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Sean Farrell (9 KP) rated The Martian in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
The Martian
The Martian
Andy Weir | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.9 (50 Ratings)
Book Rating
The idea of being stranded alone somewhere is certainly a terrifying one, and as such has been used countless times in literature (and film). Moving the location 140,000,000 miles from Earth adds a new twist to the tale though, and adds an increased sense of desperation. When astronaut Mark Watney finds himself trapped on Mars after an accident, he turns out to be more resilient and resourceful than many of us would, and goes about doing everything he can to ensure his survival and up his odds of rescue. Given that rescue is so far away, and the harsh Martian environment is so unforgiving, things don't always go his way. The series of setbacks he experiences keeps readers in suspense throughout the entire book. The story is told largely from the perspective of Mark dictating to his log, which gives it a casual tone, making Mark very likable, and keeping the technical bits easy to understand. As such, this is a fun read, that kept me on the edge of my seat. If the movie is anywhere near as good as the book, it should be one of the best of the year.
The Kind Worth Killing
The Kind Worth Killing
Peter Swanson | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
It would be hard to describe this book without giving too many of its surprises away, so I am just going to summarize the very beginning. A man meets a woman in an airport lounge in England, on the flight home, the 2 wind up discussing the possibility of killing his unfaithful wife and her lover. By the time the plane lands, they have the beginnings of an actual plan worked out. Where things go from there I cannot say, but do be prepared for a chain of events that are a lot less straightforward than that description might suggest. Twists and surprises are scattered liberally throughout this tale of revenge, which pulls the reader in pretty much from the first page. The characters, while understandably a bit hard to like, are never less than interesting, which only helps to add to the suspense when they find themselves in potentially dangerous situations. My only real complaint would be that the ending felt a bit flat. It's not to say that it's bad, rather that it didn't feel climactic enough considering all that had transpired before it. Still, that shouldn't stop you from reading this otherwise excellent and suspenseful novel.
The Body Finder (The Body Finder, #1)
The Body Finder (The Body Finder, #1)
Kimberly Derting | 2011 | Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so I didn't fall in love with this book right away. For awhile, I thought I was going to rate the book 2, maybe 3 stars. However, about 2/3 of the way into the book, it became really good, and it definitely got boosted to 4 stars.

I loved, loved, loved the relationship between Jay & Violet. I thought it was really sweet =) I loved how protective he was of her, not in the "she's a girl so she can't take care of herself" way but because he genuinely cared for her.

The character of Chelsea made me laugh. I loved her sarcasm =)

It did have a hint of Mean Girls in it though. The character of Claire reminded me a lot of Amanda Seyfried's character in the film. And there is the mention of a Queen Bee.

I loved the plot as well. I've never read anything like it. I like the way the author brought together the elements of suspense, crime, romance, and paranormal. They all blended very well.

I'd definitely recommend this book. It does take a long time to get going, as I've said before, but once it does, it definitely drags you in!
With Malice
With Malice
Eileen Cook | 2016 | Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Full Review</a>
With Malice by Eileen Cook is a Young Adult (YA) thriller that is enjoyable to read. The story is about an 18-year old named Jill, who wakes up in the hospital but the twist is that she has no memory of the previous six weeks of her life. She is told that she spent part of that time in Italy with her best friend but was involved in a fatal car accident. Two Jill the car accident does seem to be so accidental based on what she is being told.

The main character is unreliable yet it add a level of suspense and creativity, which kept me interested in the story. Jill's narration was spot on yet it allowed me to form my own ideas and theories regarding the mystery.
There are different points of view and clues from investigators to reporters to followers. Overall, I enjoyed the story very much. I found it interesting and a good breathe of fresh wait to the YA genre.

I received this book from the published via NetGalley for an honest review.
The Dinosaur Project (2012)
The Dinosaur Project (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
5.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I stuck with it (1 more)
I've seen worse CGI and acting
Forgettable movie (2 more)
Not enough dinosaurs
Blair witch project meets Jurassic park?
Yet another £1 movie I discovered and I have to say it is not worth it. That is 1 hour and 20 mins I will never get back.

The front of the blu ray case says 'the best Dino film since Jurassic park". That is laughable. It might as well have been a monster movie because I did not see that many dinosaurs. Maybe 3 different types?

This is a found footage movie. This genre has been, I feel, exhausted. It is no longer fresh and unique. It felt a lot like Blair witch project with them trying to build a suspense but that was not there. A fear of the unknown which meant there was no action.

The acting isnt horrible and neither is the CGI. Only good things about it I guess. But the characters were forgettable and their relationships were not believable.

It is badly paced with a lot of slow talking scenes while doing a lot of travelling. It is a predictable movie with an obvious betrayal and and ending.
Room for Doubt
Room for Doubt
Nancy Cole Silverman | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suicide or a Serial Killer?
A body has been found hanging from the Hollywood sign, and radio reporter Carol Childs is sent to the scene. The police have ruled it a suicide, but Carol thinks something else is going on. Before the weekend is over, Carol is contacted by a PI who shares her belief that there is more to this death. Then a caller to Carol’s new late Sunday show all but confesses. What is really going on?

From this intriguing premise, we get another fun mystery filled with plenty of suspense. I did have some issues with some moral issues brought up in this book, which is funny because I am on the opposite side of things on some TV shows I watch. A psychic we met in the first book is back, but I was happy that her “ability” only played a small part in the book. In fact, I enjoyed seeing her again since she is a fun foil for Carol. I really liked the cast of characters as well. There were some timeline issues in the middle of the book, but overall, they were a minor annoyance.
The Other Sister
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MoMo’s Book Diary highly recommends “The Other Sister” by Dianne Dixon as an exceptionally engaging 5 star read.

“The Other Sister” is an incredibly complex novel and a must read for book lovers. This was my first Dianne Dixon book and wishing I had found this awesome author earlier.

I was intrigued by the cover – an old brown suitcase on an old wooden chair – and the synopsis. I found the plot to be gripping and fast moving, at times confusing, but totally thrilling. The novel tells the story of twins, Ali and Morgan, and the bond they share through good and bad times. Once I started I couldn’t stop. I read throughout the night, finishing early this morning and just sat there thinking for so long afterwards… glad I am not a twin!

The author has created engaging unforgettable characters which had me hooked from the very beginning. There are so many twists and I rate it highly as a top suspense novel of 2016.

I would like to thank Dianne Dixon, Sourcebooks and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this novel.

This review is also published on my book blog, netgalley, goodreads and bookbridgr
Alice Anonymous (Project Scion)
Alice Anonymous (Project Scion)
Sophie Davis | 2018 | Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was lucky to receive an ARC of this book. I was really glad I did as it was a super good read and would recommend it.

The story follows Alice as she goes about her life in a small town. All of this gets disrupted by Trey and his frequent visits to the store where she works.

Alice has secrets but what’s exciting is that the big secrets are hidden even to her. I enjoyed this as it bugs me in a mystery when characters allude to these secrets but just don’t tell you and drag it out for suspense.

It was good to see Alice and Trey develop during the story and not stick to classic stereotypes ie arrogant rich guy.

It is really hard to figure out who to trust as everyone seems a bit suspicious at times, some more so than others.

The story links with another series by the author but you don’t need to have read that series for this one. I’m not sure if the next book will follow the exact same characters or pick up some of the other characters but I am definitely looking forward to the next book.

Vegas (725 KP) rated Bird Box (2018) in Movies

Dec 23, 2018 (Updated Dec 23, 2018)  
Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
The cast (2 more)
The suspense
The story
Clever, but slightly weak ending. (0 more)
Grips you from the start
Not having seen any of the previously mentioned film as yet, I cannot compare this,, so I am not judging based on them.

A very good cast works well together to bring a story to life that sounds like it shouldn't work, 3 blindfolded people on a boat, with flashbacks... It can't work.. Can it?

The answer to that for me is, yes it can - It starts well, grabbing your attention right away, before having a flashback explaining what is going on... These flashbacks work well, which sometimes isn't the case in films and actually are probably more important than the scenes along the river (which are also shorter than the flashbacks)

The terror the people feel when faced with the unexplained happenings is pitched just right and it isn't a gore based film - it is a survival film...

So as long as you can ignore that it is quite far fetched (which most horror films are) - settle down to one of the better survival horror films of recent times.
Full Disclosure (Nice Guys, #2)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story is about Mitch and Cody. Mitch is still trying to work on the case that involved his friends, Colt and Jace, from a year or so previously. Unfortunately for him, no-one is particularly interested and wants to pay any attention. He gets sent on assignment to 'collect' someone but upon arrival realises that it is a bust as there is a law convention in town. So he enjoys some time with his friends whilst longing for someone to have a connection with like they do. Along comes Cody.

These two are opposites in pretty much every way but as such actually complement each other... once Cody gets past his issues. I was pretty much yelling at my Kindle as I read the book as I really REALLY wanted them to be together. There is a lot of suspense in this book as the crimes continue but Mitch isn't any closer to finding out 'whodunnit'.

With a cast of amazing supporting characters, an intriguing and suspenseful storyline and sexy scenes that are smokin', this is just a brilliant book full of love, passion and danger. Recommended for all who enjoy M/M romance.