive, probably less jarring if you are reading rather than listening. The breaks just seemed to be in some odd spots as well.

Might give a written Patterson a try and see if I get along better with that.
Trust No One
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
***NOTE: I was provided a free copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review***

Jerry Grey is a best-selling crime writer who writes under the pen name of Henry Cutter. He is 49 years old, and has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. Jerry can’t always remember what is reality and what is fiction. Sometimes he believes that he is Henry. Sometimes he talks to Henry. And sometimes he confuses his real life with the lives of his characters. He confesses to crimes that never happened except within the confines of his books. At least that what everyone keeps telling him…

Several women have been killed recently at times when Jerry has gone wandering away from the nursing home where he now resides. He may know what has happened to them, but he can’t trust his memory of events. Can he trust what he’s written in his “madness journal”? And how can he be sure people are telling him the truth about what has happened during times that he has no memory of?

Trust No One is a very fast-paced, suspenseful novel. This book kept me guessing right up to the end. Just when I thought I knew who did what, something would happen to make me think that I must be wrong.

I would recommend Trust No One to any thriller or suspense fan, but if you like stories told by unreliable narrators, such as Before I Sleep or Girl on the Train, then you really must read this one!

Warnings: occasional explicit language, violence, and those who have a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s may be uncomfortable reading about the disease’s devastating effects on Jerry and his ability to function

Hazel (2934 KP) rated It Was Her in Books

Aug 11, 2018  
It Was Her
It Was Her
Mark Hill | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Highly recommended
Having read the first in this series "His First Lie" (previously named "The Two O'Clock Boy") and thoroughly enjoyed it, I was excited to get my hands on this second outing for the team of DI Ray Drake and DS Flick Crowley and I certainly wasn't disappointed.

I know that sometimes you can dip into a series out of order but not this one. I strongly suggest you read "His First Lie" before "It Was Her" otherwise you could become a little lost as this book builds on the events of that one. In addition, you might feel differently about the characters, especially Ray, without the back story that is so important in understanding his thought processes and actions.

What we have in "It Was Her" is not just your run-of-the-mill crime thriller, it is so much more than that and I can't even begin to describe how much I became totally immersed in the story. I won't go into detailing the plot as it's clearly set out in the blurb but I will say that it is complex, dark, gritty and edgy with suspense and tension but amongst all that, is quite a sad story and the ending ... well, I didn't see that coming until it was on top of me and it left me having to take a few deep breaths and a few minutes to take it all in.

So, would I recommend this book? Absolutely. Would I recommend this author? Without a doubt. Do I want to read the next instalment? Hell yes!!

My thanks go to the publisher, Little, Brown Book Group UK, and NetGalley for my e-copy in return for an honest review.
Leave No Trace
Leave No Trace
Mindy Mejia | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Defying all odds, ten years after a father and son wandered into the hundreds of miles of woods and water, comprise northern Minnesota's aptly named Boundary Waters, the son emerges from the wild not only alive but changed, violent, and withdrawn.

Winding up in the mental hospital where former patient turned assistant language therapist Maya Stark works, when Maya first meets nineteen-year-old Lucas Blackthorn, he lashes out, nearly choking Maya to death in a horrific assault.

The only person with whom he's shared any meaningful interaction (good or bad), the unflappable Maya is sent to speak with Lucas again, only for the two to build a strong connection as Mindy Mejia's book continues and we realize that both are harboring some serious secrets.

The definition of a page-turner from the start, while initially Leave No Trace's intensely vivid sentences fly right by, as the book moves from thriller to psychological mystery, it loses a good deal of suspense.

Slowing things down in the middle of the work which could've used some tightening up, while it's fairly easy to see how the two characters are connected on the surface, as Maya risks everything to help Lucas and learn more, Mejia's book picks right back up, leading to an if not altogether surprising than at least satisfying conclusion.

A terrific character-driven storyteller, while Mejia takes awhile to return to the pace of Trace's opening chapters, readers looking for mysterious psychological tale set against the atmospheric (and metaphorical) backdrop of such a beautiful but dangerous stretch of land and sea should pick this one up.

Note: I received an ARC of the title through Bookish First in exchange for an honest review.
The Good Girl
The Good Girl
Mary Kubica | 2015 | Thriller
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have read a numerous of books this year. Books I have either read all the way to the end, or admittedly, not.

I have to be honest, had I saw this book in a store, I probably wouldn't have picked it up.

This, is by no means, to say I wouldn't like it. When I go into a book store I tend to know what I am looking for; history, art, architecture, poetry, film writing...
Anything that would inspire me in my current project of writing.

As it were, my ma' grabbed this book-amongst many others-and I took a shine to this book immediately. If someone asks me what sort of books do you like, I cannot give specific responses because I don't particular have a favourite theme/genre. Although I do not tend to read; Si-Fi, Horror, Adventure, or any sort of magical/mythical books, as one may place Harry Potter into?
So, when I read the back of this book, I was very intrigued.
It left you does this person know that, and why?

I am, as many people know, a slow reader. If I rush a book I do not fully understand what took place, or the certain details you may need to remember. However, with this book, I looked forward to bed time, when I can jump into my bed, get all cosy on these incoming cool nights and read this book.

All the characters, baring one, I took a shine to.

This is a fast-paced suspense thriller that leaves you wanting to know more and more.

My favourite book of the year, without a doubt.

I will sure be looking for more of Mary Kubica's books