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Murder Notes (Lilah Love #1)
Murder Notes (Lilah Love #1)
Lisa Renee Jones | 2018 | Thriller
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Redundant phrases (0 more)
When I heard that Lisa Renee Jones had written a mystery I have to admit, I was a little confused. I’m not a huge fan of mysteries and I tend to hate how predictable they. With that said, I do love a good suspense thriller every now and then. I was a big fan of Lisa Renee Jones’ romances so I was hoping that this might be a mystery that I loved. I truly had hopes that the author would delve deeper into the thriller aspect of this book. Unfortunately, it seems like this book just fell flat for me.

One thing that seemed off to me was how many redundant phrases there were. The author really seemed to love “Murder Girl,” “Devil in the Details,” and “Otherworld.” These were used constantly and it became annoying after a bit. The writing was not my favorite either. It could be that Lisa was taking on the Mystery genre so she was trying hard to change her voice, unfortunately, it seemed to fall flat to me.

The plot was interesting and it did keep me guessing but though intrigued, I never felt the need to pick up this book. I wouldn’t have read it as fast as I did if it wasn’t for the fact that I was on her ARC team. There were no moments where I was on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. It’s a little disappointing how slow this story was.

The redeeming part of this book was how intricate the plot line was. Though it was slow, it was elaborate and interesting. I never knew what to expect and I appreciated it. There were, of course, a few no brainers with the book but I enjoyed how thought out the plot was. It kept my attention even though it was a slow read.

All in all, I won’t be continuing on in the series. Though the plot kept my interest I was definitely not impressed.

*I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
There's Someone In Your House
There's Someone In Your House
Stephanie Perkins | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.7 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
This young adult thriller brings the feeling of Scream to a captivating if a bit on the nose book. I liked the characterization in the book, as each person felt unique but they weren't developed in any meaningful way. As a result, it was an enjoyable and quick read but you're likely to not connect strongly with any of the characters.

One of the toughest things in a book versus a visual story when building suspense is that everything needs to be laid out for the reader. You can't just expect the reader to notice an out of place egg timer as they might when watching a tv show, you need to expressly tell your reader that it keeps moving to strange locations. I feel like this could have been executed more smoothly in the book, but as I am not an experienced thriller writer (nor reader), I don't feel I have enough knowledge to know for sure. It just seemed like the author tended to tell, rather than show throughout the narrative. The clues and scares were shoved in your face, rather than letting the creep factor build on its own.

A lot of readers have mentioned knowing "whodunnit" the moment that character appeared on the page, but I did not have that same experience. I felt that there was enough misdirection thrown your way and too-obvious clues pointing to certain characters that it was able to remain a mystery for a while. The only problem I had with the reveal is that it seemed to occur much too early in the book. It seemed to be about halfway into the story and we already knew who the killer was. As this was an incredibly short, easy read that makes the reveal feel premature.

I would be a little hesitant to recommend this book to younger readers or anyone who is squeamish about gory scenes because there were a number of them in the book. In general, she wasn't vividly descriptive but her clinical detachment while describing the scenes might be off-putting to some. Some of the murders are incredibly violent and others are just very stabby.

Darren (1599 KP) rated Alien 3 (1992) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
Alien 3 (1992)
Alien 3 (1992)
1992 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Story: How do you follow up two of the best sci-fi films or all time? This struggles to keep up with the atmosphere created in the first two. It offers nothing new to the series either. As a stand-alone film this would struggle to be a good sci-fi thriller. It’s only positive I can think of were a couple of surprise deaths. (5/10)


Actor Review: Sigourney Weaver – Ripley back to kick the alien’s arse. Sigourney has created one of the biggest icons in female cinema, but this is not the chapter anyone would be remembering. (6/10)


Actor Review: Charles S. Dutton – Dillon leader of the religious movement on in the prison. One of the good guys who protects Ripley from the bad prisoners. He does an ok job but doesn’t have enough to work with. (6/10)


Actor Review: Charles Dance – Medical officer with a dark past on the road to recovery. Good supporting role is used well to create a good connection between Ripley and the prisoners. (6/10)


Director Review: David Fincher – The great director disowned this film after it got changed post production and I don’t blame him. (4/10)


Action: Slow moving action throughout. (6/10)

Sci-Fi: Take out the Alien it offers very little in the world of sci-fi. (5/10)

Thriller: Not very thrilling compared to previous offering. (5/10)

Special Effects: Poor special effects too. (5/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Settings: A prison on a planet with nowhere to run creating a great isolation setting for this sci-fi horror. (9/10)


Suggestion: I only say try because it makes the first two look even better and it is nice to see how the characters you grew to love, well their next chapter. (Try It)


Best Part: Lead scene.

Worst Part: Loses suspense element.

Action Scene of the Film: Final scene.

Kill Of The Film: Clemens

Oscar Chances: Nominated for one Oscar for visual effects

Chances of Sequel: Did get a sequel.


Overall: Poor addition to the franchise.
Body Cam (2020)
Body Cam (2020)
2020 | Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'd been seeing this floating around for a while and finally decided to give it a go, I was intrigued by the mix of genre with Mary J. Blige in the top spot.

An unexpected death on what should have been a routine traffic stop leads a cop down a dangerous path to uncover the truth within her own department.

Body Cam is where cop thriller meets horror... in an intriguing and slightly disappointing way... as I write that, disappointing doesn't feel like the right word. Maybe it is just unusual, I don't remember seeing anything like this combined before.

The combination of footage works very well, it added to the suspense for me and I liked the cuts between body cam/CCTV, real life and unexplained. It allowed for a lot to be held in reserve for later in the film.

If you combine that with the effects it gives quite a strong foundation for everything. The palette was dark, but that helped to make some of the effects shine with drama and suspense. The one scene that particularly liked was set in the convenience store, but I don't want to spoil that for you. As a warning, the film is rather gory and there's the appearance of bugs at one point, it doesn't feel like it holds back.

Normally I'd talk about the acting early in my reviews, but if I'm honest, this is where the film seems to be lacking. I can't really pick out anyone to mention as being standout. That and a slightly uninspiring script didn't do this story justice.

The one thing that I take away from Body Cam is the idea of it, and that one particular scene. It makes me think, but about what I would have liked to see rather than what I did see. I'd be interested to know what you think if you've seen this one... I would have liked to see the film in silence apart from the cam footage and music... but that's just the weird feeling in my head.

Body Cam has the basis of something great, and the execution of the technical aspects felt impressive, but it lacked a spark to elevate it above everything else.

Originally posted on:
The Girl Next Door
The Girl Next Door
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story is told from multiple perspectives. Clare is the murdered girl, and she is telling about her life events up to her murder. Jane is Clare’s neighbour, and an example of status, beauty, perfect family, and everybody wants to be her. DS Madeline Shaw is a police officer, investigating Clare’s death. So, we have quite an interesting mix of characters in this book, some flashy and some plain, but the combination of all makes a really great read. For me, the most interesting of all is Jane. She is very deceiving and full of surprises. Even though Jane’s character was very well delivered, some thoughts got a little repetitive at times, which didn’t increase the suspense levels for me as it supposed to but annoyed me a little instead.

I think this novel is more character driven than the plot itself. The investigation is happening, but not many clues are there to go by. The action concentrates around Jane, her family, her thoughts, and her relationship with the community. The suspense was very well kept throughout the book, and the unexpected twists and major turns made this novel a very superb read. I think that the author’s life in the countryside was very well utilized in this book. She portrayed it very well, and I could feel that small community’s spirit. The main topics discussed in this novel was the mother’s love for her children, the importance of the family’s image in a small town, a woman’s dedication to her family, etc.

Phoebe Morgan knows how to attract the reader, the novel is not only very well written but very well constructed as well. The multiple perspectives allowed to have an insight into different people’s minds, lives, and made the reading experience very pleasant, followed by short chapters, and twists and turns in all the right places. She truly knows what she is doing. The ending was unexpected and rounded up the story well, but I wasn’t very happy with the justice aspect of it. 🙂

So, to conclude, I really enjoyed this thriller, filled with very sophisticated and amusing characters and a very deceiving and knotty plot, where things are not as it seems. Do give this book a read, it is truly absorbing, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.
Everything is Lies
Everything is Lies
Helen Callaghan | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Death, manipulation, and deception are the foremost themes in this suspense-thriller! Sophie arrives at her childhood home to find her mum dead, hanging from a tree, and her father stabbed to inches of his life on the floor.

Before she has time to grieve, Sophie discovers that her mum, Nina, was writing a memoir and had a publication deal. Sophie finds two of her mother’s notebooks, and another life is revealed where Nina had been seduced into a controlling cult.

The book is aimed at Sophie and begins with “Everything is Lies, and nobody is who they seem”. Sophie uncovers her mother’s secrets slowly, page by page. When a death is hinted at, Sophie is determined to find out more.

When she can’t find the third and final notebook, Sophie tries to contact people referred to in the book, and soon finds herself in danger. She even decides to meet the cult leader, where a monumental revelation is made to her. (No spoilers!)

During the course of events, there’s an attempted break-in and an attempt made on Sophie’s life! Just when all seems revealed, there is more action to follow! (No spoilers!)

I don’t normally find thrillers predictable, but this time I’m sorry to say I did. Not all of it, but enough so that most of it was no surprise, but not enough to ruin the book for me. I also felt that the author was needlessly showing off her vocabulary when more well-known words would have been more effective.
The Woman in the Window
The Woman in the Window
A.J. Finn | 2018 | Thriller
8.0 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
A pretty good debut
An interesting psychological thriller full of suspense that although I enjoyed, it took me quite a while in before I connected with the main character, Anna, for some reason; I've been wracking my brains trying to think why but I just can't come up with an explanation and because of this, I don't think I enjoyed it as much as I could have which is a shame because it's a great story and not like anything I have read before.

The story is told completely from Anna's perspective but because of her fragile mental health and the wine and medication concoction, you question whether what she is saying is actually what is happening ... as she herself ends up doing.

I found it quite a sad book overall and I felt a lot of empathy for Anna and her situation but it was also a story of triumph over adversity with a gradual build up to the explosive ending which I found very satisfying.

Overall, a pretty good debut that is not full of the usual blood and violence ... it's definitely a slow burner that builds and builds to a satisfying conclusion.

I think this book would transfer really well to the big screen and I am pleased to note that it is in development as a major motion picture from Fox - it's just a shame that Alfred Hitchcock isn't alive to direct it!

Thanks to the publisher, HarperCollins UK HarperFiction and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review.
Final Crossing
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I won a copy of this book through a FirstReads giveaway.

I really enjoyed the story found in this novel, and it definitely kept my interest throughout. Religion coupled with politics is certainly something that is at the forefront of our society right now, and the ways in which they were used and interacted together in the plot was very intriguing. I also liked how it bounced back and forth between the points of view of Jonas and Rudiger so the reader could gain perspective on the story from both sides.

However, there were quite a lot of proofreading errors in my copy, which was not labeled as a proof or anything other than an off-the-shelf edition. While I am not one to avidly search for such things, read with a red pen in hand, or anything of that nature, there were just too many to ignore. There were even a few in back-to-back sentences. That is the reason I dropped a star from my rating.

All-in-all, "Final Crossing" is a great suspense thriller where religion is used to bolster the thoughts of a serial killer into believing he's doing the work of God, eventually crossing paths with a Senator's Chief of Staff. However, if you're the type to rip your eyes out when you see a typographical or grammatical error, you might want to step away from this one, or at least take a couple deep breaths first.

4 stars
The Last Showing (2014)
The Last Showing (2014)
2014 | International, Horror, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Robert Englund (3 more)
Interesting premise
Self-referential, Feels like a homage to Wes craven
Creepy moments
Other characters are not particularly likeable (0 more)
Manipulative, suspenseful and an iconic horror actor!
Why are there only 2 people going to the cinema? I understand it's midnight but surely there would be more. A cinema wouldn't stay open just for 2 people right?

Not believable but I understand this is a low budget movie with a small cast. I went into this with low expectations and I have to say it was better than I expected.

It has now cemented the fear of going to the cinema of a night time so the movie did a good job with that.

Robert Englumd is incredible as this manipulative psychotic creep. He is sinister yet he brings so much depth to the role that you feel some kind of understanding as to why he's doing this. The other male lead was not that likeable. He was outsmarted time and time again and the female lead had little screen time sadly.
Premise is simple about a guy sick of the current cheesy horror movies about now, gets fired so decides to makes his own horror movie. I would really call this a horror though, more a suspenseful thriller. It was interesting to see the story play out through so much manipulation and planning by the sinister Stuart.

Full of suspense throughout but could have had more, it kind of lose me towards the end but I must say the ending was very satisfying.

ClareR (5667 KP) rated Lock Every Door in Books

Jul 27, 2019  
Lock Every Door
Lock Every Door
Riley Sager | 2019 | Thriller
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lock the Door had me wanting to leave the building, never mind locking the door!
Lock the Door had me wanting to leave the building, never mind locking the door! This suspense-filled thriller by Riley Sager is about a young woman called Jules who finds a job as an apartment sitter in one of New York’s most exclusive buildings. She is jobless, penniless and homeless after an acrimonious split with her boyfriend, and this job comes along at just the right time. It’s a job for three months, and there are rules. They’re not terrible rules (other than no visitors, and absolutely no overnight guests), and the pay is too good to be true - and as it turns out, that really is the case.

This had my heart in my mouth for most of the book: there are definite echoes of Rosemary’s Baby (without the baby). An old building with strange, unfriendly inhabitants, a new tenant who feels like she might be going mad with all the strange goings-on. There the similarity ends though.

The writing terrified me in places: who knew that a dumb waiter could have the same effect as a horror movies cellar (I won’t be using either for the foreseeable future!)? And it’s a twisty, turny read with some really good red herrings along the way.

I loved every minute of this, and highly recommend it - maybe it’s best not to be read just before you go to bed, though!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for another fantastic serialisation.