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The Liar's Room
The Liar's Room
Simon Lelic | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

I was immediately intrigued by the tagline of "The Liar's Room by Simon Lelic. "One room. Two liars. No way out".

Susanna Fenton is not who she seems to be. Years ago, she left her old life and reinvented herself with a new identity.

Now, she is an overprotective mother to teenage Emily. Emily loves her mother but wants a little freedom. When a cute, but older, boy pays attention to her Emily is thrilled and more than willing to keep him a secret from her mother.

Susanna also works as a counselor and meets with a new client, Adam Geraghty. She knows she should trust her instincts but does not and quickly discovers Adam also is not who he seems to be.

Their session becomes a verbal tennis match between them and Emily is the prize.

I had noticed Lelic's "The New Neighbors" in the store and added to my "want to read" list. After reading "The Liar's Room" I have moved it to "need to read soon"! This book was a thriller that was a great read but not easy to figure out people's secrets.

This is a creepy and disturbing tale full of lies, truths, and suspense.

Published on, Smashbomb, Goodreads, Twitter, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble on 1/25/19.

Midge (525 KP) Feb 6, 2019

Great review, Christine! I want to read this, too.


Logan Eccles (135 KP) rated Ma (2019) in Movies

Oct 1, 2020 (Updated Oct 2, 2020)  
Ma (2019)
Ma (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Creepy & Uncomftable but I cant look away
First and foremost since this is a movie with teens in it and teens are going to want to watch this I speak to the cool lenient parents now, there are strong sexual themes in this movie and brief male nudity, so if your not cool with your teens seeing nudity and scenes suggesting sexual activity don't let them watch this movie. If you still want to be cool and let them watch it, watch it with them please and be alert during Ma's flashbacks and any time actor Luke Evans 'aka' Gaston is on screen, especially if he's tied to a bed, and you should be good. Other than all of that this is a good story. Ma or Sueann is an odd unique villain in the horror/thriller/suspense movie genre. The most appealing thing to me about this movie is how raw and intimate it feels. No big budget. Not too many big stars. Just a good ol' story told in a well-written way, and performed well also. The plot is weird and interesting and plants you in your seat with your eyes glued to the seat wanting to see what twisted thing Ma does in seeking out her revenge. I do recommend this for the strong story but I do wish there wasn't any unnecessary nudity and did nothing for the story in my opinion, but still go watch it.

Charlotte (184 KP) rated Have You Seen Me? in Books

Oct 5, 2021 (Updated Oct 5, 2021)  
Have You Seen Me?
Have You Seen Me?
Alexandrea Weis | 2021 | Horror, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A suspense filled hit!

A quality, young adult, read that will have you on the edge of your seat.
     I had my suspicions on who commited the crimes, I second guessed myself......then third guessed and then decided my first choice was right. The clues are well placed and you can't help but try to solve the mystery before the end.
    Speaking of the ending, I'm spying the possibility of, at the very least, a cheeky novella for a sequel. Why? Because there's a kind of cliff hanger/question left unanswered and I NEED to get the answer!! So pretty please Alexandra Weis.......

As far as characters go I really like Aubrey LaRoux, she's our main female and is a pleasure to get to know. She's been where her students are and has that first hand experience to help guide them.
    Her students are an unlikely group of misfits, each with their own quirks and oddities. Generally they are fairly likeable, mainly as you get to know them more.
    Sheriff Mason Dubois is a hot, strong and capable man. He has southern charm and a stubborn streak that pairs well with the headmistress' blunt, uncooperative and rude personality.
As far as I'm concerned, Have You Seen Me? is a gripping horror/thriller that will have you hooked from the start. It is a young adult plus read, ideal for keeping your imagination going.

The Playing Card Killer
The Playing Card Killer
Russell James | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Fantastic, Creepy Thriller!
Well, I have to say that I enjoyed every minute of this cracking crime/thriller!

I loved that, straight-away, Russell James introduces Brian Sheridan, who is currently on medication for anxiety-related problems. Brian decides to stop taking his medication as he thinks that he is living life through fog and haze which he hates. As a result, he is tormented by dreams of women being strangled, then left with a playing card tucked in their corpse. When he sees an apparent victim on the news, dead, Brian fears he may be the unwitting killer. Detective Eric Weissbard thinks the same thing and starts to build a case to get Brian convicted. But there's so much more to these murders…

Brian discovers that he has a brother, Tyler, with a penchant for murder. Tyler is willing to frame Brian for the crimes unless Brian wants to join Team Playing Card Killer.

Russell James’ sympathetic portrayal of the immensely likeable Brian was wonderful to read as his neuroses and delusions were laid bare and there was no hidden side to him. Brian is a troubled young man with an adoptive family with whom he barely has any sort of relationship. His girlfriend, Daniela, by contrast, is confident, and self -assured and she delivers Brian an ultimatum - either he continues with his medication or she will leave him.

I also liked Russell James’ fantastic character portrayal of Detective Weissbard who is talented, analytical and operates mostly and very successfully on gut instinct. However, he is disrespected by his colleagues and is assigned to chasing all the non-eventful leads and red herrings. That is until a jittery young guy arrives at the station, claiming to have detailed knowledge of the investigation that hasn’t been revealed.

For me, THE PLAYING CARD KILLER explores some freaky imaginings and is full of creepy vibes. It's a fantastic thriller that surprised me with a mystery that borders on a grim horror novel. I was never quite sure exactly how far off the rails Brian had gone or where the author was going next with this disturbing but exciting story. The suspense was so great that I was on the edge of my seat because I was so absorbed with Brian and Detective Weissbard.

THE PLAYING CARD KILLER held my interest from start to finish and the way in which Russell James brought everything to a conclusion was just fabulous. I loved it and it has left me eager to read more from this author. I would recommend THE PLAYING CARD KILLER to anyone who likes this genre.

[Thank you to NetGalley, Flame Tree Press and Russell James for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.]

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Good as Gone in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Good as Gone
Amy Gentry | 2016
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anna and Tom Whitaker's lives are irrevocably changed the night their thirteen-year-old daughter, Julie, disappears. The only witness to her kidnapping is her ten-year-old sister, Jane, who watches petrified from her closest as a man takes away her sister. The broken parents remain in their home, hoping against hope that someday their daughter will return. And then, amazingly, one night the doorbell rings and there she is: Julie. Now a young woman, with a harrowing tale to tell of abuse and horror, but otherwise unscathed. And just like that, the broken family is whole. But is it? Anna doesn't understand what her daughter is keeping from her, where she disappears when the family thinks she's at therapy. And when a Private Investigator shows up--a former detective who was involved in the early portions of Julie's case, with thoughts that Julie isn't really Julie--Anna is even more confused. She just wants her daughter back, but does she really have her?

This novel hooked me from the beginning, and I tore through it less than two days. It starts out with Julie (or the imposter, but I will say Julie for the sake of this review) arriving home and then we hear from Anna and some of the other characters as the family adjusts to Julie's homecoming. But we also delve into the past, which adds this amazing layer of suspense and intrigue and leaves you slightly befuddled, completely invested, and flipping pages like mad. When the point of view first switched from Anna to Julie early in the novel, I gasped a bit.

Gentry has created a book that is compulsively readable from a thriller standpoint, but also features emotionally damaged characters, struggling to survive after losing Julie for so many years. What I enjoyed so much about this book is that it's not only an excellent thriller, which keeps you guessing and wondering, but a nuanced portrait of a truly fractured family, who is still reeling from Julie's kidnapping. The interactions between Anna and her family is fascinating in itself -- Jane, for instance, has had her entire life basically formed around the disappearance of her sister. You don't always get explicit descriptions of their reactions, but you see it in every interaction and emotional attachment (or lack thereof) the family displays.

Overall, this is a great thriller: a fast-paced read, with a plot that will have you guessing (and gasping) and turning pages long into the night.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 7/26.

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