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Becs (244 KP) rated As Night Falls in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
As Night Falls
As Night Falls
Jenny Milchman | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Highlights: I love the cover, it gives off that thriller vibe. Great read, couldn’t put it down. Had me hanging onto every word from the beginning even though there were a few slower moments in the book.

Style: Medium read, not too heavy and also not too light of a read.

Point of View: Third-person

Difficulty Reading: As Night Falls was a pretty easy read for me, but I tend to find Thrillers a little easier to read. I wouldn’t say this was a light read but it’s also not a heavy read, lying somewhere in the middle. There were a few parts that had me taking a bit more time trying to read and understand what was going on but these moments were far and few in between all the good parts!

Promise: As Night Falls promises a psychological suspense thriller that will keep you on your toes while you gain a love for the characters, it delivers.

Quality: All-around great read. Defiantly recommend to everyone who likes Thriller reads, even if it’s just a little bit.

Insights: You will either love this book or you will hate it, there’s no in between. For me, this was a love relationship that deserves many other rereads.

Ah-Ha Moment: When Nick reveals that he is the brother of Sandy, I had to stop reading for a moment to ponder the thought and what all was revealed already throughout the book that gave it away.

Favorite quote: “These days, her daughter could make obedience sound like defiance.” – Pretty much sums up the way of children haha.

What will you gain: A love relationship for Sandy and her family, this includes Harlan (as he’s like Hodor from Game of Thrones – innocent and being controlled by Nick). And an ‘I want to kill you, you scum’ relationship with psycho Nick. Plus a great thriller read that deserves so much more love than what it currently is getting!

Aesthetics: Cover was what pulled me in at first. Then the switching from past and present was hard to get into the first couple of chapters, but I feel like it helped shape the book.

“Timing was going to be key.”
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Suspenseful (2 more)
An Edge of Your Seat Thriller
Nothing creates more suspense than taking away all the sound on the room. You ever walk through the house completely silent in the dead of night clinging to a hairbrush after hearing a sound downstairs? That is how I felt sitting at the edge of my seat as I glued myself to the theater's screen. There most have been no more than five works spoken throughout this film and the effect was stunning. The silence pulled you into the story and kept you focused on the screen as you pieced everything together, the visual effects are carefully planned and there's such careful details placed into the overall world this movie has created that you can't help but be in awe by the end of the film. The ending fills you with hope and a sense of accomplishment that you can't help but share with the characters. It was truly complete ending to the film and an overall masterpiece.
Us (2019)
Us (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Performances are on point. (1 more)
Engrossing plot is well-paced throughout.
Peele's message may be a little more muddled than previous filsm (0 more)
Enthralling thriller that promotes discussion.
Having only seen the trailer and done all I could to avoid spoilers. I wasn't sure what to expect with this film. The only thing I knew was that being a Peele film, I knew it would make me think and would be deeper than the average horror flick. The suspense and action are taut throughout and keeps you enwrapped. Little pieces of the plot are paced beautifully throughout and the performances are on point. You're left with questions well past the final reveal and the movie's message promotes inner thought. Any movie that can keep you enthralled from the opening scene to the final one and also promotes discussion is a win-win in my books. May have to rewatch this just to take in more of the messages throughout.